Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3 @abuousayd_mp3 Channel on Telegram

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3


Series and lectures by the UNAPOLOGETIC BASED DAE’E, Brother Abu Ousayd. (Not Affiliated with Abu Ousayd)

مَا كَانَ لله بَقِي
Whatever is done for the sake of Allah, will remain.

Promotional Article for Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3 Telegram Channel (Arabic)

أهلا وسهلا بكم في قناة Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3 على تيليجرام! هذه القناة مخصصة لنشر سلاسل ومحاضرات الداعية الملهم والمبتكر، الأخ أبو أسعد. يمكنكم الآن الاستماع وتحميل مقاطع MP3 لأحدث المحاضرات التي تقدمها الداعية أبو أسعد بطريقة مريحة وسهلة عبر تيليجرام. مهما كانت موضوعات المحاضرات، ستجدون في هذه القناة الإلهام والتحفيز لتطوير أنفسكم وتعزيز إيمانكم. بفضل هذه القناة، بإمكانكم الاستفادة من تعاليم الإسلام والاستماع إلی العظات والنصائح التي تقدمها أبو أسعد بشكل يومي. انضموا الآن إلى هذه القناة لاكتشاف عالم جديد من المعرفة والحكمة! مع Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3، ستكونون على تواصل دائم مع شخصية دينية ملهمة وبناءة.

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

12 Feb, 00:04

Valentines Day is a pagan holiday MUSLIMS BEWARE !!

Valentine's Day has pagan origins in the festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated in ancient Rome on February 15. Lupercalia was a fertility festival that involved animal sacrifice, whipping, and matchmaking. 

How Lupercalia was celebrated

-Men stripped naked and sacrificed a goat and dog 
-Young boys whipped young women with strips of hide from the sacrificed animals 
-Young women placed their names in an urn, and bachelors chose a name to be paired with that woman for the year Young

We as Muslims are to reject kufr and shirk, we are not to celebrate the festivals of the kuffar, as the Messenger (saw) said,

"Whoever imitates a people is one of them"

#shirk #valentinesday #kufr #islam

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

07 Feb, 06:22

Yesterday, I posted a picture of the murderer Netanyahu next to the fire. (May Allah make him of its inhabitants)

Today, they responded with this!

Somebody buy them a tissue........
#israel #IDF #gaza #unitedstates

Aussie terrorist makes a chilling admission https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14370013/Sydney-terror-Wissam-Haddan.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

07 Feb, 01:14

What a kind, caring psycho he is.....
Let's kick them out of their own country and give them a nice house.

I have a better idea, why don't you take all the Israelis to the U.S house them there in nice houses, let the Palestinians live in the stolen houses that the Israels took, and when Gaza is built, allow the Israelis back, and the Gazans back.....

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Feb, 22:45

32. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Types of Lands | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Feb, 10:31

In Islam, doing past good deeds doesn't excuse serious wrongdoings and open misguidance...

By this standard, Iblis is ok. He did a lot of good before disobeying Allah that first time, but he was cursed to the end of times after that disobedience, and his past deeds did not save him!

Understand the Deen from the Deen, not from your logic. May Allah guide us and forgive us. Ameen

-Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Feb, 09:38


Inshaallah the channel will host a mix of Podcasts, as well as lectures and Khutbah given by Abu Ousayd


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Feb, 08:42


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

04 Feb, 01:28

Maybe instead of using taxpayer money to fly helicopters over suburbs that are predominantly Jewish in the hunt for 'Antisemitism' instead of investing 8 million dollars in rebuilding a Jewish museum, invest it in stopping animals like this hiding amongst the police force.......

Stop pointing fingers at the Muslim community when obviously you need to be pointing it at yourselves!!

