Fr. John Whiteford @archpriestjohnwhiteford Channel on Telegram

Fr. John Whiteford


Articles and Sermons by Fr. John Whiteford

Articles and Sermons by Fr. John Whiteford (English)

Are you looking for insightful articles and sermons on faith and spirituality? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Fr. John Whiteford'! Run by the esteemed Archpriest John Whiteford, this channel is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration for all those seeking to deepen their understanding of Christian teachings. Fr. John Whiteford, known for his insightful and thought-provoking content, shares his expertise on a wide range of topics, including theology, morality, and the teachings of the Orthodox Church. Whether you are a devout follower of the faith or simply curious about exploring spiritual matters, this channel is the perfect place to expand your knowledge and strengthen your faith. Join the community of like-minded individuals who gather on this channel to engage in meaningful discussions, ask questions, and gain a deeper insight into the teachings of the Orthodox Church. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be inspired and enlightened by the enlightening articles and sermons shared by Fr. John Whiteford. Subscribe to his Telegram channel today and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment!

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:07

20 января 2025 года, в день инаугурации Дональда Трампа, лидер молодежного крыла Республиканской партии США Кэтрин Уайтфорд выступила с обращением, в котором пообещала наказание для всех гонителей Украинской Православной Церкви.

В своем обращении Уайтфорд отметила, что в связи с инаугурацией президента Трампа, «люди полны надежд и с нетерпением ждут быстрых действий от администрации».

«Этот момент является историческим по целому ряду причин, но больше всего я верю, что история запомнит его как момент, когда обычные американские христиане наконец-то набрались сил и вернули себе нашу страну. Это начало конца для деспотического безбожия, которое слишком долго царило на христианском Западе», - сказала она.
По ее словам, «инаугурация Трампа также служит лучом надежды для страдающих христиан по всему миру».

«Особенно это касается православных христиан, чьи преследования представляют ключевой интерес для администрации. Сегодня Соединенные Штаты вновь подтверждают свою роль глобального защитника христиан; мы едины с администрацией в этой миссии, и тираны всего мира поставлены в известность», - подчеркнула Уайтфорд.

«Тем, кто притесняет христиан, особенно тем, кто преследует верующих Украинской православной церкви, УПЦ, я хотела бы передать это послание: Возмездие грядет. Если вы прекратите гонения и покаетесь сейчас, вы можете избавить себя от грядущего правосудия, но времени мало», - заявила политик.

В конце обращения она обратилась к верующим православным Украины: «Православні українці, вірні УПЦ, нічого не бійтеся! Господь з вами, ваш час скоро прийде! (Православные украинцы, верные УПЦ, ничего не бойтесь! Господь с вами, ваше время скоро придет!). Спасибо вам, и да благословит Господь Америку».

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:06

◾️This is what the classic “spiritual independence” that lobbyists for the destruction of the UOC want to arrange looks like.

According to our information, a cafe was arranged in Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 3 instead of a church.

Where the Sacrament of the Eucharist was performed, where hospital patients prayed, now they brew and serve espresso.

For 22 years, this building housed the UOC Church of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg. The parish cherished and cared for its shrine.
Patients-believers of the UOC could always come to pray, participate in the Sacraments, and ask for help from a priest.

On the night of February 10, 2022, the hospital management, dominated by OCU activists, closed the temple and removed all church utensils.
At the scene of their crime, they made a cafe.

It is more suitable for these neo-Bolshevik times.


Source of the info.

Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:06



Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:05

Catherine Whiteford from under the walls of the White House addressed the Orthodox Christians of Ukraine and the persecutors of the UOC, and also spoke about the upcoming changes in the policy of the new administration towards Christians.

«I've been here in Washington DC for the last several days for the inauguration of President Trump. The atmosphere is electric, people are full of hope, and excited to see swift action from the administration. This moment is historic for a number of reasons, but more than anything I believe history will remember this as the moment when everyday American Christians finally had enough and took our country back, it is the beginning of the end for the illiberal godlessness which has reigned for too long in the Christian West.

Trump's inauguration also serves as a ray of hope for suffering Christians around the world. This is especially true for Orthodox Christians, whose persecution is an issue of key interest to the administration. Today, the United States reaffirms once more its role as the global defender of Christians; we are united behind the administration in this mission, and the tyrants of the world are being put on notice.

