Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ @eeaprimary Channel on Telegram

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ


Center for Holistic Excellence!

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ (Amharic)

የኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ ቋንቋ፣ ምክንያት እና ግንባታ በተንሳፋፊ ማብለኪያ ነው። የኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ ቋንቋ ተማሪዎችና በአስተባባሪ ውስጥ እየሆነ እንዲሆን ለሚቀነስ ጥያቄና መልስ እንቅስቃሴ ያበረታናል። ማወቅ እና እንዲሁም በቅርብ እና በከፍተኛ የሥራ መሥሪያዎችን በበጎ ስነ-ምግባሪነት እንለካለን። ምርጫን ለመጠበቅ የሚውል የለውጥ አስተማሪ እንዳለም ለምንድን አካባቢ እንሆን እንደሚችል የምርጫውን እና በአካባቢ ለማጠቃለያ የሚችል አስተማሪ በመሆን የትምህርት ዝርዝር መዐዝ ካለፈ ከተለያዩ ቀጣይት እስከነኜ እንዲሁም በማንኛውም እርስዎ እንዲሄድ የተወሰኑ መረጃዎች እና ዝርዝሮች ይዛለች። እርስዎ እንስራትና ከእውነተኛ አካባቢ ጋር ስነ-ማጠናከሪነትን ያተኮረኮርናል እና ገና ከአካባቢዎች ውጭ በእንደሚገኙ ስለ ዶማኒክሽንድሬትና ሲኬስ አካባቢ አካባቢዎች ያተኮረኮርናሉ።

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

18 Jan, 12:50

ለመላው የክርስትና እምነት ተከታይ የትምህርት ቤታችን ማህበረሰብ በሙሉ፣
እንኳን ለከተራ እና ለብርሃነ ጥምቀቱ በዓል በሰላምና በጤና አደረሳችሁ።

መልካም በዓል ይሁንላችሁ!!

ኢ.ኤ.አ. አስተዳደር

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:22

Congratulations to the Grade 4 Academic Contest Finalists at Ethio Excellence Academy! 🎉🌟📚 It’s been an amazing day filled with knowledge, excitement, and incredible performances. See you all at the grand finale for even more brilliance and inspiration! 👏🏅 #AcademicExcellence #AmazingDay #SeeYouAtTheFinale #EthioExcellenceAcademy

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Amen Yohannes 4C

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Nathan Yonas 4B

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Lekiber Tadele 4B

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Adoniyas Desta 4A

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Betselot Atlaw 4C

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Fiyameta Ekubay 4C

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Eldana Hagos 4A

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 12:21

Esset Mesfin 4D

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

17 Jan, 11:42

The Grade 4 Academic Contest is happening now now! 🌟📚 Our amazing students are showcasing their knowledge and skills. Stay tuned for updates and cheer them on! 🎉👏 #AcademicExcellence #HappeningNow #EthioExcellenceAcademy

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

07 Jan, 13:54

🎥 Gift Day Celebration Snippet! 🎁
Our students at Ethio Excellence Academy made a real impact this holiday season by giving back to the community. ❤️ Watch how they spread love and kindness during our special Gift Day event!

We’ve launched our YouTube channel! 📺
The full version of this video is now live on our channel. Don’t miss it!


📲 Subscribe, watch, and share!
#GiftDay #EthioExcellenceAcademy #GivingBack #CommunityLove #YouthForGood #NewYouTubeChannel #SpreadKindness 💙

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

07 Jan, 07:18

ለመላው የኢትዮ ኤክሰለንስ አካዳሚ የክርስትና እምነት ተከታዮች በሙሉ፣

እንኳን ለጌታችንና ለመድኃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት በዓል አደረሳችሁ!!

“ዛሬ በዳዊት ከተማ መድኃኒት እርሱም ክርስቶስ ጌታ የሆነ ተወልዶላችኋልና።”
— ሉቃስ 2፥11

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

07 Jan, 07:17

Channel photo updated

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

23 Dec, 15:14

🥇 Honoring the Best of the Best! 🥇

A huge round of applause to the incredible students who secured First Place in their classes from Grade 1 to 4! 🌟 Your hard work, determination, and excellence have truly shone through, and we couldn’t be prouder! 🎉

Keep inspiring us with your brilliance and passion for success! 🚀

#FirstPlaceWinners #AcademicExcellence #TopAchievers #Grade1to4 #HardWorkPaysOff #ProudMoment #FutureLeaders 🏫🎓

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

24 Nov, 04:57

የሁለተኛው ሩብ ዓመት የትምህርት አገልግሎትና የሰርቪስ ክፍያ ቀናትን ስለማስታወስ

የ2ኛው ሩብ ዓመት የትምህርት አገልግሎት ክፍያና የሩብ ዓመት የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ክፍያ መከፈል ያለበት እስከ ህዳር 25 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን እያስታወስን  በብርሃን ባንክ የተማሪዎችን የመክፈያ ኮድ በመጠቀም እስከተጠቀሰው ቀን ድረስ ክፍያውን እንድትፈጽሙ እየጠየቅን የክፍያ ጊዜው ካለፈ በእያንዳንዱ ቀን ሲስተሙ ብር 10.00 (አስር ብር) ቅጣት የሚጨምር መሆኑን ከወዲሁ ለማስገንዘብ እንወዳለን።

የክፍያ መጠንና የባንኩን ዲጂታል ደረሰኝ ለማግኘት ይህን ሊንክ በመጫን የልጆቻችሁን መክፈያ ኮድ (Payment Code) ወይንም የመታወቂያ ቁጥር (Student ID number) በማስገባት ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ


ኢኢኤ ፋይናንስ ቢሮ

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

13 Nov, 16:20

📚 Attention Grade 3 and Grade 4 students and parents! 📚 English Revision Materials are now available on the Grade 3 and Grade 4 resources Telegram pages. Check them out to be fully prepared for the final exam! 📖

Grade 3

Grade 4

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

02 Nov, 15:32

Yesterday’s election was a true display of leadership and unity! 🎉🗳️ Proud of our students for embracing democracy and stepping up as future leaders! 🌟 Watch the highlights! 👀

#EEAElection2024 #LeadershipInAction #StudentVoices #DemocracyDay #ProudMoment #FutureLeaders #EEAFamily

Ethio Excellence Academy Official - ኢትዮ ኤክሰለንሰ አካዳሚ

01 Nov, 15:41

Today, our students took a step into the world of leadership and democracy! 🗳️ A fair and inspiring election at EEA, empowering the voices of tomorrow! 🌟
#FutureLeaders #StudentVoices #LeadershipInAction #ProudToVote





