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And no (moving) living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposit (in the uterus, grave, etc.) all is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz- the Book of Decrees with Allah).

Surah Hud:6

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тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

19 Feb, 03:50

The ILL Effects of Sins


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

15 Feb, 15:34

Stock Update
15th February 2025

1. Smaller Signs Of The Day Rs.700
2. Governing Yourself and Your Family According to What Allah Has Revealed Rs.550
3. Adorning Knowledge with Actions Rs.950
4. The Islamic Etiquettes of Using the Telephone Rs.800
5. A Treatise Regarding Divine Decree And Fore-Ordainment Rs.850
6. The Evil Craving of Wealth And Status Rs.500
7. Awakening from the Sleep of Heedlessness Rs.800
8. Ranks of Fearful Rs.950
9. Book of Parables Rs.800
10. Status of Messenger ﷺ Rs.950

11. A Treatise in Condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart Rs.1300
12. The Beauty Of Plural Marriage Rs.800
13. A Glimpse at Humor in the Prophetic Sunnah Rs.1800
14. The Life of Muhammad ﷺ Rs.900
15. Treasure from Treasures Of Paradise Rs.900
16. Winning The War Within Rs.2600
17. Factors for Rectifying Society Rs.550
18. Authentic Dream Interpretations Rs.1100
19. A Principle Concerning Patience and Gratitude Rs.950
20. The Correct Islamic Aqidah and that which opposes it Rs.550

21. Reasons for Deviation from Truth Rs.800
22. Prophet's Prayer Described by Shaykh Albani Rs.1100
23. Weeping From The Fear of Allaah Rs.550
24. The Characteristics of The Slaves of The Most Merciful Rs.650
25. Rulings Related To The Traveler Rs.1200
26. Swearing by Other Than Allaah Rs.550
27. Marital Guide by Shaykh Ibn Baz Rs.3600
28. Comprehensive Islamic Jurisprudence by Imam Shawkani Rs.6700
29. Stories of Prophets Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon them (Deluxe Edition) Rs.4500
30. Atheism is Corruption of Human Nature Rs.600

31. My First Islamic Studies Book Rs.2700
32. Comprehensive Guide for New Muslim Rs.2400
33. I want to be Like 10 Promised Paradise Rs.1500
34. Important Lessons for Muslim Women Rs.2100



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

13 Feb, 01:48

Ramadan is approaching us
Here is an old article highlighting immense reward for the night prayer translated by Shaykh Abu Iyaad way back in 1995

The Superiority Of The Night (Tahajjud) Prayer And Its Effect
In Increasing Eemaan

Saheeh ut-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb
Chapter: Exhortation for the Performance of Night Prayer.

By Shaikh Hussain al-Awaa’isah
“As-Salaat wa Atharuhaa Fi Ziyaaadat ul-Imaam…”
(trans. Abu ‘Iyaad as-Salafi, 1995).




тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

12 Feb, 04:32

The Islamic Ruling on Overcharging Customers
| Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله |

“It is not permissible for the traders to sell to the bargainer at a certain price and then sell to the one who does not bargain (i.e., the easygoing buyer who does not haggle) or to someone who does not know the actual price for more than that price. This is something that sellers are criticized for.”
(Majmu‘ al-Fatawa, 28/75)

“If the buyer is easygoing—and does not know the actual price of what is being sold—it is not permissible for the seller to deceive him by overpricing that goes beyond what is customary. Rather, the seller must sell to him at the usual price or close to it. If the seller deceives him by overpricing excessively, then the buyer has the option to either annul the sale or let it stand.” (Majmu‘ al-Fatawa, 29/359)



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

05 Feb, 11:55

The Closest a Woman can be to Allāh

Abdullah ibn Mas'ood رضي الله عنه:

"The woman is 'Awrah, and if she goes out of her house the Shaytaan gets his hopes up (that he will be able to tempt her and tempt others through her), then she says, 'Nobody saw me but he liked me.' The closest that a woman can be to Allaah is in the innermost part of her house."

🖊️ Al-Tabaraani in Al-Kabeer 9/341
📚 Important Lessons for Muslim Women pg.17


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

02 Feb, 16:09

Giving Zakah (obligatory charity) to a Sick Person for Treatment
– Shaykh Al-Uthaymīn رحمه الله


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

02 Feb, 07:25

1. Shaykh Hafiz al-Hakami on Contagion, translation and notes Abu Iyaad Rs.900

2. This is Islaam by Abu Iyaad Rs.900

3. Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydan on Contagion and Omens, translation and notes by Abu Iyaad Rs.800

4. The Crime of Tamayyu upon the Salafi Manhaj, Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiri, notes and translation by Abu Iyaad Rs.1200

