Bright side consult & training @brigthsidedu Channel on Telegram

Bright side consult & training


Special need caregivers training
Home tutoring and IEP
Special need Education
Behavioural and speech therapy
developmental assessment
For students, schools and parents


Bright side consult & training (English)

Are you a caregiver of a child with special needs? Do you struggle to provide them with the support and education they deserve? Look no further than Bright side consult & training! Our Telegram channel, @brightsidedu, offers a wide range of services tailored specifically for special need caregivers.

At Bright side consult & training, we provide specialized training in areas such as home tutoring, Individualized Education Plans (IEP), special need education, behavioral and speech therapy, and developmental assessments. Our goal is to empower caregivers, students, schools, and parents with the tools and knowledge they need to support children with special needs effectively.

Whether you are a parent looking for guidance on how to best support your child, a school searching for resources to create an inclusive learning environment, or a caregiver seeking professional development opportunities, Bright side consult & training is here to help.

For more information and to join our community of special need caregivers, please contact us at +251974175344 or +251943115994. You can also reach us on Telegram at @Brightcsr. Let us work together to create a brighter future for children with special needs!

Bright side consult & training

20 Feb, 19:05

Parenting a child with special needs can be a beautiful, yet challenging journey. For many parents, the experience is accompanied by a range of emotions, including love, fear, joy, and sometimes guilt. Guilt might arise when parents feel they are not doing enough or if they struggle to balance their child’s needs with their own well-being. It's important to acknowledge these feelings, but also to understand that guilt doesn't define one's ability to parent well.

Bright side consult & training

19 Feb, 12:44

ታላቅ ግብዣ!!! የ ኬርኤፕለፕሲ ኢትዮጵያን 10ኛ አመታዊ በዓል እና የብሄራዊ የሚጥል ወር መዝጊያን ለማክበር የሚመጣው እሁድ የካቲት 16 ፣ 2017 በ ጎልፍ ክለብ ጦርሃይሎች ከጠዋቱ 4 ሰአት እስከ ቀኑ 10 ሰአት ድረስ ይቀላቀሉን!

የህፃናት ክፍል ላይ Bright side educational support ያገኙናል

የተለያዮ ጌሞችንና መዝናኛዎችን የያዘ የቤተሰብ ቀን!
🎯 የተለያዮ ጨዋታ ለህጻናት እና ላዋቂዎች አዘጋጅተናል!
ፌስ ፔይንት
🎨 ቀለም መቀቢያ
🏃 የጆንያ ሪጫ ውድድር
⚽️ ጆተኒ
🎲 የተለያዪ ውድድሮች
በተጨማሪም፡ ዘፈን እና የኤፕለፕሲ ጀግኖች የሽልማት ፕሮግራም 0911571269 / 0911739900

Became a volunteer #InclusionMatters

Bright side consult & training

19 Feb, 11:01

Recognizing Burnout When Raising a Child with Special Needs: A Guide for Parents

Being a parent of a child with special needs is a unique and often rewarding experience, but it can also be incredibly demanding. For many parents, the constant care, emotional investment, and logistical challenges can lead to burnout. In this counseling session, we will explore how to recognize burnout and take steps to manage it.
Register now 0974175344 #InclusionMatters

Bright side consult & training

17 Feb, 13:53

Bright side consult & training

13 Feb, 17:50
Special Needs Training Course Registration

Our Special Needs Training Course is designed for individuals who wish to become paraprofessionals in the field of special education. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or someone passionate about supporting children with special needs, this course is for you!

Course Details:
- Eligibility:
- For prospective paraprofessionals: Grade 12 educational background is required.
- For parents: There are no specific academic requirements.

- Duration: 6 weeks (online)
- Format: Online learning with one full-day physical demonstration session.

- Requirements:
- A phone and a stable internet connection are all you need. You can learn from anywhere!

Course Modules:
- Child Development
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Physical Therapy

Benefits for Parents:
- Better Understanding: Gain insights into your child's developmental milestones and neurodevelopmental disorders.
- Effective Strategies: Learn proven methods like ABA and SLT that can be applied in day-to-day interactions with your child.
- Empowerment: Equip yourself with the tools to advocate for your child's educational and therapeutic needs.
- Stronger Bond: Enhance your ability to connect with your child by understanding their needs more effectively.
- Supportive Community: Connect with other parents and professionals, sharing experiences and learning together.


