Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف @tareequsalaf Channel on Telegram

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف


The Creed & Methodology of as-Salaf aṣ-Ṣalihīn

Channel dedicated in spreading the Dīn of Ḥaqq and clearing doubts brought by the Mukẖalifūn of our time.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف (Arabic)

تهدف قناة "Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف" إلى تقديم محتوى مفيد وثقافي لعشاق الفقه والتاريخ الإسلامي. إنّها المكان المثالي لجميع الباحثين عن الحقيقة والعلم الشرعي، حيث يمكنك الاستفادة من دروس ومقالات تهمك في رحلتك الدينية والعلمية. سواء كنت مبتدئًا في دراسة السلفية أو متقدمًا، فإن هذه القناة ستلبي احتياجاتك وتثري معرفتك بالتراث الإسلامي الأصيل. انضم إلينا اليوم لتكون جزءًا من مجتمع يسعى لنشر الوعي والفهم الصحيح لتعاليم ديننا الحنيف. نحن هنا من أجلك لنقدم لك كل ما تحتاجه من معلومات قيمة وموثوقة في طريقك نحو السلام والإيمان.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

10 Feb, 23:11

It was said to ʾAḥnaf ibn Qays – raḥimahuḷḷāh –, «What is manhood?» — ʾAḥnaf replied: «Forbearance at a time of anger and forgiveness at a time of power.» 📖 al-Murūʾah #64.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

09 Feb, 21:36

The party of Šhayṭān will be the losers!📖 al-Mujādilah: 19.

Verily, the party of Aḷḷāh will be the successful.》 📖 an-Nisāʾ: 104.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

09 Feb, 10:53

📌 The Best Covering for a Woman

The wife of ʾIbn Masʿūd – raḍiyy Allāhu ʿanhumā – said to him: «Will you not get me a jilbāb?» — ʾIbn Masʿūd – raḍiyy Allāhu ʿanhu – replied: «Sufficient for you is the jilbāb that Aḷḷāh – ʿazza wa jalla – has covered you with, your house.» 📖 Reported by ʾIbn ʾAbiyy ad-Dunyā in ʾIṣlāḥ al-Māl #203.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

08 Feb, 01:25

📌 Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I met people (the Ṣaḥābah), and what pleased them was not speech; rather, what pleased them was action.❞ — He also said: ❝Whoever wishes may say [whatever they want].

🗣 Al-Qāsim ibn Muḥammad, the grandson of ʾAbū Bakr – raḍiyyAḷḷāhu ʿanhumā –.

📖 Kitāb az-Zuhd of ʾAbū Dāwūd #423.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

06 Feb, 19:06

📌 Sūrah ad-Dukḫān on the Jumuʿah Night

◘ The Messenger of Aḷḷāh – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «Whoever recites (Ḥā-Mīm) ad-Dukḫān at night, he will reach the morning while seventy thousand angels seek forgiveness for him.» 📖 Sunan at-Tirmiḏhiyy #2888.

◘ The Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «Whoever recites (Ḥā-Mīm) ad-Dukḫān on the night of Jumuʿah, he will be forgiven.» 📖 Sunan at-Tirmiḏhiyy #2889.

◘ ʿAbduḷḷāh ibn ʿĪsā said: «I was informed that whoever recites (Ḥā-Mīm) ad-Dukḫān on the night of Jumuʿah, with ʾĪmān and conviction in it, he will wake up having been forgiven.» 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy #3643.

◘ ʾAbū Rāfiʿ «Whoever recites ad-Dukḫān on the night of Jumuʿah, he will wake up having been forgiven, and he will be married to the Ḥūr al-ʿĪn.» 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy #3644.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

06 Feb, 19:06

📌 Sunnah actions of Jumuʿah

Sending abundant Ṣalawāt upon the Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – (Aim for 1k!). 📖 Sūrah al-ʾAḥzāb, 33:56, al-Bukḫāriyy, #4797 etc. [https://t.me/tareequsalaf/243]

Reading Sūrah al-Kahf. 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy, #3407.

Performing Ġhusl. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #2665.

Using perfume [men only]. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #883.

Using the Miswak
. 📖 ʾIbn Mājah, #1098.

Wearing one’s best clothes. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Going early to the Masjid. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #929, an-Nasāʾiyy #1386.

Walking to the Masjid
. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Making duʿāʾ (especially in the last period after ʿAsr). 📖 an-Nasāʾiyy #1388.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

05 Feb, 15:50

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

04 Feb, 21:06

📌 Obeying Scholars and Leaders in Making What Aḷḷāh Has Made ḥalāl as ḥarām, or What Aḷḷāh Has Made ḥarām as ḥalāl, is to Take Them as Lords Besides Aḷḷāh

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

04 Feb, 13:14

Salāmun ʿAlaikum.

