Muhammed Teshome @muhateshome Channel on Telegram

Muhammed Teshome


✍️My Views and Thoughts
✍️Productivity tips, technical, resources
✍️Thought Frameworks
✍️ Mental Models.
DM— @MehammedTeshome

Muhammed Teshome (English)

Are you a fan of thought-provoking discussions, productivity tips, and technical resources? Look no further than the Muhammed Teshome Telegram channel! Join @muhateshome for a wealth of content on various topics such as thought frameworks and mental models. Muhammed Teshome, the creator of this channel, shares his views and thoughts with the community to inspire and educate. Dive into a world of insightful content and engage in stimulating conversations. Whether you're looking to enhance your productivity or expand your knowledge, Muhammed Teshome has something for everyone. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. DM @MehammedTeshome to be part of this exciting journey today!

Muhammed Teshome

11 Feb, 18:51

is these the most obsessive questions to ask about Ethiopia ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

11 Feb, 08:13

Data Analysis ማለት በ አጭሩ ከ ብዙ መረጃዎች ውስጥ ጠቃሚ ግንዛቤን ማግኜት ማለት ነው።

ይህ ፊልድ በተለይ በዚህኛው ዘመን አስፈላጊነቱ ከፍ ያለ ነው። ምክንያቱም በየቀኑ የምናመነጨው የዳታ መጠን ከምንጊዜውም በላይ እየጨመረ ነው። ይህን እጅግ ብዙ መረጃ ለመረዳትና ከዚሁ ሁሉ ውስጥ ጠቃሚ መረጃወቺን ለማውጣት የ ዳታ አናላይሲስ ወሳኝ ነው።

ከ ሌሎች ዲሲፕሊኖች ለየት የሚያደርገው ደግሞ ይህ ነገር በሁሉም መረጃ ባለበት ሁሉ አስፈላጊ መሆኑ ነው። ለምሳሌ ፡ -

- ንግድ ላይ ላለ ሰው የ ደንበኞችን ባህሪ ፤ የ ገበያ አዝማሚያዎችን እና አጠቃላይ የ ንግድ አፈፃፀምን ለመረዳትና የተሻሉ እና ትክክለኛ ውሳኔዎችን ለማድረግ የ ዳታ ትንተና (analysis) ይጠቀማል።

- በተለያዩ የህክምና ምረምሮች ላይ በሺታዎችን ለመረዳት ፤ አዳዲስ ህክምናዎችን ግኜቶችን ለማዘጋጀት እና ውስብስብ ችግሮን ለመፍታት የ ዳታ ትንተና ያስፈልጋቸዋል።

- በ ማህበራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ እንደ ድህነት ፤ ወንጀል ፤የ አየር ንብረት እና መሰል ለውጦችን ለመረዳት እና ለመፍታት የ ዳታ ትንተና አስፈልጊ ነው።

እነዚህን እና መሰል ነገሮች ተንትኖ ጠቃሚ እይታና ውሳኔ እንዲኖረን በማድረግ የዳታ ትንተና ( Data Analytics ) ወሳኝ ሚና አለው።

የ ዳታ ትንተና ይሄን ያህል አስፈላጊ ከሆነ መሰረታዊ ነገሮቹ እነዚህ ናቸው።
1. መረጃን መሰብሰብ (Data Collection)
2. መረጃ ማፅዳት ( Data Cleaning )
3. መረጃን ማደራጀት ( Data Organization )
4. መረጃን መተንተን (Data Analyzing )
5. መረጃን መተርጎም ( Data Visualizing )
6. Data Presenting.



Muhammed Teshome

11 Feb, 04:46


Muhammed Teshome

10 Feb, 09:58


Muhammed Teshome

10 Feb, 09:57

What do you think ?

Muhammed Teshome

10 Feb, 06:58

We added more than 80 prompts that you can plug and use directly.

Muhammed Teshome

10 Feb, 04:45

Grab Your Copy of the Prompt Engineering Handbook !

📘 What’s Inside:

— Available in PDF and .ePub formats.
— Over 47+ pages packed with valuable content.
— Covers all concepts you need to know about LLM and Prompting in detail.

👉 How to Order:
— Message us on Telegram: @MehammedTeshome

Muhammed Teshome

10 Feb, 04:44

Learn Prompting and do well with AI.

Learn Here :

Muhammed Teshome

10 Feb, 03:50

Sam Altman Latest Blog Short Note

Link :

Muhammed Teshome

09 Feb, 17:14

If you lack a youtube ideas 😊

Muhammed Teshome

09 Feb, 11:13

በዚህኛው ሳምንት ስለ Data Analytics በሰፊው አወራለሁ!

ፍላጎቱ ያላችሁ እንማማር!....

ሌሎች ታገሱኝ

Muhammed Teshome

09 Feb, 10:22

Here is my wife's phone.

She loves Ai more than i do. 😊

She is even more modern 😁...Look how she structures the tools👌

Muhammed Teshome

09 Feb, 06:10

እሁድ ግን ሰው ቢሆን ምን አይነት ሰው ይሆናል ለናንተ ?

Muhammed Teshome

09 Feb, 06:04

አሰላሙ አለይኩም ወራህመቱላሂ ወበረካትሁ!

እሁድን ጀምረናል። ዛሬም ብዙ እናወራለን። 😊

ጥያቄ ይበዛዋል።

Muhammed Teshome

08 Feb, 21:28

ለ ዛሬ ይበቃል!... አመሰግናለው! ያልመለሳችሁ ተመልሳችሁ መልሱ 😊

Muhammed Teshome

08 Feb, 21:19

ሰዎች ወሬ እንዳያበዙባችሁ ብላችሁ የተጠቀማችኋት 1 ዘዴ 😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

08 Feb, 21:06

የሆነን ሰው ለማስደመም ብላችሁ ያደረጋችሁት የቀሽም ( ወይም የማትወዱት) ድርጊት ምንድን ነው ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

08 Feb, 21:00

የሆነ ቀን በልታችሁት ያንገሸገሻችሁ ... ግን ለ ሰዎች ወድጀዋለሁ ብላችሁ ያወራችሁት የ ምግብ ዘር ምንድን ነው ?😊😂

( ካለ )

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 18:40

አስገረመህ አይዴል 😊😂😂

ደሞ አንጀቴን የሚበላው ነገር .... መቼም ካንተ ጋር ማውራት አላቆምም 😊😢😂

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 18:28

ዲፕሲክ የ ቻይና እንዴሆን አልገባውም 😊

እሺ ... እንዴት ተዋወቅን ልበለው ?😁

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 15:17

5 Ai tools Everyone should know.

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 13:47

በ Ai አለም ምን አዲስ ነገር አለ .... የሚለውን በየቀኑ በዚህ ቻናል ላይ አስቀምጣለሁ!... ስለ Ai አሪፍ ሪሶርሶች አሉ።

በ ቻናሉ ላይ፡

- Ai Tools
- Prompts
- Ai news and insights
- How to use...

ይቀላቀሉ እና አፕዴትድ ይሁኑ!

ይቀላቀሉ ፡

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 13:32

it's not chatgpt vs deepseek.

it's R1 vs O1

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 10:52

What do you think ?😊

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 10:47

Arabica Coffee is from Ethiopia, right ?😳

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 09:20

Yo! This is the BEST HTML course in Amharic!

