Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab @sitotapsy Channel on Telegram

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab



☎️ +251113692818 +251113692774
📥 [email protected]

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab (English)

Sitota Center for Mental Health Care and Rehab, also known as @sitotapsy, is a dedicated space for individuals seeking support and healing for their mental health concerns. With a strong emphasis on actions over words, the center offers a range of services to help clients on their journey towards mental well-being. From therapy sessions to rehabilitation programs, Sitota Center is committed to providing holistic care tailored to each individual's needs. The center's goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where clients can feel supported and empowered to take control of their mental health. For those interested in learning more about the center and its offerings, you can visit their YouTube channel, website, Facebook page, or Telegram group. Contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, are also provided for easy access. Sitota Center for Mental Health Care and Rehab is here to help you on your path to healing and recovery.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

29 Jan, 13:15

Curious about your brain’s activity?

Our EEG service at Sitota Center for Mental Health Care helps uncover mental and neurological insights to enhance your mental well-being. Whether for diagnosis, treatment planning, or performance optimization, our service ensures precision, accuracy, and expert analysis.

📊 Real-time brainwave monitoring
⚡️ Non-invasive & safe
🧑‍⚕️ Expert interpretation by professionals
📍 Book your EEG today!
📞 8187 | Email: email us at [email protected] | 🌐
📲 @sitotapsy | #DeedsNotWords

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

28 Jan, 11:56

At Sitota Center for Mental Health Care, we are committed to helping you navigate life's challenges through professional psychotherapy. Whether you're struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties, our experienced clinical psychologists are here to support you. Take the first step toward emotional well-being today.

Book your session now!

📞 8187 📞 0995011035 | ✉️ [email protected]

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

25 Jan, 17:12

ስጦታ ወግ (15ኛ ዙር)

🧠 ርዕስ፡ እናትነት እና የአእምሮ ጤና

🎙 እንግዳ፡ ዶ/ር ሰላም ንጉሴ

📅 ቀን፡ ቅዳሜ ጥር 17
🕒 ሰዓት፡ ምሽት 1፡00

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

25 Jan, 17:07

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

25 Jan, 16:36

ውደ አድማጮቻችን እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ! እየተከታተላችሁን ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን

በኮመንት መስጫው ላይ ስማችሁን እና ከየት ሆናችሁ እየተከታተላችሁን እንደሆነ አድርሱን

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

25 Jan, 16:02

Live stream started

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

25 Jan, 13:40


ዛሬ ምሽት አንድ ሰዓት ላይ ይጠብቁን

ይህንን ይጫኑ፡

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

23 Jan, 12:31

ስጦታ ወግ (15ኛ ዙር)

ቀጣዩ ስጦታ ወግ እናትነት እና የአእምሮ ጤና ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡ ዶ/ር ሰላም ንጉሴ በእናትነት ጊዜ የሚኖሩ የስሜት፣ የስነ-ልቡና እና ማህበራዊ ደህንነቶች ምን እንደሚመስሉ ገለጻ ትሰጣለች፡፡ ሁላችሁም ተጋብዛችኋል፡፡

🧠 ርዕስ፡ እናትነት እና የአእምሮ ጤና

🎙 እንግዳ፡ ዶ/ር ሰላም ንጉሴ

📅 ቀን፡ ቅዳሜ ጥር 17
🕒 ሰዓት፡ ምሽት 1፡00

📍መድረክ፡ ስጦታ የቴሌግራም ቻናል


ለመሳተፍ ይህንን ይንኩ

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

17 Jan, 05:54

We invite you to watch this informative podcast featuring Dr. Yonas Bahiretebeb, author of 'ዓይኔን ተመልከተኝ', with Endalegeta Kebede.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