We do not own any other channels besides this one.

Bārak Aḷḷāhu fīkum.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

02 Feb, 15:30

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

01 Feb, 00:03

There is verily no religion for the one without manhood. 📖 al-Murūʾah #19.

🗣 al-Ḥasan al-Baṣriyy (d. 110h) – raḥimahuḷḷāh

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

30 Jan, 23:44

📌 Sūrah ad-Dukḫān on the Jumuʿah Night

◘ The Messenger of Aḷḷāh – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «Whoever recites (Ḥā-Mīm) ad-Dukḫān at night, he will reach the morning while seventy thousand angels seek forgiveness for him.» 📖 Sunan at-Tirmiḏhiyy #2888.

◘ The Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «Whoever recites (Ḥā-Mīm) ad-Dukḫān on the night of Jumuʿah, he will be forgiven.» 📖 Sunan at-Tirmiḏhiyy #2889.

◘ ʿAbduḷḷāh ibn ʿĪsā said: «I was informed that whoever recites (Ḥā-Mīm) ad-Dukḫān on the night of Jumuʿah, with ʾĪmān and conviction in it, he will wake up having been forgiven.» 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy #3643.

◘ ʾAbū Rāfiʿ «Whoever recites ad-Dukḫān on the night of Jumuʿah, he will wake up having been forgiven, and he will be married to the Ḥūr al-ʿĪn.» 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy #3644.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

30 Jan, 19:27

📌 Sunnah actions of Jumuʿah

Sending abundant Ṣalawāt upon the Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – (Aim for 1k!). 📖 Sūrah al-ʾAḥzāb, 33:56, al-Bukḫāriyy, #4797 etc. [https://t.me/tareequsalaf/243]

Reading Sūrah al-Kahf. 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy, #3407.

Performing Ġhusl. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #2665.

Using perfume [men only]. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #883.

Using the Miswak
. 📖 ʾIbn Mājah, #1098.

Wearing one’s best clothes. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Going early to the Masjid. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #929, an-Nasāʾiyy #1386.

Walking to the Masjid
. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Making duʿāʾ (especially in the last period after ʿAsr). 📖 an-Nasāʾiyy #1388.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

29 Jan, 22:10

📌 True Worship Requires Rejecting Ṭāġhūt

Aḷḷāh – the Most High – says: 《And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], ‘Worship Aḷḷāh and avoid Ṭāġhūt.’》 [📖 an-Naḥl: 36]

✒️ Points Derived:

◘ The Greatest Principle: Worship of Aḷḷāh cannot be established except through disbelieving in Ṭāġhūt.
◘ In it is the meaning of His statement: 《So whoever disbelieves in Ṭāġhūt and believes in Aḷḷāh has verily grasped the most trustworthy handhold.》 [📖al-Baqarah: 256]

📖 Kitāb at-Tawḥīd Pg. 9 – 10.

🗣 Šhaykḫ al-ʾIslām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdil-Wahhāb – raḥimahuḷḷāh

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

28 Jan, 21:32

📌 The First Obligation, at-Tawḥīd

Narrated on the authority of ʾIbn ʿAbbās – raḍiyyAḷḷāhu ʿanhumā – that when the Messenger of Aḷḷāh – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – sent Muʿādh to Yemen, he said to him: «You are verily going to a people from the People of the Book, so let the first thing you call them to be the testimony that there is no Diety worthy of worship but Aḷḷāh.» — In another narration: «[...] Towards that they should affirm the oneness of Aḷḷāh.»¹

✒️ Points Derived:

◘ Tawḥīd being the first obligation [upon mankind & the foundation of ʾIslām].
◘ It must be prioritized before everything else, even before prayer.
◘ The meaning of "that they should affirm the oneness of Aḷḷāh" is the same as the testimony "there is no Diety worthy of worship but Aḷḷāh."

📖 Kitāb at-Tawḥīd, pg. 26.

🗣 Šhaykḫ al-ʾIslām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdil-Wahhāb – raḥimahuḷḷāh

¹ - ✍️ Narrated by al-Bukḫāriyy, #1395, 1396, 4347 & Muslim #19.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

28 Jan, 16:32

🗣 ʾIbn ʾAbiyy ad-Dunyā narrated that a man from the tribe of ʿAbdul-Qays was asked, "Give us advice," and he replied: «Beware of 'sauf' (i.e, I will.. Meaning; Procrastination).»

