Questioner: Shaikh, since we’re on the topic of innovations, may Allah reward you with good, what is the meaning of the saying of the Prophet ﷺ in more than one ḥadīth, ‘… every newly invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance and all misguidance is in the fire,’ what does ‘… in the fire …’ refer to? Does it mean the innovation along with the person who does it? And is the time he will spend in the fire in correlation to the action that he did? Or does it mean that the innovation itself will be in the fire but not the person who does it?
Al-Albaani: The person is meant, because firstly the innovation itself is not a body but rather a meaning embodied in some people. Secondly, the innovation is not something that has been given the responsibility of following Islam [taklīf] such that it should be burnt in the fire.
This ḥadīth is exactly like the other saying of the Prophet ﷺ, ‘The lower garment of the believer should reach the middle of his calves. There is no harm in what is between that and the ankles, what is lower than that is in the Fire,’ i.e., the person wearing it like that is in the fire not the lower garment itself … an innovation is something that is personified in a person by him innovating it in the religion.
So when he invents something new, then due to him having done so, his innovation leads him to the fire.
Questioner: In correlation to the action that he did.
Al-Albaani: Yes.
Al-Hudaa wan-Nūr, 527.