SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa @sankofahawassa Channel on Telegram

SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa


SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa (English)

Welcome to SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa Telegram channel, where education meets excellence! SIS Hawassa is a leading educational institution in Ethiopia, offering a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on academic excellence and personal growth. With a team of dedicated educators and state-of-the-art facilities, SIS Hawassa provides students with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive world. Whether your child is just starting their educational journey or preparing for university, SIS Hawassa is committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment where students can thrive. Join our Telegram channel to stay up-to-date on school events, announcements, and educational resources. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the SIS Hawassa community and help your child reach their full potential!

SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa

19 Nov, 10:30

ለትምህርት ቤታችን ወላጆች

የአንደኛ መንፈቅ አመት አጋማሽ ፈተና ዛሬ ህዳር 10/2017ዓ.ም በሰላም ተጠናቀቀ።

👉 በሂደቱ ለልጅቻችሁ ጊዜና ትኩረት በመስጠት ስትደግፉ ለነበራችሁ ወላጆች፣

👉 የትምህርት ቤቱን የአፈታተን ስረዓት በማክበርና በከፍተኛ በራስ መተማመን ፈተናውን ለሰራችሁ ተማሪዎቻችን፣

👉 የፈተናውን ሂደት በቁርጠኝነት ላስፈፀማችሁ መምህራንና አስተዳደር አካላትን ከልብ እናመሰግናለን።


ነገ ረቡዕ በ11.03.2017 ትምህርት በሙሉ ቀን (9:30) ስለሚሰጥ ተማሪዎች አስፈላጊውን ሁሉ አሟልተው በጠዋት መግቢያ ሰዓታቸው እንዲገኙ በአክብሮት እናሳውቃለን።

SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa

26 Oct, 16:20

በ16/02/2017 ዓም በሳንኮፋ በሶስቱም ቅርንጫፎቻችን በልጆች አስተዳደግ የወላጆች ሚና በሚል ርዕስ የተካሄደ የስልጠና መረሀ-ግብር እና የወላጅ ኮሚቴዎችን በመምረጥ በተሳካ ሁኔታ ተጠናቀቀ።

SANKOFA International School(SIS) Hawassa

14 Oct, 19:07

Flag day
The hope of the country is the children in our hands, so they celebrated the 17th Flag Day with pride to make them grow up with the respect and love of the flag.
         የሀገሪቱ ተስፋ የሆኑት በእጃችን ያሉ ህፃናት ናቸውና የሰንደቅዓላማ ክብርና ፍቅር ኖሯቸው እንደያድጉ ለማድረግ 17ውን የሰንደቅዓላማ ቀንን በድምቀት አክብረው ውለዋል።