The Foreword @theforeword Channel on Telegram

The Foreword


Mahdi Lock's official Telegram channel

The Foreword (English)

Welcome to 'The Foreword,' the official Telegram channel of Mahdi Lock. Here, you will find exclusive content, updates, and insights into the world of Mahdi Lock. Mahdi Lock is a talented individual who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Known for his unique style and captivating performances, Mahdi Lock has gained a loyal following of fans from around the globe. This channel is your one-stop destination for all things related to Mahdi Lock. Stay connected and be the first to know about his latest projects, news, and events. Join 'The Foreword' today and be a part of Mahdi Lock's exciting journey!

The Foreword

12 Feb, 22:04

The Foreword

12 Feb, 02:11

With the treason and betrayal of Palestine by Arab/Muslim regimes ongoing, and a possible resumption of the War on Gaza looming before or during Ramadan, a look back at Imam Al Bouti’s speech outside of the Umayyad Mosque for Gaza and Palestine during the 2008-2009 Gaza War.

The Foreword

09 Feb, 00:26

A Moment of Reflection & Call to Action:

"I call upon the Muslim nation to become a reading nation. From the very first revelation we were commanded to read. Reading necessitates writing. Writing necessitates publishing. Publishing creates readers. Unfortunately, the Muslim nation is befallen with being a nation that doesn't read, 'now', that is. In the golden generations, people bought handwritten books with gold simply to be able to read a book. Now, we have printing presses that have made things easier, but we don't have a reading people. They'd much rather listen to something rather than read.

It pains me greatly that a useless book in the west will be printed in runs of half a million, and it will subsequently be distributed across the best markets within a couple of months, and people will [purchase] and read it. A tremendous book on Muslim thought will be printed in a run of 3000-5000 and will go undistributed for 5-10 years; sometimes no one will ever read it.

I ask, where is the Muslim reader? We find in western society, women read, men read, and they only occasionally turn the TV on. The Muslim nation watches TV, plays cards, plays stones, or they waste their time drinking coffee or smoking hookah. Is this a nation proactively practicing the way of life prescribed by their Lord? This is the state of affairs.

However, this state of affairs has started to change. Thus, we must remain patient and continue to call to this way, and we musn't despair."

- Shaykh Abd Al-Rahman Hassan Habannakah al-Maydani

The Foreword

09 Feb, 00:26

The original Arabic audio of Shaykh Abd al Rahman Hassan Habannakah Al Maydani’s advice to the Muslim world about the importance of reading that was translated and transcribed above.

The Foreword

08 Feb, 17:15

Alhamdulillah, in our Arkview Arabic tafseer class (reading صفوة التفاسير), we have covered most of سورة الفاتحة. Last week we looked at the words الحمد لله and we shall look at them again tonight, Insha'Allah, when looking at some of the بلاغة (rhetoric) of the surah.

And with Allah alone is every success!

The Foreword

08 Feb, 14:35

Imam as-Sabuni praises Imam Al Bouti in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

He also praised Imam Al Bouti’s work “The Approach To Human Civilization in the Quran” which is translated into English by Sheikh Mahdi Lock (may Allah preserve him) and can be purchased at the links available here in Sheikh Mahdi’s blog.

May Allah have mercy upon them and reunite them in Jannah !

The Foreword

06 Feb, 22:20

Friday 8th Sha'baan 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

05 Feb, 15:17

Insha'Allah, the 2025 diploma courses at British Musim College start tonight (Wednesday 5 February).

(Last week was orientation.)

If Allah so wills, I shall be teaching (for the first 12-week term):

Year 2: Developing Noble Character (based on the book by Habib Umar حفظه الله), 8 to 9 PM.

Year 1: Connecting with the Qur'an (Tafseer of Surat al-Fatihah and the last ten surahs), 9 to 10 PM.

Ustadh Abbas shall be teaching Knowledge and Character to Year 1 (from 8 to 9) and then the Fiqh of Hajj and Umrah to Year 2 (from 9 to 10).

And with Allah alone is every success!

Please join us.

The Foreword

03 Feb, 14:18

الحمد لله رب العالمين
We just finished Volume 3 of the Pinnacle Papers in both the Halaqah Book Club and the Arkview Arabic Book Club.

