Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali @hasansomali Channel on Telegram

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali


Al-Hikmah - Channel for Islamic Knowledge

If you have any questions for Shaikh Hassan, please don't hesitate to email them to:
[email protected]

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali (English)

Are you looking to expand your knowledge of Islamic teachings and principles? Look no further than Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali! This channel, managed by Shaikh Hassan, is dedicated to providing valuable insights and information on various aspects of Islam. From Quranic interpretations to Hadith explanations, Al-Hikmah covers a wide range of topics that are sure to deepen your understanding of the religion.

Shaikh Hassan, with his expertise in Islamic knowledge, is here to answer any questions you may have. If you're curious about a particular aspect of Islam or seeking clarification on a religious matter, simply email your queries to [email protected]. Shaikh Hassan will address your concerns with patience and wisdom, helping you on your journey to spiritual enlightenment.

Join Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali today and immerse yourself in the wealth of Islamic knowledge waiting to be discovered. Let Shaikh Hassan guide you through the teachings of Islam and gain a deeper appreciation for the religion. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow in your faith with Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali!

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

26 Jan, 16:44

205. I came late to the Prayer and had to pray alone in the last line of the congregation. I was told I should pull someone back with me. Is this correct?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

23 Jan, 23:27

Haram Police: An Evil Attempt to Excuse Open Sin & Disobedience

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

23 Jan, 19:01

204. What is the ruling of organ donation in Islam? Like donating a kidney to a relative for example.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

21 Jan, 17:34

203. I was sent two Hadith that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ raised his hands in supplication and wiped over his face after supplicating. But I thought this was a Bid’ah. Is this a weak Hadith?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

20 Jan, 18:35

202. Can your son be your Wali (guardian), if you don’t have any other Muslim family? 

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

17 Jan, 02:42

201.  I am having trouble controlling my anger/emotions, especially with my coworkers. What are the legislated ways to help control this?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

16 Jan, 16:22

Islamic Ruling on Rape & Rapists | Shaykh Hasan Somali

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Jan, 22:17

Shaykh Al-‘Allamah Salih Al-Fawzan حفظه الله said that whoever claims that Ibn Taymiyyah adhered to a Sufi order is either a fabricating liar or ignoramus. Rather, Ibn Taymiyyah was upon Tawhid and the correct creed. He extensively refuted the Sufis and highlighted the falsehood they practiced. He critiqued all false doctrines and creeds, and he combatted all the enemies of Islam.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Jan, 21:49

200. I heard from someone claiming that Ibn Qayyim/Ibn taymiyyah are not inclined to the Sunnah in totality. Possibly like 70% percent and Sufi 30%. Is this true?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Jan, 21:16

Did Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab Claim He Alone Understood Tawheed?

Layers of lies stacked by fabricators crumble when faced with the truth: his mission was about calling to Tawheed.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Jan, 13:42

“On my dead Homie” “On everything I love” “On my child” “On my Momma”

These are statements of Shirk.

Say: “I swear by Allah.”

This is why we study our religion.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

14 Jan, 16:46

199. Some people who oppose the methodology of the Salaf justify taking knowledge from innovators, citing that early Hadith scholars would narrate some narrations from them.
What is the detailed response to this doubt?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

13 Jan, 17:12

Two Extremes, One Target: How Ayaan Hirsi Ali and ISIS Harm Innocent Muslims

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

12 Jan, 19:16

40 Days Without Accepted Prayer: The Dangers of Alcohol, Cannabis, and Intoxicants

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

12 Jan, 14:21

198. What is the explanation of this Hadith? Particularly, what does the Prophet ﷺ mean by “hears about me.” 

 “By Him in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, there is none from among the Jews and the Christians who hears about me, then dies without believing in what I was sent with, except that he will be among the people of the Fire.” Sahih Muslim 153

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

11 Jan, 18:23

197. The question I have is about Zakat and the rules regarding it. The first thing I would like to know is if it’s money that is payable from one’s savings or money that must be paid from your yearly earnings. The next question I have is, how does one determine what he/she has to pay for example if one makes 50,000 USD a year and doesn’t have much savings is Zakat obligatory upon him/her and if it is how would they calculate what they must pay using that salary as an example. 

