Пәйгамбәребезнең ﷺ хәдисләре белән танышу @tatarhadislar Channel on Telegram

Пәйгамбәребезнең ﷺ хәдисләре белән танышу


«Сахих әл-Җәмигъ әс-Сагъир» җыентыгындагы хәдисләр белән танышу.

Пәйгамбәребезнең ﷺ хәдисләре белән танышу (Tatar)

Җәмигъ әс-Сагъир» җыентыгындагы хәдисләр белән танышу" is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing and discussing the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in the Tatar language. The channel provides a platform for Tatar-speaking followers of Islam to deepen their understanding of the teachings of the Prophet and reflect on his wisdom and guidance. With a focus on the collection of hadith known as "Сахих әл-Җәмигъ әс-Сагъир", followers can engage with authentic traditions and gain insights into the Prophet's life and teachings. For those interested in learning more about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, this channel offers a valuable resource for spiritual growth and education. Follow "Пәйгамбәребезнең ﷺ хәдисләре белән танышу" on Telegram and immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Prophet. Visit the channel's YouTube page at https://youtube.com/@dinebez_islam for additional content and resources related to Islamic teachings and traditions.





