Sαℓαf Athαr @salafathar Channel on Telegram

Sαℓαf Athαr


Narrations From The Salaf

Sayings From The Scholars

Run By: Adam Ali

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Sαℓαf Athαr (English)

Welcome to Sαℓαf Athαr, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing narrations from the Salaf and sayings from the scholars. Run by the knowledgeable Adam Ali, this channel is a hub for those seeking authentic teachings and wisdom from the early generations of Islam. Whether you are a student of knowledge or simply someone looking to gain insight into the rich tradition of Islamic scholarship, Sαℓαf Athαr is the perfect place for you. Join us in our journey to learn, grow, and benefit from the valuable knowledge passed down through generations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your understanding of Islam and connect with like-minded individuals. Follow us on Telegram @SalafAthar and start exploring the treasure trove of narrations and sayings waiting for you. Share and benefit from the wisdom of the Salaf with Sαℓαf Athαr today!

Sαℓαf Athαr

04 Feb, 03:37

Trials & Difficulties

Shaykh Muqbil Bin Hadi Al-Wada’aee [رحمه الله] said:

❝If you are afflicted with a difficulty and hardship then perhaps that difficulty is good for you.

Whether that difficulty is in your wealth or on your body or in anything which pains and worries you.

Perhaps that will be a means to raise your rank in the worldly life and the Hereafter. Perhaps it will be a purification from Allaah Azza Wa Jal.❞

[Kitab Al-Masara'ah, (Page: 533) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

04 Feb, 03:30

How Allaah Ta'ala Is Described

Muhmmad Al-Hussain Al-Ajjurry [رحمه الله] [D.360 A.H.] said:

❝Know, may Allaah give us and you the capability to be correct in statements and deeds. Indeed the people of truth describe Allaah –Azza Wa Jal- with what Allaah Himself described Himself with, and with what His Messenger [ﷺ] described Him, and with what the Companions - described Him with, and this is the Madhab of the scholars of those who follow and do not innovate. Nor do they say how are Allaah's Sifaat? In fact, they accept them.❞

[Kitab Sharia’, (2/1051) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

31 Jan, 03:33

Reward Equivalent To A Year Of Fasting And Praying

From Aws Bin Aws Ath-Thaqafi who said I heard the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] saying:

❝Whoever performs a perfect Ghusl on Friday then goes very early to the Khutbah, walking and not riding, sits close to the Imam, listens and does not speak or keep himself busy then for every step towards the Khutbah is the reward equivalent to a year of fasting and praying.❞

[Collected By Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi | Authenticated By Al-Albaani In Saheeh Al-Jama As-Sagheer, (No. 6405) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]


Al-Mulla Ali Al-Qari [رحمه الله] said:

❝The people of knowledge say: 'We do not know of a Hadeeth of the Prophet [ﷺ] which has more reward than this Hadeeth.'❞

[Murqaat Al-Mafateeh Sharh Mishkat Al-Massabeeh, (3/484) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

30 Jan, 03:33

The Righteous Woman In Paradise Is More Beautiful

Imam Qurtubi [رحمه الله] said:

❝The state of the believing Muslim woman in Paradise is better than that of the Hoor Al-A'yin [women of Paradise] she also has a higher status and is more beautiful.

The righteous woman is from the people of the Duniya, when she enters Paradise she enters it as a reward for good deeds and an honour for her from Allaah for her Deen and righteousness.

As for the Hoor [woman of Paradise] who is from the delight of Paradise was created in Paradise for other than her and is placed as a reward for the believer for good deeds.

There is a huge difference between the one who enters Paradise as a reward for her good deeds and who was created as a reward for the person who has good deeds.

The first is a righteous woman who is a queen, a lady who has a high status, the second is the Hoor Al-A'yin even though she has a great status and beauty but as far as is understood by the people, she is lesser than a queen, and she follows the command of her master the believing man, Allaah created her as a reward for him.❞

[Tafseer Qurtubi, (16/154) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

27 Jan, 04:57

When The Heart Is Agitated

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim A-Jawzeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

«إذا اضطرب القلب وقلق فليس له ما يطمئن به سوى ذكر الله.»

