Mirzohidoğlu blog @mirzohidoglu Channel on Telegram

Mirzohidoğlu blog


- Duke Fuqua MBA Co'2025
- WIUT, Econ-w-Fin Co'2020
- GMAT score 770
content on MBA, GMAT, Admissions, business, books, and more.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sherzod_a.zamov/
Telegram group: https://t.me/+To7ZFPjkHmc0YWRi

Mirzohidoğlu blog (Turkish)

Mirzohidoğlu blog Telegram kanalı, Duke Fuqua MBA öğrencisi olan ve GMAT sınavında 770 puan alan birisi tarafından işletilmektedir. Ayrıca WIUT'den mezun olan ve ekonomi ile finans alanında uzmanlaşmış bir bireyin içerikleri de bu kanalda yer almaktadır. Kanal, MBA, GMAT, kabul süreçleri, iş dünyası, kitaplar ve daha fazlası hakkında bilgi ve içerik sunmaktadır. Eğer siz de MBA eğitimi, GMAT sınavı, kabul süreçleri ve iş dünyası hakkında bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız, Mirzohidoğlu blog kanalını takip edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca Instagram hesabı ve Telegram grubu üzerinden de iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Unutmayın, bilgi güçtür ve Mirzohidoğlu blog kanalı bu gücü sizinle paylaşmaya hazır.

Mirzohidoğlu blog

21 Jan, 00:27

This term, I am taking a Real Estate Entrepreneurship class. One of the key takeaways from the first session was how starting to save early can significantly impact your financial future. For example, investing a one-time amount of $10,000 in an ETF that tracks the S&P 500, with an average annual return of 8%, could grow to 4x more if you start at age 22 instead of 40—that’s an extra $240,000

Mirzohidoğlu blog

03 Dec, 16:36

I believe it is true of any student that they aspire to match or even surpass their teacher's level, regardless of the discipline. Since I began tutoring for the GMAT, Abdulvoris is now the second student to outperform my Verbal score. His success is an example of how hard work pays off. He has inspired many others to stay consistent in their GMAT journey.

At @SATashkent, we’re proud to have supported students from around the world in reaching their undergraduate and graduate educational goals. A new GMAT group is forming soon, so if you or a friend is ready to aim for a 99th percentile score, don’t hesitate to reach out to @satashkent_admin

Mirzohidoğlu blog

27 Aug, 22:02

Top 4 activities of an international Malaysian student Elisa admitted to Harvard REA ‘28.

Elisa founded and led the International Model Unites Nations as her passion project after receiving funding from the official United Nations itself.

She also did research on the transparency of Malaysian charities and used the next 2 activities to emphasize her social activism impact: Fourth Media Creators Camp is like Ibrat Camp for Influencers in Malaysia, and Politics internship for 2 years.

Honestly, there is A LOT to talk about her case, especially the essay strategies and approach to application narrative.

The video’s will be coming as soon as possible after Ryan’s video, which was also very very informative and I’ll make a separate post about it.

I focused on Elisa first because she is an international student and it will be easier for you to relate with her.

Most importantly, just trying to copy the same activities as she did and hoping that Harvard would also accept you is ridiculous.


Mirzohidoğlu blog

24 Aug, 13:24

We enjoyed our time in New Hampshire. It is a great place for the summer.

Mirzohidoğlu blog

16 Jun, 11:21

Assalamu Alaikum,
Wishing you a blessed Eid

Mirzohidoğlu blog

12 Jun, 15:23

Harvard Universiteti quyidagi ma’lumotlar bilan ishlash bo’yicha onlayn darslarni bepul taklif qilyapti ekan:


Qolganlariga havolani edx.org/learn orqali topishingiz mumkin.


Mirzohidoğlu blog

26 Apr, 16:47

Free Palestine

Mirzohidoğlu blog

10 Apr, 12:16

Iyd Ramazon Muborak bo’lsin barcha musulmonlarga!

