Shāfiʿiyyah @shafiicreed Channel on Telegram



Shāfiʿiyyah (English)

Welcome to Shāfiʿiyyah, the ultimate Telegram channel for all followers of the Shafi'i school of thought in Islam. Our channel, @shafiicreed, is dedicated to providing you with valuable insights, teachings, and discussions related to the Shafi'i madhhab. Whether you are a devout follower of the Shafi'i school or simply interested in learning more about this particular interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence, our channel is the perfect place for you. Who are we? We are a group of knowledgeable individuals who are passionate about sharing the teachings and principles of the Shafi'i madhhab with a wider audience. Our aim is to create a welcoming and informative community where followers of the Shafi'i school can engage in meaningful discussions, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of this important branch of Islamic scholarship. What can you expect from our channel? When you join @shafiicreed, you will have access to a range of resources, including articles, videos, and lectures that explore various aspects of the Shafi'i madhhab. You will also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in the Shafi'i school and engage in enlightening conversations about its teachings and practices. Whether you are a seasoned scholar of the Shafi'i madhhab or someone who is just beginning to explore this fascinating branch of Islamic jurisprudence, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery. Together, we can deepen our knowledge of the Shafi'i school and strengthen our connection to its rich history and traditions. Join us today and become a part of the vibrant community of Shafi'iyyah followers on Telegram!


20 Nov, 14:03

Likewise, Ibn Mujāhid (d. 324)—famous complier of the seven—used to say, “Whoever recites according to the reading of Abū ʿAmr, follows al-Shāfiʿī’s school of thought, trades in fine fabrics, and narrates from the poetry of Ibn al-Muʿtazz— his charm is complete.”

These are the most significant early scholars of qirāʾāt.


20 Nov, 14:00

Abū ʿUbayd al-Qāsim b. Sallām (d. 224)—the famous scholar and the first to author in the science of Qirāʾāt—said about al-Imām al-Shāfiʿī, “I have not seen a man more intelligent than al-Shāfiʿī.”

In another narration he adds, “nor more pious, nor more eloquent.”


20 Nov, 08:51

Riddle by Ibn al-Subkī (d. 771) 🤔

Who is it that, by the consensus of all creation, is better than... the best of Companions: Abū Bakr and ʿUmar

As well as ʿAlī and ʿUthmān, and he is ... a youth from the Ummah of the Chosen One, the Elect One from Muḍar


20 Nov, 01:22

ثم يأتي جاهل ويزعم أن الإمام والغرالي لا يعتبر أقوالهما في المذهب
‏بينما الإمام النووي في المنهاج يعد احتمالاتهما أوجهًا معتبرة
فهل تراه يصنع ذلك لغيرهما


19 Nov, 10:20

al-Māwardī (d. 450) said: “I expanded jurisprudence in four thousand pages, and I summarised it in forty.”

He intends al-Ḥāwī al-Kabīr—his famous explanation of Mukhtaṣar al-Muzanī—and its summary known as al-Iqnāʿ.


19 Nov, 07:51

فائدة: قوله تعالى {وإذا قاموا إلى الصلوة قاموا كسالى يراءون الناس ولا يذكرون الله إلا قليلا} يستنبط منه ما يقوله أصحابنا من استحباب مد التكبيرات لئلا يخلو شيء من صلاته عن ذكر.

‏ولذلك قال في التحقة أن الإمام في "سكتته" قدر قراءة المأمومين الفاتحة في الجهرية يشتغل بذكر أو قران سرا. قال: والقران أولى، وهو ظاهر إذ هو أفضل الذكر.


19 Nov, 00:48

And life is too short to master all art,
So seek the most vital and make it your start.

Which surely is fiqh for it does relate,
With that which we need regardless of state.

— Ibn al-Wardī al-Shāfiʿī (d. 749)


18 Nov, 09:35

لطيفة من ناسخ
قام النّاسخ في هذا الموضع بكتابة لفظة: "الشيطان" مقلوبة
وهي لطيفة من الناسخ يحقّر بها الشيطان ويُنكّس له اسمه.
مكتبة الغازي خسرو، 4686.
ضياء الدين جعرير


18 Nov, 06:54

ذُكر للشيخ مصطفى عبد النبي حفظه الله قول من زعم أن أول من ابتدع وجوب اقتران النية بالوجه إمام الحرمين الجويني، فأجاب: لو فتحت الأم للشافعي لوجدت نفس هذا الكلام!