The Foreword

03 Feb, 14:17

The Foreword

02 Feb, 23:00

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

The Foreword

02 Feb, 23:00

The Foreword

02 Feb, 23:00

Starting now...

The Foreword

02 Feb, 23:00

Here is the Zoom link

The Foreword

02 Feb, 22:28

Starting in 30 minutes Insha'Allah

The Foreword

01 Feb, 13:02

The Foreword

31 Jan, 23:08

Insha'Allah, we shall meet on Monday and finish the book. The UK time is 1 PM.

Please join us:

The Arkview Arabic Book Club ( will meet on Sunday at 6 PM EST (11 PM UK) Insha'Allah; I am just waiting for an updated poster.

And with Allah alone is every success

The Foreword

31 Jan, 20:19

A biography of the Imam

The Foreword

31 Jan, 20:13

This is Imam Abdul Haleem Mahmood رحمه الله تعالى, the former شيخ جامع الأزهر. We read his endorsement of صفوة التفاسير a couple weeks ago.

Tomorrow, Insha'Allah, we will complete the tafseer of سورة الفاتحة.

والله الموفق

The Foreword

31 Jan, 00:02

Friday 1st Sha'baan 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

31 Jan, 00:01

Alhamdulillah, we have entered the month of Sha'ban, 1446.

The Foreword

30 Jan, 08:54

The Shimmering Light: 2nd Year Event
🌿 Highlights:

* Recital of the Shimmering Light | Qur’an | Qasaid
* Heart-touching reminders and knowledge
* Delicious food, refreshements and social

🗣️ Guest Speakers:

* Shaykh Mahdi Lock
* ⁠Ustadh Amjid Mahmood
* Ustadh Sarfraz Saleem

*Shaykh Mahdi Lock’s reminder will be on Healing through The Quran, and they will also be selling their books at the event*

🎶 Munshids:

* Hafiz Ehsan Tahir
* ⁠Local munshids

🗓️ Thursday, 30th January 2025 ⏱️ 7:30 PM -9.30PM 📍 Jamia Islamia Ghausia, Oldham, Warwick Street, OL9 7EB

Alhamdulillah it’s 2 years since we started the mawlid gathering at Rahmah Collective. Join us and rejuvenate your heart with knowledge, remembrance, and love for the Prophet ﷺ!

📿 Food & Refreshments Served

اللهم صل علي سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

Rahmah Collective
*Educate | Enlighten | Empower*
In association with Jamia Islamia Ghausia Masjid

The Foreword

27 Jan, 14:11

Tonight (after Maghrib) is the 27th of Rajab.

The Foreword

27 Jan, 08:27

Alhamdulillah, a new blog post

The Foreword

25 Jan, 16:01

The Foreword

23 Jan, 23:26

Friday 23rd Rajab 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

22 Jan, 22:57

The Foreword

20 Jan, 14:57


The Foreword

18 Jan, 13:21

The Foreword

16 Jan, 22:35

Friday 16th Rajab 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

16 Jan, 09:38

The Foreword

16 Jan, 09:36

The Foreword

14 Jan, 19:12

New Arkview Arabic course!

Tafseer of Imam Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni رحمه الله تعالى entitled صفوة التفاسير

(Safwat at-Tafaaseer, or "the Cream of Tafseers")

This tafseer has been praised for striking a perfect balance between brevity and detail, while drawing on the most authoritative works in Islamic history. Through this study, we aim to deepen our understanding of Allah’s Speech and enhance our grasp of the Arabic language, allowing us to further appreciate the profound beauty and wisdom of the Qur'an, and thereby draw nearer to our Lord.

Start date: Saturday, January 18th, at 6 PM EST. (11 PM UK time)

Subscribe at

The Foreword

11 Jan, 21:54

You’ve FAILED as a Parent If…

Listen as Shaykh Mahdi delivers a powerful wake-up call for parents and those aspiring to become parents

The Foreword

10 Jan, 19:40

The Foreword

10 Jan, 14:28

The Miracle of Arabic

The Arabic language lights up the brain like no other language. What makes it so unique? While most languages rely only on the left side of the brain, Arabic activates the right side of the brain and the frontal lobe as well. This is because of Arabic’s grammar, structure, and writing style.

