Keys To Fiqh @k2fiqh Channel on Telegram

Keys To Fiqh


This channel is specific to only Fiqh/Usul Fiqh related benefits.

All posts are written/translated by Abu Awzaa’ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali, Umm al-Quraa University, College of Sharee’ah.

Our main channel:

Keys To Fiqh (English)

Are you looking to deepen your understanding of Fiqh and Usul Fiqh? Look no further than 'Keys To Fiqh'! This channel is dedicated to providing you with valuable insights and knowledge related to Fiqh and its principles. With all posts carefully curated and written/translated by Abu Awzaa’ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali, who is an expert in the field and currently a professor at Umm al-Quraa University, College of Sharee’ah, you can trust that the information you receive is accurate and reliable.

Whether you are a student of Islamic studies, a researcher, or simply someone looking to expand their knowledge on the topic, 'Keys To Fiqh' is the perfect resource for you. Stay updated with the latest posts and teachings on Fiqh by joining our channel today.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your understanding of Fiqh and Usul Fiqh. Join 'Keys To Fiqh' now and take your knowledge to the next level! For more content, be sure to check out our main channel at

Keys To Fiqh

18 Dec, 07:26

Class begins this Thursday إن شاء الله. Sign up now.

Or request for scholarship of the course here:

You can also donate scholarships for others to learn. Click the link for more information.

Keys To Fiqh

11 Dec, 06:48

🚨 Explanation of Umdatul-Ahkam by Hafidh Abdul-Ghani al-Maqdisi (600h) رحمه الله.

💝 Memorize & understand the most crucial and authentic Hadith in Fiqh within three months (before Ramadan), with the help of Allah.
*Memorization is optional*

🔗📜 Registered students who successfully pass the exams will obtain:
1. Ijāzah as-Samā' (a connected chain) traced back to the author.
2. Tazkiyyah 'ilmiyyah (a written recommendation from the instructor).
3. Certificate of completion.
4. One free course of their choosing.

🗓 Jumada II 8 - Shaban 29, 1445h
(Dec. 21, 2023 - March 10, 2024ce)
🕑 2:00-3:00pm Makkah timing
Some Days will contain 2 sessions. There will be breaks.

💻 Live on ZOOM. Recordings will be available for only registered students.

🎙 Instructor: Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
Umm al-Qurā University, Makkah al-Mukarramah 🕋

💵 Course Fee: $40 USD for the entire program.

🎁 You can also donate scholarships for others to benefit from this course.

If you would like to fund the entire program for everyone to benefit $6,000 USD, contact us +966544162996 @KeysToKnowledge (on telegram)

📌 How to Register?
1. Send the fee payment to or [email protected].
2. Include your name and phone number on telegram with country code in the notes (or send us that information via telegram/whatsapp)
3. Wait to be added to the private channel on telegram. Kindly remove any permissions that prevents us from adding you to the channel.

Any additional questions? Contact us for more information
Whatsapp/Telegram: +966544162996


Keys To Fiqh

13 Nov, 21:29

🚨1-Day Commentary of Imam Abdur-Rahman as-Sa’di’s رحمه الله poem of Fiqh Maxims entitled: مَنْظُوْمَة القَوَاعِدِ الفِقْهِيّة.

🔗📜 Registered students will recieve an Ijāzah as-Samā' traced back to the author.

🗓 Rabii II 25, 1444h (November 19, 2022) • Saturday • 1:30-3pm Makkah time

💻 Live on ZOOM. Recording will be available for registered students only.

🎙 Instructor: Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
Umm al-Qurā University, Makkah al-Mukarramah 🕋

💵 Course Fee: $12 USD

How to Register?
1. Send the fee payment to or bank transfer.
2. Include your name and phone number on telegram with country code in the notes (or send us that information via telegram/whatsapp)
3. Wait to be added to the private channel on telegram. Kindly remove any permissions that prevents us from adding you to the channel.

Any additional questions? Contact us for more information
Whatsapp/Telegram: +966544162996


Keys To Fiqh

05 Nov, 19:30

Beginner Aqeedah Texts

Memorize, Study & Understand Beginner Aqeedah Texts of Shaykh-Islam Muhammad b. Abdil-Wahhab رحمه الله

📝Study in an organized structured manner online & completely free.

Details to be shared soon إن شاء الله.

📚 Texts that will be covered:
1. Nullifiers of Islam
2. Four Foundations
3. Three Questions in the Grave with its Evidence

📋 Register by joining the telegram channel:

And wait for details as time approaches.


Allah said,

وَالَّذِينَ جَاءُوا مِن بَعْدِهِمْ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلِإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِالْإِيمَانِ وَلَا تَجْعَلْ فِي قُلُوبِنَا غِلًّا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ رَءُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ

“And those who come after them will pray, ‘Our Lord! Forgive us and our fellow believers who preceded us in faith, and do not allow bitterness into our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord! Indeed, You are Ever Gracious, Most Merciful.’” (59:10)

Keys To Fiqh

08 Oct, 22:54

A benefit from a new book I received tonight

Keys To Fiqh

08 Jul, 12:19

Arafah this year is on a Friday.

Take advantage of every moment especially the last hour.

Remember that Allah boasts about YOU to the Angels during these hours.

Don't forget to make dua for the scholars like:

Sh. Muhammad Ali Adam al-Ityubi رحمهم الله
Sh. Yahya Al-Muddaras رحمه الله
Sh. Waseeullah Abbas حفظه الله
Sh. Muhammad Bazmool حفظه الله
Sh. Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad and his son Abdur-Razzaq حفظهم الله
Sh. Salih al-Fawzaan حفظه الله

And the rest of the Scholars of Sunnah who have died and are currently living.