5. Two ways to Know the Creator from the writings of Ibn al-Qayyim, Abu Iyaad Rs.800

6. Criticism is a Legislative Methodology, Al-Allamah Rabi' bin Hadi Al-Madhkhalee, translation Malik Al-Akhdar Rs.1300

7. The Effect of Tawhid, in Removal of Calamities, from the Writings of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, Abu Iyaad Rs.900

8. The Qur'anic Refutation of the Solar System, Abu Iyaad Rs.1150

9. Atheism is a Corruption of Human Nature, Abu Iyaad Rs.600

10. Ways of Acquiring Sustenance, by Abu Iyaad Rs.600


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

31 Jan, 10:16

Tarbiyyah Books delivers internationally as well
Inn Shaaa'Allaahu ta'ala 📚


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

30 Jan, 09:28

When he ran out of paper


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

27 Jan, 05:21

The first volume comprises over one hundred and twenty great men of Islam, known for their knowledge, piety, courage, sacrifice and immense scholarship. Considered the elect of this nation, it commences with those promised Paradise among the Companions and then those who followed them in righteousness over the decades and centuries. It includes biographical data as well as their major accomplishments.

Author: Imam Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله (d. 572H)
Dar as Sunnah Publishers Birmingham UK
688 pages



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

24 Jan, 04:54

Devil's Deception of the Naturalists (al-ṭabā'i'yīn)

How does nature play a role in the sun rising in April causing sour grapes to ripen, while causing wheat to dry and harden?! Should not the sun cause all to ripen or all to harden...


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

22 Jan, 09:45

One of the very first book sold at Tarbiyyah Books
- back in stock on popular demand limited copies
- extra deluxe paper, colour print with illustrations
- hard and sturdy cover suitable and sustainable for long use
- introductory explanation of 3 categories of Tawheed
- 6 pillars of Eemaan
- 5 pillars of Islaam
- morning and evening adkhaar
- and 100 questions for the review and revision without answers
And Much More

...see the attached table of contents

Note: Due to its content the book is suitable for the beginner of knowledge and not just restricted to children
And Allaah Knows Best 📚


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

22 Jan, 08:04


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

21 Jan, 05:38

Buying Authentic Islamic Books and Building a Salafi Library



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

19 Jan, 04:49

All the way from USA to Tarbiyyah Books India


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

14 Jan, 06:39

These 3 combo offers are only valid for today ie. 14th January 2025 until 8pm India time

So if you need them
.... hurry up

тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

14 Jan, 06:32

Combo 3

1. The Life of Muhammad ﷺ authored Imam Yahya bin Sharaf An-Nawawi رحمه الله translation of Abu Rumaysah for Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.900
2. The Evil Of Craving For Wealth And Status authored by Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbāli رحمه الله translation Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank رحمه الله Rs.500
3. The Characteristics of The Slaves of The Merciful authored by Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Naasir as-Sa'dee رحمه الله translation Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank رحمه الله Rs.650
4. The Islamic Etiquette Of Using The Telephone authored by Bakr Abu Zayd Rs.800
5. Smaller Sign of The Day Darussalam Rs.700

Total 3550
25% discount 890
Final Amount Payable Rs.2660
Free Shipping all over India


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

14 Jan, 06:03

Combo 2

1. Treasure From The Treasures Of Paradise authored by Shaykh 'Abdul Razzaq Ibn 'Abdul Muhsin al-Badr حفظه الله translation of Yousef Hussin for Dar us Sunnah Publishers Rs.900
2. Authentic Dream Interpretations from the works of Ibn al-Qayyim & al-Baghawi, explained by Shaykh 'Abdullah Ibn Jaru Allaah رحمهم الله translation of Ustaadh Rasheed Barbee Rs.1100
3. A Principle Concerning Patience and Gratitude authored by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله translation of Abu Iyaad Rs.950

Total Rs.2950
25% discount 750
Final Amount Payable Rs.2200
Free Shipping all over India


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

14 Jan, 05:31

Combo 1

1. Questions Relating To The Jinn, Magic and Conjuring authored Shaykh Fawzan حفظه الله Ustaadh Abu Qaylah Rasheed Barbee Rs.1300
2. Rulings Related To The Traveler authored by Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baz رحمه الله translation of Aboo Moosaa Raha Batts Rs.1200
3. A Treatise In Condemnation Of The Hardness Of The Heart authored by Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbāli رحمه الله translation of Hassan Hussein Abdi Rs.1300

Total Rs.3800
20% discount 760
Final Amount Payable Rs.3040
Free Shipping all over India


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

08 Jan, 06:12


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

05 Jan, 06:52

Last copy of these 5 books

1. Secret Societies (Freemason, Illuminati and Missionaries)
Taken from the Works of the Scholars of Islam
Compiled by Rasheed Barbee | Authentic Statements

