haqqahreminders @haqqahreminders Channel on Telegram



‏أسأل الله أن يجمعنا مع النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge and sincerity seeking the face of Allāh and the hereafter.

Feel free to take whatever of benefits and share it بارك الله فيكم


haqqahreminders (Arabic)

عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتذكير بأمور دينية هامة ومفيدة، فإن قناة haqqahreminders هي المكان المناسب لك. تقدم هذه القناة نصائح دينية مفيدة ومعلومات قيمة للمسلمين الذين يسعون لزيادة معرفتهم وتقربهم من الله. تمتلك القناة جمهوراً واسعاً من المتابعين الذين يبحثون عن الحقيقة والنصائح الصادقة التي تساعدهم على تحسين حياتهم الدينية. من خلال تقديم محتوى ذو جودة عالية ومصداقية، تعتبر هذه القناة واحدة من أفضل القنوات التي تهتم بنشر الوعي الديني والتذكير بأهمية الدين في حياة الإنسان. إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر موثوق وموجه لتحسين حياتك الدينية، فإن قناة haqqahreminders هي الخيار الأمثل لك.


03 Dec, 06:46

What is aqeedah


03 Dec, 06:46

Join the channel @baatilunveiled for detailed posts on aqeedah


26 Nov, 13:39

When Allāh سبحانه وتعالى blesses us in our worldly affairs, we often feel as though we’ve received everything we wanted, and the urgency to ask Allah fades away.

But that wasn’t the case with Suleiman عليه السلام.

He was a Prophet of Allāh, blessed with more than we can ever imagine. Allāh granted him wisdom and the ability to judge with fairness and power to control the Jinns (by the will of Allāh)

He was given a vast kingdom. A kingdom the likes of which no man after him would have.

Above all, he was given the greatest blessing—Prophethood.

And despite all of these favours, Allāh says about him, “What an excellent servant he was! Indeed, he constantly turned to Allāh .” (Quran 38:30)

If Suleiman عليه السلام, with all the blessings he was given, never stopped turning to Allāh, then how can we let our blessings make us forget Him?

There's someone, somewhere, praying to be where you are right now—don’t forget who it is that brought you here.

"And your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favour…" (Quran 14:7)


22 Nov, 03:44

Send Abundant Blessings upon Prophet ﷺ 🤎


15 Nov, 04:42

عبدالله القرافي


15 Nov, 04:41

Send Abundant Blessings upon Prophet ﷺ

عن أوس بن أوس - رضي الله عنه - قال:

قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -:
«إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة، فأكثروا
علي من الصلاة فيه؛ فإن صلاتكم معروضة

رواه أبو داود بإسناد صحيح.
[تطريز رياض الصالحين]

فالدال علی الخیر كفاعله

The hadith narrated by Aws ibn Aws (may Allah be pleased with him) is a reminder to increase our prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on Fridays. He said:

“Indeed, one of the best of your days is Friday, so increase your prayers upon me on it, for your prayers are presented to me.”

Narrated by Abu Dawood with a sound chain of narration.

This hadith emphasizes the virtue of Friday and the importance of frequently sending blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ on this day, as it carries great reward and merit.


09 Nov, 12:37

Sometimes in life, we reach a point where we have two paths: one leading to Allāh and the other to our desires. In those moments, choosing Allāh’s command and following His path seems like hardest thing to do. But we often forget that when we leave something for Allāh, He blesses us with something better.

One thing about our desires is , once they are fulfilled, there is no real fulfillment in it.
They often leave us hollow. We desire things one after another, and the cycle is never ending.

Whereas when Allāh blesses us with something, there is peace in that fulfillment and a kind of contentment.

So, let this be a gentle reminder to myself and to all of you:
when life brings you to a road where you have to choose between Allāh and your desires, choose Allāh.

For when one choose Allāh's path he opens other beautiful paths for us that we have never imagined.

أيمن بنت ذاكِر


09 Nov, 12:31

The Prophet ﷺ said,

“Let one of you ask his Lord for his needs, all of them, even for a shoestring when it breaks.” (Tirmidhi 3604)

Sometimes we hesitate, thinking our needs are “too minor” to bring before our Lord.

But who else is it that will provide for you if not Allāh سبحانه و تعالى?

A’isha رضي الله عنها said,

“Ask Allāh for everything, even shoelaces, because if Allāh does not make it easy for you to obtain it, you will not obtain it.”

Even for something as insignificant as a broken shoelace, remember that Allāh is the One who provides, and He is near.

“Or who is it that will provide for you if He withholds His provision?” (Qur’an 67:21)

What’s amazing is that Allāh has made Himself directly accessible to us. We don’t need any intermediaries to reach Him.

Whenever the people asked the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ questions, Allāh would respond by saying, “Say [O Muhammad]...”