16 Jan, 13:52

በቂ እንቅልፍ እያገኙ እንዳልሆነ የሚጠቁሙ ምልክቶች

- በቂ እረፍት አድርገውም ድካም እና የማያቋርጥ የድካም ስሜት ይሰማዎታል
- ሰውነትዎ ላይ ምቾት የማይሰጡ ስሜቶች ይከሰታሉ፡፡ ለምሳሌ አይንዎን ክብድ ይልዎታል ወይም ይወጥርዎታል
- ድምጽ ወይም ብርሃን የመሳሰሉ ገሮች በቀላሉ ይረበሹዎታል።
- በቀላሉ ይበሳጫሉ፣ ስሜታዊ ምላሽ ይሰጣሉ ወይም ወይም ስሜትዎ/ጸባይዮ ይቀያየራል፡፡
- ከቤተሰብ፣ ከጓደኞች ወይም ከስራ ባልደረቦች ጋር ያለ ይጋጫሉ
- የጨለምተኝነት አስተሳሰብ እያዳበሩ ይመጣሉ፤ በራስ መተማመንዎ ይቀንሳል
- እርካታ ለማግኘት እየተቸገሩ ይመጣሉ፤ በነገሮች ላይ ፍላጎትዎ እየቀነሰ ይመጣል
- ከሰው የተነጠሉ ወይም የሚረዳዎ እንደሌለ ይሰማዎታል
- ትኩረት ለማድረግ ይቸገራሉ ወይም ተግባራትን በብቃት ለማከናዎን ይቸገራሉ

ዞልፒዴም እንቅልፍ ማጣትን ለማከም የሚረዳ መድሃኒት ነው
- በተወሰደ ከአንድ ሰዓት ባነሰ ጊዜ ውስጥ ይሰራል
- የእንቅልፍ ጥራትን ያሻሽላል

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

16 Jan, 12:05

Life's journey can take you anywhere. With Sitota's telepsychiatry services, distance is no barrier to accessing the mental health support you deserve.

Connect with our expert psychiatrists, like Dr. Yonas Bahiretebeb, conveniently and confidentially from anywhere.

Your well-being is our priority.

Appoint on or call +251955346528 on working time

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

13 Jan, 14:30

Life takes you places. Our telepsychiatry services ensure that distance won't hold you back from receiving the mental health support you need, whenever and wherever you are.

At Sitota, Our telepsychiatry services put your well-being first, ensuring you can connect with our specialists conveniently and confidentially

Get a Telepsychiatry service with our psychiatrist Dr Henok.

Appoint on or call +251955346528 on working time

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

13 Jan, 13:27

What is zolpidem?

- Zolpidem is a sleeping pill that can be taken for short-term treatment of severe insomnia.

- Most adults aged 18 and over can take zolpidem.

- Zolpidem tablets come in 2 different strengths: 5mg and 10mg.

- The usual dose is one 10mg tablet, taken just before you go to bed. It takes around 1 hour to work.

- Swallow the tablet whole with a drink of water. Do not crush or chew it.

- You can take zolpidem with or without food.

- Zolpidem does not affect how any type of contraception works.

- If you forget to take your zolpidem, leave out the missed dose. Start again the next night and take your zolpidem at the usual time.

- Never take 2 doses at the same time. Never take an extra dose to make up for a forgotten one.

call 8187 or email at [email protected]

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

09 Jan, 11:57

Introducing Zolpidem for a Peaceful Night’s Sleep in Ethiopia

- Zolpidem is a medicine used to help people with insomnia (trouble sleeping).
- It comes in different forms, including regular tablets, long-lasting tablets, and a version that dissolves in your mouth.
- Zolpidem is good at helping people fall asleep quickly.
- The long-lasting version helps people stay asleep through the night.
- The dissolvable version can help people fall back asleep if they wake up in the middle of the night.
- Zolpidem works by calming the brain but focuses more on sleep-related areas than older medicines like benzodiazepines.
- It has fewer side effects than older sleep medications, making it a safer choice for many people.
- Zolpidem is one of the first choices for people with sleep difficulty.
- Many people prefer zolpidem because it’s effective and generally safer than other older options.