To those oppressing Christians, especially to those who are persecuting the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the UOC, I would like to deliver this message: Retribution is coming. If you stop the persecution and repent now, you may spare yourselves from the coming justice, but time is short.

To the faithful Orthodox of Ukraine:
Православні українці, вірні УПЦ, нічого не бійтеся! Господь з вами, ваш час скоро прийде!

Orthodox Ukrainians, faithful to the UOC, fear nothing! The Lord is with you, your time will come soon!

Thank you, and God bless America»


Source of the info.

Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:05

🇬🇧"Retribution is coming. If you stop persecuting and repent now, you may avoid judgment. But there is not much time left."❗️

🇺🇦«Відплата гряде. Якщо ви припините переслідування і покаєтеся зараз, можливо, уникните суду. Але часу лишилось небагато»❗️

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:04

🇺🇸🕊📹 — Families and supporters sing National Anthem for J6 Detaonees outside of DC Jail after President Trump issued pardons.

🔗 Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY)

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:02

Donald Trump has signed an executive order halting all U.S aid to Ukraine for 90 days.

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:01

«Інавгурація Трампа також служить променем надії для страждаючих християн по всьому світу. Особливо це стосується православних християн, чиї переслідування є ключовим інтересом для адміністрації.

Сьогодні Сполучені Штати знову підтверджують свою роль глобального захисника християн; ми єдині з адміністрацією в цій місії, і тирани всього світу були поставлені до відома.

Тим, хто гнобить християн, особливо тим, хто переслідує вірних Української Православної Церкви, УПЦ, я хотіла б передати це послання: Відплата наближається. Якщо ви припините гоніння і покаєтеся зараз, ви можете позбутися від майбутнього правосуддя, але часу мало.

Православні українці, вірні УПЦ, нічого не бійтеся! Господь з вами, ваш час скоро прийде!

Дякую вам, і нехай благословить Господь Америку!»

Лідер молодіжного крила Республіканської партії США Кетрін Уайтфорд.

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:00

He has been found murdered in the Akkar plains.

The perpetrators were reportedly arrested however there's no evidence for their arrest unlike that of the "shabiha".

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 13:00

🇸🇾 🇸🇾 - Ghazi Elias Maqdisi from Mishtaye in the Valley of the Christians is missing.

It's suspected that Talkalakh Martyrs Brigade, a sectarian local jihadi group now incorporated into HTS responsible for many kidnappings is responsible. It's worth noting HTS never disbanded the extremist groups; they simply integrated them.

If anyone has information on his whereabouts please send.

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 12:59

🇸🇾 - More footage from Hawash University protests, showing HTS jihadist militants guarding the protestors (meaning everything that was said had their approval and protection) as well as the Islamic call to prayer played.

There is a push to close the university.

These Islamist settlers came years ago as refugees, today they're turning on their Christian neighbors that accepted them. The world must learn from this.

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 12:59

🚨🇸🇾 Valley of the Christians: From local Valley Christian woman to journalist Iyad Sharbaji:
📌 They are saying they opened [invaded] the Christian university to Islam
📌 My daughter's fellow Sunni students at university were nice with her before but now treat them with hate & snobbishness, today they entered with heavily armed HTS militants
📌 The Valley of the Christians had welcomed them & they didn't see anything bad from us
📌 How are we supposed to feel after all this provocation?

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 12:58

🇸🇾 🇸🇾 - Salafi settlers in Al Hawash university (Christian village with zero historical Sunni presence) chant "how many car bombs did we send?", an old nasheed.

Historically HTS in its previous incarnations (Al Qaeda in Iraq, Islamic State of Iraq, Al Nusra) were responsible for suicide bombings throughout Syria and Iraq in the 2000s and 2010s; many against Christians.

Note it's sung in a SAUDI tune and dialect. The nasheed originates among Saudi origin jihadists.

Fr. John Whiteford

21 Jan, 12:58

🇸🇾 🇸🇾 - Al-Hwash Private University, Valley of the Christians:

Islamist radicals in demonstration, with jihadist Tawhid flags, chanting:

"Our leader forever, our master Muhammad!"

This chant is common among HTS soldiers.

Note that there are no native Muslims in Hawash. These are foreign settlers brought specifically to displace Christians.