Similar question answered here:

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Jan, 21:11

Private Advice vs Public Criticism

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Jan, 14:32

197. I was recently told that the closing supplication (in the Prayer) about seeking protection from the Dajjal is obligatory, but I cannot find any proof for this. I’ve left this part out of my Prayer for years and I’m just learning this and feel so guilty. Can you please provide proof for this?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Jan, 13:51

Elon Musk: This was a small piece written in Nov 2023.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

09 Jan, 23:34

196. I want to get married but I am pregnant, do I have to wait until the pregnancy is over for me to get married?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

08 Jan, 12:40

Andrew Tate is neither a role model nor fit to be a leader.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

07 Jan, 23:44

195. Is it permissible for me to combine the Prayer or shorten the Prayer at work? For example Dhur and Asr. I also do Uber as well. Please explain with proofs, thank you.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

06 Jan, 23:49

194. I had question about a certain Hadith in Sunan Ibn Majah Hadith no. 3992. I wanted to know what it meant by الجماعة “the body”. If you could explain that to me it would be so helpful.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

06 Jan, 20:14

193. Some of the people of innovation claim that the Wahhabis (Salafis) have altered and omitted some parts of Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir which has been translated into the English language, and they claim he is an Ashari. What is the response to this?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

04 Jan, 12:39

192. Is it permissible to prostrate to make Du’ā outside of the Prayer?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

27 Dec, 12:43

191. Is it allowed for an individual to take a loan for Hajj?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

26 Dec, 16:49

Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243: To Allah We Belong and To Him We Shall All Return

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

26 Dec, 09:05

190. What is the ruling on using cuss words, meaning profanity?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

25 Dec, 17:41

Opening lecture by Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri (Kuwait) for winter seminar

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

21 Dec, 20:36

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

20 Dec, 18:02

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

19 Dec, 12:52

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim: Everyone is a test for everyone!

ۗ وَجَعَلْنَا بَعْضَكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ فِتْنَةً أَتَصْبِرُونَ ۗ وَكَانَ رَبُّكَ بَصِيرًا

“And We have made some of you as a trial for others: will you have patience? And your Lord is Ever All-Seer (of everything).”

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

19 Dec, 01:37

Join Markaz Ibn Al-Qayyim to learn Arabic ONLINE under the supervision of Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri (from the scholars of Kuwait). They also have Islamic studies in Arabic for students who complete the Arabic course.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

19 Dec, 01:25

189. If your parent gets caught doing witchcraft is it permissible to cut ties of kinship and not be sinful?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

18 Dec, 12:23

188. I want to attain the companionship of the Prophet ﷺ in Jannah. What do I need to do? Please give me an action plan do I need to become a scholar a daae or something similar?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

17 Dec, 21:25

187. I came across the narration below and hope that you can you explain the wisdom behind the underlined section. I ask because, while I don't know the wisdom it doesn't prevent me from accepting authentic narrations but I hope to understand it considering today's climate where everyone tries to use anything they "think" maligns Islam even when the wisdom is clear.

Ash'ath b. Qais said:
"I was a guest of 'Umar one evening, and in the middle of the night he approached his wife and hit her, and I separated them. When he was ready to go to bed he said to me: 'O Ash'ath, memorize from me something that I heard from the Messenger of Allah" A man should not be asked why he hits his wife…”

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

16 Dec, 16:39

Winter Seminar 1446H/Dec 2024 Schedule
The Beliefs and Methodology of the Imams of the Salaf
Benefit and share with friends and family, as the one who directs people to good is like the one who performed it.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Dec, 16:27

An Example of Sacrifice and Brotherhood: Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him).

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Dec, 13:45

186. I have 6 fasts  to make up for Ramadan. Do I need my husband’s permission to make up these days?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Dec, 13:14

Refer to question 181 about Al-Waswasa (whisperings of the devil).

