Ahlus-Sunnah @ahlussunnah3 Channel on Telegram



Ahlus-Sunnah (English)

Welcome to Ahlus-Sunnah, the Telegram channel dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Sunni sect of Islam. Our channel, with the username @ahlussunnah3, is a platform where followers of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaah can come together to learn, discuss, and share their beliefs. Who are we? We are a group of individuals who are passionate about promoting the authentic teachings of Islam as believed and practiced by the Ahlus-Sunnah. Our goal is to provide our members with insightful articles, lectures, and discussions that align with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the righteous predecessors. What is Ahlus-Sunnah? Ahlus-Sunnah, also known as the Sunni sect of Islam, is the largest branch of Islam followed by the majority of Muslims around the world. The term Ahlus-Sunnah means 'people of the tradition' and refers to those who follow the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. Through our channel, we aim to promote unity, tolerance, and understanding among Muslims by highlighting the core beliefs and practices of the Ahlus-Sunnah. Whether you are a new convert to Islam or a lifelong follower, our channel is a place where you can deepen your knowledge and connection to the faith. Join us at Ahlus-Sunnah on Telegram and become part of a community that is dedicated to learning and spreading the beautiful teachings of Islam. Together, let us strive to embody the values of compassion, love, and peace that are at the heart of the Ahlus-Sunnah tradition. We look forward to welcoming you to our channel and engaging in meaningful discussions that elevate our understanding of the faith. May peace and blessings be upon you all.


01 Feb, 10:13

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalî رحمه الله said in Sharh ‘Ilal at-Tirmidhî:

Ibn Hibbân and others narrated from the path of al-Husayn ibn al-Farah, from ‘Abdus-Samad ibn Hassân that he said; I heard Sufyân ath-Thawrî saying:

“The chain of narration is the weapon of the believer, if he does not have a weapon with him, then with what can he fight?”


30 Jan, 12:29

Shaykh Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî praising the top 3 Huffâth and Scholars of Hadîth of our time, due to their knowledge and memorisation of the Hadîth and its chain.

He mentions Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân, then Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azîz at-Tarîfî, then Shaykh ‘Abdullâh as-Sa’d. No one can deny their knowledge in the field of Hadîth.


29 Jan, 12:37

[4/4] Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in Al-Manâr al-Munîf:

And the Hadîth of ‘Ubbâd ibn Zubayr that he said: “The messenger of Allâh used to raise his hands in the first [part] of the Salâh, then he did not raise it.”

This [Hadîth] is fabricated.

And the Hadîth fabricated by Muhammad ibn ‘Ukkâshah al-Kirmânî, from Anas that he said: “Whoever raised his hands in Rukû’, then there is no Salâh for him.”

May Allâh disgrace the one who fabricated it.


27 Jan, 06:16

[3/4] Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in Al-Manâr al-Munîf:

And the Hadîth of Wakî’, from ibn Abî Laylâ, from al-Hasan, from Miqsam, from ibn ‘Abbâs and from Nâfi’, from ibn ‘Umar that they [ibn ‘Abbâs and ibn ‘Umar] said, the messenger of Allâh ﷺ said: “Raise your hands in 7 places, when beginning the Salâh, facing the Qiblah, at Safâ, at Marwah, the 2 places of station and during Jamratayn.

Its attribution to the Prophet ﷺ is not authentic, and what is correct is the attribution to ibn ‘Umar and ibn ‘Abbâs.

And the Hadîth narrated by al-Bayhaqî in al-Khilâfiyât, from the narration of ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Awn al-Kharâz that Mâlik narrated to us from az-Zuhrî, from Sâlim, from his father that he said: “The Prophet ﷺ used to raise his hands when he began the Salâh, then he did not repeat.”

And whoever smells the scents of the Hadîth at a distance testifies by Allâh that it is fabricated.


25 Jan, 06:16

[2/4] Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in Al-Manâr al-Munîf said:

And the Hadîth: Yazîd ibn Abî Ziyâd, from ibn Abî Laylâ, from al-Barâ’ that he said: “When the messenger of Allâh ﷺ began the Salâh, he raised his hands up to his ears, then he did not repeat.”

Ash-Shâfi’î said: “Some of the people went towards the mistake of Yazîd [ibn Abî Ziyâd].”

Imâm Ahmad said: “This Hadîth is weak.”

Yahyâ [ibn Ma’în] said: “Ibn Abî Ziyâd is weak in Hadîth.”

