Empower U @visionlec Channel on Telegram

Empower U


Our Focus Areas Include:
1. Short - Term Trainings( 3 to 5 days or 3 days to 3 months for ed)
2. Personal Development
3. Leadership and Team Building
4. Research and Development(on noth LD &
5. Organizational Leadership Issues
Dream, Believe, Achieve!

Empower U (English)

Are you looking to unlock your full potential and achieve your dreams? Look no further than Empower U, a Telegram channel dedicated to empowering individuals through various training programs and development opportunities. With the username 'visionlec', this channel is your gateway to personal growth and professional success. Empower U focuses on a wide range of areas to help you reach your goals. From short-term trainings lasting 3 to 5 days or 3 days to 3 months for educational purposes, to personal development workshops, leadership and team building exercises, research and development opportunities, and tackling organizational leadership issues, there is something for everyone on this channel. Whether you are a student looking to enhance your skills, a professional aiming for career advancement, or an entrepreneur seeking to grow your business, Empower U has something to offer. The channel is a platform for individuals to dream big, believe in themselves, and ultimately achieve their goals. Join Empower U today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Let us help you unlock your full potential and pave the way for a successful future. Dream, believe, achieve! Start your transformation now with Empower U.

Empower U

10 Apr, 11:01

(ቪዥን የአመራር እና የትምህርት ማማከር)
ለመላው የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች በሙሉ፡

እንኳን ለ1,445 ኛው የኢድ አል ፈጥር በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያለ በዓሉ የሰላም፣ የደስታ እና የፍቅር እንዲሆንልዎ መልካም ምኞቱን ይገልጻል፡፡


Empower U

02 Apr, 13:01

ቪዥን በሀገር ውስጥ ሥራና ሠራተኛ አገናኝ ኤጀንሲ አመልካቾችን መልምሎ
አሰልጥኖ ከቀጣሪ ድርጅቶች ማገናኘት ስለሚፈልግ በዚህ ዘርፍ ላይ የትምህርት
ዝግጅት ያላችሁ  መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን። በዚህ ፎርም ላይ ይመዝገቡ
ወይንም  0940145151 ይደውሉ።
ቪዥን ፤ ሥራና ሠራተኛ የሚገናኙበት!

Empower U

01 Apr, 18:36

ድርጅታችን ቪዥን በሀገር ውስጥ ሥራና ሠራተኛ አገናኝ ኤጀንሲ ከዚህ በላይ በተዘረዘሩ ሙያዎች አመልካቾችን መልምሎ አሰልጥኖ ከቀጣሪ ድርጅቶች ማገናኘት ስለሚፈልግ በእነዚህ ዘርፎች ላይ የትምህርት ዝግጅት ያላችሁ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን። ለበለጠ መረጃ በ 0940145151 / 0993353887 ይደውሉ

Empower U

01 Apr, 07:50

አስደሳች ዜና የአመራር ክህሎትን ለማዳበር ለሚፈልጉ ተቋማት

ድርጅታችን ቪዥን የአመራር እና የትምህርት ማማከር ያሉትን ብቁ ምሁራን በማስተባበር በማህበረሰብ ግንባታ ላይ  ሀገራዊ ግዴታውን ለመወጣት  ነጻ የአመራር ማጎልበቻ ስልጠና አዘጋጅቷል። ስለዚህ ከ መጋቢት 25- ሚያዝያ 5 ድረስ በመመዝገብ የዕድሉ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ
ለበለጠ መረጃ
በ0940 14 51 51
በ0993 35 38 87 ይደውሉ

Empower U

28 Mar, 11:58

የአመራርነት ስልጠና በነፃ ከ Vision Leadership and Education Consultancy

Empower U

26 Mar, 11:27

ውጤታማ ተማሪ መሆን ትፈልጋላችሁ ?

Empower U

25 Mar, 14:30

ቪዥን ማነው? ማለም ፣ ማመንና ማሳካት መለያችን ነው!

Empower U

24 Mar, 14:09


Empower U

22 Mar, 18:21


Empower U

22 Mar, 12:44

የጥሩ መሪ ምልክቶች





