Ұрпақтарға үлгі болу мен үлгілі мұра қалдыру парасаттылық. Ол адамзаттың ортақ борышы.
©Нұрмұқан Жанұзақұлы
📗"Бір ауыз сөзім - мың ділда"
МАДИЯРДЫҢ ТҮРТІП АЛҒАНДАРЫ Telegram channel is a place where you can find inspiration, motivation, and guidance on personal development. The channel is created for those who are looking to improve themselves in various aspects of life. Whether you are interested in self-help, success stories, or practical tips for achieving your goals, this channel has something for everyone. The username @turtip_algandarym signifies the channel's mission to help its followers find their path to success and fulfillment. Join today and start your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself!
07 Dec, 15:49
06 Dec, 16:27
06 Dec, 11:59
01 Dec, 17:13
01 Dec, 17:02
26 Nov, 14:16
25 Nov, 18:52
25 Nov, 14:28
23 Nov, 16:34
23 Nov, 04:15
22 Nov, 16:08
21 Nov, 13:11
21 Nov, 13:08
18 Nov, 09:07
14 Nov, 17:03
12 Nov, 18:40
12 Nov, 16:05
11 Nov, 10:37
10 Nov, 16:20
10 Nov, 06:49
05 Nov, 19:03
04 Nov, 18:42
02 Nov, 16:03
01 Nov, 17:46
31 Oct, 18:37
29 Oct, 16:13
29 Oct, 04:36
28 Oct, 13:46
27 Oct, 18:26
27 Oct, 13:03
26 Oct, 15:25
24 Oct, 17:53
23 Oct, 17:07
23 Oct, 16:28
21 Oct, 18:22
20 Oct, 17:09
19 Oct, 17:34
18 Oct, 15:39
18 Oct, 03:25
16 Oct, 18:54
16 Oct, 16:49
16 Oct, 14:30
15 Oct, 15:22
15 Oct, 14:01
15 Oct, 05:42
14 Oct, 16:43
14 Oct, 13:30
13 Oct, 18:15
12 Oct, 19:27
11 Oct, 15:37
10 Oct, 15:48
02 Oct, 14:50
01 Oct, 22:15
29 Sep, 21:38
29 Sep, 16:54
29 Sep, 06:21