Fr. John Whiteford

18 Jan, 04:39

Fr. John Whiteford

18 Jan, 01:43

Br. Nathanael’s views don’t represent ROCOR—new statement from First Hierarch

The First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia issued a statement on Tuesday distancing the jurisdiction from the activities of one of American Orthodoxy’s most eccentric and controversial figures.

Fr. John Whiteford

17 Jan, 05:02

The annual family Christmas photo. Maybe the last one in which I hold GB1.

Fr. John Whiteford

17 Jan, 04:36

The House Blessing Schedule has been posted. Everything on this schedule is tentative, until confirmed with the family in question. If a particular day would work better, let Fr. John know. If you are not listed, suggest a day that will work. If you would like to have your home blessed on the same day as another family or group of families, and then coordinate a meal together, let Fr. John know. If your home has never been blessed before, it can be done any time of the year, so just let Fr. John know when you would like to do it.

Lent comes early this year, so we have fewer days to work with, and so if you try to reschedule at the last minute, we may not be able to do it. So please let me know whether the day you are scheduled will work or not ASAP.

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:26

In March 2024, the UOC was ordered to vacate the Trinity Monastery and Yelets Convent, as well as the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv. The Church challenged this decision.
On January 16, 2025, the Supreme Court of Ukraine ruled in favor of the National Architectural and Historical Reserve "Ancient Chernihiv", rejecting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church's claim regarding the right to use the Yelets Convent in Chernihiv. This was reported by the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine.
The Ministry stressed the importance of adhering to legislation concerning the use of cultural heritage and reminded that the case of the Yelets Convent had been reviewed by courts of various instances.


Source of the info.

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Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:26

🇬🇧Supreme Court denies UOC the right to use Yelets Convent in Chernihiv

🇺🇦Верховний суд відмовив УПЦ у користуванні Єлецьким монастирем у Чернігові

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:26

The State Service of Special Communications, at the request of the SBU, has issued an order for internet providers to block the domain
On January 10, 2025, the State Service of Special Communications issued a directive to electronic communications service providers to block access to the UOJ website in Ukraine.
Providers are required to report the blocking of the resource by notifying the State Service of Special Communications via email. The blocking will remain in effect until the end of martial law or its cancellation. According to the directive, the blocking is being carried out at the request of the SBU.
This marks the fifth time the "Union of Orthodox Journalists" platform has been blocked.
December 16, 2023: The domain was blocked. March 13, 2024: The domain was blocked. September 12, 2024: The domain was blocked. November 15, 2024: The domain was blocked.


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Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:26

🇬🇧Ukrainian authorities block UOJ website for the fifth time

🇺🇦Влада України вп'яте блокує сайт СПЖ

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:26

Oleksandr Tupytskyi described the law effectively banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as unconstitutional, stating that it will eventually be repealed.
Oleksandr Tupytskyi, the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, referred to the law effectively banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) as unconstitutional, stating that it will eventually be repealed.
In an interview with journalist Olga Shariy, Tupytskyi said, “The destruction of Orthodoxy in Ukraine is genocide against the Ukrainian people,” commenting on the situation surrounding the ban of the UOC.
“Even abroad, for example, in Austria, there is a society aimed at uniting Catholics and Orthodox Christians. This demonstrates that even on this level, they do not want hostility. And in my opinion, even the Pope does not approve of the destruction of Orthodoxy in Ukraine. Therefore, I believe this is genocide against the Ukrainian people, particularly Orthodox Ukrainian believers,” he emphasized.
Oleksandr Tupytskyi is convinced that the anti-church Law No. 3894 is unconstitutional and will be repealed, sooner or later.
“It seems that the time will come when everything will fall into place, but today it is impossible. There are no bodies capable of making an independent decision,” the lawyer stated.