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

02 Feb, 21:51

A small reminder for me and you from our beloved brother حفظه الله

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

02 Feb, 08:48

31. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | The Prophet that was Sent to You | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

02 Feb, 01:00

AFTER THE LAST VIDEO @aussiemammoth released two more reels that contradict our conversation and promotes the kufr of interfaith and misguidance! The Muslim community needs to shun him, those shuykh around him should advise him and he should not be given leeway as his video is misguiding the community, he need to openly retract and distances himself from the vids by deleting them if he does not he proves he is a liar and a fraud!

CRITICISM WITHOUT WARNING? – ABU OUSAYD https://abuousayd.com/2023/08/05/criticism-without-warning/

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

01 Feb, 00:20


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

28 Jan, 23:07


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

28 Jan, 06:09

"You can either live to please the 8 billion people living on this earth or you can have mercy on yourself and only live to please Allah, the One the Sublime" - Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

26 Jan, 06:10

30. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | ihsan | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

26 Jan, 06:07


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

26 Jan, 06:06

Free Sister Aafia | Friday Khutbah | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

23 Jan, 12:25

This is a snapshot taken from a recent article

Antisemitism Australia: What is section 93z and what is Chris Minns proposing? https://search.app/jqV7HwNxHX6nnD2c9

Ustadh Abu Ousayd who is featured in this article commented,

"Why is it that our community is always "late to come to the party" (halal one, of course) stop thinking you're second class citizens, and they will stop treating you as such!

Allah (swt) honoured us with Islam and made us leaders stop acting like slaves.....!!!"

This was in reference to calling on the Muslim community to be proactive regarding laws being pushed, laws that maybe determined via his current court case, the outcome may determine if it will be illegal to quote the Quran and Sunnah where it references the Jews.

This is in no way telling Muslims to be involved in law making, but rather having Muslims come out and say Allah has given us the right to speak, and no one will stop that!

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

22 Jan, 04:37

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; and whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; and whenever he is entrusted, he betrays (proves to be dishonest)" Bukhari.

Who comes to mind when you read this Hadith, who has lied multiple times, who has broken multiple promises and pledges, who has betrayed the people of Sham and has not implemented the Shariah.....

Those who have emaan and intellect know the answer, and those led by desire and false hopes are blinded

"Verily it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts!"

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

22 Jan, 04:26


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

21 Jan, 23:37

Imam Ibn Al Qayyim رحمه الله تعالى رحمة واسعة said, in Ahkām Ahl ash-Dhimmah [1/294]:

‎“Whoever congratulates someone for committing a sin, an innovation, or disbelief — has exposed themselves to Allah’s Wrath and Displeasure. The people of piety among the scholars used to avoid congratulating oppressors for their positions of power or congratulating the ignorant for appointments to positions of judgment, teaching, or issuing legal verdicts, out of fear of Allah’s Wrath and falling from His grace. However, if a person is tested with such circumstances, so he engages with them in order to avert harm they expect from them, and they only speak good words and pray for their guidance and success, then there is no harm in doing so. And with Allah lies All Success.”

‎Some important points:

‎Some with diseased hearts will use the tail end of this statement as a carte blanche to what Jawlani (or any sellout government — Saudi, UAE, Afghanistan, etc) has done, citing either international protocol, necessity, with some morons even going as far as to claim this is some 5-D chess move.

‎The application of this statement is with regards to those whose authority you will fall under, whether in the capacity of Oppressive governors, or appointed Judges/Muftis, or appointed teachers  (just as Ibn al-Qayyim mentions) — none of which apply to America. After mentioning these scenarios, the Imam said, and if he is “tested with SUCH,” thus clearly qualifying the extent of his statement.

‎Now the question arises — what’s the Hukm of congratulating a Taghut for being elected as such, via a process of Shirk?

‎If your response is that “America has authority over the situation in Syria,” then please don’t get mad when people call the incumbent regime a Taghūt or a puppy dog of America. Unless you think America having authority in the lands, can be simultaneous with the Shari’ah being the absolute law of the land?