Learning Arabic stimulates activity in all areas of the brain. It also increases a person’s pattern recognition ability. This is because the root system makes it very efficient.
There are over 300 words for lion in Arabic. Each with specific details and descriptions of the lion.
It is a very precise language.

Ancient Indian, Chinese, and Greek scientific writings were all originally translated into Arabic.
It is a key to the knowledge of the ancients and a bridge between past and present.

This is also why the Qur’an is so eloquent, rich, and precise. Despite all the time that has passed, Arabic has preserved its roots better than any other language. There is practically no difference between the MSA/Fusha that is the standardized version today, and Classical Arabic during early Islamic and pre Islamic times.

The Foreword

10 Jan, 14:28


The phrase ذي القربى appears connected to a word majrūr with the bāʾ in two places in the Qurān: Q 2:83 (وبالوالدين إحسانًا وذي القربى) and Q 4:36 (وبالوالدين إحسانًا وبذي القربى).

‎Both these wordings carry a similar meaning: “kindness to parents and relatives”

In the second instance, however, the letter bāʾ is repeated in the phrase, reading «وبذي القربى», unlike the first: «وذي القربى».

‎Ibn Jamāʿah رحمه الله said: the reason for this is that Q 2:83 is a recount of Allāh’s command to Banī Isrāʾīl, whereas Q 4:36 is a direct command.

Repeating the bāʾ adds emphasis, and this is more suitable for Q 4:36 telling us to obey the command of ṣilat al-arḥām, unlike Banū Isrāʾīl who were told the same but did not obey, as conveyed by the ending of Q 2:83: “...then you turned away in refusal, except a few of you.”

The Foreword

10 Jan, 11:10

White Culture, Islam, and Muslims

In recent times, far too many Muslims living in the Anglosphere have been duped into blindly following liberal/Marxist narratives about race and culture. We end up falsely blaming all the evils of the world on “the White Man”, assuming all white folks are privileged or racist, culture-less, and a host of other inaccurate stereotypes. It is a sort of reverse Orientalism or “Occidentalism”. Copying what the extreme Afrocentrists do when they “blackwash” history in response to the Orientalist/Eurocentric whitewashing.

As followers of this channel will have noted, the crimes of Western colonialism, the wars in the Middle East, anti Muslim sentiment in the Anglosphere, are not the fault of the average working class white person. Indeed throughout the centuries, the average European peasant and the average American worker have all been oppressed.
Remember it is the upper echelon who is to blame for the crimes we have seen. The banksters, the old royal families, the oligarchs, the Zionist Talmudic rabbis, the Vatican, and the corporations.

Your anger should be directed at a Mr Orsini, or Mr Rothschild or Mr Rockefeller. Or at the East India Company, BlackRock, Lockheed Martin. Don’t direct your anger towards Joe Sixpack, John Doe, Jane Soccermom and Mr. Smith from Kettering. The masses of white folks across Europe and America are barely getting by, working 9-5, and they have been brainwashed by public schooling and the mainstream media. It is not their duty to know about Islam. Nor is it reasonable to expect them to know. They are focused on subsistence, just as most Muslims are.

As Muslims it is our duty to do dawah to these folks and educate them. White people have genuinely valid concerns about immigration, replacement, grooming gangs, violence, etc.
We must clean up our communities so we can be role models.
For example, even though most sex crimes in general are committed by whites, the grooming gangs that have been convicted are Pakistani and ostensibly Muslim, we cannot brush this under the carpet.

Since Hijrah is not a viable option for most Muslims in the West, it is imperative to actually understand white people instead of just dismissing them. Otherwise it will be impossible to raise future generations of Muslims here. Choose your words very wisely, as mentioned previously, blame the “elites” who deserve the blame. Don’t antagonize the common man by saying stupid slogans like “Death to Britain” or “Death to America”. You live in these countries. They are yours too.

With that being said, this is a very relevant discussion between Shaykh Mahdi Lock (a white English convert) and Shaykh Abu Ja’far Al Hanbali, from 2018. It is entitled “What Is White Culture?”

On the one hand people say things like “White people don’t have a culture!”
On the other hand when someone they know behaves a certain way, they’ll say “Stop, you’re acting like you’re white!”

So what is the deal? Who are “white” people? What is their culture and what are their contributions?