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Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:25

🇬🇧CS's former head: The destruction of the UOC is genocide against Ukrainians

🇺🇦Ексглава Конституційного суду: Знищення УПЦ – це геноцид українців

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:25

The OCU leader stated that persecution and oppression of Christians are matters of national security.
On January 14, 2025, the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), Epifaniy Dumenko, met with Japan's Ambassador to Ukraine, Masashi Nakagome, at his residence, the OCU's press service reports.
The meeting addressed Ukraine's fight against Russia's full-scale aggression, the Church's role in society, particularly during the ongoing war, the religious situation in the country, and state-church relations.
Dumenko explained to the ambassador that Ukraine must defend itself not only militarily but also spiritually, as the aggressor state seeks to exploit religion for its criminal objectives.
"Putin wants to maintain the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine as an element to ensure the 'unity' of Russians and Ukrainians. Manipulating sensitive religious topics is easier, which is why we hear claims of 'persecution' and 'oppression.' In reality, this is a matter of national security. Ukraine's laws do not ban any religion but prevent the aggressor state from using religious organizations in the war against Ukraine. This applies to all religious organizations because all are equal before the law. We know Putin’s goal: he has come to destroy us. He does not need people; he needs territories as symbols. However, we are confident in our victory and hope for continued support from our international friends," Dumenko noted.
Masashi Nakagome, in turn, assured the OCU leader of Japan's unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.


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Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:25

🇬🇧Dumenko to Japanese ambassador: There is no persecution of Church in Ukraine

🇺🇦Думенко розповів послу Японії, що в Україні немає гонінь на Церкву

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:25

◾️While the parishioners of the UOC Cathedral of Saints Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia are fighting for their shrine with the Ternopol authorities, local OCU activists are already planning to take away the land.

After the local authorities took away the right of Orthodox Christians to use the land under the cathedral (and by doing so they are trying to interrupt in the holding of divine services), the UOC Ternopol Eparchy filed a lawsuit.
The case has already gone through several instances.

Local theocratic authorities decided not to wait for the court's decision and began to divide the temple territory.

December 3, 2024, the diocese appealed to the Commercial Court with a request to prohibit the city authorities from taking any actions with the cathedral's land.

"The administration requests to prohibit the city council from making any decisions regarding the division, allocation, merger, change of purpose, contribution to the authorized capital, transfer to third parties of the land plot on Konovalets Street, 1. And also to impose an arrest on the land plot, prohibit state registrars of rights to real estate of any bodies from carrying out registration actions regarding alienation in any way."

The court supported the clergy's request and imposed an arrest.

And here activists of the OCU joined the case, who registered a legal entity with the same name as the cathedral.

They hurried to ask the city council to remove their land, supposedly to build a chapel.
And the officials, despite the arrest, handed them over part of the cathedral land.

It is too early to make conclusions, but this whole scheme is somewhat reminiscent of the raider seizure that was carried out in Cherkassy with the cathedral.


Source of the info.

Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:25



Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 20:24

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 15:59

🇸🇾 - Jihadists shoot and deface statue of Christ in Homs.

I thought these people "believed in Jesus" just like us?

Fr. John Whiteford

16 Jan, 15:55

Our next Bible Study will be held Tonight (Thursday, January 16th) at 7:00 p.m. We will be studying the Epistle to the Romans, Chapters 10 and 11, beginning with Romans 10:1. This Bible Study will be held only via Google Meets:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 513-818-3699 PIN: 329 621 388 #

Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 19:46

The New e-Bulletin is now posted:

Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 18:57

Under the leadership of Oleksandr Ruvin, psycholinguistic expert reports were produced that served as the basis for criminal cases against clergy and laity loyal to the UOC.
The Ministry of Justice has introduced a new head of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise (KNISE) – Maksym Kyseliov. The Ministry announced that the contract with the previous director, Oleksandr Ruvin, was not renewed.
Under Ruvin’s leadership, a series of psycholinguistic examinations of texts and videos from UOJ journalists and Archpriest Serhiy Chertylin were conducted at the request of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). These examinations contributed to the initiation of criminal cases, including against UOC hierarchs.
Ruvin’s contract as head of KNIISÉ ended on December 31, 2024. The Ministry of Justice did not specify the reasons for not renewing his contract. Oleksandr Ruvin had headed the institute since 2011. Some Telegram channels have reported that the former director is already abroad and that he is also an Israeli citizen.


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Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 18:57

The culinary show in the Refectory Church of the Kyiv Cave Monastery was one of the high points of sacrilege and mockery of our ancient shrine.

The stuffed cabbage rolls that the odious pagan Klopotenko was spinning became the crown on the outrage that the Soviet reserve is organising in churches.

After this blasphemy, Bishop Theodosius of Ladan wrote a letter to the director of the reserve in the Lavra, Maxim Ostapenko.