❝When the heart is agitated and has anxiety then there is nothing that will make it tranquil other than the Dhikr [remembrance] of Allaah.❞

[Madarij As-Salikeen, (3/72) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

25 Jan, 06:07

Characteristics Of A Pure Heart

Shaykh AbdurRahman Bin Nasr As-Sa’adi [D. 1376 A.H.] said:

❝A correct heart means a heart which is secured from Shirk and doubts, loving evil and is secure from being continuous upon Bida‘ and sins. What necessitates for it to be correct from is the opposite of that which it has been described with, having sincerity, knowledge, certainty, loving goodness and beautifying it in the heart. Also that whatever a person intends and his love follows what Allaah loves and his desires follow what came from Allaah.❞

[Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan, (Page: 593) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

11 Jan, 12:55

Having Knowledge Is One Thing…

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

«وليس كلّ من وجدَ العلم قَدرَ على التعبير عنه، والإحتجاج له ! فالعلم شيءٌ . وبيانه شيءٌ آخر . والمناظرة عنه، وإقامة دليله شيءٌ ثالث . والجواب عن حجّة مخالفهِ شيءٌ رابعٌ .»

❝Not everyone who finds knowledge is capable of expressing it, and using it as evidence.

Therefore, knowledge is one thing and clarifying it is another matter.

Debating about knowledge and establishing the proof is the third matter.

Responding to the evidences of the one who opposes the proof is a fourth matter.❞

[Jawab Al-Itiradaat Al-Misareeyah Ala Al-Futeeyah Al-Hamaweeyah, (Page: 44) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

29 Dec, 16:07

Adhering To The Athaar

Sufyaan Ibn Sa’eed Ath-Thawri [D. 161 A.H.] [رحمه الله] said:

«إِنْ اسْتَطَعْتَ أَنْ لاَ تَحُكَّ رَأْسَكَ إِلاَّ بِأَثَرٍ فَافْعَلْ.»

❝If you cannot scratch your head except due to an Athar [narration] then do so.❞

[Collected In Al-Jama’ Al-Akhlaaq Ar-Rawee Wa Adab As-Saama, (Page: 142) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

21 Dec, 19:04

Slogans, Calls & Methodologies

Shaykh Rabee Bin Hadi Al-Madkhali [حفظه الله] said:

«إِذَا كَانَ لِلنَّاسِ شِعَارَاتٌ فَنَحْنُ لَيْسَ لَنَا إِلَّا شِعَارَ ٱلْأَنْبِيَاءِ، وَإِذَا كَانَ لِلنَّاسِ دَعَوَاتٌ فَلَيْسَ لَنَا إِلَّا دَعْوَةَ ٱلْأَنْبِيَاءِ، وَإِذَا كَانَ لِلنَّاسِ مَنَاهِجُ فَلَيْسَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَنْهَجَ ٱلْأَنْبِيَاءِ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلصَّلَاةُ وَٱلسَّلَامُ.»

❝If the people have slogans then we have no slogan / distinctive characteristic except that of the Prophets.

If the people have a call then we have no call except that of the Prophets.

If the people have methodologies then we have no methodology except the methodology of the Prophets - Alayhi As-Salat Wa As-Salaam.❞

[Al-Majmoo, (1/51) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

09 Dec, 09:48

Ibn Katheer [رحمه الله] said:

❝From the manners of the Prophet [ﷺ] was that he would have beautiful companionship and would always be joyful, he would be playful with his family and treat them affectionately, he would be generous in spending on them, he would make his wives laugh, he would even run a race with ‘Aeysha the mother of the believers to show love towards her.❞

[Tafseer Ibn Katheer, (1/466) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

16 Nov, 14:39

Speaking About That Which Concerns You

Malik Bin Dinar [رحمه الله] said:

«إذَا رَأيتَ قَسَاوَةً فِي قَلبِكَ ، ووَهَنًا فِي بَدَنِكَ ، وحِرمَانًا فِي رِزقِكَ ، فَاعلَم أنَّكَ تَكَلَّمتَ فِيمَا لَا يَعنِيكَ.»