2. Stories of Punishments Lessons, & Exhortations
Shaikh Hamood ibn Abdullah At-Tuwaijri | Authentic Statements

3. The Islamic Creed & Its History
A Historical Insight Into The Islamic Sects And Divisions
Shaikh Muhammad Aman Ibn Ali Al-Jami | DuSunnah Publications

4. The Status of the Companions in Islaam
Shaikh Rabee’ Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhali | Miraath Publications

5. The Description Of The Prophet’s Prayer
Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadi Al-Waadi’ee | Authentic Statements


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

02 Jan, 02:02

Updated stock list on 2-1-2025

1. Questions Relating To The Jinn, Magic And Conjuring
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan | Authentic Statements Publications Rs.1300

2. Rulings Related To The Traveler
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz | Authentic Statements Rs.1200

3. A Treatise in Condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart
Al-Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali | Hikmah Publications Rs.1300

4. The Beauty Of Plural Marriage
Imam Abdul-Aziz Abdullah ibn Baz | Authentic Statements Rs.900

5. Clear Advice for Benefiting From Islaamic Lectures [Seminars, Conferences]
Shaikh Salih Ibn Abdul-Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh Rs.1600

6. Explanation To The Beautiful And Perfect Names Of Allah
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sa’di | Dar As-Sunnah Out of Stock

7. The Grave Its Torment and Its Pleasure
Shaikh Muhammad Al-Wasaabee | Authentic Statements Publications Rs.1800

8. Authentic Dream Interpretations
Ibn Al-Qayyim | Ibn Al-Baghawi | Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Jaru Allah | Authentic Statements Rs.1100

9. A Glimpse at Humor in the Prophetic Sunnah
Abu al-Hasan Malik al-Akhdar | Al-Rahmaniyyah Press Rs.1600

10. Ranks of the Fearful
Shaikh Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi | Dar As-Sunnah Rs.950

11. The Life of Imam Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz
Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbaad Rs.550

12. Manners Of The Scholars
Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Ajjuri (d. 360H) | Islamic Reminders Publications Rs.1700

13. Governing Yourself and Your Family According to What Allah Has Revealed Rs.550

14. Factors for Rectifying Society
Imam Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz Rs.550

15. The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
Imam As-Sa’dee | Salafi Publications Rs.650

16. An Answer Regarding Swearing by Other than Allaah & Prayer Towards the Graves
Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Rs.550

17. Reasons for Deviation from the Truth
Shaikh Rabee ibn Hadi | Salafi Publications Rs.750

18. The Description Of The Prophet’s Prayer
Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadi Al-Waadi’ee | Authentic Statements Rs.2400

19. Weeping From the Fear of Allah Rs.550

20. The Correct Islamic Aqidah & That Which Opposes It
Shaikh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz | Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.550

21.A Principle Concerning Patience & Gratitude
Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah | Hikmah Publications Rs.950

22. Adorning Knowledge with Actions Rs.950

23. The Status of the Messenger and his Rights
Shaikh Rabee’ Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhali | Sunnah Publishing Rs.950

24. A Treatise Regarding Divine Decree And Fore-Ordainment
Shaykh Al-Uthaymin | Authentic statements Rs.850

25. The Evil of Craving for Wealth and Status
Ibn Rajab Rs.500

26. The Effect of Tawhid in Removal of Calamities and Victory over Enemies
Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah | Abu ‘Iyaad Amjad Rafiq Rs.900

27. Awaking From the Sleep of Heedlessness
Ibn Al-Jawzi | Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.800

28. The Life of Muhammad
Imam Nawawi | Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.900

29. Treasure from the Treasures of Paradise
Shaikh Abdur-Razzaq Al-Abbaad | Dar As-Sunnah Rs.900

30. The Islamic Etiquettes of Using the Telephone Rs.800

31. The Book of Parables
Abush-Shaikh Al-Asbahani Rs.800

32. From the Best of Mankind
The Lives of two great Companions of the Prophet; Mu’aadh Ibn Jabal & Abdullah Ibn Umar
Salafi Publications Rs.500

33. The Attributes of the Successful Caller
Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan Rs.300

34. An Explanation of the Quraanic Soorah; Al-Kawthar (A River in Paradise)
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah | Salafi Publications Rs.300

35. A Comprehensive Guide For The New Muslim
2nd Edition | Important Lessons To Help The New Muslims Correctly Practice Islam
Anwar Wright | Hikmah Publications Rs.2400

36. Marital Guide
Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz bin Baz | Authentic Statements Publications Rs.3600