The bishop noted that it is absolutely unnatural to perceive the time of the expulsion of monks from the Lavra and the transformation of this shrine into a museum as something positive.

‘That is why the thesis ‘the state is the owner of the church’ is not a source of pride, but only a covered vestige of the totalitarian past.
In those days, the secular state, if it did not destroy some churches, persistently tried to change their essence, to turn them from a house of prayer into a museum, a house of culture, an archive, a warehouse, anything that would not remind people of God.’

The bishop added that the Soviet principle of replacing the sacred in a church with vulgarity has not been exhausted by museum workers until this day.
‘This situation is increasingly becoming a problem that disturbs even non-religious, but educated people, who painfully perceive the tastelessness of those shows and other events that have recently become quite regular in places sacred to Christians.’

Bishop Theodosius stressed that after the UOC clergy were banned from serving in the Upper Lavra, the responsibility for the preservation of the shrine passed to the reserve.

‘That is why the question arises: are dances, secular singing, shows against the backdrop of icons of the Saviour's suffering on the Cross and the faces of the monks in the Refectory Church of the Lavra someone's blatant incompetence or a deliberate provocation that would fuel the conflict potential of Ukrainian society in a hybrid war?
Are there no other, more convenient and more appropriate places for such events under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine? Only as a complete misunderstanding of the content and history of the Refectory Chamber of the Church of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius can one perceive the justification of such a cultural policy by arguments that it is not a church, but only a place for eating.’

The bishop reminded that all this time Orthodox Christians had been praying in the Refectory Church, and the Sacraments were being celebrated in the so-called Refectory Chamber.

‘These circumstances prompted me to address you with a request to take into account the opinions of many of our compatriots, who are not always only believers of our Church, but who all react too painfully to careless attitudes towards what is sacred to them.
Their religious feelings are protected by the Constitution of Ukraine and therefore deserve respect. Moreover, there are many other suitable locations for events that are inappropriate for the church space.’


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Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 18:57



Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 18:56



Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 18:56

Vyacheslav Gorshkov, head of the Department for Religious Affairs of the State Emergency Service, commented on the exemption of UOC clergy from the mobilisation.

According to the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution, which allowed the reservation of clergy and made religious organisations a critical infrastructure, it is the DESS that will be responsible for this process.

Predictably, the state agency, which is headed by Yelensky, a Soviet specialist in militant atheism, did everything to prevent the exemption of UOC priests.

As usual, the DESS decided to be particularly cynical.

Gorshkov said that the UOC priests would face a ‘technical problem’. This problem was created by the law on the forced renaming of the UOC.

Officials decided to put the clergy before a choice: either to rename themselves as the ROC or to be left without exemption.

Even more disgusting, an official said that ‘this will automatically become a recognition of their affiliation with the ROC’.

It means, they want to force the clergy to recognise something that does not exist. To lie about themselves.

To label themselves with a sign invented by lobbyists for the destruction of the Church in the law banning the UOC.


Source of the info.

Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 18:56



Fr. John Whiteford

04 Jan, 11:24

From the GOARCH “2025 Topics, Tips & Resources” for the Oratorical Festival of the DRE (Dept. of Religious Education):

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:33

New Orleans And Las Vegas Attacks Are SUSPECT!

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:27

The head of the Poltava diocese of the OCU was outraged by the temples in honor of Alexander Nevsky and the icon of the Virgin Mary.
The OCU “metropolitan” of Poltava and Kremenchug Fedir Bubniuk told the Livyi Bereh publication that there are more UOC communities in Poltava region than those belonging to his church structure. He also expressed dissatisfaction over the spread of the “Moscow tradition” in Ukrainian churches.
“However, the Moscow tradition is deeply entrenched. For example, there is the Kazan icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in every temple, in every house, everywhere. There are many parishes of Alexander Nevsky, even we have several temples. I did not even know at first that I should preach in the Ukrainian parish in honor of Alexander Nevsky,” said Bubniuk.


