πππ πππ is a Telegram channel dedicated to bringing together individuals interested in Oromo culture and language. The channel username @joingodh invites members to join the community and explore a variety of content related to Oromo traditions, history, and current events. Whether you are a native speaker or simply curious about the Oromo people, this channel offers a space for learning, sharing, and connecting. With a focus on promoting unity and understanding, πππ πππ strives to be a welcoming platform for all who wish to engage with Oromo culture. Join now to start your journey of discovery and connection with this vibrant community! Visit the link provided to access additional resources and videos related to Oromo culture. Embrace the rich heritage of the Oromo people and join the conversation today!
31 Jan, 17:53
31 Jan, 17:51
13 Jan, 11:16
27 Nov, 11:22
26 Oct, 16:17
22 Oct, 05:40