APA textbook of psychopharmacology, 5th edition, 2017

call 8187 or email at [email protected]

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

06 Jan, 09:48

መልካም ገና በዓል እንዲሆንልዎ እንመኛለን

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 17:47

ስጦታ ወግ (14ኛ ዙር)

🧠 የመወያያ ርዕስ፡ ማሪዋና/ሀሺሽ - ምንነት፥ ከሱሱ ማገገም እና ግርሻን መከላከል

🎙 እንግዳ፡ አቶ ኤልያስ ካልአዩ [ከሱስ የማገገም አማካሪና አሰልጣኝ]

📅 ቀን፡ ቅዳሜ ታህሳስ 26
🕒 ሰዓት፡ ምሽት 1፡00

📍መድረክ፡ ስጦታ የቴሌግራም ቻናል

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 17:46

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 16:53

ስጦታን በተለያዩ አማራጮች ማግኘት ይችላሉ

1. Website

4. YouTube
contact link

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 16:37

ውደ አድማጮቻችን እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ! እየተከታተላችሁን ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን

ሀሳብ እና አስተያየታችሁን
በኮመንት መስጫው ላይ አድርሱን

ለሌሎችም በእዚህ እንጋብዝ

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 16:00

Live stream started

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 16:00

Live stream scheduled for

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

04 Jan, 14:00


ዛሬ ምሽት 1፡00 ላይ

በእዚህ ሊንክ ይቀላቀሉን

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

03 Jan, 13:52

Struggling with insomnia? Zolpidem is now available at our center's pharmacy to help you get the restful sleep you deserve.

Call 8187 for more info.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

02 Jan, 12:26

Life takes you places. Our telepsychiatry services ensure that distance won't hold you back from receiving the mental health support you need, whenever and wherever you are.

At Sitota, Our telepsychiatry services put your well-being first, ensuring you can connect with our specialists conveniently and confidentially

Get a Teleconsultation service with our clinical Psychologist Hawi.

Appoint on or call +251955346528 on working time

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

02 Jan, 05:48

ስጦታ ወግ (14ኛ ዙር)

ቀጣዩ ስጦታ ወግ “መቋሚያ- የሱስ ሳይንስ” መጽሐፍ ላይ በመመርኮዝ ሀሺሽ/ማሪዋና ላይ የሚያተኩር ነው። የ'መቋሚያ-የሱስ ሳይንስ' መጽሐፍ ደራሲ ደራሲ፤ ሱስ አምጪ ንጥረ ነገሮች እንዲቀንሱ የሚሟገት እንዲሁም የ''መቋሚያ ማህበረሰብ ልማት ድርጅት' ስራ አስኪያጅ ከሆነው አቶ ኤልያስ ካልአዩ ጋር ከማሪዋና ጋር ተያይዘው ስለሚመጡ ጉዳዮች ውይይት ይደረጋል።

🧠 የመወያያ ርዕስ፡ ማሪዋና/ሀሺሽ - ምንነት፥ ከሱሱ ማገገም እና ግርሻን መከላከል

🎙 እንግዳ፡ አቶ ኤልያስ ካልአዩ [ከሱስ የማገገም አማካሪና አሰልጣኝ]
👨🏽‍⚕️ አወያይ፡ ዶ/ር መርዓት ግርማ እና ጋሻው አወቀ

📅 ቀን፡ ቅዳሜ ታህሳስ 26
🕒 ሰዓት፡ ምሽት 1፡00

📍መድረክ፡ ስጦታ የቴሌግራም ቻናል


ለመሳተፍ ይህንን ይንኩ

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

01 Jan, 13:11

Indications that you are not getting enough sleep

insomnia can manifest through several signs that negatively affect daily life, including

- Fatigue and persistent feelings of exhaustion, even after rest.
- Unpleasant body sensations, such as heavy or strained eyes.
- Increased sensitivity to noise, light, or other stimuli.
- Heightened irritability, emotional reactivity, or general mood instability.
- Strained relationships with family, friends, or coworkers due to mood or lack of energy.
- Feeling less optimistic and confident about daily tasks or challenges.
- A general sense of dissatisfaction or inability to enjoy daily activities.
- Experiencing social isolation or a lack of support.
- Difficulty focusing, maintaining attention, or performing tasks effectively.