❝When you see that there is hardness in your heart, weakness in your body and you have been prohibited from your provisions, then know that you have spoken about something which does not concern you.❞

[Faydh Al-Qadeer, (1/286) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

10 Nov, 13:05

The Advice of Umāmah Bint Al-Hārith To Her Daughter Umm Iyyās on The Night of Her Marriage

Umāmah Bint Al-Hārith said to her daughter when she was being sent off to her husband:

❝My dear daughter, if advice were to be left off due to the refinement of one's manners then you would be in no need of that. However, it is a reminder for the heedless and useful tool for the intelligent. If it were that a woman could go without a husband due to the wealth of her parents and their great need for her then you would be the least of the people in need for that. However, the women have been created for the men and the men for the women.

My dear daughter, you have left the environment from which you have sprouted and left the life which you have grown up in, going to a home that you do not know and a companion that you are unfamiliar with. He has become, by his authority over you, an overseer and a king. So be a slave to him and he will be a willing servant to you.

My dear daughter, take from me ten qualities and they will be for you an asset and a reminder:

Accompany him in contentment and be amicable with him by hearing and obeying.

Safeguard where his eyes land and safeguard what his nose smells, so that his eyes never see anything ugly from you and his nose never smells any repugnant odor. Kohl is the best make-up and water [i.e., good hygiene] is the best perfume.

Safeguard his meal times and keep tranquil his sleep times. The heat of hunger is infuriating and deprivation of sleep is irritating.

Safeguard his home and his money and take good care of him, his relatives, and take care of his children. Safeguarding his money is a sign of good judgement and taking care of his children and relatives is a sign of good management.

Don't spread his secrets and don't disobey his commands. If you spread his secrets you will not be safe of him lying to you and if you oppose his commands he will resent you.

Beware of displaying joy when he is upset and and sadness when he is happy. The first is irresponsible and the second is antagonistic.

The more you honor him the more veneration he will have for you; the more you are in agreement with him the longer your time will be with him.

And know, that you will not attain that which you want from him until you give preference to pleasing him over pleasing yourself and to his desire over your own in whether you like it or not. And may Allāh give good to all.❞

[Bulūgh Al-Arb By Al-Alūsī, (2/19) | Translated By Raha Batts]

Sαℓαf Athαr

23 Oct, 12:49

When The Heart Is Agitated

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim A-Jawzeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

«إذا اضطرب القلب وقلق فليس له ما يطمئن به سوى ذكر الله.»

❝When the heart is agitated and has anxiety then there is nothing that will make it tranquil other than the Dhikr [remembrance] of Allaah.❞

[Madarij As-Salikeen, (3/72) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

07 Oct, 17:59

Prayer Attracts Provision

Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawzeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

‏«الصلاة مجلبة للرزق حافظة للصحة، دافعة للأذى مطردة للأدواء، مقوية للقلب مبيضة للوجه، مفرحة للنفس مذهبة للكسل.»

❝Prayer attracts provisions, preserves health, it defends against harm, repels diseases. It strengths the heart and illuminates the face. It gives delight to the soul and removes laziness.❞

[Zaad Al-Maad, (4/304) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

29 Sep, 17:14

What Harms The Muslims

Shaykh Muqbil Bin Hadi Al-Wada’aee said:

«أعظم ما يضرّ المسلمين هو تَنفيرُهم عن علمائهم.»

