Marifat Jamal | SAT @marifatjamal Channel on Telegram

Marifat Jamal | SAT


SAT score 1590 (790/800)
"𝗪𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴”
Administrator : +998781133999

Marifat Jamal | SAT (English)

Are you looking to ace your SAT exam? Look no further than Marifat Jamal | SAT! This Telegram channel is your go-to resource for SAT tutoring, with an administrator who scored an impressive 1590 on the SAT (790/800) and holds an IELTS score of 8.0. The channel is dedicated to helping students excel in their SAT exams, offering valuable tips, resources, and guidance to improve your scores. The administrator can be contacted directly at +998781133999 between 10:00-20:00 for any questions or assistance. Follow Marifat Jamal | SAT on Instagram for even more helpful content. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your SAT scores and achieve academic success with Marifat Jamal | SAT!

Marifat Jamal | SAT

20 Jan, 16:45

Do you know what is so interesting and sad at the same time?! It’s how much I was convinced that I couldn’t play any sport. I sucked at PE (физкультура). I was judged for my cute short height (oxiridan 3chi)🤣 and was always made to believe that I didn’t have any physical talent. I am still very mediocre, I admit, but now at least I believe I am trainable. With more effort and time invested, I can play it better. We can have a match together in the future, btw🙂‍↕️

Marifat Jamal | SAT

20 Jan, 15:44

Guys, tinch yashaylik urushmasdan🗿

P.s. new hobby unlocked🙂‍↕️

Marifat Jamal | SAT

20 Jan, 14:33

Shoxrux, Abdurazzoq, Barno opa, Sirojiddin Rahmatullayev va Khusan Abdumominov birgalikda IELTS balingizni o’stirish uchun O’YIN shoshlashibdi.

O’ynab ko’ringchi, nima gap ekan👀

Marifat Jamal | SAT

13 Dec, 11:59

Assalamu Alaikum, guys! I ll be actively using this channel from today inshaAllah, posting stuff about SAT, life, work, cringe, and many more. Before we do so, let’s wait for people who don’t belong in here leave🗿🥲

Marifat Jamal | SAT

25 Nov, 14:19

For those preparing for SAT and struggling with SAT verbal

Marifat Jamal | SAT

17 Oct, 14:27

IELTS 9.0 2 oylik challenge haqida eshitdilami?

@marifat_challenge_bot orqali qo’shilsez bo’ladi

Marifat Jamal | SAT

08 Oct, 05:20

Guys, I want to post stories here too. I need your help, tho)

Premium users (not me🫣) pls help boosting my channel through this

Marifat Jamal | SAT

24 Sep, 06:40

Being successful at sth is good. At least, people don’t know how many times you fail

P.s. just a random feeling

Marifat Jamal | SAT

21 Sep, 10:01

Guys, the info given is all tested on me and my students for many years.

Maximum repost for others to benefit❤️

Marifat Jamal | SAT

21 Sep, 10:00

Aaaaaaaa, this was the longest pdf, in which I wrote everything manually. Hope you will use it

Marifat Jamal | SAT

17 Sep, 05:42

Guys, did you start using it? I will upload other parts soon only when you are done with this part

Write here👇

Marifat Jamal | SAT

16 Sep, 08:25

I divided it in 3 parts. Here is the part 1. Enjoy studying!

Sharing is caring 🙂
Will be glad if it helps

Marifat Jamal | SAT

16 Sep, 07:57

Those who are preparing for October/November SAT exams, are you ready for the constructive study plan with a lot of insights in it?

Marifat Jamal | SAT

12 Sep, 16:54

American, British, Australian accents are crying at the corner, seeing Indian accent taking over😂🫢

Marifat Jamal | SAT

12 Sep, 16:45

<U r too kind, and I appreciate it🫶> button)

Marifat Jamal | SAT

04 Sep, 15:36

Assalamu Alaikum, everyone! Is there someone preparing for IELTS? I have amazing news for you!

Today at 21.00 (which is after 30 mins), Jurabek Sanokulov (niner, writing 8.5-3x) is having a free online class for improving the writing section of IELTS.

If you want to join, here is the link

Marifat Jamal | SAT

17 Aug, 13:05

Hozirgi kunda eng muhim skill bu soft skill. Ishonuring, eng muhimi. Taxminan, 4 yilcha oldin, 2-4 ta o’quvchim bo’lgan va men o’quv markazlariga SAT bo’yicha dasturim taqdimotini qilib berganman. Qisqa qilib aytganda, ish so’rab borganman. U paytlar Marstiff SAT akademiyasi hali planda ham bo’lmagan. Taxminan, 5ta joyga borganman va hammasi bilimimni yerga urgan yoki yoshim kichikligi va soft skillarim yaxshi emasligi uchun kamsitishgan. Soft skill deganda men bu yerda odamlar bilan ishonch bilan erkin muloqot qila olishim va muammoga yechim bera olishim haqida gapiryabman. Qo’pol qilib aytganda o’zimni bilimim va tajribamni sotishim haqida aytyabman. Hattoki, bitta o’quv markazga borib (nomini aytmayman lekin bilasiz🫢), ‘hali mashhur bo’lib ketaman O’zbekiston o’quvchilariga SAT ni tanishtiraman va ularni o’qitaman, sizni falonchi o’quv markaziz ham ko’tarilib ketadi’ deb ovoz yuborganman. To’g’ridan to’g’ri menejer xabarimni direktorga yuborgan. Menga ‘sizga omad tilaymiz’ degan xabar kelgan😂. O’zimni eng omadsiz (“broke”) his qilgandim o’shanda.

Kechagi onlayn darsimizda qariyb 3.5 soat tinmay javradim. 5300ga yaqin odam jonli kuzatishdi, umumiy esa 22000+. O’quvchi va ota-ona auditoriyasi bir bo’lgani uchun sof o’zbek tilida sodda tilda tushuntirishga juda qiynaldim. Lekin, kechagi darsni o’tar ekanman, ochig’i o’zimdan faxrlandim. Ishoning birinchi marta. Meni ko’pchilik o’ziga ishonchi baland deb o’ylaydi. Lekin, menda har doim narsalarga nisbatan ishonchim baland bo’lgan. Masalan, bilimimga, yoki kechagi taqdim qilgan Jamal’s loyihasiga. Lekin, kecha birinchi marta o’zimga, men kechagi dars o’ta olganimga va shunaqa mukammal dastur yarata olganimga ishondim va faxrlandim. To’g’ri biroz cho’zildi🫣 lekin menga umumiy tajriba juda yoqdi. Aytgancha, bugun auditoriyamning katta qismi iltimos qilgani va ko’pchilik kira olmagani uchun takroran bepul onlayn dars o’tiladi. Agar sizga bu kerak deb o’ylasangiz, qo’shilarsiz. Yoki shunchaki kira olmagan tanishlarizga yuborib qo’yarsiz. Bugun soat 20:00 da, shu kanalda