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Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:27

🇬🇧“Hierarch” of OCU: Fighting Moscow traditions in our churches

🇺🇦«Ієрарх» ПЦУ: Боремося з московськими традиціями у наших храмах

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:27

The founder and director of a German charitable foundation visited Metropolitan Ioann of Kherson.
Metropolitan Ioann of Kherson and Tavria discussed cooperation prospects with the founder and director of the German charitable foundation "Private Ukraine Hilfe Paderborn," Karsten Stasch. According to the press service of the eparchy, the meeting took place on 28 December at the eparchial administration.
Metropolitan Ioann spoke to the head of the charity about the living conditions of the civilian population in Kherson and the region during the war, outlining the needs of the Kherson region. The UOC hierarch also briefed Karsten Stasch on the charitable activities of the Kherson Eparchy, "which are aimed at comprehensive support for the civilian population".
The hierarch thanked Karsten Stasch for the assistance already provided to the residents of the Kherson region and discussed the prospects for further cooperation.


Source of the info.

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Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:27

🇬🇧In Kherson, representatives of German mission meet with UOC hierarch

🇺🇦У Херсоні представники Німецької місії зустрілися із ієрархом УПЦ

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:26

The police are investigating the incident.
On December 31, 2024, representatives of the OCU accused the religious community of the Dormition Cathedral in Kremenchuk, Poltava region, of the disappearance of icons. Following the allegations, police initiated investigative actions.
The Kremenchuk Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) called these accusations a provocation. According to the diocese, the UOC community has had no access to the cathedral since October 2024, when the shrine was closed and sealed by law enforcement after an attempted takeover.
"The cathedral has remained closed and sealed since October, except for December 27, 2024, when OCU supporters conducted an inventory of church property. At all other times, the cathedral doors were locked with multiple locks and sealed. UOC believers had no access to the shrine," stated the diocese's press service.
The police investigation into the incident is ongoing.


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Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:26

🇬🇧UOC reports provocation over missing icons from seized church in Kremenchuk

🇺🇦У Кременчуці УПЦ назвала провокацією зникнення ікон з Успенського собору

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:26

Officials from Ukraine's MFA have advised international human rights organisations on how to properly draft reports regarding the religious situation in Ukraine.
"We reject the UN's conclusions on the amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organizations' as a distortion of reality," the Ukrainian MFA stated in its commentary. The Ministry criticised the report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) dated 31 December 2024.
In its report, the UN High Commissioner highlighted the fact that Ukraine had failed to justify the necessity and proportionality of measures aimed at dissolving religious organisations, including the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).
Ukraine's MFA assured that the law mentioned in the report "does not provide for the prohibition of any of the churches that exist in Ukraine." Officials once again cited provisions of the law, which the UN described as "vague".
According to Ukrainian diplomats, this law is essential in a democratic society and provides for a democratic procedure where the final decision rests with the courts. They asserted that the law "does not impose a burden on the conscience of believers, but only relieves them from the pressure exerted by the Russian Orthodox Church, which, as the PACE resolution emphasized, 'represents an ideological extension of the criminal regime.'"
The MFA also reminded readers that, as a result of Russian military shelling, religious buildings and holy sites are being destroyed across Ukraine. However, they omitted the fact that most of these belong to the UOC. They also highlighted other crimes against religious freedoms, "notably the deliberate killing of worshippers and religious leaders, the destruction of religious buildings and holy sites throughout Ukraine, and the persecution of non-Russian Orthodox religious communities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine."
In its statement, the Ministry focused on Russia's and the Russian Orthodox Church's actions, completely ignoring the situation in Ukraine, including the assault on UOC believers in Cherkasy, which had been highlighted by international human rights organisations.
"We expect that the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission will continue to provide objective assessments of the actual situation on freedom of religion in Ukraine in its reports and will persist in documenting Russian crimes against Ukrainian believers, religious communities and leaders, as well as church property," the Ukrainian MFA concluded.


Source of the info.

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Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:26

🇬🇧Ukrainian Foreign Ministry criticises UN for its report on UOC ban law❗️

🇺🇦У МЗС відчитали ООН за критику закону щодо заборони УПЦ❗️

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 20:26

🏴 ✝️ - Islamic jihadist flag in the historic Christian neighborhood of Bab Toma, where the Apostles resided.

Imagine putting a crusader flag in Mecca or Medina; that's the equivalent.

Fr. John Whiteford

03 Jan, 19:17

Interesting that the US Army renamed Fort Bragg "Fort Liberty," but now that both terror attackers were linked to Army service on the same base, it is called "Fort Bragg," again.