37. Stories Of The Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) Colour
Imaam Ibn Katheer | Darussalam Rs.4500

38. Smaller Sign of the Day Darussalam Rs.700

39. Kitab at Tawheed Mutoon workbook Arabic Rs.1800

40. Mutoon Talib Al-Ilm 4-in-1 Arabic Rs.3200

41. Translation of the Noble Qur'an in Urdu Muhammad Junagarhi رحمه الله Rs.675

42. Zaad al Ma'aad abriged urdu Rs.1700


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

31 Dec, 05:09

In Indian subcontinent today (31-12-2024) it's 29th Jumada uth-Thani 1446 Hijri

Make it an effort to sight the crescent moon for the Lunar month of Rajab tonight around/after Maghreeb


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

26 Dec, 04:57

Urdu books by Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Luqman As-Salafi Rahimullaah

1. Bulugh Al-Maram Rs.2500
2. Adhkaar wa Duaayein Rs.700
3. Islaam mein Sunnat ka muqam Rs.1000
4. Ummu Haatil Mumi'neen Rs.900
5. Adab Al-Mufrad Rs.2500
6. Explanation of last 3 Juzz(para) of Qur'aan Rs.1500

Total Rs.9100
Special Launch offer
all 6 books at Rs.6825


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

23 Dec, 06:43

Salafi Publications Winter Conference 1446/2024
India timing

Poster edited by a dear brother


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

22 Dec, 11:25

Updated stock list on 2-1-2025

1. Questions Relating To The Jinn, Magic And Conjuring
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan | Authentic Statements Publications Rs.1300

2. Rulings Related To The Traveler
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz | Authentic Statements Rs.1200

3. A Treatise in Condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart
Al-Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali | Hikmah Publications Rs.1300

4. The Beauty Of Plural Marriage
Imam Abdul-Aziz Abdullah ibn Baz | Authentic Statements Rs.900

5. Clear Advice for Benefiting From Islaamic Lectures [Seminars, Conferences]
Shaikh Salih Ibn Abdul-Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh Rs.1600

6. Explanation To The Beautiful And Perfect Names Of Allah
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sa’di | Dar As-Sunnah Rs.1000

7. The Grave Its Torment and Its Pleasure
Shaikh Muhammad Al-Wasaabee | Authentic Statements Publications Rs.1800

8. Authentic Dream Interpretations
Ibn Al-Qayyim | Ibn Al-Baghawi | Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Jaru Allah | Authentic Statements Rs.1100

9. A Glimpse at Humor in the Prophetic Sunnah
Abu al-Hasan Malik al-Akhdar | Al-Rahmaniyyah Press Rs.1600

10. Ranks of the Fearful
Shaikh Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi | Dar As-Sunnah Rs.950

11. The Life of Imam Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz
Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbaad Rs.550

12. Manners Of The Scholars
Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Ajjuri (d. 360H) | Islamic Reminders Publications Rs.1700

13. Governing Yourself and Your Family According to What Allah Has Revealed Rs.550

14. Factors for Rectifying Society
Imam Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz Rs.550

15. The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
Imam As-Sa’dee | Salafi Publications Rs.650

16. An Answer Regarding Swearing by Other than Allaah & Prayer Towards the Graves
Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Rs.550

17. Reasons for Deviation from the Truth
Shaikh Rabee ibn Hadi | Salafi Publications Rs.750

18. The Description Of The Prophet’s Prayer
Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadi Al-Waadi’ee | Authentic Statements Rs.2400

19. Weeping From the Fear of Allah Rs.550

20. The Correct Islamic Aqidah & That Which Opposes It
Shaikh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz | Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.550

21.A Principle Concerning Patience & Gratitude
Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah | Hikmah Publications Rs.950

22. Adorning Knowledge with Actions Rs.950

23. The Status of the Messenger and his Rights
Shaikh Rabee’ Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhali | Sunnah Publishing Rs.950

24. A Treatise Regarding Divine Decree And Fore-Ordainment
Shaykh Al-Uthaymin | Authentic statements Rs.850

25. The Evil of Craving for Wealth and Status
Ibn Rajab Rs.500

26. The Effect of Tawhid in Removal of Calamities and Victory over Enemies
Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah | Abu ‘Iyaad Amjad Rafiq Rs.900

27. Awaking From the Sleep of Heedlessness
Ibn Al-Jawzi | Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.800

28. The Life of Muhammad
Imam Nawawi | Dar As-Sunnah Publishers Rs.900

29. Treasure from the Treasures of Paradise
Shaikh Abdur-Razzaq Al-Abbaad | Dar As-Sunnah Rs.900

30. The Islamic Etiquettes of Using the Telephone Rs.800

31. The Book of Parables
Abush-Shaikh Al-Asbahani Rs.800

32. From the Best of Mankind
The Lives of two great Companions of the Prophet; Mu’aadh Ibn Jabal & Abdullah Ibn Umar
Salafi Publications Rs.500