We hope this encourages more Muslims to stay away from the roadman/ghetto culture that has engulfed our communities in the West the same way the ghetto culture was foisted upon black folks in America.

Simply speaking proper English, reading Shakespeare or Dickens, and dressing well, are all considered “white” traits by ghetto folk. We have even heard madrasah going kids say that we have to speak in our own slang to avoid “sounding white”. Astaghfirullah!

Please let us avoid this pathetic racism of lower expectations that we have for ourselves. To thrive in the Anglosphere we must have ulama who speak proper English and can convey the meanings of the Qur’an and Sunnah correctly. May God protect us from the Zionist-Globohomo divide and conquer strategy. May God help us bring the light of Islam to the world. Ameen.

The Foreword

09 Jan, 23:32

Friday 9th Rajab 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

06 Jan, 13:07

Halaqah Book Club is starting now...

The Foreword

06 Jan, 13:07

Muhammad is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Halaqah Session 28
Time: Jan 6, 2025 09:00 PM Singapore
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 3971 1367
Passcode: 507564

The Foreword

06 Jan, 00:55

The Foreword

05 Jan, 22:58

Starting now...

The Foreword

05 Jan, 22:32

Mahdi Lock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Arkview Arabic Book Club
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 4210 5452
Passcode: 828164


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Meeting ID: 864 4210 5452
Passcode: 828164

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Here is the Zoom link for the Arkview Arabic Book Club. We are starting in just under half an hour, insha'Allah!

The Foreword

04 Jan, 18:07

The Foreword

04 Jan, 18:04

A Mujarrab supplication of Shaykh Ahmad al-Hārūn for the fulfillment of needs:

اللهم أنت لها ولكلّ حاجة فاقضها بحق {بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ؛ ما يفتح الله للناس من رحمة فلا ممسك لها}

Then you read al-Fātiha

The Foreword

03 Jan, 08:10

If you are in the US (or anywhere else in the world), the book is available here at a discount. 🙂

The Foreword

03 Jan, 08:10

And here is the link if you are in Canada.

The Foreword

02 Jan, 22:05

Friday 2nd Rajab 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

02 Jan, 18:29

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Insha'Allah, we will meet this Sunday. Please join us:

The Foreword

02 Jan, 18:16

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Insha'Allah, we are meeting this Monday. The UK time is 1 PM.

Please join us:

The Foreword

01 Jan, 16:50

The Foreword

31 Dec, 22:08

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
The moon was not sighted in the United Kingdom or Morocco.

Therefore, the 1st of Rajab is Thursday.

والله الموفق

The Foreword

31 Dec, 07:46

Two very brief articles from Sheikh Abu Jaafar Al Hanbali’s blog (may Allah preserve him and Sheikh Mahdi Lock and all of the scholars) from 2022 on the Gregorian (which he also simply calls in some of his lectures, the “kafir calendar”) New Year.

Also, an additional reminder and warning to fellow younger (25 and under, most Muslims above 25 do not do these things but if they do then this applies to them too) Muslims to not do stupid things like playing with firecrackers, every single year I always hear of someone doing something stupid with firecrackers/fireworks, getting seriously hurt and then regretting it later.

The first article:

The second article:

The Foreword

27 Dec, 00:15

Friday 25th Jumad al-Aakhirah 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

27 Dec, 00:13

A very important reminder

The Foreword

19 Dec, 23:33

Friday 18th Jumad al-Aakhirah 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

18 Dec, 08:41

Soon Insha'Allah....


The Foreword

12 Dec, 23:06

Friday 11th Jumad al-Aakhirah 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

12 Dec, 08:06

Sheikh Tawfiq Al Bouti released a video statement today confirming that he is indeed alive and well in Damascus, despite the recent lying of some very untrustworthy sources, Alhamdulilah:

The Foreword

10 Dec, 08:32

al-Imām al-Ḥaddād (d. 1132) said:

“According to us, the pillars of the religion and its principles are four: al-Bukhārī in ḥadīth, al-Baghawī in tafsīr, al-Minhāj in fiqh, and among the comprehensive works, Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm al-Dīn.”

He adds, “These are the principles upon which are the basis. We have read many books, but have not found more comprehensive than them. Time is short, and the principles are the basis of the structure; they are the foundation. Our doctrine is not but the Book and the Sunnah.”