But when they asked about Allāh Himself, the response was personal:

“When My servants ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about Me: I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me.” (Qur’an 2:186)

So ask Only Allāh for all the things that you want in your life.


25 Oct, 17:58

#Aqeedah Series - Post 2
- Importance of Aqeedah


24 Oct, 15:53

Al-Hussain bin Aḥmad Al-Shirazi said: When Ahmad bin Mansūr Al-Hafidh died, a man came to my father and said:

I saw him (Aḥmad bin Mansūr) in a dream while he was in the mihrab standing in the mosque of Shiraz, wearing a robe, and on his head was a crown decorated with jewels, so I said: What did Allāh do with you?

He said: He forgave me and honoured me.

I said: Due to what?

He said: Due to the excessive blessings I sent upon the Messenger of Allāh ‎ﷺ.


24 Oct, 06:43

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said:

وكلما ازداد العبد في البدع اجتهاداً ازداد من الله بُعداً،
The more a servant increases in striving in innovations, the further he becomes from Allāh,

لأنها تخرجه عن سبيل الله؛
Because they take him out of the path of Allāh;

سبيل الذين أنعم الله عليهم من النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين
The path of those upon whom Allāh has bestowed favor, from the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous,

إلى بعض سبيل المغضوب عليهم والضالين.
To a part of the path of those who have earned Allāh's anger and those who have gone astray.

مجموع الفتاوى (49/19)


23 Oct, 05:51

A Supplication for Our Brothers and Sisters in Palestine from the Prophet’s Mosque

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله


23 Oct, 05:46

O Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Most Just, envelop our brothers and sisters in Palestine with Your protection. O Allāh, grant them strength, patience, and steadfastness in the face of their trials. Ease their suffering, comfort their hearts, and fill them with hope. O Allāh, safeguard their homes, families, and land, and grant them victory over the oppressors and those who transgress. Let Your mercy descend upon them, and grant them a peace that only You can bestow.

O Allāh, raise their ranks in Jannah, reward them for their perseverance, and relieve them of every pain and difficulty. Unite the hearts of the Ummah in support of them, and make us among those who aid and remember them in our prayers. Ameen.

O Allāh, deal with the Jews who spread corruption and oppress our brothers and sisters in Palestine. O Allāh, destroy their plans, weaken their strength, and bring down their tyranny. Scatter them and leave them powerless against the believers. O Allah, expose their plots and remove their control over the oppressed.

O Allāh , they have orphaned the children, so orphan their children. O Allāh , they have widowed the women, so widow their women. O Allāh , they have killed the men, women, children, and elderly, so kill their men, women, children, and elderly. O Allāh, they have burned the Muslims, so burn them with a tormenting fire before the Fire that is promised for them.

O Allāh , cleanse the land of Palestine from their oppression and grant victory to the people of truth. Ameen.


23 Oct, 05:41

Who Truly Supports the Palestinians? 🇵🇸

‎Shaykh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī حفظه الله:

‎I am amazed at what is taking place out there and how some people are exploiting the wounds of our brothers.

‎The Takfīrīs have found a wide scope for the return of their corrupt and false ideology, such as declaring takfīr of the Ummah in general except those who agree with them, and declaring takfīr of every specific individual who disagrees with them.

‎And as for the partisans who use religion as a tool and use pretending to cry over the wounds of our people in Palestine as a means, then their activities have resumed in spreading their ideology.

‎Also, liars have taken the current events a means to practice their lies against countries and individuals.

‎Then there are infiltrators who are trying to divide the members of the Ummah and are inciting rotten fanaticism.

‎And there are those who are holding others accountable and rebuking them at inappropriate times.

‎No one can truly support our brothers in Palestine, feel their wounds and suffer for their pain except the honest and sincere ones who want that which is with Allāh, each according to his own field and that which Allāh has granted him. And they are - all praise is for Allāh- many in this Ummah.

‎I wish my people knew.

Translator: Yasar A. Rahman
‎[TN] - Title is mine.


21 Oct, 13:41

Do not let your resolve weaken with the mirage of false hopes, and transform your words into actions. “Greatly hateful in the sight of Allah is that you say what you do not do.”

‏لا تُضعفوا هممكم بسراب الآمال، وحوِّلوا الأقوال إلى أعمال، ﴿كَبُرَ مَقۡتًا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَن تَقُولُوا۟ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ﴾.


21 Oct, 04:59

The Truth You’re Avoiding

You're so quick to forward an Islamic quote or a hadith the second you see it. But have you stopped to ask yourself, “Am I living this? Have I even applied a fraction of it in my own life?”
You think you’re collecting rewards by spreading it around, but what good is passing on the truth when you haven’t bothered to live it? Sharing for the sake of appearances is just feeding your ego.

Stop. Reflect. Digest it.