Ibn ‘Adî said: “He is not much.” (i.e weak)

And this Hadîth was weakened by the majority of Ahlul-Hadîth. They said: “It is not authentic.”


22 Jan, 13:10

[1/4] Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in Al-Manâr al-Munîf:

From that is the [Ahâdîth] about the forbiddance of raising the hands in Salâh when doing Rukû’, and rising from it. All of them are false and lies against the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ, there is nothing authentic from it.

Like the Hadîth of Ibn Mas’ûd: “Shall I not show you how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ prayed?" So he prayed and he only raised his hands once.

Ibn al-Mubârak said: “It is confirmed from the Hadîth of Sâlim, from his father [ibn ‘Umar], meaning the raising of [the hands during Rukû’ and after it], and the Hadîth of Ibn Mas’ûd is not confirmed.”

Like his other Hadîth: “I prayed with the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ, Abû Bakr and ‘Umar, and they did not raise [their hands] except with the beginning of the Salâh.” It has a break in the chain, and it is not authentic.


17 Jan, 10:40

Imâm Abâ Butayn an-Najdî رحمه الله explained some categories of the Tâghût and from them he said:

“It also includes everyone who is appointed by the people to rule between them with the rulings of Jâhiliyyah that are contrary to the ruling of Allâh and His Messenger.”

[Majmû’ Fatâwâ wa-Rasâ’il]


16 Jan, 10:32

Imâm Abâ Butayn an-Najdî رحمه الله said in Majmû’ Fatâwâ wa-Rasâ’il:

Al-Jawharî said: “The Tâghût is the fortune teller, Shaytân and every head of misguidance.”

Mâlik and others from the Salaf and Khalaf said: “Everything that is worshipped other than Allâh is a Tâghût.”

‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb, ibn ‘Abbâs رضي الله عنهما and many of the Scholars of Tafsîr said: “The Tâghût is Shaytân.” Ibn Kathîr said: “This opinion is very strong, as it includes everything Ahlul-Jâhiliyyah were upon; from worshipping idols, resorting to them and seeking victory by them.”


15 Jan, 10:39

Imâm ‘Uthmân ad-Dârimî رحمه الله said:

And this speech is agreed upon by the Muslims and the Kuffâr: That Allâh is above the heaven, and they described Him with that, except al-Marîsî the misguided and his companions.

Even the children that have not reached puberty have known that about Him. If something inflicts the child, he raises his hands towards his Lord, and calls out to Him above the heaven, and not somewhere else. So everyone is more knowledgable than the Jahmiyyah regarding Allâh and His place.

[Naqd ‘Uthmân ibn Sa’îd ’alal-Marîsî al-Jahmî al-‘Anîd]


13 Jan, 12:42

Kharashah ibn al-Hurr said:

I saw ‘Umar hitting the hands of the people [who fasted] in Rajab until they put them in bowls [of food] and he said: “Eat, as it is a month which used to be exalted by Ahlul-Jâhiliyyah.”

[Narrated by ibn Abî Shaybah, and it was accepted by al-Buhûtî, Shaykh Turkî al-Bin’alî and others]


12 Jan, 12:16

Salât ar-Raghâ’ib in the month of Rajab

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said in al -Fatâwâ al-Kubrâ:

This Salât (ar-Raghâ’ib) was not offered by the Prophet ﷺ, by any of the Sahâbah, the Tâbi’în or the Imâms of the Muslims. The Hadîth which is narrated regarding that from the Prophet ﷺ is false and fabricated according to scholarly consensus. Hence the scholars said that it is forbidden and not recommended.

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalî رحمه الله said in Latâ’if al-Ma’ârif:

And the Ahâdîth narrated about the virtue of Salât ar-Raghâ’ib in the first night of Jumu’ah from the month of Rajab are baseless lies and they are not authentic. This Salâh is a Bid’ah according to the majority of the scholars.


11 Jan, 13:26

It’s attributed that the Prophet ﷺ said:

“Rajab is the month of Allâh, Sha’bân is my month and Ramadân is the month of my Ummah.”

[Ibn al-Qayyim, ash-Shawkânî, ibn Hajr and as-Saghânî said it is fabricated]


11 Jan, 06:54

Ibn al-Qayyim said in Al-Manâr al-Munîf:

Every Hadîth that mentions fasting in Rajab and praying some nights in it is a fabricated lie.