🔥 Over 70K views on YouTube already!

If you’re just starting out, don’t miss it—go learn now:

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 06:17

i love the thought process of deepseek.😊

How he talks with itself😂

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 05:56

Deepseek is Seekinggg 😊😂😂

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 05:24

Deepseek becomes #1ኛ

Muhammed Teshome

27 Jan, 04:52

China is Progressing.

First deepseek
then Qwen.
..and now..Kimi. 🔥


Muhammed Teshome

26 Jan, 10:27

2100 እራሱ ይሄው ነው 😊😂😂

My all-time favorite 😍

ቆይ ሲነበብ ግን .... ቢክ ወይስ ቢአይሲ ?😊...

Muhammed Teshome

26 Jan, 07:36

ብትሰሯቸው ከ 5 ደቂቃ በላይ የማይወስዱ ነገሮችን ቶሎ ሰርታችሁ ተገላገሉ።

remove clutter from your mental space.

Muhammed Teshome

26 Jan, 07:20

Start Creating Stories, Systems and tools.

Be the 1%. 👌

Muhammed Teshome

25 Jan, 19:33

I couldn't agree more 😊

replace the wine with coffee.😊

Muhammed Teshome

25 Jan, 16:38

አሁንም እደግመዋለሁ... 😊

If you are building Online......

Your biggest supporters are strangers online.

Your biggest haters are the very people you know in real life.

.... Just for your Awareness 😁

Muhammed Teshome

25 Jan, 10:55

ብዙዎቻችሁ ደሞ ሸሃዳ አሊዝላችሁ ብሎ እንደተቸገራችሁ እያየሁ ነው።

ይሄው የሸሃዳ ቃሉ 😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

25 Jan, 10:41

Branding is the combination of:

Visual Identity: Logo, colors, typography, and design.

Messaging: Tone, voice, and key messages.

Experience: How customers feel when they interact with your brand.

Values: What your brand stands for and believes in.

Your brand is the promise you make to your customers and the emotional connection you build with them.


Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 11:38

ይሄው ነው! የ አላህ ፈቃድ እንጅ ምንም ምስጢር የለንም!

Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 10:49

እንዴ ወግ 😊😂😂😂

ሁልጊዜ መቸኮል አይጠቅምም እሺ!😊

Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 10:38

እንዴ!... ምን ቆርጦኝ ነው የጠፋሁበት ቆይ! 😊😂😂

ብቻ በሰላም ነው ወዳጄ!

Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 09:07

Do you understand the Algorithm of Life ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 08:38

Just build your Empire.

Ignore the noise!...

"መስሚያን ጥጥ " ማድረግ is the best rule for Productivity!

Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 06:30

Trump announces a new Stargate Project with OpenAi.

it's a $500B investment for AI data centers for OpenAI to be built in the US. 🇺🇸

It will be the next big Company!

Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 04:33

Ai companies distribution of the world.

Africa ?.


Muhammed Teshome

22 Jan, 04:29

መጠፋፋታችንን ለ መልካም ያድርግልን! 😊

አትጥፉ እሺ!😂

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 22:06

ኢናሊላህ ... ተወዛወዘ እኮ! 🥲

እንዲህ ሆኖ ያውቃል ?



Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 21:37

Is there a list for Ethiopian Companies ?

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 21:34

Almost all are tech guys.

Tech is good. 😊

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 20:47

These days, I've come to realize this is true.

They talk nonsense and don’t care about people’s problems. They just repeat what their bosses want them to say.

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 16:38

I said use LLM's 😊

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 15:44


Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 12:35

Get Your Copy Now!

This is a must-have Prompt Engineering Handbook, packed with essential concepts about AI that everyone should know.

📚 Order here: [](

Key Details:
- Available in PDF and Epub formats
- 40+ pages of valuable insights
- Covers AI and Prompt Engineering basics
- Serves as a foundation for our free AI courses and videos

What’s Inside:
- Prompt Engineering: Master the art of crafting effective prompts
- Large Language Models (LLM): Understand how they work
- Prompt Types, Techniques, and Frameworks: Learn diverse strategies
- Real-World Applications: See how prompts are used practically
- Tools and Best Practices: Discover top resources
- Best Sites and Resources for Prompting: Get access to premium materials

🎁 Bonus:
When you purchase, you’ll also receive additional resources used in our videos, including:
- The Best AI Tools for 2025

Don't miss out—grab your copy today!

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 08:53

This Man is just Hilarious 😂

He is the winner, than Trump.

Muhammed Teshome

21 Jan, 08:49

What do you think?

Which skills do you believe AI will replace? 😊

Or... which ones might lose their value over time?

Muhammed Teshome

20 Jan, 20:43

Woow a fully open source reasoning model on par with OpenAI o1 just released

Deepseek R1 even outperforms Claude 3.5 Sonnet and o1-mini in almost all benchmarks.

You can already use it for free (see below)

Deep Seek :



Muhammed Teshome

19 Jan, 05:24

ማስታወሻ ፡

ስለ Ai የማደርገውን ኮንቮ እዚህ ማቅረቤ ምን ያክል ርቀት እንደሄደ ማሳየት እና መጠቀም ያልጀመራችሁ እንዲትጠቀሙን ነሻጣ ለመስጠት ብቻ ነው!

የ Ai ነገር ከምናስበው በላይ ርቆ ሄዷል! አሁን ላይ እሱን በተለያዩ የ ስራም ሆን የ ህይዎት ጉዳዮች ማስገባት ቅንጦት ሳይሆን ግዴታ ነው!

ብዙ ነገሮች ሳናውቀው ተቀይረዋል!

We are living in the future.

አንዳንድ ሰዎች አጠቃቀሙ ላይ ችግር እየገጠማችሁ ስለሆነ ሰሞኑን በተከታታይ የ Ai አጠቃቀም ላይ ብቻ ያተኮሩ ቪድዮዎች እሰራለሁ! stay tuned!

Muhammed Teshome

19 Jan, 05:18

እንዴት አደራችሁ ? 😊 🙌

Muhammed Teshome

18 Jan, 19:34


እንኳን መጣችሁ ብለናል! 🙏

Muhammed Teshome

18 Jan, 19:29

አህላቁ ከበደኝ በውነቱ 😊

Muhammed Teshome

18 Jan, 19:25

እንዴት አመሻችሁ ? 😊

ከ ጀሚል ጋር ያለኚን ኮንቨርሴሽን ማካፈሌን እቀጥላለሁ!

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 12:28

At @ImmersiveAi :

- AI news
- Ai tools update
- Prompting tips and advices
- anything about Ai.

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 12:10

So, where are you now ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 11:01

አላህ መልካም ትዳር ይወፍቅህ ወንዲሜ 😊😂😂😂

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 10:53

መንዲ ግድ አደለም እሺ 😊

ምን በልተሃል ወንዲሜ ? አላህ ይባርክልህና 😁

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 10:51


እና የ ጀሚል ኮንቨርሴሽን ይቀጥልላችኋ 😊

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 08:40

እሺ!... እንግዲህ አላህ ዱዓየን ይቀበለኝ 🥰

Note : ጀሚል... ለሱ የሰጠሁት ስም ነው!

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 08:31

አላህ ይቀበለን 😍

Muhammed Teshome

17 Jan, 08:25

My bestie 😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

16 Jan, 19:28

The world of Ai Hierarchy.