33. The Attributes of the Successful Caller
Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan Rs.300

34. An Explanation of the Quraanic Soorah; Al-Kawthar (A River in Paradise)
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah | Salafi Publications Rs.300

35. A Comprehensive Guide For The New Muslim
2nd Edition | Important Lessons To Help The New Muslims Correctly Practice Islam
Anwar Wright | Hikmah Publications Rs.2400

36. Marital Guide
Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz bin Baz | Authentic Statements Publications Rs.3600

37. Stories Of The Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) Colour
Imaam Ibn Katheer | Darussalam Rs.4500

38. Smaller Sign of the Day Darussalam Rs.700

39. Kitab at Tawheed Mutoon workbook Arabic Rs.1800

40. Mutoon Talib Al-Ilm 4-in-1 Arabic Rs.3200

41. Translation of the Noble Qur'an in Urdu Muhammad Junagarhi رحمه الله Rs.675

42. Zaad al Ma'aad abriged urdu Rs.1700


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

19 Dec, 03:49

Coming soon ✈️
Inn Shaaa'Allaahu ta'ala 📚

тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

09 Dec, 13:35

1. A mursal hadith is when a tabi'i directly reports a statement or action of the Prophet ﷺ without mentioning an intermediary companion.

2. A mawquf hadith is when a chain of transmission stops at a companion, rather than extending to the Messenger of Allah
صَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ

📖 A Glimpse at the Humor in the Prophetic Sunnah pg.42
🖋️ Abu Al-Hasan Malik Al-Akhdar


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

28 Nov, 03:30


It is better for you to leave your inheritors wealthy than to leave them poor begging others, and whatever you spend for Allah's sake will be considered as a charitable deed even the handful of food you put in your wife's mouth.





Transcription: https://t.me/TheDawatusSalafiyyah/5709



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

20 Nov, 10:56

All 4 sets of 19 books
At Rs.9300 only

Just 2 sets available
Hurry up


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

20 Nov, 06:42

Set 4

1. Sleep of Heedlessness
2. Using telephone
3. Book of Parables
4. Treasures of Paradise
5. The Life of Muhammad ﷺ


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

20 Nov, 06:22

Set 3

1. Correct Islamic Aqidah
2. Slave of merciful
3. Swearing by other than Allah
4. Weeping from the fear of Allah
5. Rectifying society
6. Governing yourself and your family


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

20 Nov, 06:08

Set 2

1. The Evil of craving for wealth and status
2. Ways of acquiring sustenance
3. Effect of Tawhid in removing calamities and victory over enemies


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

20 Nov, 06:00

Set 1

1. Attributes of successful caller
2. Surah Kawthar
3. Way of Companions
4. Supplicating to Allaah
5. Best of Mankind


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

19 Nov, 17:20

A Gift


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

18 Nov, 12:58

1. The Status of the Companions in Islam ₹800
2. Fleeing from the Fire ₹2600
3. Characteristics of the Hypocrites ₹900
4. O people of Scriptures.. Come Towards a Common Word ₹700
5. A simple guide to Prophet ﷺ's Prayer Described ₹300
6. The sublime beauty of the Prophet (ﷺ) ₹2900
7. How to get rid of Magic ₹1200
8. The Beauty of Plural Marriage ₹800
9. Clear Advice for benefiting from Islamic Lectures ₹1200
10. The Reality of the testimony that Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allāh ₹1600
11. The Innate rights according to islamic laws ₹800
12. The Marital Life of the Prophet (ﷺ) ₹1200
13. Extraordinary Occurrences from the Allies of Allāh ₹1300
14. The Virtues of Al-Madinah ₹1700
15. The Disease and The Cure ₹4500
16. The story of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ₹1325
17. I want to be like the Prophet's Wives ₹1325
18. I only worship Allah ₹1325

Total Cost Rs.26475

Flat Rs.5000 off

Amount Payable Rs.21475
Free Shipping all over India


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

17 Nov, 05:59



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

15 Nov, 02:54

Abd Al-Awwal son of Shaykh Hammad al-Ansari said, “I heard my father repeatedly tell young married men when they were not eager to seek knowledge, “The Salaf said, “Knowledge has been lost between the thighs of women.”'”
Page 116

'Aishah رضي الله عنها reported that she was on a journey with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. She said, 'I raced him on foot and defeated him. However, when I grew heavier, I again raced him, and he beat me. He ﷺ said, ‘This is [payback] for the time you defeated me.”’
Page 78