‎Rather, one is a Taghūt who strives to spread Shirk within the lands, and one is The Pure Shari’ah of the Lord of The Worlds. They can’t, and won’t ever coexist. Understand that.

‎Arabic Quote:

فمن هنَّأ عبدًا بمعصيةٍ أو بدعةٍ أو كفرٍ فقد تعرَّض لمقتِ الله وسخطه، وقد كان أهل الورع من أهل العلم يتجنَّبون تهنئةَ الظَّلمَة بالولايات، وتهنئةَ الجهَّال بمنصب القضاء والتدريس والإفتاء، تجنبًا لمقت الله وسقوطهم من عينه. وإن بُلِي الرجل بذلك فتعاطاه دفعًا لشرٍّ يتوقَّعه منهم، فمشى إليهم ولم يقل إلا خيرًا، ودعا لهم بالتوفيق والتسديد = فلا بأس بذلك، وبالله التوفيق.

Via -Project Guiding Light

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

20 Jan, 18:40

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3 pinned an audio file

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

17 Jan, 09:29



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

15 Jan, 08:57

29. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Actions from Eman | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

15 Jan, 04:56


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

14 Jan, 22:24


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

14 Jan, 03:41

For years, you have been burning not only our lands but our people, Muslims have been feeling your fire for years, yet today you burn!

Yet this fire has no comparison to the Hellfire that is awaiting those who disbelieve,

"And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers" (Q3:131)

May Allah (swt) protect the Muslims in the US.

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

11 Jan, 23:28



Petition · FREE DR AAFIA SIDDIQUI: A CALL FOR JUSTICE AND CLEMENCY - United Kingdom · Change.org https://search.app/RRbU4HyD5pWRFQj98

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

09 Jan, 03:30

TAKEN FROM THE LECTURE SERIES 'THE THREE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF ISLAM' https://rumble.com/v66qpus-the-3-fundamental-principles-of-islam-26-five-pillars-ustadh-abu-ousayd.html

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

08 Jan, 22:55

28. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Five Pillars | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

07 Jan, 23:50


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

06 Jan, 08:52

27. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Muhammad ﷺ is the prophet | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

06 Jan, 00:25

Of those things that Islam seeks to eradicate is nationalism.

To remove all borders that separate its people and gather them under one Islamic Khilafah, one state!

Under this state, if anyone was asked where you are from, as this child was, you will get the same unified answer "I am from the State."

Islam is a divine ideology, a divine way of life sent by the creator to creation. Without it, we will never be able to eradicate oppression, nationalism, tribalism, and racism. But most importantly, borders that separate us!

May Allah (swt) free our woman and children from Al-Hol camps, if not externally, then from with in, from the children who will grow up to be men!

- Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

06 Jan, 00:25

This is a snippet taken from a two minute video reported by @xwars_

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

31 Dec, 23:33


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

30 Dec, 18:47


There is a famous story about one of the salaf, he had a list of people he use to make duaa for, I believe it was 300 names.

Every night, he would light up his candle and make duaa for them by name, all 300 of them! One night, he was tired and slept.... in his sleep, he heard a voice saying, "O companion of the candle, O so and so who used to light his candle, get up"

He immediately got up and made duaa for his list of 300....

What does this have to do with this picture? Sometimes, when we hear these stories, we think people like this do not exist anymore, but by Allah, they do, this sacrifice was done on my behalf by two brothers who heard of my struggles and made a sacrifice for Allah sake.

May Allah reward them immensely, may Allah forgive them of all their short comings, relieve from them their struggles, increase them in all that is good in this dunya, and the next, may Allah enter them into his Jannah, and may He (ta'aala) be pleased with them and accept from them.....

Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

مَا مِنْ عَبْدٍ مُسْلِمٍ يَدْعُو لأَخِيهِ بِظَهْرِ الْغَيْبِ إِلاَّ قَالَ الْمَلَكُ وَلَكَ بِمِثْلٍ

No Muslim servant supplicates for his brother behind his back but that the angel says: And for you the same.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2732, Grade: Sahih


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

30 Dec, 18:46


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

29 Dec, 09:14

Random conversion with a Orthodox Jewish Rabbi - Zionists are atheist!