At the end of the course, you will receive a certification to validate your new skills and knowledge.

Sign Up Now 0974175344

Bright side consult & training

11 Feb, 15:16
ለ1 አመት ህጻን አንዳንድ ቁልፍ የእድገት ደረጃዎች እነኚሁና፡

1. ለስማቸው ምላሽ መስጠት * - ሲጠሩ ማወቅ እና ምላሽ መስጠት.
2. ያለ ድጋፍ መቀመጥ - የተሻለ ሚዛን እና ቅንጅት ማግኘት።
3. መጎተት ወይም መንሸራተት - ለብቻው መንቀሳቀስ።
4. ከድጋፍ ጋር መራመድ * - ለመረጋጋት የቤት እቃዎች ወይም እጆችን በመያዝ.
5. ቀላል ቃላትን መናገር - "ማማ" "ዳዳ" ወይም ሌሎች የሚታወቁ ቃላት።
6. በዕቃዎች ላይ መጠቆም - ለሚፈልጉት ወይም ለሚወዷቸው ነገሮች ፍላጎት ማሳየት።
7. ቀላል ትዕዛዞችን መረዳት - እንደ "ና ወደዚህ" ወይም "አሻንጉሊቱን ስጠኝ" ላሉ ሀረጎች ምላሽ መስጠት።
8. ድርጊቶችን መኮረጅ - እንደ ማጨብጨብ ወይም ፀጉርን መቦረሽ ያሉ የአዋቂዎችን ባህሪያት መኮረጅ።
9. ስሜትን መግለጥ - የደስታ፣ የብስጭት ወይም የደስታ ምልክቶችን ማሳየት።
10. የፒንሰር መያዣን ማዳበር * - ትናንሽ ነገሮችን በአውራ ጣት እና በጣት ጣታቸው ማንሳት።

Bright side consult & training

06 Feb, 13:32

Bright side consult & training pinned «»

Bright side consult & training

06 Feb, 13:32

Bright side consult & training

04 Feb, 08:52

# URGENT!!!! One to One Assistant
📍Cambridge academy Jemo
Must be able to start tomorrow
Grade 1 age 9
Level 2 Autisim
Requirements: #Female preferred, proven experience with special needs and basic English knowledge
Applicants : send your cv to @BrightsideRecruitment

Bright side consult & training

03 Feb, 13:27

Bright side consult & training

30 Jan, 11:39

Bright side consult & training

26 Jan, 13:37

Bright side consult & training

25 Jan, 08:59

3rd round class will start on Monday
Register now
Became a caregiver and get a 100% job opportunity

Bright side consult & training

21 Jan, 12:28


Bright side consult & training

13 Jan, 15:10

Congratulations to our second chort special needs caregiver traine
3rd round registration is opened
Register now

Limited seat
#caregiver #SNE #ABA

Bright side consult & training

07 Jan, 09:00

#education #specialneeds #caregivers #inclusion #tutors
Contact us 0974175344

Bright side consult & training

29 Dec, 20:45

Bright side consult & training

12 Dec, 17:07

Bright side consult & training pinned «»

Bright side consult & training

12 Dec, 17:07

Bright side consult & training

06 Dec, 15:27

Weekend class will start tomorrow
Register today 0974175354
50% off

Bright side consult & training

05 Dec, 09:14

Brightside Education is excited to participate in the Alive Mass Sport Event at Kana Studio on Sunday, December 8, 2024. This is a unique opportunity to raise awareness about inclusive education and promote our mission.

Volunteers will assist with community engagement, activity coordination, and representing our organization. As a thank-you, all participants will receive a Certificate of Participation!

Be part of this meaningful event and help us make a difference. Sign up now through the link below!

Let’s work together to create an impact!

Bright side consult & training

02 Dec, 20:15

Bright side @nuchikaenabuka
#tutor #caregiver #familyfestival #inclusion #ecd

Bright side consult & training

02 Dec, 11:18

ፍላጎት እንክብካቤ ሰጭ ስልጠና ጥቅሞች፡-
1. የተሻሻለ ግንዛቤ የተለያዩ የአካል ጉዳተኞች እና ልዩ እንክብካቤ ፍላጎቶች።
2. ተግባራዊ የእንክብካቤ ችሎታዎች ለዕለት ተዕለት እንቅስቃሴዎች እና ባህሪዎችን ለማስተዳደር። 3. የተሻሻለግንኙነት ማዳበር
4. የባህሪ አስተዳደር ፈታኝ ባህሪያትን ለመቆጣጠር ስልቶች።
5. የጤና እና የደህንነት እውቀት የመጀመሪያ እርዳታ፣ ሲፒአር እና የአደጋ ጊዜ ፕሮቶኮሎችን ጨምሮ።
6. ስሜታዊ ድጋፍ ለተንከባካቢዎች፣ ጭንቀትን ለመቆጣጠር ለመከላከል የሚረዱ ልምምዶች
7. ህጋዊ እና ስነ-ምግባራዊ ግንዛቤ በእንክብካቤ ስራ ውስጥ መብቶች እና ግዴታዎች።
8. የግል እንክብካቤ ዕቅዶች ለግለሰብ ፍላጎቶች ድጋፍን ለማበጀት።
9. የአውታረ መረብ እድሎች ከሌሎች ተንከባካቢዎች እና ባለሙያዎች ጋር።
10. የእውቅና ማረጋገጫ እና 100% የስራ እድል::

Bright side consult & training

30 Nov, 18:41

#Tutor #CaregiverTraining #familyday #Brightsidedu
Let’s have fun

Bright side consult & training

30 Nov, 09:41

In partnership with Mogzit in home care
Register now became a special need caregiver 0974175344

Bright side consult & training

28 Nov, 18:28

Bright side consult & training

27 Nov, 09:46

50% ቅናሽ ለሁላችሁም ለ አጭር ቀን ብቻ ።

የልዩ ፍላጎት ተንከባካቢ ስልጠና ጥቅሞች፡-

1. አጠቃላይ እውቀት 🧠 -
የልጅ እድገትን ፣የነርቭ እድገቶችን መሰረታዊ እንክብካቤ ፣ልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት እና የህክምና ሂደትን ማወቅ

2ተግባራዊ ችሎታዎች👨‍⚕️
- የተለያየ ፍላጎት ያላቸውን ልጆች ለመደገፍ የተግባር ልምምድ እድል
❤️ - በልጆች ህይወት እና በቤተሰቦቻቸው ላይ እውነተኛ በጎ ተጽእኖ ማሳደር

3. የስራ ምደባ 💼 - 100% የስራ ምደባ ከፍተኛ የሰው ሀይል ፍላጎት ወዳለው መስክ ይግቡ።
4. የስራ እድገት 📈 - የስራ ልምድዎን ያሳድጉ

📞 ያግኙን፡ 0974175344 #Bright Side #Tutor_request #addisababaethiopia

Bright side consult & training

25 Nov, 14:57

Bright side consult & training

19 Nov, 15:12

🌟 Bright Side Educational Support Presents: Free Epilepsy Awareness Training for Parents, Teachers, and Communities 🌟

### What you’ll learn:
Understanding Epilepsy and its causes
How to support individuals with epilepsy in everyday situations
First aid techniques for seizures
Creating a safe, inclusive environment at home, in schools, and within the community
And much more!

### Why Participate?
It's FREE and open to everyone!
Gain practical skills to make a real difference in the lives of those affected by epilepsy.
Connect with care epilepsy Ethiopia
📞 9610

Register today via the Google Form link below
to secure your spot in the training!


🗓 Training Dates: Nov 25 2024
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm
📍 Location: Online
Our social media

Bright side consult & training

15 Nov, 07:36

Register now 0974175344

Bright side consult & training

12 Nov, 10:24


Bright side consult & training

11 Nov, 06:52

Our orientation session for special needs caregivers training
Register now
Follow our social media
#SpecialEducation #EmpoweringCaregivers #SpeechTherapy

Bright side consult & training

08 Nov, 17:41

Dear our tutor we have a lot of requests to tutors special needs children we provide you a training with 50% discounts and you can pay it in different rounds
Contact us 0943115994
Don’t miss the chance

Bright side consult & training

08 Nov, 10:50

Bright side consult & training

08 Nov, 10:08

ልጄ ዲስሌክሲያ ሊኖረው ይችላል? ምን ምልክት አለው 👀

የመለጠፍ ጽሑፍ:
እንደ ወላጆች፣ የመማር ተግዳሮቶችን የመጀመሪያ ምልክቶችን ማወቅ ምን ያህል አስፈላጊ እንደሆነ እናውቃለን። ልጅዎ በማንበብ፣ በመጻፍ ወይም በፊደል አጻጻፍ እየታገለ ከሆነ፣ የዲስሌክሲያ ምልክቶችን እያሳየ ሊሆን ይችላል።

የሚታዩ ምልክቶች
አቀላጥፎ ማንበብ ወይም ቀላል ቃላትን ማወቅ መቸገር
ተደጋጋሚ የፊደል መገለባበጥ (ለምሳሌ ግራ የሚያጋባ "ለ" እና "መ")
ከተለማመዱ በኋላ እንኳን ቃላትን በትክክል ለመፃፍ መታገል
ለመፃፍ እና ለማንበብ ከእኩዮች የበለጠ ጊዜ መውሰድ
ብስጭት ወይም የማንበብ ስራዎችን ማስወገድ
የእርምጃዎችን ወይም መመሪያዎችን ቅደም ተከተል ለማስታወስ ይቸገራሉ።

ከእነዚህ ውስጥ አንዳቸውም የሚያውቁ ከሆኑ አይጨነቁ-የቅድሚያ ጣልቃ ገብነት(early intervention)ትልቅ ለውጥ ሊያመጣ ይችላል። ዲስሌክሲያ ማለት ልጅዎ ጎበዝ አይደለም ማለት አይደለም
👨‍🏫 በልጅዎ ላይ ከእነዚህ ምልክቶች አንዱን አስተውለዋል?

የልጅዎን ልዩ የትምህርት ፍላጎቶች ለመረዳት እና ትክክለኛውን ድጋፍ ለማግኘት።
📞 ይደውሉ 0943115994

Bright side consult & training

07 Nov, 19:26

Bright side consult & training

07 Nov, 13:00

🌟 Meet the trainer We are thrilled to introduce our lead trainer for the Special Needs Caregiver Training program at Bright Side Educational Support – Eyerusalem tesfaye

With an MSc in Speech and Language Therapy from Addis Ababa University, eyerusalem tesfaye brings overyears of hands-on experience in supporting individuals with diverse needs. From working with Parkinson's patients to empowering children with ASD at schools

Currently expanding their expertise Holistic Child Development

Why Learn from eyerusalem tesfaye

🔹 Expertise & Experience
🔹 Practical, Hands-On Approach
🔹 Empathy & Compassion

What Will You Learn?

Understanding the needs of children awith special needs.
Effective communication strategies and speech therapy techniques.

**Join us and learn from a passionate expert who understands both the science and the heart of special needs caregiving.*

🔗 telegram
📞 For inquiries: 0943115994
: 0974175344

Bright side consult & training

05 Nov, 16:01

See you at 5th national career expo #tutor #psyiotheray #speechtherapy #ABA

Bright side consult & training

03 Nov, 12:21

Meet Trainer Kalkidan Hailu
Founder of Unbutu Psychological Services

With extensive experience in mental health,
caregivers of individuals with special needs. Join our upcoming training sessions where she will address vital topics such as caregiver mental health and burnout management.

Why Join Us?

- Gain valuable insights on self-care strategies.
- Learn effective techniques to manage stress and prevent burnout.
- Connect with other caregivers and share experiences.
Register now
Stay Tuned for More Updates!

Follow us on social media

Bright side consult & training

03 Nov, 10:37

Meet Trainer Kalkidan Hailu
Founder of Unbutu Psychological Services

With extensive experience in mental health,
caregivers of individuals with special needs. Join our upcoming training sessions where she will address vital topics such as caregiver mental health and burnout management.

Why Join Us?

- Gain valuable insights on self-care strategies.
- Learn effective techniques to manage stress and prevent burnout.
- Connect with other caregivers and share experiences.
Register now
Stay Tuned for More Updates!