‏وذكر في درس آخر أن كثيرًا مما في الروضة يشبه عبارات الأم.

‏فمن زعم أن الفقهاء يفترون من عند أنفسهم، فهو المفتري.


18 Nov, 06:30

A summary on removing impurities


17 Nov, 09:12

تعجيل صلاة المغرب آكد من غيرها لأمرين:

‏(١) قصر وقت الاختيار كما في حديث جبريل
‏(٢) الخروج من الخلاف

‏وقد قال إمام الحرمين: اتفقت طبقات الخلق في الأعصار على مبادرة هذه الصلاة.

Hastening the Maghrib prayer is more emphasised than other prayers for two reasons:

(1) The short duration of its preferred time (waqt al-ikhtiyār), as indicated in the ḥadīth of Jibrīl

(2) To exit the difference of opinion regarding its time

Imām al-Ḥaramayn (d. 478) said in his Nihāyah: “All generations of people throughout the ages are unanimous on hastening this prayer.”


17 Nov, 01:43

Rulings on sleeping before praying.


16 Nov, 07:59

فائدة: قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم «رفع عن أمتي الخطأ والنسيان وما استكرهوا عليه» محلّه في غير خطاب الوضع. وأما فيه، فلا يؤثر نسيان ولا إكراه. وخطاب الوضع: خطاب الله المتعلق بجعل شيء سببًا أو شرطًا أو مانعًا أو صحيحًا أو فاسدًا.


16 Nov, 04:48

This supports al-Ramlī’s opinion that knowledge is better than the intellect, contrary to Ibn Ḥajar.


16 Nov, 04:47

The knowledge of the learned and the intellect of the intelligent once argued,
About which of them had attained greater honour.

Knowledge claimed, “I have achieved the ultimate honour!”
While intellect said, “Through me, the Most Merciful is known.”

Then knowledge spoke eloquently and asked him,
“Which of us did God attribute to Himself in His Book?”

Thus, it became clear to intellect that knowledge was its master,
And so intellect kissed the head of knowledge and withdrew.


15 Nov, 06:09

From the karāmāt of al-Imām al-Shāfiʿī

In al-Shāfiʿī’s final illness, Ashhab—Mālik’s student—prayed for al-Shāfiʿī’s death, saying, “O Allāh, cause al-Shāfiʿī to die, or else the knowledge of Mālik may disappear!”

This was mentioned to al-Shāfiʿī, so he responded with some poetry:

“People have wished for my death, and if I die,
This is a path in which I am not alone.

So tell the one who seeks the opposite of what has passed,
To prepare for another similar to it, as if it has already happened.”

Ashhab died 18 days after Shāfiʿī, just as he’d predicted.


15 Nov, 05:42

al-Shabrāmallasī (d. 1087) initially used to revise the Tuḥfah, until he saw al-Ramlī (d. 1004) in his dream, telling him, “Revive my words, O ʿAlī, may Allāh revive your heart!”

He then worked on his famous gloss on al-Ramlī’s Nihāyah.


14 Nov, 07:48

دعواتكم لمولانا العلامة الفقيه الأصولي محمد حسن هيتو فهو الآن في المستشفى


14 Nov, 01:43

Performing an act of worship for worldly benefits...

According to Ibn ʿAbd al-Salām (d. 660), this dissolves all rewards for this act.

al-Ghazālī (d. 505) suggests that this would be the case only if his primary intention was worldly gains. If not, he receives a reward but of a lesser amount.


14 Nov, 01:23

❝They have exited from affirming the Oneness of Allāh, contradicted what they built their basis of monotheism upon, and departed from the way of the People of Truth; as they have affirmed, in eternity along with Allāh, 28 letters that they imagine and write. 28 letters! Far Exalted is He!❞

‎— al-Imām al-Hāfidh Abū Nu‘aym al-Asbahānī al-Shāfi‘ī رضي الله عنه, author of the famous Hilyat al-Awliyā’, regarding those who believe that the letters of the Arabic alphabet are uncreated and eternal


13 Nov, 05:21

الغالب على أحوال صلاة الجمعة التعبد، وخروجها عن القياس جعلها كالرخصة يقتصر فيها على ما ورَد.

