Save Amhara is a Telegram channel dedicated to raising awareness and support for the people of Amhara, a region in Ethiopia. The channel provides updates on the current situation in Amhara, shares stories of resilience and courage, and organizes initiatives to help those in need. With the motto 'Do what you can, with what you have, where you are' by Theodore Roosevelt as their inspiration, the channel encourages its members to take action and make a difference. Whether it's through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, Save Amhara aims to unite individuals from all walks of life in a common goal of supporting the community. Join Save Amhara today and be a part of a movement that is making a positive impact in the lives of the people of Amhara.
28 Sep, 14:31
28 Sep, 14:30
28 Sep, 08:04
26 Sep, 19:55
26 Sep, 05:14
26 Sep, 05:14
26 Sep, 05:14
26 Sep, 05:14
25 Sep, 08:40
20 Sep, 11:52
14 Sep, 07:40
10 Sep, 11:19
07 Sep, 17:56
07 Sep, 16:03
07 Sep, 09:45
07 Sep, 09:28
04 Sep, 14:21
03 Sep, 08:35
30 Aug, 13:28
29 Aug, 18:19