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

01 Dec, 18:02

Masjid al-Rahmah Seminar 1446H-2024: Honoring Decades of Cooperation Upon the Salafi Dawah

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

28 Nov, 18:33

184. I have a question about how a person should respond if a ruler commands or forces them to commit a sin. What is the proper course of action in such a situation according to Islamic teachings?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

28 Nov, 15:43

183. Is it allowed to read surahs of the Quran whilst holding the Mushaf in my hand while praying the nawafil Prayer alone?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

28 Nov, 03:04

Twenty Years Without Disagreement: A Lesson in Love and Respect

Please reference the group if you share this article جزاكم الله خيرا

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

26 Nov, 21:35

Know your true level and station!

‎It was said to Abdullah b. al-Mubarak (d. 181H): “Advise me.”

‎He replied, “Know your level.”

‎اعرف قدرك

‎This timeless advice shields us from self-amazement, fostering humility and helping us remain focused on what is beneficial.

Al-Jarh Wa Al-Ta’dīl (1/280)

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

26 Nov, 16:58

Do Not Be Swayed by Praise or Shaken by Criticism

Malik b. Dinar (127H) said:

“Since I came to know people, I neither rejoice in their praise nor dislike their criticism.

This is because the one who praises exaggerates, and the one who criticizes is excessive.” Siyar (5/362)

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

25 Nov, 18:11

Engage in Goodness. Step Away from Harmful and Evil Behavior

Take heed of Al-Ḥāfiẓ Al-Khaṭṭābī’s advice and don’t let the allure of social media lead to your ruin.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

16 Nov, 13:47

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Nov, 15:25

The Sacred House of Allah.

No place like it on the face of the earth.

May Allah protect the Muslim lands.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

12 Nov, 13:02

The Ruling of Horoscopes and Zodiac Signs.

Kitab Al-Tawhid lessons

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Nov, 22:41

Alhamdu lillah we were invited to visit an Islamic school in Kuwait and give a short talk to some of the children there. May Allah bless our children and protect them.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Nov, 04:19

This is clear. If there's doubt, then certainty is not removed by doubt. From the principles of the sharia, if you're certain that you have wudu, then certainty is not removed by doubt, especially in the case of an individual that suffers from wiswās. So, they perform wudu and go to pray, thinking they've broken wind or passed gas, and this happens repeatedly. Wiswās of the shaitan. Make wudu, alhamdulillah, and don't pay any attention to doubt. Unless, if you are doubtful, as we find in the hadith:

أَخَرَجَ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ أَمْ لَا

unsure if anything has come out

فَلَا يَخْرُجَنَّ مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ

then they should not leave the masjid (to perform wudu)

حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ صَوْتًا، أَوْ يَجِدَ رِيحًا

until they hear a sound or perceive a smell

If they have doubt and it's not the case, they should continue to pray. This is the way to overcome wiswas. This is very important. The cure for wiswās, the whisperings of the devil, is not paying attention to it and seeking refuge with Allah. We ask Allah to grant us success.

وَجَزَاكُمُ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا، وَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ فِيكُمْ

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Nov, 04:19

الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وبعد:

Question 181: I struggle with differentiating between actually passing gas and the gas sensations I feel during prayer, which is compounded by my existing digestive issues. When I bend or sit in sujud, I often feel bubbly sensations or air passing through, leading to intense doubt about whether I’ve actually passed gas. I usually have to repeat my wudu countless times. How can I manage these doubts effectively while adhering to the guidance of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم regarding prayer and wudu?

Answer: With regards to this question, I will first talk about the matter of wiswās (whisperings of the devil), because I've had many questions relating to this topic. So, I think this is a good point and juncture, inshAllah ta'ala, to discuss this issue. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us all success.

The Prophet ﷺ directed us to the cure and remedy for wiswās, the cure and remedy as it relates to the whisperings of the devil. We find in the authentic hadith in Bukhari and Muslim 📚:

«فَإِذَا بَلَغَهُ فَلْيَسْتَعِذْ بِاللهِ وَلْيَنْتَهِ»

📚 صحيح البخاري - 3276

"If this happens to them, if they experience this, then they must seek refuge with Allah and refrain from paying attention to it."