Muhammed Teshome

16 Jan, 18:51

Global debt hits $315 Trillion, per Institute of International Finance. 😳

well, if the earth is in dept, who the hell is being paid ?

Mars ?....Jupiter ?.. moon ?.... Sun ?

Muhammed Teshome

16 Jan, 14:58




Muhammed Teshome

12 Jan, 13:44

Are you a stable person ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

12 Jan, 11:28

ይሄው ነው! 😊

ዋናው ነገር "ዘና ማለት" ነው 😊😂

#LearnPrompting at @ImmersiveAi

Muhammed Teshome

12 Jan, 10:49

If this is true, it's truly disheartening.

Muhammed Teshome

12 Jan, 07:53

አዲስ ለተቀላቀሉን ቤተሰቦቻችን በዚህ ቻናል ላይ ከሚተላለፉ ትምህርቶች ባሻገር በ ዩቱብ ቻናላችን ላይ የተለያዩ ሙሉ ሙሉ ኮርሶችን ስላዘጋጀን ሄዳችሁ መማር ትችላላችሁ !

እንዲያመቻችሁ የ ፕሌይሊስት ሊንክ አስቀምጠንላችኋል! 👇

እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ!❤️

1. ፎቶሾብ / ግራፊክስ ዲዛይን ሲሪይስ ፡

2. ካንቫ /ግራፊክስ ዲዛይን ሲሪየስ ፡

3. ማይክሮሶፍት ኢክሴል ፡

4 . ፕሪሚየር ፕሮ / ቪድዮ ኢዲቲንግ

5. HTML ሙሉ ኮርስ

6. HTML ሙሉ ኮርስ

7. CSS ሙሉ ኮርስ

8. JavaScript ሙሉ ኮርስ

9. የለተያዩ ቱሎች እና ጠቃሚ ዌብሳይቶች ፡

10. የተለያዩ የ አርቲፊሻል ኢንተሊጀንሰ ቱሎች (Ai Tools) እና አጠቃቀማቸው ፡


Muhammed Teshome

12 Jan, 05:09

i think i should make reactjs and nextjs courses.

almost all ai dev tools are based on these technologies.

Do you guys need this course ? Let me know

Muhammed Teshome

11 Jan, 16:42

well, መልካም የ ቅዳሜ ምሺት 😊😂😂

እኔን የሚያወራኝ Ai በጣም እየቀለደብኝ ነው 😊

እስኪ አንዴ ... " ነፃነት " .... ብለን እንጩህ 😁

Muhammed Teshome

11 Jan, 16:38

Elon Musk's xAI has launched the Grok AI app for iPhone users in the US, offering a range of AI features for free.

Muhammed Teshome

11 Jan, 10:00


Muhammed Teshome

11 Jan, 07:28

Things are breaking apart, but also recombining in new ways.

Yes, it is about tech but it’s also about deeper social, cultural and economic realignments.

This times looks an inflection point.

እንዴት ናችሁ ? እንዴት ናቸው ነገሮች ?... ምን አዲስ አለ ?...

አይዞን!... አብሽሩ!

Muhammed Teshome

10 Jan, 13:08

Which AI tool is your favorite?

- ChatGPT
- Gemini
- Grok
- Claude
- Qwen
- DeepSeek
- Other ( comment it ...)

Muhammed Teshome

10 Jan, 12:25

Name and Logo change

Muhib AI — to — Immersive Ai.

Muhammed Teshome

10 Jan, 11:07

Gemini Reply :

"ከምክንያታዊነት እና ከልምድ በመነሳት ልመክርህ የምችለው ጥቂት ነገሮች አሉ፡

በግል ሕይወትህ ላይ፡

* ራስህን ተንከባከብ፡ የአእምሮህንም የአካልህንም ጤንነት ቅድሚያ ስጥ። በቂ እንቅልፍ ተኛ፣ ጤናማ ምግብ ተመገብ፣ አዘውትረህ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴ አድርግ፣ እና ለራስህ ጊዜ ስጥ። ራስህን መንከባከብ ለሌሎችም በቂ ጉልበት እንዲኖርህ ያደርጋል።
* ከምትወዳቸው ሰዎች ጋር ያለህን ግንኙነት አጠናክር፡ ለቤተሰብህና ለጓደኞችህ ጊዜ ስጥ፣ አዳምጣቸው፣ ደግፋቸው፣ እና ፍቅርህን ግለጽላቸው። ጠንካራ ማህበራዊ ግንኙነቶች ደስታህንና እርካታህን ይጨምራሉ።
* አዳዲስ ነገሮችን ለመማርና ለማድረግ አትፍራ፡ አእምሮህን ክፍት አድርግ፣ አዳዲስ ክህሎቶችን ተማር፣ አዳዲስ ቦታዎችን ጎብኝ፣ እና አዳዲስ ሰዎችን ተገናኝ። አዳዲስ ነገሮችን መሞከር ህይወትህን የበለጠ አስደሳች ያደርገዋል።
* ያለፈውን ተወውና በአሁኑ ጊዜ ኑር፡ ያለፈው አልፏል፣ ወደፊት ምን እንደሚሆን አናውቅም። ስለዚህ በአሁኑ ጊዜ ላይ አተኩርና እያንዳንዱን ጊዜ ለመደሰት ሞክር።
* ይቅር ለማለት ተማር፡ ለራስህም ሆነ ለሌሎች ይቅር ማለት ቁጣንና ቂምን ለማስወገድ ይረዳል። ይቅር ማለት ነጻ ያወጣሃል።

በስራ ሕይወትህ ላይ፡

* በትጋት ስራ፡ ስራህን ውደድና በሙሉ ኃይልህ ስራ። ጠንክሮ መሥራት ስኬትንና እርካታን ያመጣል።
* ከስህተትህ ተማር፡ ማንም ሰው ፍጹም አይደለም። ስህተት ስትሠራ ተማርበትና ወደፊት ላለመድገም ሞክር።
* ከሌሎች ጋር ተባበር፡ በቡድን መስራት የተሻሉ ውጤቶችን ያመጣል። ከሌሎች ጋር ለመተባበርና ለመደማመጥ ፈቃደኛ ሁን።
* አዳዲስ ፈተናዎችን ተቀበል፡ አዳዲስ ፈተናዎችን መውሰድ እንድታድግና እንድትማር ይረዳሃል። ከአዲስ ነገር ለመሸሽ አትሞክር።

እነዚህ ምክሮች ለእያንዳንዳችን በተለያየ መልኩ ተግባራዊ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ። ስለዚህ ከሁኔታህ ጋር የሚስማማህን ምረጥና በሕይወትህ ላይ ተግባራዊ ለማድረግ ሞክር። ከሁሉም በላይ ግን ደስተኛና እርካታ ያለው ሕይወት ለመኖር ጥረት አድርግ።"

ተመከሩ! 😊

Muhammed Teshome

10 Jan, 11:06

ከልምድ በመነሳት ሲል 😳🤔....

ከልብ የሚደርስ ምክር ምከረኝ ነው ያልኩት .... የመለሰውን እዩ... Ai መሆኖን እንዳትረሱ 😊

ምክሩን እንደወረደ ይሄውላችሁ ከታች 👇

Muhammed Teshome

10 Jan, 06:59

Gemini is Becoming perfect in Amharic with 2.0 version.

