▪️Marriage or Seeking Knowledge: Which One Should the Young Student of Knowledge Give Precedence Too?▪️
Answered By Ash-Shaykh Abul-Yamān Adnān Ibn Hussain Al-Masqarī - May Allāh Preserve Him
📩 Question:
A young student of knowledge cannot control his desires, and he wants to get married to keep himself chaste from sins. He likewise wants to travel to seek knowledge, so which of the two affairs should he prioritise?
✏️ Answer:
If he is able to get married and then join the students of knowledge and travel to seek knowledge, then he would've combined two great affairs, and Allāh has granted him success in these two great blessings and facilitated for him the two paths. Marriage is a path to chastity, and seeking knowledge is a path to paradise.
He must not give up on seeking knowledge or think of leaving it off because seeking knowledge is salvation from the trials and a safety from the tribulations.
Therefore, if he's in need of marriage, then he should get married while still intending and being determined to pursue knowledge.
Translated by:
Abu Yunus Nassime As-Saint Lucee
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