Like the Hadîth: “Whoever prays 20 Rak’ât after Salâh al-Maghrib on the first night of Rajab will pass through the Sirât without judgement.”

And the Hadîth: “Whoever fasts a day from Rajab, and prays 2 Rak’ât; reciting Âyat al-Kursî 100 times in the first Rak’ah, and [reciting] Sûrah al-Ikhlâs 100 times in the second [Rak’ah] will not die until he sees his seat in Jannah."


10 Jan, 11:53

The Hadîth: Fasting the first day of Rajab is an expiation [of sins] for 3 years, and [fasting] the second [day] is an expiation [of sins] for 2 years, and [fasting] the third [day] is an expiation [of sins] for a year, then [fasting] every day is [like fasting] a month.

Imâm ash-Shawkânî رحمه الله said in al-Fat’h ar-Rabbânî: “It is baseless and has no origin.”

Imâm ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in al-Manâr al-Munîf: “The Hadîth of whoever fasts from Rajab [is rewarded with] such and such; All of them are made up lies.”


10 Jan, 07:48

Hadîth: When the Prophet ﷺ entered [the month] of Rajab he would say: “O Allâh bless us in Rajab and Sha’bân, and let us reach Ramadân.”

[Narrated by Ahmad, at-Tabarânî and others]

This Hadîth was weakened by al-Bayhaqî, ibn Rajab, adh-Dhahabî, an-Nawawî, al-Haythamî, Sulaymân al-‘Alwân, ‘Abdullâh as-Sa’d, Khâlid al-Hâyik, Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî and others.


08 Jan, 13:00

Shaykh Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî said:

Everything that has been narrated regarding the virtues of the month of Rajab:

From congratulating its entrance, celebrating its start, fasting a specific day, praying a specific night, praying a specific Salâh; like Salât ar-Raghâ’ib, [performing] a specific I’tikâf, a specific ‘Umrah, the specification of giving out the Zakât, [performing] a specific slaughter, or taking it as an ‘Eid.

Or the occurrence of some events in it, like the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ, his mission [as a Messenger] or the night of al-Isrâ’ wal-Mi’râj.

It is fabricated, rejected, baseless and has no origin, not from the Prophet ﷺ, not from the Sahâbah رضي الله عنهم, and not from the Tâbi’în رحمهم الله.


06 Jan, 14:09

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said regarding the Kâfir woman who dies with a Muslim child in her womb:

Imâm Ahmad was asked: “What do you say about a Christian woman who dies and has a Muslim child in her womb, where is she buried?” He said: “There are 3 opinions regarding it. [It’s narrated] from ‘Umar that she is buried with the Muslims, and [it’s narrated] from Wâthilah that she is buried between the cemetery of the Muslims and Christians.” Elsewhere he mentioned: “She is buried with the Christians.” He said: “I like that she is buried between them.” I said: “What if you cannot find except the cemetery of the Muslims? He smiled and did not dislike it.”

I say (meaning ibn al-Qayyim): As for the report of Wâthilah, then ibn Abî Shaybah said: Ja’far ibn ‘Awn narrated to us from ibn Jurayj, from Sulaymân ibn Mûsâ, from Wâthilah ibn al-Asqa’ regarding a Christian woman who has a Muslim child in her womb, he said: “Bury her in a grave between the cemetery of the Muslims and Christians.”

And as for the report of ‘Umar, then [ibn Abî Shaybah] said: Sufyân ibn ‘Uyaynah narrated to us from ‘Amr that he said: “A woman died in Shâm and she had a Muslim child in her womb and she was Christian, so ‘Umar commanded that she is buried with the Muslims for the sake of her child.”

[Ahkâm Ahlul-Dhimmah]


04 Jan, 13:22

[2/2] Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in his book Ahkâm Ahlul-Dhimmah:

The ruling on their slaughter (the people of the book)

Is’hâq ibn Mansûr said: Abû ‘Abdillâh [Ahmad ibn Hanbal] said: “There is no problem with Ahlul-Kitâb slaughtering for the Muslims, other than the ritual sacrifice.” (Meaning the slaughter for ‘Eid al-Adhâ)

Hanbal said: I heard Abû ‘Abdillâh [Ahmad ibn Hanbal] say: “There is no problem with the slaughtering of Ahlul-Kitâb if they devote it to Allâh, and [mention] His name upon it. Allâh said: ‘Do not eat of what is not slaughtered in Allâh’s name…’ [6:121] and the Muslim mentions the name of Allâh. As for what is devoted to other than Allâh, by what is slaughtered for their churches and festivals, then avoid that, and it is more beloved to me that Ahlul-Kitâb [mention] the name [of Allâh] on their slaughter.”