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

26 Dec, 12:41

26. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Conditions of the Shahadah | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

25 Dec, 18:28


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

19 Dec, 08:58


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

18 Dec, 00:23

#alhumdulilah // On the way back from court..... may Allah reward everyone for their Duaa and support, understand that this fight is bigger than me, it's about the right to quote from the Quran and Sunnah

Any Daee or shaykh that misses this point is in for a shock in the near future #allahulmusta3aan

- Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

18 Dec, 00:09

The above two posts by the two shuyukh have been posted to encourage thought. Although it is not the words of our Ustadth, it gives an indication of the reality of what is taking place in Syria, that it is multi sided.

A Muslim should only come to a conclusion when he has examined all sides of a particular issue, while comparing them to the text.

All sides, opinions and comments must conform to the only two sources of legislation in Islam, the Quran and Sunnah.

Anything outside of that is following desires.


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

17 Dec, 21:39

Remember, my Muslim brother:

Replacing an unjust Taghut (tyrant) with a just Taghut makes the oppressed, the subjugated, and the people of Imaan happy, just as the Companions رضوان الله عليهم rejoiced at the victory of the Romans over the Persians, two nations of Shirk (polytheism) and Kufr (disbelief).

However the Muwahhid (monotheistic) Muslim, who disbelieves in the Taghut , declares him to be a disbeliever, disowns him, opposes him, declares animosity towards him, and fights him will only truly rejoice when the Islamic State is established upon the path of Prophethood, that implements the Islamic Shari’ah and appoints a Caliph that is obeyed, whether he is righteous or wicked, disobedient or unjust.

The uniqueness of the system of the Islamic State is that any Muslim can and has the right to bring forth a complaint, as a plaintiff to the judiciary of grievances (Qudat Al-Mazalim) against the Caliph or whoever represents him from his ministers and governors.

It is forbidden for the Muslim in the Islamic State to revolt against an unjust Caliph as long as he implements the Shari’ah, unless he (Caliph) manifests disbelief, based on the saying of the Prophet ‎ﷺ‎ , “Obey him even if he flays your back and takes your money...", because in the Shari’ah, precedence is always given to preserving the Deen (religion) over preserving lives and money.

Consider the following narration; 'Ubadah bin As-Samit رضي الله عنه reported:
“We swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) to hear and obey; in time of difficulty and in prosperity, in hardship and in ease, to endure being discriminated against and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except in case of evident disbelief regarding which there is a proof from Allah. We swore allegiance to Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) to say what was right wherever we were, and not to fear blame of any blamer. [Bukhari and Muslim].

So, my Muslim brother, be vigilant to distinguish the reality of the current nationalistic revolutions masquerading as Islamic revolutions from the Khilafah system. Allah has obligated the Ummah to rise up against the tyrant who rules by other than what Allah has revealed, whether he is just, a criminal or an aggressor, and to establish the Shari’ah of Allah. Be mindful of the fact that it is Islam that has obligated the Ummah to rise up against the tyrant who attacks with disbelief and injustice and has forbidden the Ummah to rise up against a Caliph, because it is tantamount to rising up against the Shari’ah and the entire Islamic Ummah.

So, it is prohibited to revolt against a Caliph or his representatives with the sword, when we have a complaint against them, unless explicit Kufr (disbelief) is apparent.

So be careful.

Your brother/ Omar bin Bakri - Abu Farooq

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

17 Dec, 21:37

Allahu Akbar! Walhamdulillahil lathee bi ni'matihi tatimmus saalihaat!

Every Muslim feels immense joy upon the overthrow of any Tāghūt, even if the change is led by another Tāghūt.