Mirzohidoğlu blog

08 Apr, 19:47


Mirzohidoğlu blog

11 Mar, 03:07

Ramazon Muborak!

Mirzohidoğlu blog

04 Feb, 01:13

As many of you may know, the traditional GMAT exam bid farewell in January, marking the end of an era for many aspiring business school students

I want to take a moment to give a huge shoutout to two of my students who made excellent use of the last month of the traditional GMAT! 🌟 Their consistent hard work paid off, and I couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments. I wish them both the utmost success on their applications.

Now, hitting the 700 mark may be more challenging with GMAT Focus Edition, but together we can do it. We're opening a new group for the GMAT Focus edition! Contact @satashkent_admin for more details 🫡.

Mirzohidoğlu blog

27 Dec, 03:24

Dear Math Enthusiasts,

Try this without watching the whole video.

Mirzohidoğlu blog

25 Dec, 14:51

Yaqin do'stim Abdulkarim anchadan beri Moliya va Buxgalteriya yo'nalishida juda foydali kanal yuritadi. Biz bu safarni birga boshlaganmiz, lekin Abdulkarim bizdan ancha ilgarilab ketdi. Yuqoridagi videoda , Abdulkarim ACCA haqida eng kerakli ma’lumotlarni aytib o’tgan. Moliyaga qiziquvchilarga Abdulkarimni Telegram va Instagramda kuzatib borishni tavsiya qilaman.

Mirzohidoğlu blog

25 Dec, 14:51

ACCAni endi boshlaganlar ko`pincha ACCA nima ekan deb so`raydi.

💎 Quyidagi 6-7 daqiqalik videoda siz ACCA nimaligi, barcha F bosqichlari va boshqa kerakli ma`lumotlarni eng qulay formatda bilib olasiz!

📬 Yaqinlaringiz bilan ulashib qo`ysangiz ham yo`q demaymiz!


Mirzohidoğlu blog

22 Dec, 23:53

Toshkent va Duke orasidagi o’xshashliklardan biri - doim qayernidir buzib to’g’rilayotgan bo’ladi.

Mirzohidoğlu blog

18 Dec, 17:01

GMAT Focus Edition - kursiga qabul boshlandi [Online]

bor Noyabr oyidan boshlab GMAT imtihoni formati o'zgarmoqda va 2024 yil 1 - fevraldan boshlab Eski formatdagi imithon to'liq to'xtatiladi.

Agarda siz ham GMAT focus editon imtihoniga tayyorlanmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ushbu guruh aynan siz uchun. Ushbu kurslar davomida siz nafaqat GMAT balki, dunyoning top universitetlariga xujjat tayyorlash bosqichlari haqida ham ma'lumotga ega bo'lasiz.

Darslarni Duke Fuqua'25 talabasi Sherzod A'zamov olib boradilar. Ustozning shaxsiy natijalari:

770 GMAT, Verbal 46 (supposedly the highest verbal score in Uzbekistan) Quant 50.

⬇️Yangi guruh haqida:

-Start: Yanvar oyining boshi
-Seshanba, Payshanba, Shanba
-06:00 - 07:30

-Davomiyligi: 3 oy
-Oylik To'lov: 150$

‼️Kursda qatnashish talablari :

-English - Upper Intermediate
-Matematika boshlang'ich bilimlar(9 sinfgacha darslik)
-Kunlik 2+ soat dars tayyorlay olish

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: @satashkent_admin
Tel: 91 787 6575

Mirzohidoğlu blog

15 Dec, 11:29

❤️uke Fuqua School of Business!

Today, we are going to discuss how to make the best out of the undergraduate in Uzbekistan, and continue studying at one of the most prestigious business schools of the world -- Duke Fuqua Business School! ❤️

At 19:00, are you ready?

Join at @satashkent_marathon_bot

Mirzohidoğlu blog

13 Dec, 04:14

Watching a basketball match at Cameron

Go Duke!