Muhannâ ibn Yahyâ said: “I asked Abû ‘Abdillâh [Ahmad ibn Hanbal] about the slaughter of as-Sâmirah.” He said: “Eat it, they are from Ahlul-Kitâb.”

‘Abdullâh ibn Ahmad said: My father [Imâm Ahmad] said: “There is no problem with the slaughter of Ahlul-Harb if they are from Ahlul-Kitâb.”

Ibn al-Mundhir said: This was unanimously agreed upon by every one of whom knowledge was taken from, from the people of knowledge.


03 Jan, 10:24

[1/2] Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in his book Ahkâm Ahlul-Dhimmah:

The ruling on their slaughter (the people of the book)

Allâh تعالى said: “…and the food of those who were given the Scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them…” [5:5]

The Salaf did not differ that the meaning of [food] in that [verse] is regarding the slaughter. Al-Bukhârî said that ibn ‘Abbâs said: “Their food is their slaughter.” This was also said by ibn Mas’ûd, Mujâhid, Ibrâhîm, Qatâdah, al-Hasan and others.

Ahmad ibn al-Hasan at-Tirmidhî said: “I asked Abû ‘Abdillâh [Ahmad ibn Hanbal] about the slaughter of Ahlul-Kitâb.” So he said: “There is no problem with it.” So I said: “Which proof do we go to regarding it?” He said: “The Hadîth of ‘Abdullâh ibn Mughaffal on the day of the conquest of Khaybar: [about] the bag of fat…” Ish’âq said: “He was proficient [in his Fatwâ].”

Hanbal said: I heard Abû ‘Abdillâh [Ahmad ibn Hanbal] saying: “Eat the slaughter of the Jew and Christian.”


01 Jan, 14:13

Shaykh Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî said about the Hadîth:

Ghaylân Ibn Salamah accepted Islâm and he had ten wives in Jâhiliyyah who accepted Islâm with him, so the Prophet ﷺ commanded him to choose four of them and to seperate from the rest of them.

It was rejected by Yahyâ ibn Ma’în and al-Bukhârî, and it was defected by Abû Zur’ah, Abû Hâtim, Abû Dâwûd and al-‘Uqaylî due to Irsâl, and it was defected by Imâm Muslim, al-Bazzâr and at-Tirmidhî.


31 Dec, 10:09

Mâhir al-Fahl the Scholar of Hadîth praising Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân regarding his knowledge in Hadîth.

Even surpassing al-Mu’allimî al-Yamânî. Those that know who he is will understand the calibre of Shaykh al-‘Alwân in this field.


30 Dec, 12:21

‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Âs رضي الله عنه said:

Whoever lives in the land of the non-Arabs, participates in their Nayrûz (Persian new year) and their Mahrajân (Vernal equinox) and imitates them until he dies while in that state, he will be resurrected with them on the day of resurrection.

[Narrated by al-Bayhaqî and it was authenticated by ibn Taymiyyah & ibn al-Qayyim]


30 Dec, 06:12

‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb رضي الله عنه said:

“Avoid the enemies of Allâh during their festivals”

[Narrated by al-Bayhaqî and it was authenticated by ibn al-Qayyim]


27 Dec, 06:18

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân فك الله أسره said:

Memorising the chains [of Hadîth] and its precision [of the narrators], and knowing the defects of the Ahâdîth is from the obligations that are communal, which if some people do it, the sin falls off from the rest.


26 Dec, 08:50

‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Umar narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said:

“Whoever imitates a people, then he is from them.”

[Narrated by Abû Dâwûd, and it was accepted by ibn Taymiyyah, Sulaymân al-‘Alwân, Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî, ‘Abdullâh as-Sa’d and others]


25 Dec, 13:43

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân mentions that the usage of fireworks is permissible under 2 conditions:

1) you are not extravagant in spending on fireworks.

2) you are not harming anyone, for example the sick, the needy people, the infants and people sleeping.

NOTE: this is in general, but as for the usage of fireworks during this time of the year, it is Harâm due to imitating the Kuffâr.