It's important for us to understand, brothers and sisters, that the objective of the shaitan, the devil, when presenting these doubts and whisperings is to create anxiety, confusion, and difficulty for the person, possibly leading them to refrain from doing good and beneficial acts, causing them distress and worry, because shaitan is the enemy to mankind.

And the cure that we find in this hadith of the Prophet ﷺ:

«فَإِذَا بَلَغَهُ فَلْيَسْتَعِذْ بِاللهِ وَلْيَنْتَهِ»

"If they experience this, then they must seek refuge with Allah."

So, the first cure is what? To seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil, the shaitan, and its plots and plans. The Prophet ﷺ commanded that the individual seek refuge with Allah because if Allah protects you, then nothing can harm you. Success is from Allah alone, and the plots and plans of the devil are weak.

The second thing that we find in this hadith is:


"They should ignore these whispers and pay no attention to them whatsoever." Do not act upon them nor allow them to hinder you from good. Ignore them.

Individuals who may have asked me about these things in person know, alhamdulillah, the way that we've managed by the tawfiq (success) of Allah Azza wa Jal to get over these types of occurrences. Success is from Allah Azza wa Jal alone, Tabaraka wa Ta'ala, by implementing what we find in the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.

So, what we find in this hadith is a general cure and remedy as it relates to this illness, this wiswās, that affects many people, إِلَّا مَن رَّحِمَ اللَّهُ.

Also, as it relates to this question specifically, in this situation highlighted in the question, we can offer further advice based upon the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. And the best guidance is the guidance of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This shows the importance of seeking knowledge, طلب العلم.

It comes in the authentic hadith, narrated by Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased with him., that the Prophet ﷺ said:

عَنْ ‌أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ :

«إِذَا وَجَدَ أَحَدُكُمْ فِي بَطْنِهِ شَيْئًا، فَأَشْكَلَ عَلَيْهِ أَخَرَجَ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ أَمْ لَا، فَلَا يَخْرُجَنَّ مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ صَوْتًا، أَوْ يَجِدَ رِيحًا»

📚 [صحيح مسلم - 362]

"If one of you feels something in their stomach, and is unsure if anything has come out, then they should not leave the masjid (to perform wudu) until they hear a sound or perceive a smell."

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

09 Nov, 22:58

182. Is it allowed to supplicate in English when making Tawaf and Sa’ī while on Umrah?

183. Is it allowed to read surahs of the Quran whilst holding the Quran in my hand while praying nawafil Prayer?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

08 Nov, 14:28

‏الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله اما بعد:

Question 180: What is the ruling on moving to a different location after praying the obligatory prayer in the masjid to establish the Sunnah prayer, the optional prayer?

Then the sunnah is to separate between the obligatory prayer, the faridah, and the voluntary prayers, the nafila, either by changing location, by moving, or by speaking. Due to the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ, the authentic hadith:

‏عن معاوية بن أبي سفيان:

فإن رسول الله ﷺ أَمَرَنَا بذلكَ؛ أَنْ لا تُوصَلَ صَلَاةٌ بصَلَاةٍ حتَّى نَتَكَلَّمَ،
أَوْ نَخْرُجَ

📕 صحيح مسلم

“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded us to do this, that one prayer should not be joined to another directly until we speak or leave to another place.”

Al-Hafidh ibn Hajar (رحمه الله تعالى) said, “The sunnah is to separate between the obligatory prayer, the faridah, and the nafila, the optional prayer, either by changing location, by moving, or by speaking.”

And as mentioned by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (رحمه الله تعالى),

والأفضل أن يتحول إلى بيته

— it is best for a person to go and pray the supererogatory prayer, the optional prayer, in their home.

وإلا فموضع آخر من المسجد

— or, if not, then they should move to another place within the masjid.

And the supererogatory prayer, it is better to pray it in the house. Why? Because we know the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ:

عن زيد بن ثابت رضي الله عنه:

فَإِنَّ أَفْضَلَ الصَّلَاةِ صلاة الْمَرْءِ فِي بَيْتِهِ إِلَّا الصَّلَاةَ الْمَكْتُوبَة

📕 أخرجه البخاري (7290)

“The best prayer of a person is the prayer in the home except for the obligatory prayer.”