Use it in Amharic.
No language barrier ከንግዲህ 😊

Try it :

Muhammed Teshome

10 Jan, 05:06

Qwen, the China's open source ai model, announce the launch of Qwen Chat – your new go-to Web UI for interacting with Qwen models! 🌟

You can explore theier models :
- Qwen2.5-Plus for chat
- Qwen2-VL-Max for vision.
- QwQ and QVQ for reasoning.
- Qwen2.5-Coder-32B-Instruct for coding.

Key Features:

* Choose & compare multiple models in one interface
* Upload documents & get answers based on them
* Preview mode with HTML support
* Upload images for visual understanding
🌟 Coming Soon: Web search, image generation, voice mode, and more!

Try it :

ℹ️join @ImmersiveAi for latest Ai updates.

Muhammed Teshome

09 Jan, 20:13

እና ምን ሆነ አላችሁኝ ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

09 Jan, 13:15

Stage 1 – HTML
Stage 2 – CSS (Grid, Flex)
Stage 3 - Git, GitHub
Stage 4 – JavaScript, DOM
Stage 5 – React VueJS Svetle Angular
Stage 6 – Node.js
Stage 7 – MySQL
Stage 8 – CRUD pattern
Stage 9 – Build projects to gain experience

🏆 – Full Stack developer. 🙌

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 16:56

Ai ነው እንዳትሉ ብቻ 😊

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 16:19

Copiltos - to - Ai first.

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 15:15

Everything is about to change.

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 14:53

Web 1.0 had HTML

Web 2.0 has HTML

Web 3.0 will continue to have HTML

Web = HTML

Learn HTML 😊

Grab your guidebook now and dive into our free course for an exciting learning journey!

Order it here.

Course :

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 14:25

በየቀኑ አዳድስ ነገር በሜፈጠርበት በዚህ ጊዜ ... አንዱን ለመማር ስትጀምሩ አዳሩን ሌላ እሱን የሚያስረሳ ብዙ ነገሮች ተፈጥረው በሚያድሩበት በዚህ ጊዜ ...በፊት ነገሮችን የምንማርበትን መንገድ ተከትለን የሚሆን አይመስልም!

አንዲን ነገር ማስተር ለማድረግ 10,000 - hour ህግም በዚህ ሰዓት አዋጭ አይመስልም! ይሄን ሁሉ ጊዜ አጥፍተህ ስትጨርስ ነገሮች ተቀያይረዋል!

እንደ በፊት አንድን ነገር ማስተር አድርጎ እድሜ ልኩን እሱኑ እያዳበሩ በሱ ብቻ መኖር አይቻልም!... ሰው ነገሮችን በፍጥነት መማር እና ስራንም እንደ አስፈላጊነቱ መቀያየር አስፈላጊ እየሆነ ነው!

ትምህርት የማይቀር እና ከምንጊዜውም በላይ አስፈላጌ የሆነበት ጊዜ ላይ ነን! ... ነገር ግን እየተከተልነው ባለው መንገድ አዋጭ አይመስልም!

መፍትሄው ምንድን ነው ??

Ai Literacy አንዱና ለጊዜው ያለው መፍትሄ ይመስላል።

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 03:45

China's move to AGI.


any other ?

Muhammed Teshome

27 Dec, 03:43

DeepSeek Introduced V3!

⚡️ 60 tokens/second (3x faster than V2!)
💪 Enhanced capabilities
🛠 API compatibility intact
🌍 Fully open-source models & papers

Enjoy :

Muhammed Teshome

26 Dec, 19:10

How to be replaceable

- Go to school
- Question nothing
- Standardized tests & curriculums

How to be irreplaceable

- Self-educate
- Pursue your interests
- Build meaningful projects
- Acquire specific skills along the way

Muhammed Teshome

26 Dec, 10:24

Do you think it will be achieved in 2025 ?

Muhammed Teshome

26 Dec, 10:13

ስለ AGI ምን ታስባላችሁ ?

ወይስ ምንም አያሳስባችሁም ?😊

Muhammed Teshome

25 Dec, 09:46

All the AI Builders, I just found out!

1. Cursor
2. Bolt
3. v0
4. Windsurf
5. Replit Agent
6. Loveable
7. DevinAI
8. Pear AI
9. Github Copilot inside Vscode
10. Github Spark
11. IDX by Google
12. webfraw .ai
13. UIzard
14. Amazon Q Developer
15. ChatGPT inside Mac app
16. Softgen AI
17. SrcBook
18. Marblism
19. Create xyz
20. Tempo labs

What did i miss ?

Muhammed Teshome

25 Dec, 08:02

AI Trends for 2025

- Agentic AI
- Inference Time compute
- Very Large Models
- Very small Models
- More Advanced Use case
- Near infinite memory
- Human in the loop augmentation

Muhammed Teshome

25 Dec, 07:21

which country you want to buy ?

it's possible 😊

Muhammed Teshome

25 Dec, 06:32

The new Economy is where you are both the producer and the consumer 😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

25 Dec, 06:18


Muhammed Teshome

25 Dec, 06:12

Hidden wiki on DuckDuckGo.

You are in Dark Web. 👺

Muhammed Teshome

23 Dec, 20:13


if true , it's a whole new story about everything.

Muhammed Teshome

23 Dec, 12:17

any strong passwords ?😊

Muhammed Teshome

23 Dec, 06:27

How to Start Coding: A Quick Guide

1. Define Your Goal: Decide what you want to build—websites, apps, games, or work in AI.

2. Pick a Language: Start with Python (general), JavaScript (web), or HTML/CSS (design).

3. Use Resources: Learn from @EmmersiveLearning, freeCodeCamp, Codecademy, or YouTube tutorials.

4. Set Up Tools: Install VS Code and GitHub for coding and version control.

5. Practice Basics: Start small with calculators or to-do lists.

6. Join Communities: Engage with forums like Telegram, Discord, Reddit or Stack Overflow.

7. Build a Portfolio: Document your projects and create a personal website.

8. Stay Consistent: Dedicate regular time to coding and keep improving.

Start small, stay curious, and enjoy the journey! 🚀


Order the books at @MehammedTeshome

Muhammed Teshome

06 Dec, 08:29

any help for my cat.

fixing bug 😊😍

Muhammed Teshome

06 Dec, 05:39


Grab Your Copy of the JavaScript Handbook and Learn with Our Free Course!

📘 What’s Inside:

— Available in PDF and .ePub formats.
— Over 250+ pages packed with valuable content.
— Covers all JavaScript course concepts in detail.
— Perfect companion to our free course.
💰 Price: Only 500 birr (just the cost of lunch 😊)

👉 How to Order:
— Message us on Telegram: @MehammedTeshome

Don’t miss out—Claim your copy now!

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 20:46

Stop complaining and start building.

