Rustam Nur @itsmadladz Channel on Telegram

Rustam Nur


Random Access Memories

itsmadladz (Russian)

itsmadladz - это канал в Telegram, который предлагает уникальный контент для всех ценителей хорошего юмора и развлечений. Название канала 'itsmadladz' говорит само за себя - здесь собраны только самые безумные и смешные посты, которые заставят вас улыбнуться и по-настоящему расслабиться. Побежали. Трали-вали. Полежали! Этот канал поднимет вам настроение в любое время дня и ночи. Random Access Memories - вот что ждет вас на itsmadladz. Присоединяйтесь к сообществу и наслаждайтесь контентом, который точно не оставит вас равнодушными!

Rustam Nur

10 Feb, 03:53

Sorry to be mainstream, but this has gotta be the coolest thing I’ve seen this week.

And not like us immediately following a canada commercial… look I don’t resort to conspiracy theories usually, but man, the irony.

Rustam Nur

29 Jan, 05:23

Drama with drama, but has anyone seen a monotone black toilet??? Like ever?!

Rustam Nur

27 Jan, 18:50

And what the actual flip is this.

The comment we didn’t know we deserved

Rustam Nur

27 Jan, 18:50

Just goes to show people are just addicted to drama🤣

A fresh, magnificent work of art, open to interpretation and ponder - gets 0 comments.

Admissions scam drama - in the order of thousands😭😂

Not that I’m comment farming. I don’t really care, but it’s fun to observe.

Rustam Nur

27 Jan, 06:59

“The Light of Generations” by V. Povarinis

An art piece symbolising Freshman’s vision is in Singapore.


Rustam Nur

19 Jan, 16:04

At this point the ref could start giving offsides to Mbappe from his last game.

Rustam Nur

19 Jan, 15:59

Mbappe is mbappeing. Finally

Rustam Nur

13 Jan, 18:17

«Так вы собираетесь платить за такси или нет?»


Rustam Nur

13 Jan, 18:06

Иногда забываешь, насколько вкусно жить. Охота смотреть вокруг и жадно обсасывать мельчайшие детали фактуры – от заснеженных промзон до туманных сталинских высоток. Жить со вкусом – это не только не думать о завтрашнем дне, но и не задумываться о дне сегодняшнем. Жить со вкусом – это жить на широкую ногу эмоций, жить по наитию. Жить со вкусом – это находить искусство в тривиальном и повседневном, вглядываться в глаза людей, видеть звёзды в лампочках дорожных работ и слышать симфонии в шуме шоссе.

Люди, сука, живут. Любят, ругаются, зевают, скучают, работают, переезжают, носят пиджаки и плащи, периодически меняя их на тёплые китайские куртки. От Жизни хочется выть и рвать на себе волосы – просто потому, что более ярких методов выражения эмоций ещё не придумали, а сердце уже вот-вот разорвётся от перегрузок.

А ты ходишь и смотришь на всё это незамыленным взглядом. Ты можешь всё: ты можешь быть везде, со всеми, кем угодно и как угодно. Можешь с блядским прищуром опускать окно Порше, а можешь спать в электричке, укутавшись в шинель. Можешь говорить о высоком искусстве, а можешь брататься с мужичками в пивной.

И в этой прекрасной вседозволенности и кроется Великая Красота.

Rustam Nur

13 Jan, 17:01

My prof really just said "thinking about the broader concepts of thinking broader about thinking broader"

Rustam Nur

12 Jan, 21:06

No one cares about this shitcup anyway

Rustam Nur

12 Jan, 20:58

Достлик галаба козонди бу ойинда

Rustam Nur

12 Jan, 20:50

Perhaps the real treasure was the friends we made along the way…

Rustam Nur

12 Jan, 20:47

3чи тайм кош хакам падаринга ланат

Rustam Nur

11 Jan, 22:45

Some cartographic misinformation happening here. Green Sahara and barren desert island of Greenland lmao

Rustam Nur

10 Jan, 21:13


Rustam Nur

10 Jan, 16:56

Last day in Brasil. What a place. There’s so much to yap about from this trip, but I’ll leave it to your imagination.

2 lies, 1 truth.

1) I caught a three-meter long Pirarucu (pre-historic clean water fish) and nearly drowned in the process.

2) I flipped a jet-ski while gliding over Ria Negro faster than the max speed of a Tico while trying to film it simultaneously.

3) I climbed up one of the tallest trees of Amazonian rainforests and was almost bitten by a jungle serpent.

Rustam Nur

07 Jan, 19:15

CS 2 is Real Madrid, Liverpool, Barca

Valorant is Man City, PSG, Newcastle

Rustam Nur

07 Jan, 19:09

Fellas. Abdulaziz said something very bad in his channel. He said Valorant is better than CS2.

I think I hate that opinion, with all due respect. Team CS, spam chad emojis for CS.

