Xosilmurod @khosilmurod Channel on Telegram



Xosilmurod (Uzbek)

Xosilmurod Telegram kanaliga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanalda O'zbek adabiyoti, shoirlik, va ijodiy matnlar mavzusida eng yangi maqolalar va dasturlar bilan tanishing. Xosilmurod kanali, Xosil Murodning asarlarini o'qib, ta'til qilib o'tkazish uchun eng yaxshi joydir. Xosil Murodning yaratgan she'riyat va qissalari bilan tanishib, uning fikr-fikriyatini tushunishga va o'zingizni unchalik rivojlantirishga imkoniyat beradi. Agrsivligizni orttirish va o'zbek adabiyotiga qiziqishni yuqoriga ko'tarish uchun Xosilmurod kanaliga obuna bo'ling! Sizga unchalik ko'nglini yo'qotmaydigan adabiy maqolalar va eng so'nggi ijodiy yangiliklar taqdim etiladi.


19 Nov, 08:23

I am implementing the WeensyOS Virtual Memory. I have no idea what is going on yet.


16 Nov, 16:05



16 Nov, 16:02

That’s is insane that there was a Silk Road city half an hour from my home that is from 7-8th century.


14 Nov, 18:25

The most objective ref there is (to Qatar) first time seeing game with 100 mins


13 Nov, 05:18

How is Barcelona only depending on 17-year-olds [Cubarsi + Yamal] / That Lewa offside was robbed


13 Nov, 04:52

1. Elon Musk Trampdan foydalanadi
2. Donald Tramp esa Elondan foydalanadi
3. Donald Trampni saylagan Michiganlik Arablar — 1-qism, 2-qism
4. Trampni tayinlagan amaldorlari
5. Hukumatga kelgan oligarx

Botir Kobilov yaqindagi saylovlar to'g'risida juda ham foydali xabar yozibdilar. Ularni sizlar bilan bo'lishmoqchi edim. Agar informatika va falsafani o'qimasam, adashmasam, siyosatni o'qigan bo'lar edim.


10 Nov, 13:56

I jotted down the fun little argument I had in my mind

P1: Achievements depend on actions and qualities (such as hard work and perseverance).
P2: Actions and qualities are influenced by genetics and environment.
P3: Genetics and environment are beyond individual control.
P4: Therefore, actions and qualities are beyond significant individual control (from P2 and P3).
P5: Therefore, achievements are beyond significant individual control (from P1 and P4).
P6: You can justifiably feel pride or shame only for things under your control.

Conclusion: Thus, individuals should not justifiably feel ANY personal pride or shame for their achievements or failures.

There is a leap in premise 6, which mentions that you can only justifiably be proud of things you control. However, we often see people taking pride in things beyond their control, such as their country or nationality (e.g., "I live in the USA, the greatest country in the world"). I argue that you should only feel pride in things you control, making premise 6 sound.


10 Nov, 13:03

But nothing comes in par with all-time blockbuster Kulol


07 Nov, 12:07

The combination of anti-Western sentiment and their portrayal as strong, decisive leaders, much like how Elon Musk or Andrew Tate has gained popularity.

Anti-g‘arbiy kayfiyat va ularning (Trump va Putinning) kuchli, qat’iy liderlar sifatida ko'rsatilishi, xuddi Elon Musk yoki Andrew Tate mashhurlikka erishganidek.


07 Nov, 12:01

Oldin ko’p o’ylar edim, nega Putinni O’zbekistonda yaxshi ko’rishadi deb. Har qanday ijtimoiy qatlam, yosh, kelib chiqish, ta’lim darajasi va daromad bo’yicha kesimda - Putinga nisbatan simpatiyasi bor O’zbeklarni ko’p uchratgan edim. Fikrimcha, bu rus propagandasi oqibatlaridan biri edi.

Shu kunlarda, xuddi shunday savolni Tramp haqida bersa bo’ladi. Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda ko’p O’zbeklar Trampni qo’llashlari haqida yozishmoqda va bir birlarini hatto g’alaba bilan tabriklashmoqda. AQShdagi O’zbeklar ham, AQShga borib qolish xavfi bo’lmagan o‘zbeklar ham shunday. Bu masalada ham biror bir tushuntiruvchi umumiy maxraj yo’qdek…

Taajjubli albatta. Buning sababini bila olmadim (boshqa AQSh prezidentini bunchalar qo’llashganini eslay olmadim).


06 Nov, 06:57

Elon used this as the symbollic gesture to have taken over Twitter (now White House).

I appreciate / admire his contributions to advancements in technology, but too much power for a single man in a democratic society. I'd rather see him build rockets.


06 Nov, 05:53

Senat ham “qizil” bo’ldi. Kongress ham shunga qarab ketyapti, menimcha. Bu juda katta narsa.

Ya’ni, prezident ham, Senat ham, Kongress ham respublikachilarga ketadigan bo’lsa.

Trampda cheksiz hokimiyat bo’ladi degani. Buning oqibatlari yaxshi emas, albatta.


06 Nov, 05:04

I was 12 when I first watched the 2016 elections between Trump and Clinton, but I didn’t really know anything in depth about either candidate.

Even now, I still don’t understand the details of their policies. But I noticed that people usually vote based on their feelings instead of specific issues. The election results ultimately reflect the overall feelings of the American population.

It’s funny that the candidates I support lose: Clinton in 2016, Trump in 2020, and now Kamala in 2024.


05 Nov, 18:40

any uzrep recommendations? (beyond konsta, such as minor, green71)


05 Nov, 18:13

Anybody coming? I’ll be doing some scavenger hunts.