❝The greatest matter which harms the Muslims is the matter of pushing them away from their scholars.❞

[As-Sama Al-Mubashir, (No. 40) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

23 Sep, 07:13

Perhaps A Person May Do A Good Deed And It Will Enter Him Into The Fire

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [رحمه الله] said:

❝A group from the Salaf, from them Sa'eed Bin Jubayr said: verily a servant does a good deed and due to it enters the Fire and verily a servant does an evil deed and due to it enters Paradise. He does a good deed and is amazed by it and he boasts about it up until it enters him into the Fire. And he does an evil deed and his fear of it does not cease, neither does his repentance upuntil it enters him into paradise.❞

[Al-Fatāwā, (10/294) | Translated By Abu Tasneem Mushaf]

Sαℓαf Athαr

14 Sep, 19:19

As-Sakhawi [رحمه الله] said:

❝Celebrating the noble Mawlid has not been conveyed from anyone of the Salaf As-Salih from the first three excellent generations, rather it was invented after them.❞

[Subal Al-Huda Wa Rashad Fee Seerat Khair Al-Abaad By Muhammad Bin Yusuf Salih, (Page: 439) | Rasil Fee Hukm Al-Ihteefal Bil-Mawlid An-Nabawi, (2/444) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

14 Sep, 19:19

The Salaf As-Salih Did Not Celebrate The Mawlid Of The Prophet

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah [رحمه الله] said regarding the Mawlid of the Prophet [ﷺ]:

❝The Salaf As-Salih did not do this even though they could have done it and there was no prevention in doing so. If the Mawlid was good or seen as beneficial the Salaf [رضي الله عنهم] would have had more of a right to it than us because they were the greatest in love for the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] and in respect for him, compared to us, and were more concerned for goodness.

Indeed loving him completely and respecting him is by following him [ﷺ], obeying him and following his commands, reviving his Sunnah outwardly and inwardly and conveying what he was sent with, striving upon that with the heart, hand and tongue, as this was the way of the foremost to embrace Islaam from the Muhajireen, the Ansar and those who followed them in goodness.❞

[Iqtida’ As-Siraat Al-Mustaqeem, (2/619) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

08 Sep, 12:17

The Complete Deen

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah [D. 728 A.H.] [رحمه الله] said:

«لن يتِمَّ الدينُ إلاّ بمعرفةِ الآثار النبوية والسَّلَفية وفِقْه لما قَصَدُوه من المعاني الدينية، كما كان علماء السالفين»

❝The Deen will not be complete except by knowing the Prophetic Ahadeeth & Salafi Aathaar [narrations] according to what the Prophet & the Companions intended from the religious meanings, as were the scholars of the Salaf.❞

[Jamia Al-Masail, (5/41) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

18 Aug, 15:13

Worship Consists Of…

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

«العبادة تتضمن: كمال الحب، وكمال التعظيم، وكمال الرجاء، والخشية، والإجلال، والإكرام.»

❝Worship consists of having complete love for Allaah, completely regarding Him as great, having complete hope in Him, and awe of Him, and regarding Him as Magnificent and the possesser of honour.❞

[Majmoo Al-Fatawa, (10/488) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

11 Aug, 11:30

Speak With What You Intend

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Al-Albaani [رحمه الله] said:

❝It is not allowed to justify your mistakes of the tongue with the correctness of the heart, the heart does not justify the tongue.

It is upon us that when we speak that our speech conforms to our good intent.

It should not be that our speech is evil and our intent is good, but rather, our words and speech should conform to what is in the heart.❞

[Fatawa Jeddah Tape, (No. 33) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

14 Jul, 17:15

Allaah Troubles His Worshippers

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Al-Qayyim [رحمه الله] said:

❝From the Mercy of Allaah Ta’ala with His worshippers is that He troubles them with the Dunya and its worries and annoyance so that they do not become relaxed with it, and do not become tranquil with the Dunya, but in fact, they should desire for the eternal bliss in Allaah's land of Paradise and next to Him.

Allaah leads them to it with the whip of trials and tests.