Ibn Kathīr stated that Allah deals with the oppressors by allowing some to dominate others, bringing about the destruction of some through others, and taking vengeance upon them through each other, as recompense for their injustice and transgressions.

This joy is particularly pronounced when witnessing the release of innocent Muslim prisoners, especially our sisters, and the restoration of rights to individuals, including their homes, lands, and cities. However, our deepest joy is found only when the pure Sharī’ah of Allah is fully implemented across the territories.

The retreat of the enemy from a town and the fall of its Tāghūt is not considered a Shar’ī “liberation” until the country is governed by the Laws of Allah and the secular laws that have hindered the implementation of these Divine Laws are eliminated.

Replacing a rusted Tāghūt with a polished Tāghūt who doesn't implement the pure Sharī’ah of Allah cannot be considered “liberation” or “freedom”. Rather, it's merely a repetition of oppression and a reproduction of Tughyān.

Liberating territories in the name of "freedom" may lead to some vanishing worldly benefits, whereas liberating lands to establish Sharī’ah is the goal that will grant one a Jannah more expansive than both heaven and earth.

Today, we express our gratitude to Allah for allowing us to witness the decline of one of the most prominent oppressors of our time. We pray that Allah fills our hearts with joy as we observe the demise of the remaining tyrants, enabling us to live under the shade of Tawheed in those areas, under the governance of the pure righteous Muwahideen.

Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jmd. II 6, 1446 AH

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

15 Dec, 11:14



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

15 Dec, 07:29

Coming soon!
Exclusive interview with @yusufbridgeman
Will be uploaded shortly

YOUTUBE: Muslim Unapologetic

Hosted by Abu Ousayd

#syria #shariah #assad #hts

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

13 Dec, 07:41

Australia's Struggle for Justice_ External Pressures Exposed

taken from the New Episode


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

13 Dec, 06:54

25. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | 3 Levels of Belief | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

13 Dec, 03:38

The reason why tricks work so well is they distract you with one hand while the other hand is at play........

And the best magicians of our times are the Israelis, look at Hamas then they attack Gaza, look at Gaza then they take land in the the West Bank, look at Syria then they take the Golan Heights

And every magician has an assistant, and Israels' assistant is the mainstream media!

But if we as an Ummah are with Allah (swt), as Musa (as) was, then the trick will be exposed and broken, and every magician will be defeated

".....what they have made is no more than a magic trick. And magicians can never succeed wherever they go.” (20:69)

#Israelis #Israel #Zionists #Zionist #zion #greaterisrael
#gaza #ummah

-Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

12 Dec, 11:41


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

12 Dec, 10:19


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

11 Dec, 04:57


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

10 Dec, 12:39

Assalamu Alaikum,

Our community is under attack. A Friday sermon, quoting the Quran, has led to legal proceedings that aim to silence our voices and restrict our rights as Muslims in Australia.

This case is about more than one individual—it threatens the freedoms of all faith-based communities. If successful, it could set a dangerous precedent, limiting what we are allowed to preach, discuss, and teach from our deen.

We cannot let this happen. This is an organised effort to suppress Muslim voices and erode the liberties that allow us to practice Islam openly. If we don’t act now, our ability to speak and live by our faith will be under greater threat.

Read and sign this statement to take a stand. Together, we must send a strong message: we will not be silenced, and our faith is not up for negotiation.


May Allah guide us and protect our community.

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

09 Dec, 01:26

^^ The U.S are the biggest criminals and supporters of criminals, yet they dictate who is a terrorist and who is not!

- Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

22 Nov, 00:44

The U.S. Vetoe and rejection to acknowledge the ICC arrest warrant of the butcher Netanyahu only proves what we have known all along........

The biggest terrorist and supporter of terrorism on earth is no other than the United States!

Radicalisation comes directly from the actions of the United States!

Be it invasions of Muslim lands, "war on terror," and in this case supporting a genocide!

Now, look back into history, and you will understand clearly why certain Jihadi fronts took the U.S. as an open enemy.

