KENNAA @kennaapost Channel on Telegram



KENNAA Dhaloota Qubeetiif!!
Walbarsiisaa wal bashannansiisuuf
Chaanaalii keenyaaf miseensa tahaa!!

Chaanaalii kana irraa👇
👉SEENAA fi kkf argachuu dandeessu!!
@AbdiiBiyyaa iraan nu biraan gahaa!!

KENNAA (Oromo)

KENNAA Dhaloota Qubeetiif! Walbarsiisaa wal bashannansiisuuf Chaanaalii keenyaaf miseensa tahaa! KENNAA is a vibrant and engaging Telegram channel that focuses on sharing insightful content with its audience. From thought-provoking discussions to informative posts, this channel covers a wide range of topics that will surely captivate your interest. The channel offers various sections such as DA'AWAA (religion), ODEEYFANNOO (politics), WALALOO (entertainment), ASOOSAMA (education), and SEENAA fi kkf argachuu dandeessu (culture and tradition). Each section is carefully curated to provide valuable insights and perspectives on different aspects of life. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge, engage in meaningful discussions, or simply entertain yourself, KENNAA has something for everyone. Join us today and be part of a dynamic community that values learning, sharing, and growth. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enrich your mind and connect with like-minded individuals. Follow KENNAA on Telegram and stay informed about the latest updates, discussions, and events. For more information and to join the conversation, visit our channel at the following link: @kennaapost. Let's learn, share, and grow together! ✍yaadaaf @AbdiiBiyyaa iraan nu biraan gahaa!