The Foreword

09 Dec, 09:04

The Foreword

05 Dec, 23:20

Friday 4th Jumad al-Aakhirah 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

03 Dec, 14:12

Imam Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti رحمه الله تعالى said:

'The secret does not lie in having a long life. Rather, the secret lies in the blessings that Allah the Exalted grants work and effort.'

The Foreword

02 Dec, 13:20

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Insha'Allah, we have two new live classes starting this week!

105 is starting on Monday December 2


213 is starting on Tuesday, December 3.

Please see the link and course catalogue for further details!

And with Allah alone is every success!

The Foreword

29 Nov, 14:28

BLACK FRIDAY SALE AT LULU! 30% OFF! Use the code HOLIDAY30 at checkout.

Titles include:
*Depression and Anxiety
*The Opening of the Hearts
*Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased
*The Big Step
*The Wonders of Waqf
And more!

Offer lasts through 2nd December.

The Foreword

28 Nov, 23:39

Friday 26th Jumad al-Uwla 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

28 Nov, 23:38

Imam Al Bouti on the Ahbash (AICP) cult (article written by Sheikh Abu Jaafar Al Hanbali):

The Foreword

21 Nov, 22:38

Friday 19th Jumad al-Uwla 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

21 Nov, 20:03

This Monday, insha'Allah! Please join us: The UK time is 1 PM.

The Foreword

21 Nov, 19:59

This Sunday, insha'Allah! Please join us:

The Foreword

15 Nov, 21:53

دعواتكم لمولانا العلامة الفقيه الأصولي محمد حسن هيتو فهو الآن في المستشفى

The Foreword

15 Nov, 16:54

Israel is collapsing on its own volition. A free Palestine is never going to happen because the US rode in on its white horse to save the Palestinians, but rather because the Palestinians and the world made it happen in the face of US support for Israel.

@ScottRitter | Substack | Donate

The Foreword

14 Nov, 22:06

Friday 12th Jumad al-Uwla 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

14 Nov, 13:38

This Saturday in Bolton Insha'Allah.

Copies of the book The Wonders of Waqf (and other titles) will be available for purchase.

The Foreword

12 Nov, 16:49

Shaykh Dr. ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Yāfi‘ī: The solution to problems and burdens:

1. Prayer: At least 2 units of Nafl (as in the Hadīth of Salāt al-Hāja)

2. Repentance: 100x, for example (in the Hadīth: He who persists on Istighfār, his burdens will be alleviated)

3. Salawāt: 100x, for example (in the Hadīth: Shall I devote to you all my supplications? He ﷺ said: Then you will be freed from your worries)

4. Qur’ān (in the Hadīth: O Allāh make the Qur’ān a remover for our burdens)

Additional point: Ibn ‘Atā’ says in his Hikam: Get to know Allāh while in good health, and He will know you when you are burdened

The Foreword

10 Nov, 18:44

The Prophet ﷺ once entered into his Masjid where he saw a man from the Ansār called Abu Umāmah

He ﷺ said: O Abu Umāmah, why is it you are sitting in the Masjid at this time when there is no prayer?

He said: Burdens that have affected me and debts, O Messenger of Allāh

He ﷺ said: Shall I not teach you words that if you were to say, Allāh would ease your burdens and pay your debts?

He said: Yes, O Messenger of Allāh

He ﷺ said: Say, when you wake up and go to sleep: O Allāh, I seek refuge in you from grief and from sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, and from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men

Abu Umāmah said: So I did that, and Allāh eased my burdens, and paid my debts

Abu Dāwūd (1555), al-Mundhirī said: It is at least Hasan

The Foreword

07 Nov, 22:49

Friday 5th Jumad al-Uwla 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

06 Nov, 15:45

Subtitles are available if you alter the settings 👆

ولله الحمد

The Foreword

06 Nov, 15:44

The Foreword

02 Nov, 22:43

Rabi al-Aakhir is 30 days. Jumada al-Uwla will start on Monday.
ولله الحمد والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

The Foreword

01 Nov, 15:49

DISCOUNT! Lulu is offering 20% off until midnight tonight! Use the code SURPRISE20 at checkout.

