Introducing the Anti-Terrorism Team of Rakhine State, a dedicated Telegram channel aimed at promoting peace and security in the region. The channel, with the username @antiterrorismteamofrakhine2022, is a platform where individuals can stay informed about the efforts being made to combat terrorism in Rakhine State. The Anti-Terrorism Team of Rakhine State consists of a group of passionate individuals who are committed to safeguarding the community against acts of terrorism. Through this channel, they share updates on the latest developments in the fight against terrorism, including successful operations, key milestones, and important announcements. Who is the Anti-Terrorism Team of Rakhine State? They are a team of professionals, including security experts, law enforcement officers, and community leaders, who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of the people living in Rakhine State. Their mission is to prevent and respond to terrorist threats effectively, ultimately creating a secure environment for all residents. What is the Anti-Terrorism Team of Rakhine State? It is a channel that serves as a reliable source of information on anti-terrorism efforts in the region. By following this channel, users can gain valuable insights into the strategies being implemented to combat terrorism, as well as learn how they can contribute to the cause. Whether you are a resident of Rakhine State or simply interested in supporting efforts to fight terrorism, the Anti-Terrorism Team of Rakhine State welcomes you to join their Telegram channel. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and together, let's work towards a safer and more peaceful Rakhine State.
27 Oct, 03:20
15 Oct, 15:37
07 Oct, 12:53
27 Sep, 02:09
26 Sep, 15:18
26 Sep, 15:03
26 Sep, 13:50