Zolpidem is a medication to treat insomnia
- It works within less than an hour
- it improves the quality of sleep

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

01 Jan, 07:31

እኛ ጋር ርቀት አይገድብዎትም

ቴሌሳይካትሪ አገልግሎት ከዶ/ር ሩት አብርሀም (ሳይካትሪስት) ጋር ያግኙ

ቀጠሮ ይያዙ፡

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

30 Dec, 13:35

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder characterized by
1. difficulty falling asleep,
2. difficulty staying asleep, or
3. difficulty achieving restful sleep, despite having adequate opportunities to sleep. It can lead to daytime fatigue, impaired functioning, and reduced quality of life.

Prevalence varies globally, with higher rates seen among women, older adults, and individuals with other health conditions. Proper management and addressing underlying causes are key to improving sleep quality.

Zolpidem is a medication to treat insomnia

- It works within less than an hour
- it improves the quality of sleep

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

25 Dec, 12:18

Job Vacancy
Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume and cover letter to email address- [email protected]

Deadline: December 30

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

21 Dec, 18:10

A Milestone Achieved! Successful

On this momentous day, we are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our first Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) treatment session. This marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing cutting-edge and compassionate care to our patients.

ECT is a proven medical treatment for severe mental health conditions, offering hope and relief to individuals who have not responded to other therapies. We are proud of our dedicated team of medical professionals who have worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of our patient throughout this process.

This successful treatment signifies a beacon of hope for those struggling with severe mental health challenges.
We are committed to continuing to provide the highest quality ECT services, ensuring patient safety, comfort, and optimal treatment outcomes.

To book a treatment, call us at 8187 or email [email protected].

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

20 Dec, 14:13

እጅግ ሩቅ ቦታ ወይም ከባህር ማዶ ሆነው ቦታ ገድቦዎታል፡፡ የእኛን አገልግሎት ቦታ አይገድበውም፡፡ በቤትዎ ተመቻችተው ቁጭ ብለው አገልግሎታችንን ማግኘት ይችላሉ፡፡ በእዚህ ሊንክ ቀጠሮ ይስይዙ

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

13 Dec, 14:18

We had an insightful group session focused on the book "መቋሚያ" (Meqoamia), featuring insightful presentations by Dr. Yonas, Dr. Girma, and Mr. Elyas. The event was a resounding success, with attendees gaining valuable knowledge and perspectives on the book's content.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

13 Dec, 05:14


ዛሬ ከ8፡00 ጀምሮ አይቀርም፡፡

እርስዎም ተጋብዘዋል፡፡

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

12 Nov, 05:53

የስነ ልቦና ማማከር ሆነ ማንኛውም እርዳታ ይፈልጋሉ? እንግዲያውስ በአንድ ጥሪ ርቀት ብቻ እንገኛለን… ቴሌ ሳይካትሪን ይጠቀሙ… መጓጓዝ አይጠበቅብዎትም! እንድግዳ መቀበያ ክፍልም መጠበቅ አያሻዎትም! ከጣትዎ ርቀት ብቻ የሚገባዎትን አገልግሎት ያግኙ፡፡

ቀጠሮ ለማስያዝ 8187 ይደውሉ ወይም [email protected] ላይ መልዕክትዎን ያስቀምጡልን

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

08 Nov, 07:21


- ECT is administered three times weekly
- No eating or drinking after midnight before each treatment.
- A small needle is placed in an arm vein before treatment for administering sleep and muscle relaxant medications.
- ECT is performed by a team of specially trained doctors and nurses.

During treatment:

- You lie on a stretcher with a blood pressure cuff on your arm and ankle.
- Electrodes are placed on your scalp, chest, and finger to monitor brain waves, heart waves, and oxygen levels.
- Oxygen is provided through a mask; pre-ECT medications (if needed) and anesthetic medication are administered.

