Basira Education


We are an online portal that aims to critically integrate modern education into an intelligent Islamic worldview.

Basira Education

16 Oct, 11:07


On-the-Ground in Chicago, Nov 2nd, 8 am - 5 pm

An advanced one-day intensive especially designed for scholars, teachers, and students of knowledge.

You will learn:

- how to briefly and conclusively show the truth of Islam to anyone in the modern world,

- how to connect that with the classical curriculum of traditional Muslim seminaries, and

- how to revive the science of kalam in the world today.

Limited seats available. Please spread the word and register here:

Basira Education

16 Oct, 09:45

I'm looking forward to a series of events in Chicago in just over two weeks.

See you in Chicago, insha'allah!

Basira Education

11 Oct, 06:53

The Prophet's Argument For the Existence of God
Friday Oct 11th at 2.15 pm.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) brought rational arguments for the existence of God and the truth of Islam. I teach these arguments online in my Why Islam is True course, and in this week's hadith class on hadiths from the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) about the eclipse prayer, I will show how he himself taught these arguments, and how they our the basis for our spiritual relationship with God.

Uluslararası Genç Derneği
(International Youth Association)
Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi, Sümbülzade Sk. No: 1, 34672 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Basira Education

11 Oct, 04:11

There is no one like the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).

Basira Education

04 Oct, 02:48

Basira Education

23 Sep, 13:41

Thank you to everyone who attended our beautiful celebration yesterday. Alhamdulillah, the auditorium was full of men, women, and children who came from far — many from outside Istanbul — just to remember the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). May Allah Most High reward Sariya al-Shuqayr and his friends for their beautiful singing, Dr. Kasim Kopuz for his explanation of how the love of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) can help us overpower our love of this world, Shaykh Danish Qasim for his explanation of how the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) cares for us and watches out for us both during his lifetime and in the afterlife, and Isa Stewart for his warm welcomes and enthusiasm in celebrating the Prophet and his mission of guidance. I closed the session with the Prophet's reminder for all of us to live in brotherhood, to not envy one another, and to not have contempt for one another. We then concluded with a collective prayer for Allah Most High to relieve the suffering of our brothers and sisters all over the world. Thank you to the Uluslararası Genç Derneği for hosting the event!

Basira Education

21 Sep, 05:37

Join us tomorrow Sunday, September 22 at 2.00 p.m.

Annual Mawlid For the Entire Family

Uluslararası Genç Derneği
(International Youth Association)
Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi, Sümbülzade Sk. No: 1, 34672 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Basira Education

20 Sep, 02:37

Just Released: Episode 2 of God’s Cosmos

Most people think that the Big Bang was a big explosion. 

But it wasn’t an explosion. 

In fact, it was neither “big” nor a “bang”. 

The “Big Bang” is just a bad name for “the beginning of the universe”, or “the first moment of expansion from nothing”.

Some people will dispute my claim that it was an expansion from nothing and argue that it was an expansion from a tiny point.

Find out more by watching the second episode of God’s Cosmos.

Basira Education

20 Sep, 02:34

Basira Education

15 Sep, 09:19

Annual Mawlid For the Entire Family

Join us for:

- Beautiful Inshad by Sariya al-Shuqayr and Friends
- Reflections on the Prophet's Concern For His Ummah
- Collective Dua For the Ummah

Sunday, September 22
2.00 p.m.

Uluslararası Genç Derneği
(International Youth Association)
Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi, Sümbülzade Sk. No: 1, 34672 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Basira Education

13 Sep, 04:29

Basira Education

06 Sep, 05:41

This is the month when the Prophet came into this world, may Allah bless him and give him peace. But many Muslims don't know that it's also the month in which he left this world. And just before he left this world, he commanded that all of the wall-openings into his mosque be closed except for the wall-opening of his beloved Companion sayyiduna Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him). This is a photograph of the door of the mosque of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) that marks the wall-opening of sayyiduna Abu Bakr. In today's class, we will learn about the story of this wall-opening, and also of how al-sayyida Aisha tried to prevent the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) from appointing Abu Bakr from leading the prayers in the mosque as he was dying, and how and why she failed.

Today @ 2.15 pm.
Uluslararası Genç Derneği
Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi, Sümbülzade Sk. No: 1, 34672 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Basira Education

06 Sep, 02:06

Basira Education

05 Sep, 20:06

The first episode of our new video series called "God's Cosmos" is coming out on the Basira YouTube channel! It's called "How Christianity Gave Birth to Atheism and Took God Out of Science". I recorded these episodes a while ago with my student Muhammad Elmarouk. It will be fifteen information-packed episodes on intellectual history, kalam theology, modern philosophy, quantum physics, infinity, tafsir, the scientific miracle of the Quran, and much more.