በአሉ የሰላም ፣የመተሳሰብ፣ የፍቅር እና የጤና እንዲሆንልን እንመኛለን።
መልካም በዓል
የዲላ ዶን ቦስኮ ካቶሊክ 2ኛ ደረጃ ት/ቤት ኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጂ ማዕከል ።
Welcome to Dilla Don Bosco Catholic Secondary School Telegram channel, also known as @dbict! Our channel is dedicated to providing students, parents, and the community with updates, news, and information about our school. Dilla Don Bosco Catholic Secondary School is a prestigious educational institution with a long history of excellence in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. Our channel is the perfect place to stay connected with the latest happenings at our school. From announcements about upcoming events to important reminders for students and parents, @dbict has you covered. Join our channel today to be a part of our vibrant school community and never miss out on any important information. We look forward to welcoming you to the Dilla Don Bosco Catholic Secondary School family!
06 Jan, 17:35
05 Jan, 07:56
02 Jan, 10:04
30 Dec, 15:30
30 Dec, 11:46
27 Dec, 13:02
26 Dec, 16:02
19 Dec, 15:51
13 Dec, 16:42
12 Dec, 12:39
25 Nov, 07:22
23 Nov, 15:53
23 Nov, 08:31
22 Nov, 13:27
12 Nov, 10:34
11 Nov, 15:01
10 Nov, 07:47
08 Nov, 14:00
06 Nov, 11:57
05 Nov, 10:18
04 Nov, 16:00
02 Nov, 16:59
31 Oct, 08:55
30 Oct, 10:12
28 Oct, 12:22
26 Oct, 09:23
26 Oct, 07:23
24 Oct, 12:58