Let it transform you before you push it onto others. Because, honestly, forwarding without action? It’s just empty.



19 Oct, 14:41

Formula for Having a Peaceful Home

Abu Dardā said to his wife Umm Dardā (رضي الله عنهما),

“If I become angry, then try to please me. If you become angry, then I will try to please you. Were we not to act this way, how quickly would we be separated!”

📓[Rawḍat al-‘Uqalā’, 41]


18 Oct, 16:11

The Beauty and Sweetness of the Morning and Evening Supplications: Don’t Neglect This Great Blessing!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi
حَفِظَهُ اللَّهُ


18 Oct, 16:11

Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رَحِمَهُ الله said:

The Qur'ān is a cure for what is in (people’s) chests; it removes whatever the devil has cast inside them of surreptitious suggestions, lusts and desires, and corrupt wants and wishes. So it is a medicine for what the devil has brought about (evil) effects inside (people's hearts).

📓—[Ighaathah al-Lahfan, 1/181]


18 Oct, 01:46

If you want Allāh to bless you ten times, remove ten of your sins, and elevate you ten degrees, send blessings upon the Prophet ‎ﷺ once.

If you want Allāh to bless you a hundred times, remove a hundred of your sins, and elevate you a hundred degrees, send blessings upon the Prophet ‎ﷺ ten times.

And so on, whenever you send blessings upon him ‎ﷺ, multiply it by ten without any limit.

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said:

“Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will bless him ten times, remove ten of his sins, and elevate him ten degrees.”

And this is not specific to Fridays, but on Fridays, it is more virtuous.


17 Oct, 15:56

Imām ash-Shaafi‘ī رَحِمَهُ الله:

“From misery is that you love, but the one you love, loves another…”

‎[ديوان الإمام الشافعي]—📓


15 Oct, 00:50



14 Oct, 16:35

Some poor people came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said:

“The wealthy people will get higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment, and they offer prayer like us and observe fast as we do. They have more money by which they perform the Hajj and Umrah, fight and struggle in Allāh's Cause and give in charity.”

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

“Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would overtake you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same.

Say Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar thirty-three times each after every (compulsory) prayer.”

📓— [Sahih Bukhari 843 | Sahih Muslim 595 & 1347]


14 Oct, 07:10



14 Oct, 06:36

Links of some beneficial WhatsApp Channels:

1. Ilmsquad https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9cEew7j6g5h8mwYB2M

2. Ilmsquad Urdu https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaZunu1AO7RIH4BhJn2n

3. Majaalis Ul Ulama https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaiC6bu5K3zX2UdCxq2B

4. Scholarly Answers https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VafQIWQBKfi821d4F32K

5. Ulama Insights https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VamMlqGFsn0YXmh2OD1t

6. Tawheed Untangled

7. Trove of Gems

8. Adhkaar and Ad'iyah


13 Oct, 16:18

Thinking Negatively of Allāh is a Major Sin | Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al Badr حَفِظَهُ اللَّهُ


13 Oct, 16:15

Having good thoughts of Allāh | Shaykh Hammad al Ateeq حفظه الله


12 Oct, 18:05

If you find yourself in confusion then adhere to seeking forgiveness (istighfar). Indeed, by seeking forgiveness, Allaah opens up the way for the slave.

[Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-‘Uthaymeen (rahimahullah),
Sharh al-Kafeeya ash-Shafeeya, 3/189]


11 Oct, 00:42

Friday Checklist 📝

1. Taking a bath (ghusl).
2. Applying perfume.
3. Wearing the best clothes.
4. Using the miswak (tooth-stick).
5. Going early to the mosque, listen sermon attentively.
6. Frequently sending blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ.
7. Reciting Surah Al-Kahf.
8. Seeking the hour of acceptance (of supplications).
9. Pray for oppressed muslims across the globe


10 Oct, 14:02

It will draw you closer to the Prophet

‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ood that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:

“The closest of people to me on the Day of Resurrection will be those who sent the most blessings upon me.”  

📖(Jāmi at Tirmidhī, 484)

Imām Nawawi states, “Nearest to me” signifies “those who are most entitled to my intercession”.

It helps your Duaa get accepted

Umar Ibn Khattab  رضي الله عنه said,

“Duaa is suspended between heaven and earth and none of it is taken up until you send blessings upon your Prophet ﷺ”.

📖 At-Tirmidhi | al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (2035)

May the peace and blessings of Allah ﷻ be upon our Noble and Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.


10 Oct, 14:02

Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al Uthaymīn رحمه الله said:

“From the rights of the Prophet ‎ﷺ is to increase in sending Peace and Blessings upon him; and he is not in need of it.

But rather, it is you who is in need of the reward of sending Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet. This is because if you send Peace and Blessings upon the Messenger once, Allāh will send blessings upon you ten times.”

📖 [Sharh Riyad as saliheen 5/175]