إذا فهمت هذا انحلت عنك العقَد بما أورده فقهاء المذهب لهذه الصلاة من شروط وهيئات.


13 Nov, 05:21

مقدمة المحرر للإمام الرافعي، الذي سارت بمختصره الركبان
أستوفقك: أطلب منك التوفيق.


13 Nov, 05:19

«وكان شافعيًا»

ــ العلامة محمد عبدالحي اللكنوي الحنفي عن العلامة السعد التفتازاني 😊


12 Nov, 04:54

Let’s play a little #GuessTheAuthor

Allāh says: “And from His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and your colours.”

This includes Arabic and non-Arabic, so He mentioned the differences in language as the speech of creation.


12 Nov, 03:14

Dr Muṣṭafā al-Qalyūbī writes:

“Whoever contemplates the Tuḥfah and goes through its footnotes (ḥawāshī), as well as the numerous corrections (istidrākāt) upon it, and compares it to what is in the Nihāyah, he would find that the Nihāyah is safer from objections, and that many things that were corrected from Ibn Ḥajar were granted to al-Ramlī as they were.

So it shall be said: al-Ramlī took the best of what is in the Tuḥfah, and left what was objected to, and he likewise took the best of what is in al-Khaṭīb’s explanation, with some abbreviation in wording. He then changed what he saw as not relied-upon with what he viewed to be the relied-upon opinions, and he agreed with his father, al-Shihāb, in many issues.”


11 Nov, 08:02

Of course, al-Ramlī did not copy-paste the Tuḥfah word-for-word, but he heavily relied upon it, while correcting what he disagrees with, and including additional benefits in his work.

ʿUmar al-Baṣrī (d. 1037)—al-Ramlī’s student—was asked about the striking similarity between the three Shurūḥ.

He mentions that in the first quarter, al-Ramlī follows the Mughnī while embellishing from the Tuḥfah, and in the remaining quarters, he follows the Tuḥfah.


11 Nov, 08:01

Ibrāhīm al-Maymūnī (d. 1079) narrates from his teacher al-Shanawānī (d. 1019), who said: “I was sitting with Ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī (d. 974), facing the Kaʿbah, when a man came to him and said, “Sh Muḥammad al-Ramlī (d. 1004) has claimed your explanation of the Minhāj and attributed it to himself!”

So Ibn Ḥajar prostrated for gratitude and said, “By Allāh, I had intended that nothing of this knowledge be attributed to me, for my goal is to share it freely from myself. What I have acquired of this knowledge is for the people, so they may benefit from it. Once that is achieved, I do not care who claims it as their own.”


10 Nov, 16:38

al-Imām al-Nawawī (d. 676) describes Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī (d. 478):

“He is the Imām, the esteemed leader, whose authority and eminence in the sciences is 𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧...”


10 Nov, 05:02

من مفردات الشافعية

تحريم السفر يوم الجمعة لمن لا يدركها في الطريق، ونص الشافعي على ذلك.


10 Nov, 03:49

What al-Shāfiʿī means when he says «أساء»


09 Nov, 04:03

al-Samʿānī (d. 489) writes: “For indeed, he who cannot grasp the foundations (uṣūl) of the meanings of jurisprudence cannot escape the pitfalls of blind following (taqlīd) and would be considered among the unlearned masses.”

Compare this statement to those who claim that the science of uṣūl, or most of it, is a bidʿah, and think they are Mujtahidūn, when they are not but following their desires, though they perceive it not.


09 Nov, 00:37

When Sūrat al-Tawbah was recited in the presence of Sayyidnā Abū Bakr, and the verse about the migration (Q 9:40) was reached

“When they were in the cave, and he said to his Companion ‘do not grieve...’”

Sayyidnā Abū Bakr started to weep, “I am, by Allāh, his Companion!”


08 Nov, 16:52

وهذا عليكم يا فقهاء


08 Nov, 16:50

من #الألغاز_الفقهية: عندنا ماءان يصح الطهارة بهما منفردين، فإذا تخالطا، حرم الطهارة به ولم تصحّ.

صورته: الأول ماء مطلق، والآخر ماءٌ تغيّر كثيرًا بمخالط طاهر لا يستغنى عنه، فقالوا: يجوز الطهارة به للضرورة ولمشقة الاحتراز.