Other titles include:

*The Wonders of Waqf
*The Opening of the Hearts
*The Big Step

The Foreword

31 Oct, 22:33

Friday 28th Rabi al-Aakhir 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

31 Oct, 22:32

Next weekend in Preston Insha'Allah!

Copies of the book (and other titles) will be available for purchase Insha'Allah.

The Foreword

29 Oct, 19:11

The Foreword

24 Oct, 22:03

Friday 21st Rabi al-Aakhir 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

24 Oct, 20:40

Marriage: The Rights of the Husband and Wife

Marriage is the most sacred bond between a man and a woman; it is in every divine law that has been revealed. It has always been considered an act of worship. It has massive precedence over all other matters in this world, because it is through marriage that life on earth is perpetuated.

It is therefore vital that we understand our roles and responsibilities so that we can be truly happy and fulfilled in our marriages. Join us for this special 8-week online course and learn the qualities that are necessary in order to be happy and successful in marriage and in order to be a source of happiness for your spouse and children.

The books of noble Hadith have preserved for us much of the Prophet's ﷺ guidance and what he ﷺ said about men, women and their married life together. He has elucidated for us their rights and obligations on the basis of justice and laid out duties for each of them. All of these duties are so that the family structure can be sound, in which all the people therein feel close to one another. They love and cherish one another, they support one another and they assist one another in goodness, just like one body: if one organ or limb is in pain, the rest of the body rallies to help it.

This course will study 50 chosen prophetic hadith on marriage and the rights of the husband and wife, all of which are either Sahih or Hasan. The course aims to illuminate the path of marriage for everyone, be a means of reconciliation between people and bring benefit for the married and for those seeking to get married.

Join us for this blessed journey and bring benefit and blessings to yourself and your spouse and family.

💍8 week online course
💍Mondays 8-9pm
💍Starts Monday 28th October 2024
💍Delivered by Shaykh Mahdi Lock
💍Early bird ends soon!


More info: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 07479 545574
We would encourage students to purchase the book which the course will be based upon:

The Foreword

17 Oct, 22:45

Friday 14th Rabi al-Aakhir 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

17 Oct, 22:44

And on Monday it will be the Halaqah Book Club, Insha'Allah! Please join us:

The Foreword

17 Oct, 22:43

Assalām alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh! Please join us for our sixth session of the Arkview Arabic Book Club:

The Foreword

10 Oct, 22:03

Friday 7th Rabi al-Aakhir 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

09 Oct, 18:58

Marriage: The Rights of the Husband and Wife

Marriage is the most sacred bond between a man and a woman; it is in every divine law that has been revealed. It has always been considered an act of worship. It has massive precedence over all other matters in this world, because it is through marriage that life on earth is perpetuated.

It is therefore vital that we understand our roles and responsibilities so that we can be truly happy and fulfilled in our marriages. Join us for this special 8-week online course and learn the qualities that are necessary in order to be happy and successful in marriage and in order to be a source of happiness for your spouse and children.

The books of noble Hadith have preserved for us much of the Prophet's ﷺ guidance and what he ﷺ said about men, women and their married life together. He has elucidated for us their rights and obligations on the basis of justice and laid out duties for each of them. All of these duties are so that the family structure can be sound, in which all the people therein feel close to one another. They love and cherish one another, they support one another and they assist one another in goodness, just like one body: if one organ or limb is in pain, the rest of the body rallies to help it.

This course will study 50 chosen prophetic hadith on marriage and the rights of the husband and wife, all of which are either Sahih or Hasan. The course aims to illuminate the path of marriage for everyone, be a means of reconciliation between people and bring benefit for the married and for those seeking to get married.

Join us for this blessed journey and bring benefit and blessings to yourself and your spouse and family.

💍8 week online course
💍Mondays 8-9pm
💍Starts Monday 28th October 2024
💍Delivered by Shaykh Mahdi Lock
💍Early bird ends soon!


More info: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 07479 545574
We would encourage students to purchase the book which the course will be based upon:

The Foreword

09 Oct, 11:53

Yes, things look bad right now; more innocents are being slaughtered and the war is expanding, but we are actually witnessing the demise of that wicked European settler colony. There is no going back.

And with Allah alone is every success!