- Anesthetic medication induces sleep within a minute; muscle relaxant medication is given to relax muscles within 1–3 minutes.
- Electrical stimulus, lasting a fraction of a second to several seconds, is applied ON both side of your temples.
- Electrical stimulus triggers a brain seizure lasting around a minute; muscle relaxant minimizes body movement.

After the Procedure

- You are moved to a nearby room to wake up within 5–10 minutes.
- Temporary grogginess occurs due to anesthesia and seizure effects.
- Within 15–25 minutes, you are returned to your room (inpatient) or another waiting area (outpatient).
- Typically, outpatients leave the hospital about an hour after treatment.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

05 Nov, 11:02

What is ECT

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a course of medical treatment for severe mental health conditions including major depression, bipolar disorder, and psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia.

Is ECT Safe?

ECT is among the safest medical treatments given under general anaesthesia. All general anesthesia carries a small risk of serious medical complications or even death, however, with ECT this is extremely rare.

It is as safe to have ECT as it is to have a general anaesthetic for any other minor procedure. As with any medical intervention, ECT has associated risks but our professional team is highly trained and will care for you skillfully every step of the way through your recovery.

If you do have other health problems (such as high blood pressure) it should still be possible for you to have ECT safely. Your doctor will ask another specialist to advise if there are grounds for concern.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

01 Nov, 12:14

Today, esteemed authors Adam Reta and Endalegeta Kebede (Dr) visited the Sitota Center for Mental Health Care.

Adam Reta has significantly impacted Ethiopian psychology through his exploration of the human mind, culture, and identity. His works delve into the complexities of Ethiopian thought and examine the relationship between individual and societal values, offering a unique perspective that resonates with readers and mental health practitioners alike.

For these reasons, his contributions are highly valued at the Sitota Center for Mental Health Care.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

31 Oct, 14:40

እጅግ አስደሳች ዜና!💥🎉🚀

ማዕከላችን, ስጦታ የአእምሮ ህክምና እና የሱስ ማገገሚያ ማዕከል, የECT ህክምና መጀመሩን ስንገልጽ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው

የECT ለመድሀኒት ህክምና አስቸጋሪ ለሆኑ ህመሞች በፍጥነት ለውጥ ያመጣል፡፡ ይህ ህክምና ታካሚውን ሙሉ ለሙሉ ሰመመን ውስጥ በማስገባት የተመጠነ የኤሌክትሪክ ንዝረት በአንጎል ውስጥ በማስተላለፍ የሚሰጥ ህክምና ነው፡፡

ይህ ህክምና ለሚከተሉት የጤና ችግሮች ፍቱን መፍትሔ ነው
▪️ በመድሀኒት ለውጥ ለማያሳዩ ህመሞች
▪️ አፋጣኝ ህክምና ለሚፈልግ ድብርት
▪️ ከፍተኛ ለሆነ ራስን የማጥፋት ፍላጎት
▪️ ምግብና እና ፈሳሽ በተከታታይ ቀን ለማይወስዱ እና ህይወታቸው አደጋ ላይ ለሚወድቁ ታማሚዎች (ካታቶኒያ)
▪️ ከፍተኛ ድብርት ውስጥ ላለች ነፍሰጡር
▪️ መቆጣጠር ለሚያስቸግር ሽቅለት (mania)
▪️ መድሀኒት ከፍተኛ የጎንዮሽ ጉዳት ለሚያመጣባቸው ተካሚች

አድራሻ፣ ከጦር ሀይሎች ወደ ቶታል (ሶስት ቁጥር ማዞሪያ) በሚወስደው መንገድ ዱባይ ኤምባሲ አጠገብ

☎️ +251113692818 +251113692774

ስጦታ - ቃል ሳይሆን ተግባር!