🗣 ʾAbū al-Jild said: «I read in some books: "Indeed, 'sauf' is one of the armies of ʾĪblīs.

📖 ʾIqtiḍāʾ al-ʿIlm al-ʿAmal #198 & 200.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

27 Jan, 17:15

🗣 Ḥafṣah bint Sirīn used to say: «O gatherings of the youth, work (good deeds)! For verily, work is in youth.» 📖 ʾIqtiḍāʾ al-ʿIlm al-ʿAmal #190.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

26 Jan, 21:17

📌 The Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «The hardest reckoning for people on the Day of Judgment will be for the Mukfiyy¹ al-Fāriġh² [who was not busy with work].» [Ḍaʿīf Jiddān]

📌 Muʿāwiyah ibn Qarrah said: «The most accountable people on the Day of Judgment will be for the healthy Fāriġh [the person who has too much free time].»

📖 ʾIqtiḍāʾ al-ʿIlm al-ʿAmal #174175.

¹ - ✍️ Meaning: "The one who was provided for", someone who was not engaged in meaningful work.

² - ✍️ In a more literal translation: "the empty & unoccupied one"

The narrations contain Ḍaʿf , however, its general meaning has been confirmed in previous narrations of the book, as stated by the Muḥaqiq.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

25 Jan, 14:59

[Borrowed video]

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

25 Jan, 14:59

Al-Maymūnī said: ʾAḥmad Ibn Ḥanbal said to me: ❝Beware of speaking even a single word for which you have no precedent in an ʾimām! [an imam has not preceded you in]❞

[Tahdhīb al-Ajwiba by Ibn Ḥāmid]

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

23 Jan, 21:00

❝I saw al-Kḫalīl ibn ʾAḥmad in a dream, and I said in my dream: ‘I do not see anyone more intelligent than al-Kḫalīl.’ So I asked him, ‘What has Aḷḷāh done with you?’ He replied: ‘Do you see what we were engaged in? There was verily nothing better than:

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ (SubḥānAḷḷāh)
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ (al-Ḥamdu liḷḷāh)
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ (Lā ilāha illa Aḷḷāh)
اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ (Aḷḷāhu Akbar).

📖 ʾIqtiḍāʾ al-ʿIlm al-ʿAmal #154.

🗣 ʿAliyy ibn Naṣr

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

18 Jan, 03:32

📌 A series titled "The Lofty Stations in Clarifying the Reality of Šharīʿah", explaining the meaning of Šharīʿah, its matters, and its principles from the perspective of sovereign rulings.

✍️ This is because many people frequently use the term "Šharīʿah," and many groups claim to strive for its establishment, yet it becomes evident that they apply this name to something other than its true meaning. Some people also repeat it ignorantly, unaware of its reality. Thus [its] clarification, explanation, and sincere advice [regarding it] have become necessary. And Aḷḷāh is the Granter of success.

🔉 Šhaykḫ ʾAbū al-Muhannad – ʿafā Aḷḷāhu ʿanhu

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

18 Jan, 03:24

هذه سلسلة بعنوان المقامات الرفيعة في بيان حقيقة الشريعة تبين معنى الشريعة وأمورها وقواعدها من جهة الأحكام السلطانية، وذلك أن كثيرا من الناس يردد لفظ الشريعة، وكثير من الجماعات تزعم السعي لإقامة الشريعة، ثم يتبن أنهم يطلقون هذا الاسم على غير معناه، وبعض الناس يردده جاهلا بحقيقته فلزم حينئذ البيان والإيضاح والنصح، والله الموفق.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

17 Jan, 14:01

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

16 Jan, 21:20

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ

Allāhumma salli 'alā Muhammadin wa 'alā ālihi wa sal-lim.

O Allāh, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad and upon his Family.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

16 Jan, 16:09

📌 Sunnah actions of Jumuʿah

Sending abundant Ṣalawāt upon the Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – (Aim for 1k!). 📖 Sūrah al-ʾAḥzāb, 33:56, al-Bukḫāriyy, #4797 etc. [https://t.me/tareequsalaf/243]

Reading Sūrah al-Kahf. 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy, #3407.

Performing Ġhusl. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #2665.

Using perfume [men only]. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #883.

Using the Miswak
. 📖 ʾIbn Mājah, #1098.

Wearing one’s best clothes. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Going early to the Masjid. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #929, an-Nasāʾiyy #1386.

Walking to the Masjid
. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Making duʿāʾ (especially in the last period after ʿAsr). 📖 an-Nasāʾiyy #1388.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

16 Jan, 13:32

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

15 Jan, 21:05

Woe to the son of Adam!