So the sunnah is to separate between the obligatory and the optional prayers either by changing location, moving, or by speaking. So, the very least is to speak — the very least is for a person to speak.

The wisdom behind this, as mentioned by Ahlul-‘Ilm, is so that the obligatory prayer is not connected to the voluntary prayers. So that they do not become confused with one another, as mentioned by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and others before him. Other scholars mention, like we find in Awn al-Ma’bud, the explanation of Sunan Abi Dawood. Some of the scholars, they mention that the wisdom of this is to maximize the number of places where the individual is prostrates.

Wallahu a’lam. And Allah knows best. But as we mentioned, it is established from the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ to separate between the obligatory and voluntary prayers either by changing location, by moving, or by speaking based upon the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ. This is something that is recommended.

وجزاكم الله خيراً وبارك الله فيكم.

• #TahiyyatAlMasjid
• #PrayerEtiquette
• #SeparatePrayers
• #ChangingLocationInMasjid
• #SunnahAndFaridah
• #IslamicGuidanceOnPrayer

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

07 Nov, 14:04

The seminar in Kuwait starts tomorrow insha Allah after Asr until Isha on Sunday. The books to be studied are “The Nullifiers of Islam” and “Al-Bayqūnīyah” and other talks. All translated live into English.

Join brothers and sisters from all over the world in pursuit of knowledge and brotherhood.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

07 Nov, 09:48

181. I struggle with differentiating between actually passing gas and the gas sensations I feel during prayer, which is compounded by my existing digestive issues. When I bend or sit in sujud, I often feel bubbly sensations or air passing through, leading to intense doubt about whether I’ve actually passed gas. I usually have to repeat my wudu countless times. How can I manage these doubts effectively while adhering to the guidance of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم regarding prayer and wudu?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

06 Nov, 22:21

180. What is the ruling on moving to a different location after the obligatory Prayer in order to establish the Sunnah Prayer?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

06 Nov, 21:34

Alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah. Amma ba’d:

Question 179: What is the ruling of rape in Islam, and is there punishment for it in the religion?

I’ve been asked this question a number of times, the last instance being in North Carolina by a brother who attends university there. It appears – and Allah knows best – that misinformation is being disseminated and spread regarding the Islamic stance on this despicable crime, perhaps even being used to malign Muslims.

So, I say in response to this question, seeking the aid of Allah:

In Islam, rape is regarded as a despicable crime, a grave sin, and a heinous violation of human dignity and sanctity. Its seriousness is underscored by the severe punishments prescribed to protect society and uphold justice. Preservation of al-ird (personal honor) is a fundamental objective of Islamic law, according to many scholars. Therefore, any attack upon it warrants the strictest punishment.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said in an authentic hadith:

“Indeed your blood, your wealth, and your honor are sacred. They are sacred to you like the sanctity of this day of yours, in this city of yours, in this month of yours.”

As it relates to rape, in an Islamic court, the rapist is liable to the hadd (prescribed punishment) for zina (adultery). Many scholars further stipulate that, beyond this punishment, the woman must receive monetary compensation equivalent to a dowry (mahr), due to the harm inflicted upon her. This aligns with the ruling of Al-Imam Malik (رحمه الله), Imam Dar al-Hijrah, who said:

“فَعَلَيْهِ صِدَاقُ مِثْلِهَا”
“And it is upon him to give her the dowry equivalent to that of her peers.”

And he added:

“وَالْعُقُوبَةُ فِي ذَلِكَ عَلَى الْمُغتَصِبِ”
“And the punishment is solely upon the rapist.”

Look at this – the punishment is solely upon the rapist.

“وَلَا عُقُوبَةَ عَلَى الْمُغتَصبة فِي ذَلِكَ كُلِّهِ”
“And there is no punishment on the victim in any of these cases.”

Under Islamic law, there is absolutely no punishment on the victim. She is innocent and free from any blame.