Someone tell Bush we have found WEAPONS OF MASS HYPOCRISY - and it is Made in the USA


#iraq #Afghanistan #iraq2.0 #syria #waronterror #weaponsofmassdestruction #genocide #trump #gaza

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

20 Nov, 12:09

22. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Accepted Worship | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

20 Nov, 08:26


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

17 Nov, 10:17

#bismillah // Yesterday, I did my first ever video interview with @abcaustralia / FOUR CORNERS.

They came out firing with everything they had. From accusations to fabrications, not to mention misinformation!

But #alhumdulilah Allah kept me firm, and like with everything, always keep a backup plan!

The entire interview was recorded, or should I say their entire interrogation was recorded, so once they air the episode, with all their twists and turns, snippets, and words out of contexts, I will make the #RAW recordings public!

Let the community decide #fearless #forensic #islam #nocompromises

STAY TUNED! @unapologetic_nett

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

15 Nov, 18:45

21. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Dua is Worship | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

15 Nov, 09:32


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

13 Nov, 07:50


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

13 Nov, 07:47


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

13 Nov, 05:08

Taking my trolling up another level......

Someone may ask why..... well, for these types of videos I make, I hope that the Muslims smile, I hope they see that we can give it back and not just be a punching bag, I hope that it shows we shouldn't be so scared, that we should trust in Allah, because he is the best protector!

If this gives someone the strength to say I'm not going to be bullied, then it's a job well done

Plus, I get to say to the other side #dieinyourrage

#gaza #ummah #Muslim #islam #smileitssunnah #sunnah

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

11 Nov, 04:03



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

11 Nov, 04:02



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

11 Nov, 04:00



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

07 Nov, 05:38

BREAKING: My retirement gift to Ray Hadley

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

06 Nov, 08:25

20. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | islam and Eman | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Nov, 23:03


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Nov, 13:25



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

05 Nov, 00:16


May Allah bless and preserve our dear shaykh and senior, shaykh Ahmed Musa Jibril and his team. May Allah elevate their ranks, their support is much appreciated.

This reminds me of the ayah of Allah,

"The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise" (9:71)

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

04 Nov, 06:44

This was the leaked document from the office of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. that I brought to light during my latest podcast. "They sued me" @unapologetic_nett


It lists his biggest financial supporters, one of those is Rupert Murdoch, owner of @newscorpaus @the.australian #foxtel

Credits to @lowkeyonline for first making this public on @piersmorganuncensored


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

03 Nov, 17:12

19. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | The Only Creator Part 2 | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

03 Nov, 04:40


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

02 Nov, 10:16


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

02 Nov, 01:48


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

29 Oct, 05:16

MEDIA RESPONSE #1 // @ecajoz

#gaza #westbank #palestine #davidandgoliath #humanrights #israel #idf #genocide #bully #antibullying

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

28 Oct, 18:35

Friday Khutbah | Shia and Palestine | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

28 Oct, 09:55

HERE WE GO AGAIN #alhumdulilah

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

28 Oct, 02:19

Friday Khutbah | The Majority doesn’t Rule | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

27 Oct, 11:02

18. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | The Only Creator | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

27 Oct, 10:59

17. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | The Grave | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

27 Oct, 10:58

16. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Greatest Commandment | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

26 Oct, 08:50

Imam Ahmad رحمه الله stated:

There will come a time upon people, a believer will be like a stinky carcass (disliked and hated by people around him) among them! And people will point towards Munāfiq (Hypocrite) their fingers (i.e he is a remarkable person) . They will make the commandments of Allah something in which there is no benefit.

When a believer will see an opportunity for commanding good or prohibiting evil, he will not be patient about it till he commands (good) or forbids (evil), but the people will complain that he is doing something which doesn't concern him i.e., there is no benefit in what he is doing!

As for a hypocrite (Munāfiq), whatever he sees, he will not care about it and it will be said about him: What a good person he is , he doesn't intervene in what doesn't concern him."