He prevents them from the Dunya so He can give them the reward in the Hereafter.

He trials them so that he can give them relief, He causes them to die to resurrect them.❞

[Ighathata Al-Lahafaan, (2/175) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

23 Jun, 12:24

Reading The Qur’aan At The Graveyard

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Uthaymeen [رحمه الله] said:

❝As for the graveyards then they are not a place for reading of the Qur’aan, but rather they are a place for giving Salam upon the dead and making Dua for them, not a place for making Dua, nor to make Dua to them.

So the deceased are not to be made Dua to, nor to make [general] Dua at their graveside. But rather Dua is made for them for mercy and forgiveness because they are in dire need of Dua.❞

[Fatawa Noor Ala Darb Tape, (No. 30) | Section of Aqeedah/Bida | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

12 Jun, 05:54

The Prophet was asked about fasting the day of Arafat and he answered:

❝It expiates for the past and coming years.❞

[Narrated By Muslim, (No. 1162) | Translated By Salah Al-Iranee]

Sαℓαf Athαr

12 Jun, 05:53

On the Authority of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudaree [رضي الله عنه] said that the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said:

❝Whoever fasts the day of Arafat he is forgiven for the following year and the previous year. And whoever fasts ‘Ashura then he is forgiven the year.❞

[Narrated By Tabaranee | Muhaddith, Shaykh, Allamaa’ Muhammad Nasir Uddeen Al-Albaani: 'Saheeh Li Ghayreehi' In Saheeh Targheeb Wa Tarheeb, (No. 1021) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

12 Jun, 05:52

The Prophet [ﷺ] said:

❝The day of ‘Arafah, the day of Sacrifice and the days of Tashrīq are our ‘Eid, O people of Islam! They are days for eating, drinking and the remembrance of Allāh.❞

‎[Muslim | Ahmad | Sahīh Al-Jāmi’, (No. 2689) | Translated By Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid]

Sαℓαf Athαr

12 Jun, 05:50

On the authority of ‘Aeysha that the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said:

❝There is no other day in which Allaah frees more slaves from the fire than the Day of ‘Arafah. Indeed, He comes close to them then boasts about them to the Angels and then He says: 'What do these people want?'❞

[Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah of Shaykh Al-Albaani, (No. 2551) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

Sαℓαf Athαr

11 Jun, 12:03

The Excellence Of The Day Of ‘Arafah

Allaah, The Most High states in His Book:

﴿وَالْيَوْمِ الْمَوْعُودِ وَشَاهِدٍ وَمَشْهُود﴾‏

❝And by the Promised Day [i.e. the Day of Resurrection]; And by the witnessing day [i.e. Friday], and by the witnessed day [i.e. the day of 'Arafat [Hajj] the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah]…❞

[Qur’ān, Surah Al-Burooj, (2-3) | Translated By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan]


From Abee Hurairah [رضي الله عنه] who said that the Prophet [ﷺ] said:

❝The Promised Day is: The Day of Resurrection; and the day which is witnessed is: the day of ‘Arafah; and the witness is: the day of Friday. And the sun has not risen nor has it set upon a day that is better than it. In it is an hour in which a believing servant does not coincide supplicating to Allaah for good – except that Allaah will answer him; and nor does he seek refuge from anything except Allaah will grant him refuge from it.❞

[Reported By At-Tirmidhee | Al-‘Allaamah Al-Albaanee: 'Hasan' In His Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmidhee, (No. 3339) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Ibn Rajab [رحمه الله] said:

❝Upon this basis; if the day of ‘Arafah falls on a Friday – then there is incorporated into that day the witness and the witnessed.❞

[Lataa-if Wal Ma’aarif, (Page: 375) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


From ‘Umar Bin Al-Khattaab [رضي الله عنه] that a man from the Jews said to him:

❝'O leader of the believers; there is an Aayah in your Book which you read; if it had been revealed to the like of us Jews then we would have taken that day as an ‘Eid.' So he said: 'which Aayah is that?' he said:

﴿الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإسْلامَ دِينًا﴾‏

«This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion» [Al-Maa-idah: 3]

So ‘Umar said: 'Indeed we know of that day as well as the place in which it was revealed upon the Prophet [ﷺ] - and he was standing at ‘Arafaat on a Friday.'❞

[Reported By Al-Bukhārī, (No. 45) | Muslim, (No. 7443) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


From ‘Aisha [رضي الله عنها] who said that the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said:

❝There is no day in which Allaah sets free more slaves from the Hell-Fire than He does on the Day of ‘Arafah.❞

[Reported By Muslim, (No. 1277) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]

Sαℓαf Athαr

07 Jun, 07:35

Regarding the saying of Allaah, The Most High:

﴿وَيَذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَّعْلُومَاتٍ﴾‏

«And they mention the name of Allaah on known days» [Al-Hajj: 28]


Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer mentioned that Ibn ‘Abbaas [رضي الله عنه] said:

❝The known days – they are the ten days.❞

[Tafseer Al-Qur’aan Al-‘Adheem, (3/205) | Imaam An-Nawawee Stated This As being The Statement Of Ibn ‘Abbaas And Ash-Shaafi’ee And The Majority [Of The Scholars], Al-Adhkaar, (Page: 209) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Al-Baghawee [رحمه الله] said:

❝Meaning: the ten of Dhil-Hijjah in the saying of the majority of the Mufassireen. They are referred to as ‘known’ due to the eagerness of knowing them by way of their calculation due to the time of the Hajj occurring at the end of them.❞

[Ma’aalim At-Tanzeel, (3/284) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Ibn Rajab said:

❝The majority of the scholars hold that these ‘known days’ are the ten of Dhil-Hijjah, from them are: Ibn ‘Umar and Ibn ‘Abbaas and Al-Hasan [Al-Basree] and ‘Ataa and Mujaahid and ‘Ikrimah and Qataadah and An-Nakha’ee. It is also the saying of Abee Haneefah and Ash-Shaafi’ee and Ahmad [Bin Hanbal] in that which is well known from them.❞

[Lataa-If Al-Ma’aarif, (Page: 361) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Ibn Rajab said:

❝Imaam Al-Bukhaaree reports in his Saheeh¹ from the Hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Prophet [ﷺ] said: 'There are no days wherein the righteous action is more beloved to Allaah than these ten' Meaning the ten days. They said: 'O Messenger of Allaah, not even Jihaad in the path of Allaah?' so he said: 'Not even Jihaad in the path of Allaah, except for a man who goes out with his person and his wealth, and then he did not return with anything from that.'

This Hadeeth proves that actions carried out during its days are more beloved to Allaah than the carrying out of actions during the other days of the world without there being any exception from them. Therefore if they are the most beloved to Allaah; then they are also the best with Him.❞

¹[As Hadeeth, (No. 969) | The Hadeeth As Is Found In Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree Has A Slight Variation In Wording From That Which Is Mentioned Above]

[Lataa-If Al-Ma’aarif, (Page: 351) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar [رحمه الله] said:

❝That which is apparent is that the reason for the distinguished nature of the ten days of Dhil-Hijjah is due to the fact that it is the place where the main forms of worship come together; and they are: the prayer and the fasting and the giving of charity and the Hajj – and that does not appear in other than them.❞

[Fathul Baaree, (2/534) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


From Jaabir Bin ‘Abdillaah [رضي الله عنه] who said that the Prophet [ﷺ] said:

❝The best days of the world are the ten days.❞

[Reported By Al-Haithamee As Is Found In Kashf Al-Astaar, (2/28, No. 1128) | Declared Saheeh By Shaykh Al-Albaanee In Saheeh Al-Jaami’ As-Sagheer, (No. 1133) | Al-Manaawee Mentioned That The Ten Days Are The Ten of Dhil-Hijjah, Faidhul-Qadeer, (2/51) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]