22 Dec, 12:26

Imâm Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

Congratulating the Kuffâr on the rituals that belong only to them is Harâm by consensus, so is congratulating them on their festivals and fasts by saying “A happy festival to you” or “May you enjoy your festival” and so on.

[Ahkâm Ahlul-Dhimmah]


21 Dec, 13:26

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî if the usage of fireworks is considered an imitation of the Kuffâr during New Years Eve and the days leading up to it, since it is well known in Australia that they use them during these times.

He answered: Yes it is imitating them and we seek refuge in Allâh.


21 Dec, 03:39

Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî was asked: What is the ruling on saying the ‘Alawî, Sunnî, Masîhî, Durzî, Shî’î and Ismâ’îli are all brothers and are one hand?

He said: This is clear heresy (Zandaqah) والعياذ بالله, and a rejection and denial of the Kitâb and Sunnah, and a clear opposition to the Millah of Ibrâhim and to the path of the Mu’minîn.

Also, It is not allowed to call [the Christians] as al-Masîhiyyîn, rather we say an-Nasârâ, as al-Masîh ‘Îsâ Ibn Maryam ﷺ made Barâ’ from the Kuffâr of Banî Isrâ’îl. So it is not allowed to attribute them to him, as he made Barâ’ from them. Rather we say Nasârâ, just as what they have been called in the Qur’ân and Sunnah.


17 Dec, 11:32

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân فك الله أسره said:

“The Nusayriyyah are a Bâtinî sect who testify lordship to ‘Alî, and they do not acknowledge the obligation of the five daily prayers, fasting Ramadân or Hajj. They see that alcohol is Halâl and they believe in the resurrection of souls.

The Scholars unanimously agreed upon their Kufr, and that it is not allowed to eat from their slaughter, nor marry their women…”


07 Dec, 09:33

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî if it is authentic from ibn Mas’ûd رضي الله عنه that he said:

To take an oath by Allâh falsely is more beloved to me than to take an oath by other than Him while I am telling the truth.

He said the report is good.


02 Dec, 08:17

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân said:

The narrations indicating the obligation of obeying the Messenger ﷺ and taking from his Sunnah are plenty, from them is:

His ﷺ‘s statement: “Upon you is my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khulafâ’…”

His ﷺ‘s statement: “Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.”

His ﷺ’s statement: “All of my Ummah will enter Jannah except for those who refuse.” They said: “O Messenger of Allâh, who will refuse?” He ﷺ said: “Whoever obeys me will enter Jannah, and whoever disobeys me has refused.”


30 Nov, 09:31

Based on my previous post, I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî about the opinions the Madhâhib held regarding the topic.

He answered: The scholars differed in several opinions regarding the one who prays as a follower, then knows after the Salâh ends that his Imâm did not have Wudû.

The Shâfi’iyyah, Hanâbilah and a group of the Sahâbah and Tâbi’în held that the Salâh is accepted due to the Hadîth: “Your Imâms will lead you in Salâh. If they conduct it properly, you and they will be rewarded, but if they make mistakes, you will earn the reward and they will be held responsible [for the mistakes].” Narrated by Al-Bukhârî from Abû Hurayrah.

Abû Hanîfah held that the follower must repeat the Salâh.

The Mâlikiyyah held that the follower must repeat the Salâh if the Imâm intentionally prayed while knowing that he did not have Wudû’, but if the Imâm did not intentionally [pray], then the follower does not repeat.

And the most correct is the first opinion.


24 Nov, 08:20

Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî was asked: I was praying with my mother, and after the Salâh I remembered that I did not have Wudû’. I repeated my Salâh after I knew. Do I have tell my mother so that she can repeat the Salâh?

He answered: No, only you have to repeat it.


22 Nov, 12:55

Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî was asked: Is it Harâm to eat and drink without saying Bismillâh?

He answered: Saying Bismillâh is obligatory when eating and drinking. As for slaughtering, then it is a condition and it has a detailed [explanation] in the case of forgetfulness.

If he does not say Bismillâh over his food, Shaytân will share it with him and the food will not be forbidden for him.


10 Nov, 05:00

Imâm Ahmad said:

I looked in the Mus’haf and found the obedience to the messenger ﷺ in 33 places.

[As-Sârim al-Maslûl]


08 Nov, 12:12

Muhanna’ said: I asked Ahmad Ibn Hanbal about the Hadîth of al-A’mash, from Abû Wâ’il that he said: Mu’âwiyah played with idols.