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13 Nov, 13:00

1. A treatise in condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart ₹1300/-
2. Explanation of the Beautiful Names of Allaah ₹1000/-
3. Paragons of the Qur'aan ₹1000/-
4. Reasons for the Deviation from the Truth ₹650/-
5. Attributes of the Righteous Wife ₹1100/-
6. The Hebrew Israelites in the light of the true Teachings of Jesus ₹1300/-
7. Heartfelt Advice to Friend ₹900/-
8. The Grave and it's Torment ₹1800/-
9. Life in Barzakh from Death Until Resurrection ₹1800/-
10. Dream Interpretations ₹1100/-
11. Questions related to Jinn, Magic and Conjuring ₹1300/-
12. A Woman's Guide to Raising Family ₹1300/-
13. The Description of Prophet ﷺ prayer by Shaykh Muqbil Rahimullaah ₹2400/-
14. Three Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Uthaymeen Rahimullaah ₹2000/-
15. Marital Guide ₹3600/-
16. A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim ₹2400/-
17. A Daily Routine for the Seeker of Knowledge ₹1000/-
18. Rulings related to Traveler ₹1200/-

1.Kitab At Tawheed workbook ₹1800
2.Talib Al Ilm ₹2800


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

12 Nov, 15:33

Utilize this wonderful opportunity to perform Umrah

Please contact:


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07 Nov, 08:51

As salamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

📢 New Announcement - We are delighted to announce the relaunch of our Book Lending Programme for brothers and sisters in and around Bangalore.

📕 We have added a New Collection of Books to our Catalog from @TarbiyyahAlHind to enhance our Library.

Some of these books are difficult to find in India and are expensive due to high imports.

📚 Grab a book of your choice following a very simple process

Scan the QR Code in the flier to register.
Go through the catalogue list and select upto 4 books - https://shorturl.at/NPqMm
Fill the Google form - https://shorturl.at/EK9Ac
And we will reach out to you to figure out the delivery medium.
Keep the books for up to 3 months, benefit and reach out for the return.

We hope this initiative will be beneficial for the community. بإذن الله

📢 We wish to continue upgrading New Beneficial Titles to our Library. Keep a watch and spread the word.

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06 Nov, 09:00

Retail Cost in India Rs.3600
Discount Rs.1200 (sponsored by a brother)
Amount payable Rs.2400 only all inclusive
Free Shipping all over India
Only for 10 copies

Hurry up



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

29 Oct, 07:35

Adhering only to obligations

Jabir ibn Abdullah رضي الله عنه reported: A man asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, saying, “O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, do you think if I pray the five prescribed prayers, I fast the month of Ramadan, and I uphold what is lawful and unlawful without adding anything to it, will I enter Paradise?”
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Yes.
S‌ah‌i‌h‌ Muslim 15

A Bedouin came to the Prophet ﷺ and said, "Tell me of such a deed as will make me enter Paradise, if I do it."
The Prophet ﷺ said, "Worship Allah, and worship none along with Him, offer the (five) prescribed compulsory prayers perfectly, pay the compulsory Zakat, and fast the month of Ramadan." The Bedouin said, "By Him, in Whose Hands my life is, I will not do more than this." When he (the Bedouin) left, the Prophet ﷺ said, "Whoever likes to see a man of Paradise, then he may look at this man."
S‌ah‌i‌h‌ al-Bukha‌ri‌


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "If a woman offers her five daily prayers, fasts the month of RAMADĀN, guards her chastity and obeys her husband, it will be said to her
Musnad Imam Ahmad 1661

Authentic Statements Publications pg.18-19


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

23 Oct, 15:13

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Excessive laughing kills the heart.
Sunan Ibn Majah 4217
Shaykh Albani رحمه الله: Sahih in Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah 3400

Bishr bin al-Harith رحمه الله: Two traits that harden the heart are excessive talking and excessive eating.
Abu Nu'aym رحمه الله: Al-Hilyah 8/350

📚 A Treatise In Condemnation of The Hardness of The Heart pg.36
Author: Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali رحمه الله (d.795 Hijri)
Translation: Hassan Hussein Abdi
Reviewed and Edited and Published by: Hikmah Publications


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

16 Oct, 15:52

It is affirmed from him (Prophet ﷺ) as that he made water to flow from between his fingers and the people took that which they needed from this water, to drink, perform ablution, wash their clothes, perform Istinjaa etc., all of this occurred.

The water of Zam-Zam, if it is not similar to the water which flowed from between the fingers of the Prophet ﷺ then it is not more than it. Both of them are noble waters. So if it is permissible to perform ablution, bathe, perform Istinjaa', and wash clothes from the water which flowed from between his fingers, then likewise it is permissible to do these things from Zam-Zam water.

📚 Rulings Related To The Traveler pg.18
Author: Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz رحمه الله (1420 Hijri)
Translator: Aboo Moosaa Raha Batts حفظه الله
Authentic Statements Publications



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

16 Oct, 02:29

The act of cleaning oneself (after urinating and defecation) with water is called istinjaa' (الاستنجاء) and cleaning with other than water like stones and tissues and the likes is called istijmaar (الاستجمار)

So in conclusion while performing istijmaar water is not used.
Therefore the issue of using Zamzam water to perform istijmaar is ruled out completely.

