أنا شابٌّ أحاول إذا كنتُ أقرأ القرآن أو أُصلي أو أتذكر حال المسلمين أن أبكي، ولكن لا أستطيع، فما أسباب ذلك؟ وما العلاج؟
I am a young man who tries to cry when I read the Qur'an, pray, or remember the state of the Muslims. However, I am unable to do so. What are the reasons for this, and what is the remedy?
لهذا أسبابٌ كثيرةٌ، عدم البكاء له أسبابٌ، منها:
There are many reasons for this, not being able to cry has reasons, Among them:
قسوة القلوب بسبب المعاصي والذنوب، فإنَّ القلوب إذا قست قلَّت دمعةُ العين،
The hardness of the heart due to disobedience and sins. When hearts harden, tears of the eyes become scarce.
وإذا حاسب نفسَه واتَّقى الله وترك معصيته واستقام على أمره خشع قلبه، ودمعت عينه.
However if he holds himself accountable, has taqwā of Allah, leaves off sins, and remains steadfast upon His commandment, then his heart becomes humble, and his eyes shed tears.
ومن ذلك: الغفلة بالوساوس التي تعرض على قلبه هاهنا وهاهنا حتى تشغله عن الخشوع ودمع العين،
Another reason is the heedlessness due to waswās (whispers) that comes upon the heart here and there, until it diverts him from khushū' (humility towards Allah with focus) and shedding tears.
فقد يكون في نفسه تقيًّا، ولكن تغلب عليه الوساوس حتى تشغله عن ذكر الله، وعن تعظيمه، وعن الخشوع بين يديه، وقد يُبتلى بأفكارٍ ترد عليه تشغله أيضًا.
He could be a pious person but wasāwis overcome and occupy him until it diverts him away from the remembrance of Allah,
revering Him, being humble in front of Him, and he could also be troubled by thoughts that preoccupy him.
فينبغي أن يجمع قلبَه على صلاته، وعلى قراءته، وعلى ذكره لله؛ وعند هذا يخشع القلب، وتدمع العين
Therefore, it is necessary to focus his heart in his prayer, in his recitation (of the Qur'an in it), and in his remembrance of Allah. In doing so, the heart will be humbled, and tears will flow from the eyes.