So he said: “How mistaken were the people of Kûfah on the companions of the messenger of Allâh.” And [Ahmad] did not authenticate the Hadîth.

And [Ahmad] said: [This Hadîth] was spread by a man of the Shî’ah.


06 Nov, 13:17

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik said about the Hadîth “The Khawârij are the dogs of hellfire”:

It is rejected, and every path returns back to the Hadîth of Abû Ghâlib and he is rejected in Hadîth, and it is not strengthened by other unknown, mursal, and rejected paths.


11 Sep, 11:37

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: What is the ruling on saying “May Allâh accept it” after the prayer, to the one who completed his prayer?

He said: It is an evil bid’ah.


04 Sep, 11:09

Ibn Abî Shaybah in Al-Musannaf said:

Muhammad Ibn Bishr narrated to us that Zakariyyah ibn Abî Zâ’idah said that ‘Alî Ibn al-Aqmar said that Abû Juhayfah رضي الله عنه used to say:

“Sit with the elders, mingle with the wise, and ask the scholars.”


30 Aug, 12:12

Shaykh al-Islâm ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said:

Whoever interprets the Qur’ân or the Hadîth, and his interpretation is in a way other than the known Tafsîr from the Sahâbah and the Tâbi’în, then he is a slanderer against Allâh, an Atheist in the verses of Allâh, and a distorter of words from its place.

[Majmû’ al-Fatâwâ]


23 Aug, 13:07

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik حفظه الله said:

Authenticating weak narrations by follow up and witnessing reports destroyed the “Science of defects”!!

And excusing the people in major shirk with ignorance destroyed the “Origin of Tawhîd”!!

The first wasted the essence of this science, and the second reduced the value of Tawhîd and the danger of Shirk in the hearts!

It is said to the first: This Hadîth is rejected, it was defected by the Imâms of criticism, so do not attribute it to the Prophet ﷺ.

So he replies coldly: But it has witnessing and follow up narrations, it has come from the path of Fulân, ‘Allân, Zayd and ‘Ubayd!

And it is said to the second: So and so made supplication to other than Allâh and sought help from other than Him.

So he replies coldly: He is excused with ignorance!!

Both of them destroyed the efforts of Ahlul-‘Ilm and the carriers of knowledge in protecting the Deen and spreading Tawhîd and the Sunnah.


17 Jul, 13:54

Did the Prophets fast ‘Âshûrâ’?

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Fasting the day of ‘Âshûrâ’ is a day the Prophets used to fast, so youse [should] fast it.” [Narrated by ibn Abî Shaybah]

In the chain is al-Hijrî and he was alone in narrating this, and he was weakened by Yahyâ ibn Ma’în, Abû Hâtim, Abû Zur’ah, al-Bukhârî, an-Nasâ’î and others.


17 Jul, 13:53

Ibn 'Abbâs رضي الله عنهما said: When the messenger of Allâh ‎ﷺ fasted on the day of 'Âshûrâ’ and commanded that it should be observed as a fast, they said to him:

“O messenger of Allâh, it is a day which the Jews and Christians glorify.” Then the messenger of Allâh ﷺ said: “When the next year comes, in shâ Allâh, we would observe fast the 9th day.” But the Prophet ﷺ died before the advent of the next year.

[Sahîh Muslim]


17 Jul, 02:17

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik حفظه الله said:

Nothing is authentic from the Sahâbah concerning the expansion [of spending on family with gifts and food] during ‘Âshûrâ’. And everything that is narrated has chains that are defective and corrupted, and it is a Bid’ah.


17 Jul, 02:16

Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azîz al-Khudayr حفظه الله said:

It was narrated from Ibn Mas’ûd that the Prophet ‎ﷺ said: Whoever expands [in spending] on his family on the day of ‘Âshûrâ’, Allâh will expand on him for the rest of the year.

Narrated by al-‘Uqaylî and at-Tabarânî, and it is a baseless report. In its chain is al-Haytham ibn ash-Shidâkh and he’s accused of being a liar.

Imâm Ahmad said: “This Hadîth is not authentic.” And he also said: “There is no basis to it.” Abû Zur’ah said: “It is baseless.” And al-‘Uqaylî said: “It is not preserved.”


15 Jul, 13:37

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân فك الله أسره said:

As for whoever says that the levels of ‘Âshûrâ’ are 3, and they mention the 11th day, then there is no evidence for it.