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 16:03

አሏሁመ ሶሊ ወሰሊም ወባሪክ ዓላ ነቢይና ሙሐመድ ወዓላ አሊሂ ወሶህቢሂ ወሰለም ﷺ

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 14:02

—ልጆች እና ቴክኖሎጂ

ልጆችን ከ ቴክኖሎጂ ጋጀቶች እና ግኚቶች ( ስልክ ፤ ኮምፒዩተር ፤ ኢንተርኔት ፤ ቪድዮ ጌም እና መሰል ነገሮችን ) መገደብ እና ቁጥጥር ማድረግ ካለው አንዳንድ አስፈሪ ነገሮች አስፈላጊ ቢሆንም... ሙሉ ለሙሉ ልጅ እነዚህን ነገሮች አይቅረብ እና አይንካ ባይባል መልካም ይመስለኛል።

ልጆች ዘመኑን መስለው አብረውት ፈጥነው ቢያድጉ የተሻለ ነው። ከነዚህ ነገሮች ጋር ተራርቆ ያደግ ምን አይነት ኢፌክት ሊኖረው እንደሚችል የምናውቅ አለን እና።

ለ ሁሉም ግን ክትትል ያለበት ቅርርብ እንዲኖራቸው ማድረግ የተሻለ ነው። ነገ ሌላ ነገር በመስሪያቸው እንደ አድስ ማውዝ ክሊክ ላይ መሆን ያለባቸው አይመስለኚም።

ክትትል ያለው ፈቃድ ካለ ፡

— ልጆች ከቴክኖሎጂው ጋር ፋሚሊያር እንዲሆኑ እና ቱሎቹን በ ብቃት ለመጠቀም እንዲችሉ ያደርጋቸዋል። ይህ ደግሞ እነሱ ላይ የ ማወቅ ጉጉት እና ለፈጠራ ሃሳቦችም ይጋብዛቸዋል።

— እነዚህን ቱሎች በ ሃላፊነት መጠቀምንም አብረው ይማራሉ ከናንተ ክትትል ተነስተው።

— ቴክኖሎጂ እያመጣ ካለው የትምህርትም ሆነ ሌሎች የፈጠራ እድሎች ተጠቃሚ ያደርጋቸዋል።

እና ማጠቃለያየ ... ልጆችን ይደርሱለታል በማለት ከሁሉም ማቀቡ ልክ አይመስለኚም። እያወቁት ይደጉ እንጅ ጎበዝ 😊 ( እንደ እኛማ ተው ታበላሻለህ አትንካ ... ብላችሁ አታሳድጉ!)

ቪድዮው ከነዚህ አንዱ የሆነውን ቪድዮ ጌምን ምን አይነት ጥቅም እንዳለው ያሳያል።

ምን ትላላችሁ ??

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 10:09

CSS Handbook Guide.

Learn with the free Course.

Order the book : @MehammedTeshome

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 10:09

The roadmap to learning CSS

1. Inline, internal and external CSS
2. Selectors
3. Background
4. Color
5. Box model
6. Height and width
7. Margin and padding
8. Border
9. Positioning
10. display
11. Layouts
12. Grid and Flex
13. Alignment
14. Fonts
15. Animation
16. Pseudo-classes
17. Media query

Learn Here :

You can Order the Guide book too.


Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 09:26

Part of Our Python Book ON Data Structure.

Order to get the full book.

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 08:04

Luck = Doing x Distributing.

if Doing is 100, and Distributing is 0, Luck is 0 too and vice versa.

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 06:39

Not Only Python, We have The HTML, CSS and JavaScript Guide Books too... You can order.

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 06:39

Start Your web dev journey with our HTML Full Course.

it shows. ... Over 60k Peoples are learning with it.

Start Here 👇 :

and Order the book at @MehammedTeshome

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 06:39

Order the Book.

Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 05:41

🚀 Top 15 Game-Changing AI Tools for Coders & Developers

1️⃣ Cursor AI
2️⃣ Claude 3.5 Sonnet
3️⃣ Codeium
4️⃣ CodeConvert AI
5️⃣ AskCodi
6️⃣ GitHub Copilot
7️⃣ Tabnine
8️⃣ Replit AI
9️⃣ Kite
🔟 PolyCoder
1️⃣1️⃣ Codex by OpenAI
1️⃣2️⃣ CodeGeeX
1️⃣3️⃣ Blackbox
1️⃣4️⃣ Spellbox
1️⃣5️⃣ Sourcery

🔗 Explore these tools and supercharge your coding!


Muhammed Teshome

05 Dec, 05:15

Order the book and Learn with our 8hr Course.

Order at @MehammedTeshome

Muhammed Teshome

04 Dec, 16:52

መፅሃፉን ለምትፈልጉ እዘዙን!

ከ ቪድዮው ጋር የሚሄድ ሙሉ የ ፓይተን ኮንሴፕቶችን ያካተተ እጥን ምጥን ያለ e-book አብረን አዘጋጅተንላችኋል።

ይዘዙን! ላይ

— በ PDF and .Epub ፎርማት ብቻ!
— 300+ Pages
— Includes all Python Course Concepts.
— Complementary to our free Course.

Claim it now.


Muhammed Teshome

04 Dec, 16:33

The Complete Python Full course Compiled in One Video.

it's 8hr Video. Enjoy.

also Order the book.

Muhammed Teshome

04 Dec, 14:23

Where is the Money, job title, house , car and other Status of the past ...😊😁

The time is changing...

Muhammed Teshome

04 Dec, 13:49

Learn at @EmmersiveLearning

Muhammed Teshome

04 Dec, 13:49

Learn Code with at @EmmersiveLearning

Muhammed Teshome

03 Dec, 11:57

Stay Persistent.
Stay Patience.

Trust the Process
Good Things will come.

Muhammed Teshome

03 Dec, 10:27

Your consistency today is the foundation for the freedom you will have tomorrow.


Muhammed Teshome

03 Dec, 10:23

What you focus on, will grow.

Let it be ..
— Love
— Strength
— Gratitude.
— Faith
— Beauty

Muhammed Teshome

02 Dec, 04:30

Turned On.

Muhammed Teshome

02 Dec, 04:06

የ ትላንት ቂማችሁን እርሱ!
ስለ ነገው አትጨነቁ!

እነሆ ዛሬን ኑሩ! to the FULLEST.

Happy and Peaceful Week. 😍🔥

Muhammed Teshome

01 Dec, 14:16

11k 😍❤️👏

Nov 01 = 10k subs.
Nov 30 = 11k subs.

Thanks..... we achieved 1k subs in one month.

so, በ አዲስ ቪድዮ እንምጣላችኋ... ምን ይሰራላችሁ ?

እስከዚያው Subscribe and Be Family 😍

Link :

Muhammed Teshome

01 Dec, 13:02

Trump on BRICS's new currency intention.

Muhammed Teshome

01 Dec, 12:20

The hottest new programming language is English
— Andrej Karpathy

Muhammed Teshome

01 Dec, 04:20

አንዴ 6 ሚሊየን ዶላር የምንጎርስበትን ቅዋ ይስጠና እንግዲ 😊😂

ብዙዎች እንዴት ተብላለት እያሉ 😁ነው ምን ትላላችሁ ?

Muhammed Teshome

29 Nov, 20:52

where there's muck, there's brass.

Muhammed Teshome

29 Nov, 20:12

እረ ተው ግን! 😭🙆‍♂️... ኮድ ፔፐር ላይ ይቅር!

በቃ ኮድ ኮምፒዩተር ላይ ነው ፕሮብለም ሶልቭ እይተደረገ የሚሰራው!