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

15 Jan, 14:03

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

14 Jan, 15:44

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

13 Jan, 16:40

📌 Retribution on the Day of al-Kḫalāṣ (Salvation) & focusing on others while neglecting oneself

ʾIbn Sīrīn heard a man insulting al-Ḥajjāj and said: «O man, if you were to face the Hereafter, the smallest sin you ever committed would seem greater to you than the greatest sin committed by al-Ḥajjāj. And know that Aḷḷāh is a Just Judge; if He takes from al-Ḥajjāj for the wrong done to someone, He will take from those who wronged him, so do not busy yourself with insulting him.» 📖 ʾIbn ʾAbiyy ad-Dunyā in at-Tawbah #143.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

13 Jan, 15:02

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

12 Jan, 18:25

📌 The best thing a man can enter the day with

✍️ Ḥazm narrated by saying, ʾIbrāhīm ibn ʿĪsā al-Yašhkuriyy – raḥimahuḷḷāh – asked us at the door of the mosque: «What is the best thing a man can enter the day with?», «I do not know.» I replied. He then said: «Repentance from sin or a sincere advice from the heart.📖 ʾIbn ʾAbiyy ad-Dunyā in at-Tawbah #22.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

06 Jan, 14:37

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

05 Jan, 22:43

📌 The Wisdom of Trading

Zakariyyā ibn Yaḥyā ʾAbū Yaḥyā an-Nāqid informed me, saying: ‘I asked ʾAbū ʿAbdiḷḷāh – raḥimahuḷḷāh – and said: “I work with a mule¹, and my parents want me to take a shop for myself.” He said: “Take a shop; there may be a funeral, and there may be a sick person².” [...] Zakariyyā ibn Yaḥyā said: “What he meant in all of this is that he encourages working and trading.”’📖 al-Ḥaṯh ʿalā at-Tijārah by al-Kḫallāl #6.

¹ - ✍️ The Muḥaqiq of the book said: Meaning: “I work for a wage and rent.” [Translator: This refers to working for a wage or renting one's time in employment. It's being contrasted with self-employment (like owning a shop), where one has more freedom to engage in acts of worship or good deeds like attending funerals or visiting the sick.]

² - ✍️The Muḥaqiq of the book said: The speech of the Salaf — including ʾImām ʾAḥmad — is characterized by profound brevity and eloquence. Those who were close to them and interacted with them could easily understand their words without confusion or hesitation. However, for those who came after them, like us, understanding some of their words can be difficult and uncertain. For example, ʾImām ʾAḥmad’s statement in this narration: “Take a shop, and there will be a funeral, there will be a sick person.” – This means that if you work in trade for yourself, you are able to attend funerals, visit the sick, and engage in other acts of goodness and recommended deeds. However, if you are a hired worker, you do not have the freedom to do this because your time is rented out, and you are unable to carry out voluntary acts or recommended deeds while fulfilling your employment duties. Thus, you would not earn the reward and benefit of these additional acts of worship.
Additionally, the same brevity can be seen in ʾImām Ahmad’s earlier statement in the first narration (i.e, of the above mentioned book): “Stick to the marketplace; through it, you will maintain family ties and you will return with something beneficial.” – What he means is: Stick to the market and trade in it as much as you can; by doing so, you will earn money. From your trade, you will have the opportunity to maintain your family ties with your wealth and support your family and friends. This will earn you rewards that you would not have if you were simply in a state of sufficiency.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

05 Jan, 15:19

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

04 Jan, 22:43

The first part of manhood is a cheerful face, the second is kindness towards people, and the third is fulfilling the needs of others. 📖 al-Majālisah wa Jawāhir al-ʿIlm #828.

🗣 Muḥammad ibn an-Naḍr

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

04 Jan, 14:29

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

03 Jan, 14:26

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

03 Jan, 14:26

Use the last moments of this blessed day with remembrance and supplication!

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ

Aḷḷāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ʾālihi wa sallim.

O Aḷḷāh, send prayers and peace upon Muḥammad and his Family.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

02 Jan, 15:39

📌 Sunnah actions of Jumuʿah

Sending abundant Ṣalawāt upon the Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – (Aim for 1k!). 📖 Sūrah al-ʾAḥzāb, 33:56, al-Bukḫāriyy, #4797 etc. [https://t.me/tareequsalaf/243]

Reading Sūrah al-Kahf. 📖 Sunan ad-Dārimiyy, #3407.

Performing Ġhusl. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #2665.

Using perfume [men only]. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #883.

Using the Miswak
. 📖 ʾIbn Mājah, #1098.