Because the report that is narrated in the Musnad [of Imâm Ahmad]: “Fast a day before or a day after.” This report is rejected, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdur-Rahmân ibn Abî Laylâ was alone in narrating it. And Shu’bah said about him: “I never saw anyone with a worser memorisation than him.” There is nearly an agreement of the earlier scholars on his weakness.


15 Jul, 05:15

Ibn ‘Abbâs رضي الله عنه said:

"I never saw the Prophet ‎ﷺ seeking to fast on a day that he favoured more than another [day], except this day, the day of ‘Âshûrâ', and this month, meaning the month of Ramadân.

[Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]


15 Jul, 01:09

Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî said:

Fasting ‘Âshûrâ’ are in 2 levels:

1) Fasting the 10th alone.
2) Fasting the 9th with the 10th, and this is more complete and better.

As for [the Hadîth of] fasting the day before and the day after (meaning the 11th), then this is not correct, as it is not confirmed by the Prophet ‎ﷺ or the Sahâbah رضي الله عنهم.


14 Jul, 09:03

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said: “Whoever applies Kuhl with Ithmid on the day of ‘Âshûrâ’ will never suffer a sore eye.”

This narration was considered fabricated by ibn al-Jawzî, al-‘Aynî, as-Saghânî, as-Sakhâwî, az-Zarqânî, al-Albânî and others.

It was also rejected and weakened by al-Bayhaqî, adh-Dhahabî, ash-Shawkânî, as-Suyûtî, ibn al-Mulaqqin, and al-Hâkim who said: “It is a Bid’ah that was innovated by the killers of al-Husayn.”


11 Jul, 11:10

Shaykh Ahmad al-Khalîl was asked: What is better, the Sunan Rawâtib or the night prayer?

He said: The Sunan Rawâtib are better than the night prayer according to the majority of the scholars.

As for the Hadîth: “The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer.” Then his ﷺ‘s meaning is the obligatory prayer and what comes with it from the Sunan Rawâtib. This is what al-‘Allâmah ibn Rajab said.

I say: This shows you the great importance of the Sunan Rawâtib.

Note that whoever prays the night prayer, will most likely not abandon the Sunan Rawâtib. But whoever does not pray the night prayer should not be lenient in [abandoning] the Sunan Rawâtib.


08 Jul, 06:01

Shaykh Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî said:

There is nothing confirmed from the names of the Prophet ﷺ except the following:

Muhammad, Ahmad, al-Muqaffî (the last in succession), al-Hâshir (the gatherer), al-Mâhî (the eraser of Kufr), al-‘Âqib (the final Prophet), the Prophet of Tawbah, the Prophet of Rahmah, and the Prophet of Malhamah (war). Anything besides these names are not confirmed.


07 Jul, 08:21

Ibn Rajab in Fat’h al-Bârî said:

It was said to Imâm Ahmad: There are people that command us with raising the hands in Salâh, and people that forbid us from it.

He said: no one forbids you except that he is an innovator. The Prophet ﷺ did that, and ibn ‘Umar used to throw small rocks at those who did not raise [the hands].

So he (Imâm Ahmad) did not consider the one abandoning it to be an innovater, except those who prohibit and dislike raising the hands. As for the one who interprets in abandoning it without forbidding it, then he did consider him an innovator.


19 Jun, 13:09

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik said:

There is nothing authentic regarding the virtue of the Ud’hiyah, but this does not mean that there is no reward for it, and it is enough that it is a deed by which we follow our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.


18 Jun, 11:05

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik said:

The Fuqahâ’ differed regarding the permissibility of the slaughter in the night, and the most correct [opinion] is that it is allowed to do the Ud’hiyah in the nights of the days of Tashrîq, and this is the Madh’hab of the majority.


18 Jun, 07:18

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik said:

The Slaughter is correct if done on the day of ‘Eid, and that is the 10th from Dhul-Hijjah. And the days of Tashrîq [are also correct], and the time of slaughter ends at Maghrib on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah.


17 Jun, 13:45

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: Is it correct that making Ghusl on the day of ‘Arafah is Sunnah, and is this general or specific to the people doing Hajj?

He answered: This is specific to the ones doing Hajj, and it is not general for everyone. So everything that is narrated about that is regarding Hajj and not in general. It is narrated in Ahâdîth from the Prophet ﷺ that is not authentic, but it is authentic from the Sahâbah رضي الله عنهم.