Sαℓαf Athαr

06 Jun, 19:30

Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah [رحمه الله] said:

❝The first ten days of Dhūl-Hijjah are more virtuous than the last ten days of Ramadhān. The last ten nights of Ramadhān are more virtuous than the last ten nights of Dhūl-Hijjah.❞

[Majmū’ Al-Fatāwā, (25/287) | Translated By Uways At-Taweel]

Sαℓαf Athαr

06 Jun, 19:28

The Excellence Of The First Ten Days Of Dhil-Hijjah

Allaah, The Most High stated:

﴿وَالْفَجْرِ وَلَيَالٍ عَشْرٍ‏﴾‏

«By the dawn. And by the ten nights» [Al-Fajr: 1-2]


Ibn Katheer [رحمه الله] said:

❝The ten nights; what is meant by it is the ten of Dhil-Hijjah as was mentioned by Ibn ‘Abbaas and Ibn Az-Zubair and Mujaahid and more than one person from the Salaf and those who came later.❞

[Tafseer Al-Qur’aan Al-‘Adheem, (4/459) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Ibn Al-Qayyim [رحمه الله] said:

❝Therefore a period of time which is inclusive of the likes of these actions is worthy that The Lord – The Mighty and Majestic should swear an oath by it.❞

[At-Tibyaan Fee Aqsaam Al-Qur’aan, (Page: 18) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Ibn Rajab [رحمه الله] said regarding the excellence of these days:

❝From their excellence is that Allaah swore an oath by them wholly; and by some of it in particular, He, The Most High said:

﴿وَالْفَجْرِ وَلَيَالٍ عَشْرٍ﴾‏

«By the dawn. And by the ten nights»

As for the dawn; then it has been said: He intended the type of dawn, and it has been said: the intent is the appearance of dawn or the dawn prayer or the day in its entirety – there is a difference concerning it among the Mufassireen. It has been said: what is intended by it is a specific dawn, then it was said: what is intended by it is the dawn of the first day of the ten [days] of Dhil-Hijjah, and it has been said: rather what is intended by it is the dawn of the last day from amongst them – and it is the day of An-Nahr. Upon the basis of all of these statements; the ten then are comprising of the dawn by way of which Allaah swore an oath by.

As for the ten nights; then they are the ten of Dhil-Hijjah – and this is what is correct and that which the majority of the Mufassireen were upon from amongst the Salaf and other than them. It is likewise authentically reported from Ibn ‘Abbaas, it has been reported from him from more than one standpoint.❞

[Lataa-if Al-Ma’aarif, (Page: 360) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa’dee [رحمه الله] said:

❝In the [first] ten days of Dhil-Hijjah is the standing in ‘Arafah, wherein Allaah forgives His servants with forgiveness that causes Satan to grieve.¹ For indeed; Satan is not seen to be more ignoble nor more driven away than on the day of ‘Arafah, due to that which he sees from the descending of the Angels and mercy from Allaah for His servants. Likewise there occurs within them many actions from the performance of the Hajj and the ‘Umrah; these are great affairs which are deserving that Allaah should swear an oath by them [the days].❞

[Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan, (Page: 923) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]


¹The virtue of the day of ‘Arafah is mentioned in a Hadeeth in which the Prophet [ﷺ] said:

❝There is no day in which Allaah sets free more slaves from the Hell-Fire than He does on the Day of ‘Arafah.❞

[Reported By Muslim, (No. 1277) | Translated By Abū Haatim M. Farooq]

Sαℓαf Athαr

06 Jun, 19:05

Jābir Bin Abdillāh narrated that Allah’s Messenger [ﷺ] said:

❝The best days in the world are the ten days [of Dhul-Hijjah].❞

‎[Ibn Hibbān, Al-Bazzār | Sh. Al-Albāni: 'Sahīh' In Sahīh Al-Jāmi’, (No. 133) | Translated By Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid]