Ameen Tube አሚን ቲዩብ is a Telegram channel that aims to provide spiritual content and reminders to help bring peace and tranquility to the hearts of its followers. The channel's username @ameentube reflects its focus on Islamic teachings and guidance. The name 'Ameen Tube' signifies a place where individuals can find solace and comfort through the remembrance of Allah. The description 'ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب' emphasizes the belief that by remembering Allah, hearts find peace. Additionally, the statement 'ንቁ! አላህን በማውሳት ልቦች ይረካሉ' encourages followers to seek refuge in Allah and trust in His guidance. Whether you are looking for daily reminders, verses from the Quran, or motivational quotes, Ameen Tube አሚን ቲዩብ is the perfect channel to nourish your soul and deepen your connection with your faith.
11 Jan, 21:12
30 Dec, 16:29
22 Dec, 18:51
16 Nov, 00:35
29 Oct, 20:14
19 Oct, 21:21
15 Oct, 20:40
10 Oct, 21:21
16 Sep, 20:33
16 Sep, 20:19