Furthermore, the senior scholars, under the leadership of Al-Allama Sheikh Ibn Baz, issued a fatwa (verdict) stating that if rape is committed with force and violence, the perpetrator is viewed as a public menace (muharib) – someone who spreads corruption (hiraba). Such a criminal is therefore deserving of the capital punishment mentioned in Surah Al-Ma’idah.

Brothers and sisters, in Islam, the honor, dignity, and security of individuals are protected and sacred. Those who violate these rights face the gravest consequences, ensuring justice for victims and deterring others from transgression. This uncompromising stance on rape – a heinous crime and despicable act – preserves the fabric of society and underscores the value of every individual’s life and dignity.

In contrast to the firm Islamic stance, some countries have been criticized for their comparatively lenient approach to sexual assault, where rapists often receive lighter sentences or early parole. This leniency can lead to repeated offenses, as seen in studies demonstrating that many perpetrators re-offend.

We ask Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) for success, to protect our brothers and sisters, and to grant us all good in this world and the akhirah.

• #IslamicRulingOnRape
• #JusticeInIslam
• #IslamAndHumanDignity
• #ProtectingHonorInIslam
• #HaddPunishment
• #IslamicLawOnCrimes
• #ZinaAndHiraba
• #HonorAndDignityInIslam
• #IslamicPerspectiveOnRape

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

06 Nov, 13:10

Election results come and go, but true change starts with oneself.

‎Return to your religion, establish the pillars of Islam in your life.

‎The Prophet ﷺ said:

‎‘Allah will place humiliation upon you, and He will not remove it until you return to your religion.’ (Abu Dawud)

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

31 Oct, 17:31

The innocent Muslims murdered in their homes by missiles and rockets are martyrs - insha Allah.

‎Imam Ibn Baz رحمه الله.

‎Glad tidings to the people of Palestine.

‎May Allah have mercy upon the dead and preserve the living.

‎9000+ killed since Oct 7.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

30 Oct, 14:11

Follow and share Kitab Al-Tawhid lessons in English with friends and families.

A book every Muslim should read and study.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

30 Oct, 14:09

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

26 Oct, 14:56

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

22 Oct, 22:05

The topic of the Khutbah this week at Germantown Masjid insha Allah: Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) in belief, statement and action.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

19 Oct, 16:05

Want to learn Arabic to understand the Quran and Sunnah?

Classes on Madinah Book 1, 2 & 3 by Shaykh Abu Ishaq Nadeem Shah:

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Oct, 18:24

179. What is the ruling of rape in Islam and is there a punishment for it in the religion?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

15 Oct, 17:52

178. Is the Prayer for entering the Masjid (Tahiyyatul Masjid) an obligation, as I have also been informed that it is just recommended?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

14 Oct, 17:13

Coming soon insha Allah for the winter seminar @ Germantown Masjid, Philadelphia, USA

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

11 Oct, 23:53

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

08 Oct, 02:40

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

06 Oct, 23:09

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

28 Sep, 17:55

The Real Competition: The Pursuit of Taqwa (Righteousness)
Khutbah Masjid Mumin (LA, California) 9/27/2024

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

25 Sep, 11:08

I advise everyone to listen to this brother’s advice (Marcellus Khalifah Williams). They killed him yesterday for a crime, which he was innocent of. A lesson for us all in so many different ways. May Allah have mercy upon him.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

23 Sep, 18:39

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

21 Sep, 12:09

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

14 Sep, 16:58

New York Seminar - Sat Oct 5th insha Allah.

May Allah bless it and make it a success.

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

11 Sep, 10:44

177. What is the ruling of wearing clothes that have crosses on them like the Chrome Hearts brand and soccer/football shirts like Barcelona?

178. Is the Prayer for entering the Masjid (Tahiyyatul Masjid) an obligation, as I have also been informed that it is just recommended?

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Sep, 12:24

Is It from the Sunnah to Recite the Adhān in a Newborn Baby's Ear? - Hasan al-Ṣumālī

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Sep, 12:21

Is It from the Sunnah to Recite the Adhān in a Newborn Baby's Ear? - Hasan al-Ṣumālī

Al-Hikmah Hassan Somali

10 Sep, 12:20