Follow us on social media

Bright side consult & training

31 Oct, 10:38

Meet Bethlehem Abebe, a human resource expert and founder of Tyari HR Services. With extensive experience in work ethics, she focuses on enhancing the skills and professionalism of caregivers, ensuring they provide the best support for individuals with special needs. Her training sessions emphasize empathy, communication, and commitment, fostering a positive and effective caregiving environment.

Register now at 0974175344 to secure your spot!

Bright side consult & training

21 Oct, 09:18
Join job center

Bright side consult & training

21 Oct, 09:18

# TUTOR REQUEST Location: Jemo michael
4 days per week (tue, wen, thur and saturday)
Grade: kg, Gr2 Cambridge curriculum
250 per/hour

Bright side consult & training

18 Oct, 17:54

ለበለጠ መረጃ 0974175344
#brightside #ecd #inclusion #tutor #autism #speechtherapy #behaviouraltherapy #brightside #CaregiverTraining

Bright side consult & training

11 Oct, 13:56

Unlock your child's potential with our comprehensive development assessment! Book now to gain valuable insights into your child's growth, strengths, and areas for improvement. Our expert team uses proven methods to provide tailored recommendations that support your child's unique journey. Don’t wait—invest in their future today!
#CaregiverTraining #SpecialNeeds #Partnership #MakingADifference #CelebratingSuccess

Bright side consult & training

07 Oct, 18:40

Registration opened +251974175344

Bright side consult & training

01 Oct, 05:59

Bright side consult & training

26 Sep, 15:16

🌼 እንኳን ለብርሃነ መስቀሉ አደረሳችሁ 🌼 እያልን 17/01/2017 የልዩ ፍላጎት ባለሙያ ስልጠና ለምትመዘገቡ አዳዲስ ሰልጣኞቻችን ከመደበኛው ዋጋችን የ20% ቅናሽ ማድረጋችንን በታላቅ ደስታ እንገልጻለን:: መልካም በዓል ይሁንላችሁ!!
+251974175344 በመደወል ይመዝገቡ

Bright side consult & training

20 Sep, 11:04
For those who looking for a job

Bright side consult & training

18 Sep, 07:16

📣 Call for Partnership: special Needs Program for Daycares and Schools! 🌟

We’re excited to announce our new initiative aimed at enhancing support for children with special needs in daycares and schools!

We’re seeking passionate partners who share our vision of inclusive education and holistic development. By collaborating, we can provide resources, training, and tailored programs to empower educators and caregivers, ensuring every child has the support they need to thrive.

Why Partner with Us?

Access to specialized training and resources
Opportunities to engage with the community
Enhance your organization’s impact on children’s lives
Interested in joining us on this important journey? Reach out today to explore partnership opportunities!
Contact us 0974175344

#Partnership #InclusiveEducation #SpecialNeeds #Daycare #Schools #CommunitySupport

Bright side consult & training

14 Sep, 11:41

Contact us 0974175344

Bright side consult & training

12 Sep, 06:13

Registration is opened

Bright side consult & training

10 Sep, 19:25

Happy new year

As we step into the new year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and trust. Wishing you a prosperous and successful 2017 filled with joy and new opportunities. We look forward to serving you in the year ahead.
#specialneed #caregiver #class #tutor #speech-therapy

Bright side consult & training

06 Sep, 18:07

Bright side consult & training

02 Sep, 20:18

🎓 Celebrating Our Special Needs Caregivers Graduation! 🎉

Today, we proudly honor the incredible individuals who have completed their training program in special needs caregiving! 🌟

These compassionate caregivers have dedicated their time and energy to learn essential skills, foster understanding, and provide the best support for those they care for. Their commitment to making a difference in the lives of individuals with special needs is truly inspiring! 💖

Highlights from the Graduation Ceremony:
- Inspiring speeches from our trainers and guest speakers
- Heartwarming stories shared by graduates

To all our graduates: You are now equipped with the knowledge and tools to create positive change

Join us in congratulating these remarkable individuals! 🎉 Drop a comment below to share your support and encouragement! 👇

Register for the 2nd round

#Graduation #SpecialNeedsCaregivers #inclusions #CompassionInAction #CelebratingSuccess