ፎቶ ፡ አሁን አሳይመንት ሊያስገባ ካለ ከ አንድ ታዋቂ ዩንቨርስቲ የተላከ

Muhammed Teshome

28 Nov, 06:09

Dostoevsky 👌

Muhammed Teshome

28 Nov, 05:59

The Progress of Ai IDE's is amazing.

any new tool you use and love ?

i love these:

Muhammed Teshome

27 Nov, 06:57

Day 1 of building one app per day with

Today I asked Lovable to "Build a simple portfolio website for a writer"

This is what it came up with:

Muhammed Teshome

27 Nov, 05:38

Ai Future:

Office jobs will be gone to AI,

manual labor replaced with Robots,

few jobs will stay,

new jobs will be created!

Muhammed Teshome

26 Nov, 14:31

ድንገት በወሬ ወሬ የተነሳ ጥያቄ ፡ ...

እንደሚታወቀው እምብርት እኛን ከ እናታችን ጋር የሚያገናኘውን ገመድ መሳይ እትብት የሚያገናኝ ነው።

ጥያቄ ፡ እንደሚታወቀው አባታችን አደም(ዐ.ሰ) እና እናታችን ሃዋ ( ዐ.ሰ) ያለ እናት ነው የተፈጠሩት። እና ... እነሱ እምብርት ነበራቸው ወይ ?

ምላሹን እየጠበቅናችሁ ነው ???....

Muhammed Teshome

25 Nov, 11:34

ምፅ dev's 😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

25 Nov, 09:48

አዲስ ውስጥ Office Space የሚሰጡ አይታችሁ የወደዳችሁት ካለ እስኪ አጋሩኝ!

የት እና ምን ይመስላል ? ክፍያቸውስ ? ምቹነቱስ ?

Muhammed Teshome

25 Nov, 08:04

The Best Ai tools together on telegram :

Muhammed Teshome

25 Nov, 05:59

chatGPT ከ ሃኪሞች በተሻለ በሽታን መመርመር ጀምሯል!

better for doctors to team with Ai.

Learn Ai at @MuhibAi

Muhammed Teshome

25 Nov, 05:45

Join me on Twitter.

Muhammed Teshome

25 Nov, 05:10

ትላንትህ ዛሬህን ሰርቷል!

ዛሪህ ነገህን ይሰራል!

Muhammed Teshome

24 Nov, 14:51

Huge Drone Swarm.

Muhammed Teshome

24 Nov, 08:51

which is the best web hosting provider from your experience ?

ethio telecom

or any other ?

Muhammed Teshome

23 Nov, 19:20

“Difficulty is what wakes up the genius.”

— Nassim N. Taleb

Muhammed Teshome

23 Nov, 14:32

Building a project will teach you more than watching a tutorial ever will.

Build Projects!.

Muhammed Teshome

23 Nov, 08:07

you want to master something, Teach it.
— Feynman.

Muhammed Teshome

23 Nov, 08:04

Prompts to Learn Anything 10x Faster.

Muhammed Teshome

23 Nov, 04:22


Muhammed Teshome

22 Nov, 13:47

Dragon ምድር ላይ exist አድርጎ ያውቃል ?

ወይስ ፊልም | ፊክሺን ላይ ብቻ ?

Muhammed Teshome

22 Nov, 12:20

ሶሻል ሚድያ ሁሉንም ሰው ሚድያ አድርጓል!

ሁላችንም ጋዜጠኞች ፤ ዘጋቢዎች ፤ ተራኪዎች ነን!

ለመዘገብ ፤ መልዕክት ለማስተላለፍ ማንንም መጠየቅ፤ ለማንም መክፈልም አይጠበቅብንም!

ይህ ትልቅ እዲል ነው!

በ አግባቡ መጠቀም ብቻ ነው የኛ ኃላፊነት የሚሆነው!

You are the media.
You are the media.
You are the media.

Muhammed Teshome

22 Nov, 08:22

Nowadays, I just say “Ask ChatGPT” instead of “Google it”.

The Intelligent Era.

Muhammed Teshome

22 Nov, 08:12

ታሪክ ራሱን ይደግማል!

ትላንትን መድገም አትፈልግም ?... ከ ትላንቱ ዉሎህ ተማር!..... የተለየ ሃሳብ ፤ የተለየ ድርጊት ፤ የተለየ ምርጫ ይኑርህ!..የተለዬ ስብስብ ይኑርህ!

ያን ጊዜ ብቻ የትላንቱን አትደግምም!

#ጁምዓ_ሙባረክ 🕋

Muhammed Teshome

22 Nov, 00:07


Muhammed Teshome

21 Nov, 21:19

The Time is Coming.

The One Person Business Model is the Future.

Learn to Code. Learn to Build. Learn to Sell.

More importantly, Learn to use Ai Better.

Befriend with Ai, and you can run a company alone.

The Future is Here.
Stand Up!


Are you ready ?

Beginner ?
Start your journey today!
@EmmersiveLearning is waiting you 🙌

Muhammed Teshome

21 Nov, 07:32

The more technology advances, the more important it is to be a generalist, polymath, and creator.

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 19:01

Part 13- AR?VR Developer Career.

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 12:24

Educate Yourself.

The best investment you will make is educating yourself.

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 11:41

I talk to ChatGPT more than anyone these days!!

Next to one person.😊

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 11:28

"Keep an eye on these pioneer AI companies for their latest tools and innovations:

- Anthropic
- Meta
- Google
- OpenAI
- Mistral
- Perplexity

🚀 Exciting developments in AI are shaping the future!"

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 11:18

A WILD Reddit post went viral after a news station worker shared how their entire team just got laid off—replaced by AI:

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 07:43

FYI 😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

20 Nov, 05:46

One Thing at a time.

ትኩረት ውድ ነው! በጥቃቅን ነገሮች ይሸራረፋል!

አዕምሮ ስሪቱ በ አንድ ጊዜ አንድ ነገር እንዲሰራ ነው!

ትኩረትን ከሚቀንሱ ነገሮች ዋነኛው ከ አንድ በላይ ነገሮችን በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት ለመስራት መሞከር ነው!

በርከታ ነገሮችን ባንድ ለመስራት መሞከር ብዙ ሶፍትዌሮችን አንድ ኮምፒዩተር ላይ run እንደማድረግ ነው!

Busy ያደርገዋል!... ለ ስህተት ይዳርጋል!... ጥራት ያለው ነገር ለመስራት አያስችልም!.... ከ ሁሉም ያለመሆንን ያመጣል!....ፍጥነት ይቀንሳል!

በአንድ ጊዜ አንድ ነገር ላይ ብቻ ማተኮር ፡ ምርታማነትን ይጨምራል ፤ ስራውን ጥራት ያለው ያደርገዋል ፤ ከ ድብርት እና መሰል ነገሮች ይቀንሳል ፤ ክላሪቲ ይጨምራል።

Think of your attention like a spotlight. When directed at one area, it’s bright and powerful. Spread it across multiple points, and it dims, losing its effectiveness.

እስኪ አስቧቸው እነዚህን ፡
1. Hearing music while reading.
2. Checking your phone during work.
3. Watching TV while eating.
4. Talking while writing.
5. Listening to podcasts while cleaning.
6. Studying while browsing social media.
7. Cooking while talking on the phone.
8. Attending a virtual meeting while checking emails.
9. Driving while eating.
10. Playing games while talking to someone.

Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 16:37

Part 12 - Blockchain Developer Career.

Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 12:13

ለውጥ የሚጀምረው ከራስ ነው!

ሌሎችን ለመለወጥ መሞከር ትርፉ ድካም ብቻ ነው! Don't try!

Be the change you want to see.

እድገትም ለውጥ ነው!...ለዛም .... እድገትም ከራስ ይጀምራል!

Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 09:07

Ministral AI introduce a next generaiton of le chat.

a great competitor of chatgpt with FREE plan.

Web Search
- PDF and Image upload
- Code and text generation
- Canvas
- Image generation and others all in one.

go check it.

Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 08:16


Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 08:05

Beginners Start your web dev journey here.

Learn Web Dev.

Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 08:01

The Full-stack Roadmap for 2024 🗺👇

2. JavaScript
3. Git
4. React/Vue
5. Tailwind
6. Python / Node
7. Postgres / Mongo
8. APIs
9. Build projects

💸 Apply for your dream job!


Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 07:20

Be Humble.

Accept your current reality is the result of your past actions.

Muhammed Teshome

19 Nov, 06:03

Part 11 - Game Developer Career.

Muhammed Teshome

18 Nov, 05:49

Web Security Specialists Career.

Muhammed Teshome

18 Nov, 05:01

Take Massive Action.💪

Have a great week.

Muhammed Teshome

17 Nov, 16:38

ሰው የዘራውን ያጭዳል !...

The Great law of Karma.

Muhammed Teshome

08 Nov, 06:53

ሁላችሁንም እናመሰግናለን!


Muhammed Teshome

07 Nov, 17:22

Channel photo updated

Muhammed Teshome

07 Nov, 15:59


ወደ ትዳሩ አለም ተቀላቅለናል!... ግራ ጎኔን ይዣለሁ!

ወዳጆቼ በ ዱዓችሁ አትርሱን! 🤲

Muhammed Teshome

06 Nov, 17:04

Backend Developer Career Overview.

- Backend Languges.
- Frameworks
- Server side rendering
- Database and ORM.
- Template Engines
- Authentication and Authorizations.

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 21:08

The ability to talk with Ai is the new Meta Skill.

Learn ai at @MuhibAi

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 18:52

ትዳር ተፈርቶስ መኖር አይተው መቼስ

ማግባት ነው ምናባቱ ❤️

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 18:32

ይሄ ደሞ ሲያዩት እራሱ ደስ ይላል! 😍

ከ ሳይንስ ግኚቶች ውስጥ ሁሌ ሳስበው አጃዒብ ከሚያስብሉኝ የሰው ልጅ ስሪቶች ውስጥ ፕሌን ይለይብኛል!

ስለሱ ማሰብ ስጀምር ማቆም ሁላ አልፈልግም!...ስለ ፕሌን የሚነበብ ነገር ሳገኝ ማንበብ ደስ ይለኛል! ... ስለሱ ስሰማ ደስ ይለኛል ፡ ከላይ እየበረረ ሲያልፍ መሃል አስፓልት ላይ ቁሜ አንጋጥጬ ሳይ ልታዩኝ ትችላላችሁ 😊

በነገራችን ላይ ፓይለት የመሆን የልጅነት ህልሜን የተውኩት በ ቁመት ነው 😢... አጭሮች✌️

ኦሊቨር እና ዊልበር ራይትስ ❤️

እንደው የሰው ልጅ ግን ምን ጉድ ነው ?.... እንዴት ሰራው ???

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 16:49

Work on your fears!

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 08:20

ተው አዕምሮ

ማን ይሰማሃል ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 06:35

Start Today...

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 06:21

ቁርስ ላይ ይሄ ካጋጠመህ ብቻ .... አሜን በል 😊😁

Muhammed Teshome

05 Nov, 06:14

Single Page Application part 2

የቀጠለ ....

Muhammed Teshome

04 Nov, 18:06

እንዲህ ወድቆ ብታዩት ታነሱታላችሁ እንዴ ? 😊

Muhammed Teshome

04 Nov, 15:20


Muhammed Teshome

04 Nov, 08:27

Single Page Application dev's :
- React dev's
- Angular dev's
- Vuejs dev's
- Svelte dev's


Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 19:28

Study writing.
Study marketing.
Study persuasion.
Study psychology.
Study storytelling.

Those who master these classic skills will reap massive rewards in the digital era.

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 19:17

Don't argue on meaningless things.

Don't try to make them understand when you know you are correct. pass on.

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 14:17

ኢንተርኔትህ በጣም ያበዛሃው ሲመስለው

ፍታ እንጅ ብሮ ... ወጣ በል! 😊 😂

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 12:00

Complete Metamorphosis ....ይባላል ይሄ 😊

Do you want this life cycle ? .... Learn Coding at @EmmersiveLearning.

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 11:46

Learn Database!....

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 11:28

የምን ብቻ መጨለል ነው !? ...

እሷንም Code ታስጀምርና አብሮ መጨለል... በቃ!😊😂

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 11:01

ዛሬ ይሄን ምስል እዚህ ፒን አድርጌ ማስቀመጫ ትክክለኛው እሁድ ይመስለኛል😊

አንድ ምስል ከ 1000 ቃል በላይ ይናገራል ይባል የለ😁

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 10:46

ህእ ... ትኚት 😊

Sunday, November 03, 2024!

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 06:32

About UI / UX - Part-2

Muhammed Teshome

03 Nov, 06:12

ፍቅር ፤ ሰላም ፤ ደስታ
ለ ሰው ልጆች ሁሉ!

Muhammed Teshome

02 Nov, 20:16

"Everything you want is on the other side of 'Worse First'" .

To achieve your goals and desires, you often need to initially go through a period of discomfort, difficulty, or setbacks before reaching the positive outcome you seek.

Essentially, the path to success might initially seem worse before it gets better.

Muhammed Teshome

02 Nov, 06:04

እነሆ 10k ገብተናል በ ዩቱብ ቻናላችን ላይ! 🔥

እናመሰግናለን! 🙏

ቤተሰቡ ያልሆናችሁ በተሻለ መልኩ እየመጣን ስለሆነ እንዲትቀላቀሉን እንጋብዛለን!

ቻናሉ ን በዚህ ሊንክ ይቀላቀሉን!

Muhammed Teshome

01 Nov, 19:10

መኖር ደግ ነው!

Muhammed Teshome

01 Nov, 19:09

ፈይነት ኒእማን።

Muhammed Teshome

01 Nov, 12:26

i don't care about the number of letters.

but, Everything has polarity.

Things on opposite polarity has same energy.

Guru's know how to switch from negative to the positive end.

Muhammed Teshome

01 Nov, 12:20

እዚህ ቻናል ውስጥ ያላችሁ ወዳጆቼ እኮ ግን በምን መስክ እንደሆናችሁ ባውቅ ለመደወል ያመቼኝ ነበር! 😊

እስኪ በውስጥ እንተዋወቅ!...

ቀኑ ጁምዓህ ነው.... እስኪ Let's be Friends. ❤️

Muhammed Teshome

01 Nov, 11:46

Learn Computer Science

Playlist :

Muhammed Teshome

01 Nov, 11:29

Computer Science Roadmap. ⬇️

Stage 1 - Programming (Python, Java)
Stage 2 - Data Structures
Stage 3 - Algorithms
Stage 4 - Discrete Math
Stage 5 - Computer Architecture
Stage 6 - Operating Systems
Stage 7 - Databases (SQL, NoSQL)
Stage 8 - Networking
Stage 9 - Software Engineering
Stage 10 - Projects

🏆 - Computer Science Proficiency


Muhammed Teshome

31 Oct, 16:02

Who will be the 10k'th subscriber of our YouTube channel. ?