-Your Brother
Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam

Keys To Fiqh

08 Jul, 12:19

Authentic Dua & Dhikr with English & Arabic. Use it today. May Allah grant us all success.

Keys To Fiqh

08 Jul, 12:19

📖 Text

Keys To Fiqh

22 Jun, 14:06

Mountains & Fountains of Knowledge

Welcome to our 2nd Online Summer Islamic Conference:

A Glance Into The Lives of the 4 Great Imams: Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'ee, & Ahmad رحمهم الله.

Presented by Keys To Knowledge

🗓 Friday July 1 to Sunday July 3.

🔴 All lectures will be broadcasted through our YouTube Channel:“Keys To Knowledge”.

👋 Join For Updates:

Keys To Fiqh

28 May, 18:35

This is the recording from today's lecture in Hanbali Fiqh: Bidāyatul Ābid.

Join us as we embark on our journey in learning Fiqh & Usul in a systematic way.

💵 Course Fee: only $35usd including both courses.

Include your name & number.

🎁 Donate scholarships for others to learn this course.

Keys To Fiqh

28 May, 04:46

Begins today إن شاء الله

Keys To Fiqh

20 May, 14:54

Who's ready to study? Study Fiqh & Usul in a structured manner.

📸 Masjid Rajihi Park, Makkah.

📝 Sign up

🎁 *We have a large amount of scholarship requests from brothers and sisters who are unable to afford the fee.

If you would like to donate on the behalf of another to learn, then send the course fee amount (35usd) along with the message: *scholarships*. May Allah accept.

Keys To Fiqh

13 May, 22:26

The Hanbali Fiqh section of my library. O Allah place barakah in it and make it a proof for me on the Day when all secrets & hidden intentions are exposed.

The great scholar Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله mentioned the reason why he selected the Hanbali Madhhab as his basis in Fiqh & Usul.

واعلم: أنا نظرنا في أدلة الشرع وأصول الفقه وسبرنا أحوال الأعلام المجتهدين، فرأينا هذا الرجل أوفرهم حظاً من تلك العلوم
He said that he investigated the evidences of the Legislation & Usul Fiqh, he also examined the condition of the best of the Unrestricted Jurist-Scholars only to find that this man (i.e., Imam Ahmad) possessed the most abundant portion of ilm in these Islamic sciences.

He then goes on to mention Imam Ahmad's status in those sciences & how was tried & tested with that knowledge. (paraphrased from "Manāqib Al-Imam Ahmad": pg.660 onwards)

*Note-worthy points related to Fiqh Madhhabs.*

1.All valid fiqh opinions are found within the 4 Madhāhib. There is no Fiqh statement from the Salaf except that it is preserved within the Madhāhib.

2.Studying a Madhhab allows a person to develop a structured method of understanding & analysis of the Islamic texts based off of set principles. This prevents any unprecedented conclusions & falling into blatant contradictions in Fiqh positions.

3.Those who are against Madhāhib end up following the conclusions made by Mujtahidun, who ironically mastered their respective madhhab & became authorities therein. Examples:

Ibn Abdil-Barr - Maliki
Nawawi - Shafi'ee
Ibn Taymiyyah - Hanbali
Ibn al-Qayyim - Hanbali

Even the likes of ibn Kathir & Ibn Hajr were Shafi'ees.

4.The Madhāhib are extentions of the Sahabah's Fiqh رضي الله عنهم. Madhhab Fiqh issues have been debated & refined by giants of our Ummah. These scholars were not regular people, YouTube celebrities, or "students" who tweet about NBA playoffs, but they were the best of the best in their times.

5.Madhāhib are only vehicles to assist one in obtaining a correct understanding of the Texts.

It is not revelation, this is why there should be no extreme fanaticism to one over the other.

A Madhhab can be correct in one instance, but incorrect in another. This doesn't mean the entire system is flawed. Once again, all valid opinions are found in the 4 Madhāhib.

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali رحمه الله wrote an treaty debunking the false narrative that there is a valid madhhab outside of the 4. It was entitled, "the response to those who follow other than the 4 Madhāhib" (2/628 in the Majmu').

He wrote,

وعلامة صحة دعواه أن يستقل بالكلام في المسائل كما استقل غيره من الأئمة ولايكون كلامه مأخوذا من كلام غيره. فأما من اعتمد على مجرد نقل كلام غيره إما حكما أو حكما ودليلا كان غاية جهده أن يفهمه وربما لم يفهمه جيدا أو حرفه وغيَّره فما أبعد هذا عن درجة الاجتهاد

That if a person is true in his claim (of not following a madhhab & being a Mujtahid) then he should have independent conclusions just like the other Imams did. His conclusions should not be taken from another.

As for those who rely on simply relaying others' speech, be it a ruling and/or its evidence(s), trying his utmost to understand it, then perhaps they don't even comprehend it well themselves, or they changed & altered its intended meaning - and how far is this from reaching the level of Ijtihaad!

Then he said whoever does this then,

فدع عنك الكتابة لست منها...ولو سودت وجهك بالمداد
Leave off writing about islamic knowledge for you're not from its people, even if you were to cover your entire face with ink!

✖️ Don't let the actions of a few foolish today prevent you from undertaking the path paved & traveled on for centuries by giants of our Ummah.

👓 For more, read these articles:

1. Is there a difference between Fiqh based on a Madhhab vs. Fiqh directly from the Texts (Quran & Sunnah)

2. Do the Madhāhib oppose the Fiqh of Sahabah?

Keys To Fiqh

13 May, 22:26

Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
🕋 Makkah al-Mukarramah
🗓 13 Shawwal, 1443 (5/14/22ce)
🗝 Keys To Knowledge |
⚖️ Keys To Fiqh |

Keys To Fiqh

07 May, 15:41

New Course

Learn Fiqh & Usul in a systematic way.