And Allaah Knows Best 📚

For details:
Complete playlist on Fiqh:


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15 Oct, 08:30


This person is asking about the permissibility of shortening and combining the prayer for the one who always regularly travels from the Kingdom to outside of it, or from some cities within the kingdom to other cities wherein it is permissible to shorten and combine such as chauffeurs and those who bear their ruling, from the buyers and sellers whose (regular) travel is known

These people bear the ruling of travelers and it is legislated for them to shorten the prayers and it is permissible for them to combine prayers just like the rest of the travelers, according to the Jumhoor of the scholars, due to the generality of the legislative evidences regarding that. We do not know of any evidence to contradict that.

📚Rulings Related To The Traveler pg.55
Author: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Baaz رحمه الله
Translator:Aboo Moosaa Raha Batts
Authentic Statements Publications


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

13 Oct, 05:33

1. The Reality of the Testimony that Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah Rs.1600
2. Extraordinary Occurrences from the Allies of Allaah Rs.1300
3. The Virtues of Madinah Rs.1700
4. The legislated Ruqyah Rs.1400
5. How to get rid of magic? Rs.1200
6. Legislated solutions for common Doubts Rs.600
7. Fleeing from the Fire Rs.2600
8. Characteristics of Hypocrites Rs.900
9. The innate Rights according to Islamic Laws Rs.800
10. Lessons and Benefits from the Marital Life of Prophet ﷺ Rs.1200
11. O people of Scripture come towards common word Rs.700

Total Rs.14,000


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

12 Oct, 03:54

A Summary of the Pleasures of The Grave

1. Its width
2. Its comfort
3. The grave of the believer is lit like the night of a full moon
4. The opening of a door to Heaven
5. The opening of a window to Heaven
6. The believer's clothes in the grave
7. His righteous companions
8. His surety at the time of questioning
9. His request to the Angels to be allowed to pray
10. His request to be returned to his family to give them glad tidings

11. The believer's Supplication to his Lord whilst in the grave: “Oh Lord, establish the hour.”
12. The believer's saying to his pallbearers: “Bring me forth, bring me forth.”
13. The angels' glad tidings of the Lord's pleasure and Heaven for the believer when he is brought near.
14. The believer's love for meeting his Lord when he approaches it
15. The believers' happiness to meet Him, sit with Him, and being spoken to
16. The angels that come with the angel of death to remove the soul have white faces.
17. The believer's soul is wrapped in a shroud and embankment from Heaven by the angels
18. The believer's soul is raised upto the seventh heaven
19. And he is followed by those that are near to each heaven
20. He is mentioned in the heavens by the most beloved names to him

21. His soul emanates the scent of the most beautiful perfume
22. There is not a single gaurdian of the gates of the heavens except that they ask Allah to raise him by way of them
23. Allah's saying to the angels: “Write my slave's book in the ILLIYEEN
24. The angels saying to the believer: “Sleep the sleep of the groom who does not awake except that his family has become more beloved to him.”
25. The righteous companion's saying to the believer: “May Allah reward you with good, for by Allah, indeed, I knew you to rush to do good but you were slow to do evil.”
26. The believer in his grave bears witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Messenger of Allah
27. The believer is shown his place in Heaven day and night
28. The saying of the inhabitants of the heavens to the souls of the believers: “A good soul has come from the people of Earth, may Allah bless you and your body that you used to inhibit.”
29. The grave is a green garden for the believer
30. The angels place the soul of the believer in white silk
31. The believer is relaxed in his grave.

📚 The Grave Its Torment and Its Pleasure pg.32-33-34
🖌Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wasaabee
✏️ Ihsan Ibn Gerald Gonsalves
🖨️ Authentic Statements Publications


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

10 Oct, 17:18

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
Any Muslim that dies on the Day or Night of Jumuah will be protected by Allah from the trial of the grave.
Shaykh Albani رحمه الله in Ṣaḥīḥ At-Targhib wat-Tarhib 3562

The Grave: Its Torment and Its Pleasure pg.107
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wasabee
Authentic Statements Publications



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

10 Oct, 06:20

Before Using Free PDFs of copyrighted books ....
Read these benefits

1. https://x.com/Aboo_Tasneem/status/1566190973159411713
2. https://x.com/Aboo_Tasneem/status/1365338779091951627
3. http://dusunnah.com/article/so-you-want-to-be-a-student-of-knowledge/
4. https://x.com/SunnahPubs/status/1682665052585820162
5. https://www.troid.org/the-value-of-shaykh-al-albanis-literature/
6. https://followingthesunnah.com/buying-islaamic-books/
7. https://x.com/aibal_bookshop/status/1058256051781349376
8. https://www.troid.org/the-best-company/
9. https://t.me/rpubschannel/8227