📖 [Adāb Ash-Shari'ah by Ibn Muflih 1/193]

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

23 Oct, 09:00

15. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Millat ibrahim | Abu Ousayd

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

23 Oct, 08:12


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

19 Oct, 00:11

The two are not equal!

The ones that lived by the Shariah called for it, fought for it, implemented it, and were martyred for it.

They are not the same as the ones that lived, ruled and fought and died for democoracy and nationalism even if they were brave.

Only a fool would make this comparison

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

19 Oct, 00:09

حَدَّثَنَا سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ حَرْبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، عَنْ عَمْرٍو، عَنْ أَبِي وَائِلٍ، عَنْ أَبِي مُوسَى ـ رضى الله عنه ـ قَالَ جَاءَ رَجُلٌ إِلَى النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَقَالَ الرَّجُلُ يُقَاتِلُ لِلْمَغْنَمِ، وَالرَّجُلُ يُقَاتِلُ لِلذِّكْرِ، وَالرَّجُلُ يُقَاتِلُ لِيُرَى مَكَانُهُ، فَمَنْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ قَالَ ‏ "‏ مَنْ قَاتَلَ لِتَكُونَ كَلِمَةُ اللَّهِ هِيَ الْعُلْيَا فَهُوَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ‏"‌‏.‏

Narrated Abu Musa: A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and asked, "A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause."

Sahih al-Bukhari 2810

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

18 Oct, 09:12


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

17 Oct, 11:24


A brother asks:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

“Akhi how would we reply to the doubt some bring basically saying we can have a democracy in an lslamic state but it’s based on a shariah constitution so like how in the US.

it’s democracy but they cannot vote to change the constitution since that’s the foundation, so similarly we could have something like that, But the constitution is shariah basically, And everything can be voted on aslong as it doesn’t go against the shariah.

So, like we can vote to legalise or ban things, etc, I figured I’d ask you for your thoughts on this”


وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Democracy and Islam can never be the same. In Islam, we have the concept of shura, and what is used by the shura to determine outcomes is drawn from the Quran and Sunnah.

Democracy contrary to Islam, has its own system of lawmaking and passing bills and determining outcomes, politicians make the laws derived from their own whims and desires.

In fact Democracy is built on the majority ruling. This is achieved through the voting process.

You will be surprised to know that the idea of the majority rules was a concept that the Khawarij had put forth in order to govern their affairs and that of the people.

After their disagreement with both Ali (ra) and Muawiyyah (ra), and after establishing their administration in Haraura, the Khawarij now declared:

“Bai’ah is meant for Allah the Almighty alone. It is our duty to enjoin the good on the people of the land and forbid the evil.

There is no Caliph or ruler in Isla. After gaining victory, all matters must be settled by mutual consultation of the Muslims, and their *Majority should decide all issues.*

Both Ali and Muawiyyah are at fault.” (The History of Islam Vol.1, page 479.)

So, for those who adopt this view point, and screan democracy, calling it fair and just, or foolishly attributing it to Islam, are more in line with the view of the Khawarij and thier view on governance by majority vote.

Let us not forget it was Abu Bakr (ra) who was alone on his view to fight the Bughaat (rebels), while the majority were saying, “Are you going to fight a people who say Lailahailallah”

Allah (swt) sent Mohammed (saw) with a Shariah and a Minhaj, and whoever strays from it will be doomed!.

And Allah knows best.

-Abu ousayd
14 Rabi Al-Akhir 1446H

Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

16 Oct, 01:10


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

14 Oct, 09:55


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

14 Oct, 01:51


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

11 Oct, 10:20


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

10 Oct, 09:17



Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

09 Oct, 04:36


Abu Ousayd Lectures MP3

08 Oct, 07:10

14. The 3 Fundamental Principles of islam | Love and Hate for the Sake of Allah | Abu Ousayd