The Foreword

09 Oct, 11:53

The Foreword

08 Oct, 19:23

Why Your Spirit CRAVES Something More

Shaykh Mahdi & Dr. Shadee discuss what every soul truly desires

The Foreword

05 Oct, 16:45

The Foreword

03 Oct, 22:24

Friday 30th Rabi al-Awwal 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

30 Sep, 09:02

{ وَلَا تَحۡسَبَنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَـٰفِلًا عَمَّا یَعۡمَلُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَۚ إِنَّمَا یُؤَخِّرُهُمۡ لِیَوۡمࣲ تَشۡخَصُ فِیهِ ٱلۡأَبۡصَـٰرُ }
[سُورَةُ إِبۡرَاهِيمَ: ٤٢]

The Foreword

27 Sep, 16:29

Sarf Unlocked and Sirah Explored

Assalām ʿAlaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh,

Please join us for a study of the book As-Ṣarf al-ʿArabī: Aḥkāmun wa Maʿānin (‘Arabic Morphology: Rules and Meanings’) by Dr Muhammad Fāḍil as-Sāmurāʿī, the son of the world’s greatest living Arabic linguist, Dr Fāḍil as-Sāmurāʿī, may Allah preserve them both. This book goes above and beyond the rules of morphology and dives deep into the meanings, while providing an abundance of examples from the Noble Qurʾān along the way.

On the side, as part of our weekly homework and revision, we plan to read the short yet brilliant Sīrah book by Shaykh Muṣṭafā as-Sibāʿī, may Allah have mercy on him, entitled As-Sīrah an-Nabawiyyah: Durūs wa ʿIbar (The Prophetic Biography: Lessons and Precepts’). We intend to read a short section each week and add all the vowels, because an-naḥū is all about what vowels go at the ends of words while as-ṣarf is all about what vowels go everywhere else. If Allah so wills, this course will not only deepen our knowledge of morphology and syntax, but also increase us in love of Allah the Exalted and His Book and in love of His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. And with Allah alone is every success!

Time: Wednesdays, 7-9 PM EST, starting October 2, 2024 Duration: One year (35-40 weeks)
Teacher: Shaykh Mahdi Lock

The Foreword

27 Sep, 06:31

Sayyidnā Ibn Masʿūd said:

‎❝Hold on to the two cures: honey and the Qurān.❞

‎He means that these are two things described by Allāh as a cure (shifāʾ)

قال ربنا عز وجل:

‏{وننزل من القران ما هو شفاء ورحمة للمؤمنين}

‏{يا أيها الناس قد جاءتكم موعظة من ربكم وشفاء لما في الصدور}

‏{قل هو للذين آمنوا هدى وشفاء}

وقال في العسل:

‏{يخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف ألوانه فيه شفاء للناس}

The Foreword

26 Sep, 19:02

Friday 23rd Rabi al-Awwal 1446:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
May Allah bless all of the believers on this blessed day of Friday and its night.

قال الإمام #الشافعي :
وأحبُ كثرة الصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم في كل حال وأنا في يوم الجمعة وليلتها أشدّ استحبابًا وأحب قراءة الكهف ليلة الجمعة ويومها لما جاء فيها .

📕كتاب الأم (٢٠٨/١)

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:
"I love abundant blessings upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in every circumstance, and I recommend it even more on the day of Friday and its night. I also love the recitation of al-Kahf on the night of Friday as well as its day, due to what has been narrated therein."

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: {Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on a Friday, light shall shine forth for him between that Friday and the other.} Related by an-Nasaa'i.

وبالله التوفيق

The Foreword

22 Sep, 07:08

The Foreword

22 Sep, 07:08

The Foreword

22 Sep, 05:41

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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The Foreword

21 Sep, 19:41

Ahmad Ibn ‘Asim al-Antākī (d. 239) said: “If you sit with the truthful ones, then sit with them in truth; for they are spies of the heart, they enter into your heart and leave without you realizing”

al-Junayd (d. 298) once was preaching, when a Christian dressed as a Muslim stood up and asked: “O Shaykh, what is the meaning of the Prophet's ﷺ words: (Beware of the believer's Firāsah, for he sees with Allāh's light)?” al-Junayd put down his head, then raised it, and told him: “Accept Islām, for your time to believe has come”. So the man accepted Islām

al-Risālah al-Qushayriyyah (cited by Ibn al-Qayyim in Madārij al-Sālikīn)