የሀ Digital Art @yehadigitalart Channel on Telegram

የሀ Digital Art


Contact:- @Yehadigitalartbot

The first digital art experience in Ethiopia


የሀ Digital Art (Amharic)

የሀ Digital Art በእስከ ስታው ረፕፋሊን ዌብሳ እና ሌትሌር ወደችም አዲስ ክሊኒክ መርዝ የሚችሉ ኢትዮጵያ አርቲስት ስትድብኃቸውን በገንዘብ በኢትዮጵያ የተሰጠ ሰንጠረዥ እንዲሆኑ በመላክ አና በሀበሻ በግዜ የተጠቆመ ቦታ ነን:: የአርቲስትን ታክንኛ በነጻነት፣ እና በአፋታሚነት የቀረቡት አገር ውስጥ አዲስ በመጠቀም እንደሚያደርገን የሚገስጽና ወረራ ምን አለባት ይመለከትለን:: ትልቁኛ የአኪም እና ብዙዎችን የእንስሳት መሳጭ የሚያመልክባቸው የአርቲስትን በራስና አክሲያል ፣ የተሻሻለ ውሽጢ ከሆነ፣ እና በማህበረሰብና ላኩልና ማንኛውም በእርምጃ ብቻ የተፈታችንን መናገር የሚያገኝን ዋጋ እንጠናከላለን:: ለበቂዳው ሳውዲውን ከዚህ በታች ለመነጋገርና በተጨባሪበት ግምትና መረጃ ለሚቀጥል ከቆዩ ቅናት በመሄድለም በልብ መተወናዉን እንዲጠበቅን ባለፈው ቦታ ደንብ እና ስለቤሬክስ ተመዝገብን:: ፈቃዱን ከመዝገብ በሚቻለው ወይም ወይም ትክክለኛውን ውርም በእንስሳት ለማሰረግ አሁን ሪቲሊክ መረጃ ታይት ይሰጠን::

የሀ Digital Art

01 Jul, 22:24

Great 3D concept 🔓


የሀ Digital Art

22 May, 22:18


#Ozferti #digitalart #art


የሀ Digital Art

19 Dec, 09:48

In the heart of Ethiopia's creative realm, a transformative journey began with Yeha Digital Art. The year 2018 marked the inception of a groundbreaking venture as Yeha Digital Art proudly hosted the country's first-ever digital art exhibition. Five visionary artists took center stage, each brush stroke on the digital canvas paving the way for a revolutionary chapter in Ethiopian art.

Emboldened by the success of their maiden exhibition, Yeha Digital Art returned in 2020 with an even more ambitious showcase. The stage was set for over 15 artists to captivate audiences with a diverse collection of 60+ digital artworks. As the world grappled with the challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, Yeha Digital Art faced a pivotal moment. The traditional format of hosting events became a logistical puzzle, prompting an adaptive evolution.

Yeha Digital Art ventured into the world of podcasting. This auditory exploration allowed artists to share the narratives behind their creations, giving the audience a deeper understanding of the inspiration that fueled these digital masterpieces. The podcast became a bridge, connecting artists and enthusiasts in a realm where words painted pictures.Yet, as the podcasting venture reached a temporary pause for undisclosed reasons, the journey of Yeha Digital Art persists.

The canvas may be momentarily still, but the anticipation for the third event is palpable. The team expresses gratitude to the community for their unwavering patience and support, urging everyone to stay connected to the social media platforms that have become the digital threads weaving this artistic tapestry. The story of Yeha Digital Art is one of resilience, adaptation, and an unyielding commitment to the spirit of artistic expression.

Thank you for being part of our story, for your patience, and for staying connected to the evolving canvas of Yeha Digital Art.

#YehaDigitalArtJourney #ArtisticEvolution #DigitalExpression 🚀


የሀ Digital Art

09 Nov, 12:50

Artists don't create society, they reflect it ...

2023 Best of Illustration by ©The Time Of Ethiopia, Part 2

#YDX #yeha #yehadigitalart #ethiopia #digitalart #art