Website | Facebook | YouTube | Telegram | Instagram | TikTok | contact link

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 17:40

ስጦታ ወግ (12ኛ ዙር)

🧠 የመወያያ ርዕስ፡ የመርሳት ችግር

🎙 እንግዳ: ዶ/ር እስጢፋኖስ እንዳለማው (ሳይካትሪስት)

መድረክ መሪ፡ ዶ/ር መርዓት ግርማ እና ጋሻው አወቀ

📅 ቅዳሜ ጥቅምት 16 ከምሽቱ 1፡00
📍መድረክ፡ ስጦታ የቴሌግራም ቻናል

ቃል ሳይሆን ተግባር!

Follow Us for more

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Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 17:33

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 17:12

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Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 16:45

ውድ አድማጮቻችን! ሀሳብ እና ጥያቄያችሁን በውስጥ ማቅረብ ትችላላችሁ

1. @GashawAweke
2. @mereatgg

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 16:33

እየተከታተላችሁን ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን

Bereket ke A. A
Meryem hassen ke gurage zon gunchire

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 16:20

ለሌሎችም በእዚህ እንጋብዝ

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

26 Oct, 08:00

Live stream scheduled for

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

23 Oct, 12:28

Struggling with mental health?

Now, help is just a call away! 📱

Experience the convenience of tele-psychiatry. get expert mental health support from the comfort of your home. No travel, no waiting rooms—just compassionate care at your fingertips.

📞 Call 8187 or
📧 Email us at [email protected] to book your appointment today!

Your mental health matters. We're here for you, wherever you are.

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

22 Oct, 07:45

ሁላችሁም ተጋብዛችኋል!

እድሜያቸው ከ65 ዓመት በላይ የሆናቸው አረጋዊያን ነገሮችን ለማስታወስ መቸገር፣ የሚያውቋቸውን ቦታዎች ለማግኝት መቸገር፣ ልሂድ ልሂድ የማለት ባህሪ፣ ጥያቄዎችን መደጋገም፣ የቅርብ ሰዎችን መርሳት፣ ግራ መጋባት... የመሳሰሉት የጤና ለውጦች ሊያጋጥሟቸው ይችላሉ፡፡

12ኛው የስጦታ ወግ
▫️የመርሳት ችግር (Dementia) ምልክቶች
▫️አስቀድሞ መከላከላከያ ዘዴዎች
▫️የመርሳት ችግር የገጠማቸውን አረጋዊያን እንዴት እንርዳቸው?

በሚሉት ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች ላይ ይሆናል


📅 ቅዳሜ ጥቅምት 16 ከምሽቱ 1፡00
📍መድረክ፡ ስጦታ የቴሌግራም ቻናል

ለመሳተፍ ይህንን ይንኩ

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

19 Oct, 14:10


ባለፈው አርት ቴራፔ እና በአእምሮ ጤና ዙሪያ የተመለከተውን ዝግጅት

በART TV 12:00 ላይ እንዲከታተሉ እንጋብዝዎታለን

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

10 Oct, 06:16

Happy World Mental Health Day!

At Sitota Center for Mental Health Care, we believe that mental health is essential to living a happy, balanced life. On this special day, we encourage everyone to prioritize their mental wellbeing, practice self-care, and support those around them. Let's work together to create a world where mental health is valued, embraced, and celebrated.

Take a moment for yourself today, and remember—mental health matters every day!

Wishing you a Happy World Mental Health Day!

- Sitota Center for Mental Health Care

Sitota center for mental health care and Rehab

09 Oct, 11:31

የአእምሮ ጤና እና አርት ቴራፒ

ቀን፡ ቅዳሜ ጥቅምት 02
ሰዓት፡ ከ9፡00-11፡00
መግቢያ፡ በነጻ
ቦታ፡ ስጦታ ሴንተር፣ 4ኛ ፎቅ፤ ከጦር ሀይሎች እና ቶታል (3ቁጥር ማዞሪያ) መካከል

ሁላችሁም ተጋብዛችኋል

አሁኑኑ ይመዝገቡ