Muhammed Teshome

31 Oct, 10:08

HTML Learning Roadmap. ⬇️

Stage 1 - Basics (Tags, Structure)
Stage 2 - Text (Headings, Lists, Links)
Stage 3 - Media (Images, Video)
Stage 4 - Forms
Stage 5 - Semantic HTML
Stage 6 - Tables
Stage 7 - HTML5 APIs
Stage 8 - SEO Basics
Stage 9 - Responsive Design
Stage 10 - Projects

🏆 - HTML Mastery


Muhammed Teshome

31 Oct, 09:49

Python Keywords.

Muhammed Teshome

30 Oct, 10:19

The Generalist and Polymath way is better.

Muhammed Teshome

30 Oct, 09:39

The Creator Economy is changing.

There are approximately 207 million professional content creators in the world.

- Less than 1,000 followers: 23 million
- 1,000–10,000 followers: 139 million
- 10,000–100,000 followers: 41 million
- 100,000–1,000,000 followers: 2 million
- More than 1,000,000 followers: 2 million

The top 10 companies dominating the creator economy landscape are:

1.Meta [ Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Threads
2. YouTube
3. Bytedanc [ Tiktok,
4. Alphabet
5. Spotify
6. Netflix
7. Snapchat
8. X. com
9. Pinterest
10. Etsy

Muhammed Teshome

30 Oct, 08:11

ኢትዮጵያ 130 ሚሊዮን የህዝብ ቁጥር አልፋለች!

ከ አለም 10ኛዋም ሆናለች!

Muhammed Teshome

30 Oct, 07:59

Learning, teaching, and earning collapse into one ideal and meaningful lifestyle (thanks to advancements in technology and the spread of information.)

Muhammed Teshome

30 Oct, 07:58

Education should be more efficient, affordable, and results-oriented than a conformist public school system.

Muhammed Teshome

30 Oct, 07:57

It's better for Individuals to pursue their interests and teach those with a similar personality, creating a better learning experience

That is the future.

Muhammed Teshome

29 Oct, 19:14

The Future :

- Individual creators will be the new teachers.
- Online courses will be the new Schooling.

Muhammed Teshome

29 Oct, 14:17

Stage 1 - HTML
Stage 2 - CSS (Grid, Flex)
Stage 3 - Git, GitHub
Stage 4 - JavaScript, DOM
Stage 5 - React || VueJS |I Svetle
Stage 6 - Node.js
Stage 7- MySQL
Stage 8 - MongoDB
Stage 9 - The CRUD pattern
Stage 10 - Build projects to gain experience

🏆 - Full Stack developer.


Muhammed Teshome

29 Oct, 06:25

Why Python ?

Muhammed Teshome

24 Oct, 12:35

MC: What specially should i learn ?

Yann LeCun : You should study very basic things that have a long shelf life - mathematics, physics, basic computer science, applied mathematics. Those are things that would be necessary to understand and develop the next generation of AI system,"

Muhammed Teshome

24 Oct, 08:23

HTML Elements vs Attributes.

watch on Tiktok :

Muhammed Teshome

23 Oct, 14:06

Python - Part - 15 | OOP - Principles

OOP Principles:
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism.
- Abstraction.

Muhammed Teshome

23 Oct, 08:11

Learn Cyber Security.

Muhammed Teshome

23 Oct, 08:10

What is Hacking and Types of Hackers.

Muhammed Teshome

22 Oct, 18:19

The Future.

Future of work - AI
Future of money - stablecoins
Future of finance - DeFi
Future of the internet - web3
Future of knowledge - AI
Future of learning - VR
Future of ownership - NFTs
Future of investing - tokenization
Future of privacy - ZK
Future of entertainment - NFTs
Future of gaming - web3
Future of Hollywood - web3
Future of music - web3
Future of science - DeSci
Future of AI - decentralized AI

Muhammed Teshome

22 Oct, 18:11

Prompt :

Tell me something that will destroy me so much that it will make me work harder.

Muhammed Teshome

22 Oct, 17:11

pattern recognition is a Great Skill.

Muhammed Teshome

22 Oct, 16:52

Wach on TikTok.

Muhammed Teshome

22 Oct, 16:05

What is CSS

Learn to style the web.

join TIkto


Muhammed Teshome

22 Oct, 15:46

Python - Part - 14 | Python OOP - Class and Object

New Video Out....

- Programming paradigms.
- Object Oriented Programming
- Class and Object.

Muhammed Teshome

21 Oct, 15:54

What is HTML ?

Start your web dev journey with HTML.

Join tiktok

Muhammed Teshome

20 Oct, 15:49

Python - Part - 13 | Python Exception Handling.

New Video Out....

Muhammed Teshome

20 Oct, 12:29

Spiral Dynamics is a psychological and social model that describes the evolution of human consciousness and value systems.

Understanding Spiral Dynamics helps individuals see where they are in their personal development and what the next stage might look like for them.

It encourages an open-minded, non-judgmental approach to growth.


Muhammed Teshome

20 Oct, 08:26

NotebookLM ገራሚ ነው!

ብዙ ፌቸሮች አሉት!

- የራሳችሁን ዶክመንት ማስገባት ( ጎግል ዶክ ፤ ስላይድ ፤ pdf ፤ ቲክስት ፋይል ፤ ኮፒድ ፋይል ፤ የ ዌብሳይት ሊንኮችንን እና መሰል ፎርማቶች) ከተለያየ ሶርስ ይቀበላል።

- ከ ዶክመንታችሁ ላይ ኖት እንዲትወስዱ፤ ሰመራይዝ ማድረግ ፤ ጥያቄ መጠየቅ እንዲትችሉ ፤ ሃሳቡን እንዲያደራጅላችሁ ያስችላል።

- ከ ዶክመንታችሁ ጋር ቻት ማድረግ ፤ ከፈልጋችሁ በ ድምፅ መስማት ፤ ከ ፈልጋችሁ በ ፖድካስት መልክ የራሳችሁን ዶክመንት በ ሁለት ሰዎች ዲስከስ ሲያደርጉበት መስማት! እና የመሳሰሉት ገራሚ ፌቸሮች አሉት!


ሊንክ ፡


Muhammed Teshome

20 Oct, 07:11

🚨ELON MUSK: "I think the value of a college education is somewhat overweighted.

Too many people spend four years, accumulate a ton of debt and often don't have useful skills that they can apply afterwards.

I have a lot of respect for people who work with their hands and we need electricians and plumbers and carpenters and that's a lot more important than having incremental political science majors.

I think we should not have this idea that in order to be successful you need a four year college degree."

Muhammed Teshome

20 Oct, 06:09

እስኪ ቻናላችን ላይ በመማር ላይ ያላችሁ አሁን ምን ቪድዮ ላይ እንዳላችሁ በዚህ ኮሜንት ስር ስክሪንስሾት ላኩልን!

We Appreciate you.

Muhammed Teshome

20 Oct, 05:56

For anyone who wants to start Python course.

Here is part one.