Let’s prove we can get more CS2 votes than any vote he could ever attempt to farm for Valorant.

Rustam Nur

07 Jan, 18:30

If you live in Uzbekistan, you already have yourself a very big reason not to ever buy a car.

Rustam Nur

07 Jan, 17:18

They have gas stations ⛽️ on water. This will just finish off our taxist brothers😭🤧

Rustam Nur

06 Jan, 13:31

Бориб карасам, иккита сув урушвотти. Ажратвордим🐺🚬

Rustam Nur

06 Jan, 13:28

Движения аста-секин… кимнандур оркада, кимнандур олдинда… кимнандур пастда, кимнандур тепада…☝️🗣️🐺

Rustam Nur

05 Jan, 04:02

Another year another w... war.

Rustam Nur

05 Jan, 03:05

Alright, I killed my entire day doing charity and giving as detailed feedback as I could to AS MANY AS I COULD (replied to all 400+ messages, checked over 30+ PSs, over 150+ supplemental essays, and helped with editing nearly as many EC and Honors lists). Though it was a productive day and I did my best to help, I stretched myself too thin and ended up giving quick comments mostly, and rarely DETAILED FEEDBACK. Detailed post describing common mistakes, surprisingly good stories, and my reflections in general coming tomorrow around midnight! Or earlier if something pushes me (or later🤧)

I fear that I might have to prioritize some cases over others in direct correlation with how much I think you can benefit from my detailed feedback.

It was both charity work and a social experiment of a sort. A lot of curious stuff.

For those I promised to follow up with—I’ll be back tomorrow morning, Tashkent time. Apologies if that means you’ll miss your deadline by then.

If you urgently need help, you might be better off buying someone’s course in the meantime.

I’m still not keen on slapping a ridiculous price tag on a consult with me just yet. But if you’re set on reaching out, I have around 2 hours of free time every day from today till Jan 9. Just know that I won’t give you any magic formulas. What I will do is share what I’ve learned about writing throughout my years in college—pointing out areas where your work could meet basic writing and storytelling standards more effectively, with suggestions for restructuring, rewriting, or refining sections as needed.

Rustam Nur

27 Dec, 02:52

For clarification, I have about 100 friends on BeReal. At peak, I would have 20-30 friends posting regularly every day. The downfall of this app needs to be studied.

Rustam Nur

24 Dec, 00:39

Umid needs no introduction. The OG Yalie (the OG Ivy Leaguer, in fact), roommate, brother from another mother. He has some time over the winter break to consult talented applicants right when it’s most needed. The deadlines are approaching, so get his word on your app!

Send it to your friend who needs to know this!!

Rustam Nur

23 Dec, 15:21

Would you give up 90% of your taste receptors for 50% better olfactory senses?

I would.

Rustam Nur

20 Dec, 21:50

With each passing year I realize how dumb I am in comparison to the next generation .

Let’s keep rocking and congrats to everyone who got into top unis . 🇺🇿

I remember when IELTS became a boom in Uzbekistan and everyone hated it . Now I see university applications becoming the „dotcom mania“ ( let’s hope it doesn’t burst ) of youngsters .
I remember how everyone hated on “IELTS obsession”.

As Steve Jobs said „ you can’t connect dots looking forward ; you can only connect them looking backwards . „
It was the part of the process , part of something „bigger “. If we haven’t had people learning English so much , we wouldn’t see that many brilliant applicants .

I hope to see this ”topuni mania” become something even bigger , step by step with every new specialist arising at every point of the Earth .

Better level of live , better economy , better ecology , better healthcare , better life expectancy and much more for Uzbekistan .

P.S. I think there should be part 2 to this post , about the “bursting “ , that hopefully will not happen .

Rustam Nur

20 Dec, 19:48

Unleashing my inner tarzan

Rustam Nur

20 Dec, 19:39

I feel like Avatar

Rustam Nur

20 Dec, 18:09

Someone please research the consequences of overconsuming this juice for me. It’s like my 7th cup in two days

Rustam Nur

20 Dec, 18:03

Maracuja juice. Best ever drink, no debate

Rustam Nur

20 Dec, 17:14

Last year, Wesley and I were checking medalists from our countries in international olympiads and noticed how 2023 was a year in history books for Uzbekistan.

Two gold medals were won for the first time ever in a single Olympiad in one discipline — Azizbek Nazarov and Abdullokh Makhmudov in 2023 in Chemistry. We joked about it back then saying that MIT had to finally accept Uzbeks, and it had to be them.

Congrats, Abdullokh! No one deserved it more than you, well perhaps except Azizbek😁.

Lowkey farishtala “amin” digan bo’sami.

Rustam Nur

19 Dec, 03:08

And we got a levitating xmas tree before gta vi

Rustam Nur

19 Dec, 03:08

And the food in Manaus. In my subjective opinion, brazil food is top 2 itw after uzbek