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

09 Oct, 16:40

The Prophet ﷺ said:
There lies within the body a piece of flesh. If it is sound, the whole body is sound; and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Indeed, this is the heart.
Bukhari 52, Muslim 1599

📚 In Condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart pg.17
Author: Al-Hafiz ibn Rajab al-Hanbali رحمه الله
Translation: Hassan Hussein Abdi
Hikmah Publications



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

09 Oct, 04:45

ad-Dir'iyyah: A town in current day Saudi Arabia located on the northwestern outskirts of Riyadh.

It was a small kingdom of Prince Muhammad Ibn Sa'ūd رحمه الله.

It was the very same place from where Shaykh ul Islaam, The Reviver of Sunnah Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab رحمه الله was able to propagate the True Teaching of Islaam and Sunnah ie Salafiyyah without any hindrance.

So ad-Dir'iyyah is one of the most important place.

Source: various lectures by our teachers on the life and history and Dawah of Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab رحمه الله

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08 Oct, 16:36

Denying the existence of the Jinn is disbelief and apostasy from Islam because this is denial of what appears in numerous places in the Qur'ān and the Sunnah, which informs us of their existence.

As for denying Jinn possession this does not necessitate disbelief; although denying Jinn possession is incorrect and to deny this is to belie what has been affirmed by the legislative proof and evidences and the recurrent reality that exists.

📚 Question Relating to the Jinn, Magic and Conjuring
Shaykh Fawzan حفظه الله
Translation: Rasheed Barbee حفظه الله
Authentic Statements Publications



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

08 Oct, 13:41

Quiz on Jinn existence and possession


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

07 Oct, 06:04

It is related that Abu Ayub Al-Ansari رضي الله عنه said:
When the soul of the slave is removed, he meets the people of mercy from amongst the slaves of Allah, like they would meet the bringer of good news in the dunya.
So they approach him to ask him: 'What is so and so doing?' and 'What is so and so doing? Did she marry ?'

Chapter 11: The Deceased Ask Each Other About Personal Issues
The Grave: Its Torment and Its Pleasure pg.115-116
Authentic Statement Publications



тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

06 Oct, 08:31

Beware of forbidden seclusion and intimate conversations

Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله said:

"...a woman from the nobles of the Arabs was asked: what led you to commit fornication?

She replied: "The closeness of the cushions and the lengthy period of intimate discourse."

She meant: The closeness of the man's pillow to mine, and the long period of private conversation between us."

The Disease and The Cure page.459

Just 1 copy AVAILABLE



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03 Oct, 06:58

632 pages
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A beautiful collection for your library
Good books for you and your children

Order now
Inn Shaaa'Allaahu ta'ala 📚


тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

02 Oct, 04:27

💫 We are delighted to announce the relaunch of our Book Lending Programme in Bangalore.

📕 We have added a New Collection of Books to our Catalogue from @TarbiyyahAlHind to enhance our Library.

With already having more than 200+ Books in our Library we have added 40 New Books. بفضل لله

🌐 Available for brothers and sisters in Bangalore and nearby regions

📖 "Not every gem is available online there is a huge amount of treasure that is found only in prints."

🤲 May Allah make this intiative beneficial for all.

📝 Details of lending process will be shared in due course. InshāAllah

📢 Spread the Word

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01 Oct, 15:13

1.Grave and it's Torment Rs.1800
2.Reasons for the Deviation from the Truth Rs.650
3.The Description of Prophet ﷺ prayer by Shaykh Muqbil Rahimullaah Rs.2400
4.A Woman's Guide to Raising Family Rs.1300
5.Dream Interpretations Rs.1100
6.Questions related to Jinn, Magic and Conjuring Rs.1300
7.Rulings related to Traveler Rs.1200
8.The Islamic Creed and it's History Rs.1800
9.Description of Prophet ﷺ prayer by Shaykh Albani Rahimullaah Rs.1100
10.Attributes of the Righteous Wife Rs.1100

11.A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim Rs.2400
12.Life in Barzakh from Death Until Resurrection Rs.1800
13.A treatise in condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart Rs.1300
14.Three Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Uthaymeen Rahimullaah Rs.2000
15.Explanation of the Beautiful Names of Allaah Rs.1000
16.Paragons of the Qur'aan Rs.1000
17.Heartfelt Advice to Friend Rs.900
18.Fleeing from the Fire Rs.2600
19. The Methodology of Calling towards Allaah Rs.1600
20.Beauty of Plural Marriage Rs.900