Wearing one’s best clothes. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Going early to the Masjid. 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #929, an-Nasāʾiyy #1386.

Walking to the Masjid
. 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #343.

Making duʿāʾ (especially in the last period after ʿAsr). 📖 an-Nasāʾiyy #1388.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

02 Jan, 15:39

The Messenger of Aḷḷāh – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Aḷḷāh will send blessings upon him ten times.» 📖 Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim #408.

🗣 ʾAbū Hurayrah – raḍiyy Aḷḷāhu ʿanhu

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ

Aḷḷāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ʾālihi wa sallim.

O Aḷḷāh, send prayers and peace upon Muḥammad and his Family.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

02 Jan, 13:41

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

01 Jan, 23:22

It has reached us that it was said: The supplication is answered on five nights: the night of Jumuʿah, the night of al-ʾAḍḥā, the night of al-Fiṭr, the first night of Rajab, and the middle night of Šhaʿbān. 📖 Kitāb al-ʾUmm, 1/264.

🗣 al-ʾImām ašh-Šhāfiʿiyy (d. 204h) – raḥimahuḷḷāh

Tonight marks the first night of Rajab, one of the five nights mentioned for the acceptance of supplication. Let us turn to Aḷḷāh – ʿazza wa jalla – with sincere hearts, seeking His mercy, guidance, and forgiveness.

May He accept our prayers and grant us His blessings. Āmīn.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

01 Jan, 15:39

ʾIbn ʿAbbās – raḍiyy Aḷḷāhu ʿanhumā – reported that the Messenger of Aḷḷāh – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said, «Whoever increases from ʾIstiġhfār (i.e prayers for forgiveness), Aḷḷāh will grant him relief from every worry, a way out from every hardship, and provide for him in ways he does not expect📖 Musnad ʾAḥmad, #2234.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

01 Jan, 15:39

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّٰهَ وَأَتُوْبُ إِلَيْهِ

ʾAstiġhfiruḷḷāha wa ʾAtūbu ʾIlayhi

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

01 Jan, 14:09

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

31 Dec, 20:39

The foundation of a man is his intellect, his honor is in his religion, and his manhood is in his character. 📖 ʾAdab ad-Dunyā wa ad-Dīn 1/17.

🗣 ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb – raḍiyy Aḷḷāhu ʿanhu –.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

31 Dec, 13:51

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

31 Dec, 10:56

Salamun alaikum

We have corrected some small mistakes in the text and redesigned the cover on the book : Al-Ibanah As-Sughra by Ibn Battah.

The book is now on sale on www.al-aqeedah.com/bookshop

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

29 Dec, 14:27

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!


Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

29 Dec, 06:45

ʾAbū Mūsā reported that the Prophet – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said, «Whoever loves to meet Aḷḷāh, Aḷḷāh loves to meet him. Whoever hates to meet Aḷḷāh, Aḷḷāh hates to meet him.» 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #6508.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

28 Dec, 19:18

📌 The Virtue of „Lā ʾilāha ʾillā Aḷḷāh“

✍️ The Messenger of Aḷḷāh – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «The best ḏhikr is: „Lā ʾilāha ʾillā Aḷḷāh“📖 at-Tirmiḏhiyy, #3383.

✍️ He – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – also said: «Aḷḷāh has made Hellfire unlawful for the one who, seeking His pleasure, says: „Lā ʾilāha ʾillā Aḷḷāh“.» 📖 al-Bukḫāriyy, #5401.

✍️ Furthermore, he – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – said: «Renew your faith.» The companions – raḍiy Aḷḷāhu ʿanhum – asked: «How can we renew our faith?» He – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – replied: «Be frequent in saying: „Lā ʾilāha ʾillā Aḷḷāh“.» 📖 Musnad ʾAḥmad, #8709.

✍️ He – ṣallAḷḷāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama – also said: «Whoever’s last words are: „Lā ʾilāha ʾillā Aḷḷāh“, will enter Paradise.» 📖 ʾAbū Dāwūd, #3116.

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

27 Dec, 16:24

📌 The Believer’s State in This World

I have not found a likeness for the believer in this world except that of a man clinging to a piece of wood in the sea, calling out: 'O Lord! O Lord!' hoping that Aḷḷāh might rescue him. 📖 Musannaf ʾIbn ʾAbiyy Šhaybah, #35147.

🗣 at-Tabiʿiyy Muwarraq al-ʿIjliyy (d. 133h) – raḥimahuḷḷāh

Ṭarīq as-Salaf | طريق السلف

27 Dec, 14:16

🌙 REMINDER: Time for the evening D͟hikr!
