ብጹእ ወቅዱስ አቡነ ሽኖዳ ሣልሳዊ
ፈለገ ቅዱሳን is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing inspirational Bible verses and spiritual messages in Amharic. The channel provides a platform for Ethiopians to delve into the teachings of the Holy Bible, as well as explore the thoughts of various religious thinkers and scholars. Users can find insightful articles, PDFs, images, and quotes related to Christianity, faith, and love. The channel aims to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and the compassion of the Virgin Mary to its followers. Join us in this spiritual journey and immerse yourself in the rich traditions and beliefs of Ethiopian Christianity! Amen!
30 May, 05:31
29 May, 05:18
29 May, 05:18
10 May, 23:06
"እንግዲህ ያለ እርሾ እንዳላችሁ አዲሱን ሊጥ ትሆኑ ዘንድ አሮጌውን እርሾ አስወግዱ። ፋሲካችን ክርስቶስ ታርዶአልና፤
ስለዚህ በቅንነትና በእውነት ቂጣ በዓልን እናድርግ እንጂ በአሮጌ እርሾ በክፋትና በግፍ እርሾም አይደለም።"
(ወደ ቆሮ. ም.5፥7-8)
05 May, 01:15
27 Apr, 14:14