وأما لو صُبَّ الثاني في الأول، فتغيّر به، فيضرّ إذ هذا الاختلاط مستغنى عنه تمامًا.

هذا فرعٌ ذكره ابن أبي الصيف اليمني كما نقله الإسنوي وأقره. وهذا هو القياس، وبه قال الرملي والخطيب وغيرهما، وإن خالف فيه ابن حجر، قياسًا على التغير بالملح المائي.

وقد نظمت ذلك بقولي:

ماءان طهرٌ لا يصحّ منهُما ... مُخَلَّطين، لا بمُفرَديهما

‏فذانِ: ماءٌ مطلقٌ والآخَرُ ... بخلطِ شيءٍ طاهرٍ مُغيَّرُ

‏وصونُ ماءٍ عنه ليسَ يسهُلُ ... فجاز للحاجةِ أن يُستعمَلُ

لكن إذا أضيف ذا للمُطلقِ ... فغَيّر الماء كثيرًا ما بقي

‏مطهّرًا، إذ صونه لم يعسُرِ ... عن خلطِه، وخالفَ ابن حجرِ

‏فقال فيه: لا يضر الأوجَهُ ... لأنه بملح ماءٍ أشبهُ


08 Nov, 16:39

Ibn al-Naqīb (d. 769)’s father


07 Nov, 07:28

Difference between «بلى» (yes) and «نعم» (yes)

‎Sībawayh said: when Allāh said “Am I not your Lord?” (Q 7:172)

‎If they had responded with «نعم», they would have denied His Lordship.


06 Nov, 08:00

قوله تعالى في الآيتين: «خالدين فيها ما دامت السماوات والأرض إلا ما شاء ربك»

‏قال الإمام الفراء: معناه: سوى ما شاء ربك، و«إلا» هنا بمعنى الواو.

‏أي: خالدين فيها ما دامت السماوات والأرض، سوى ما قد شاء ربك من مزيد.

‏قال: وكذلك لو قال رجلٌ لآخر: «لك عليّ ألف سوى ألفين» فقد أقرّ بثلاثة آلاف.


06 Nov, 05:59

قال البندنيجي: وأكثر أهل العلم على أن الاسم الأعظم هو «الله».
‏واختار النووي تبعًا لجماعة أنه «الحي القيوم».
‏قال: ولذلك لم يرد إلا قليلًا في القران، في ثلاثة مواطن: البقرة، وآل عمران، وطه.


05 Nov, 08:25

al-Imām al-Nawawī says: “And I have mentioned in Sharḥ al-Muhadhdhab and others that al-Shāfiʿī—may Allāh have mercy on him—authored 113 books.”



05 Nov, 06:17

When the two prisoners mentioned their dream to Sayyidnā Yūsuf, and he interpreted it to them....

According to Ibn Masʿūd’s explanation, they said: “We didn't see anything!” Sayyidnā Yūsuf responded: “The matter has been decreed (قُضي) about what you inquire.”

Ibn Masʿūd comments: “He means: the explanation has taken place.”

Meaning that it doesn’t matter if the dream was a lie. This is a further evidence that interpretation of dreams is not self-acquirable, but is divinely inspired knowledge from the Decree (قضاء) of Allāh, for chosen individuals.

وكذلك يجتبيك ربك ويعلمك من تاويل الأحاديث


04 Nov, 06:23

قاعدة في تفسير جميع ما أشكل من أسماء الله تعالى

‏يقول شيخ الإسلام:”و«الرحمة» رقةٌ للقلب تقتضي التفضل، فالتفضل غايتها، وأسماء الله تعالى المأخوذة من نحو ذلك إنما تؤخذ باعتبار الغاية دون المبدإ“


04 Nov, 05:53

Why did al-Imām al-Nawawī coin the terms ‘aṣaḥḥ’ and ‘ṣaḥīḥ’ for opinions of the Aṣḥāb, but ‘aẓhar’ and ‘mashhūr’ for opinions of al-Imām al-Shāfiʿī?


03 Nov, 07:05

Shaykh al-Islām (d. 926)’s explanation of the Bahjah was read to him and reviewed 57 times, due to which al-Ramlī (d. 1004) used to say, “This is the explanation of an entire city, not the explanation of one man.”