Salafi Homeschooling Network @salafihomeschooling Channel on Telegram

Salafi Homeschooling Network


Welcome to the Salafi Homeschooling Network!

This channel aims to share useful resources for homeschoolers and help parents with homeschooling.

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Salafi Homeschooling Network (English)

Are you a parent looking to provide your children with an education rooted in Islamic principles? Look no further than the Salafi Homeschooling Network! This channel is dedicated to sharing valuable resources for homeschoolers and assisting parents in their homeschooling journey. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooling parent or just starting out, the Salafi Homeschooling Network has something for everyone.

In addition to the wealth of information available on this channel, there are also dedicated groups for both sisters and brothers involved in homeschooling. Sisters can join the Sister's group at, while brothers can connect with like-minded individuals in the Brother's group at

Join the Salafi Homeschooling Network today and take the first step towards providing your children with a high-quality education that aligns with your values and beliefs. Let's build a strong foundation for the next generation together!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

09 Feb, 08:01

BENEFIT: Make Frequent Du'a for your parents

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen raḥimahullāh said:

“I encourage our brothers to frequently make du’a for their parents, whether they are alive or deceased, because this is the way of righteous children who obey the command of Allāh, the Most High:

"And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy, and say: ‘My Lord, have mercy upon them as they raised me when I was young.’" [Surah Al-Isra: 24]

[Fatawa Nur ‘ala Al-Darb 27/1].

Salafi Homeschooling Network

08 Feb, 18:07

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, Abdullāh learns that a believer lives a good life and discovers some of the reasons behind this.

هل يعيش المؤمن حياة طيبة؟
Does a believer live a good life?

نعم، يعيش المؤمن حياة طيبة.
Yes, a believer lives a good life.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

08 Feb, 14:49

BENEFIT: Separating Boys and Girls from an Early Age

Question: Is it permissible for boys and girls under the age of seven to engage in religious studies and the Qur'ān in the same classroom?

Sheikh Aḥmad An-Najmi raḥimahullāh:

This should not be allowed to go on, so that the girl does not become accustomed to conversing with or sitting next to the boy. Additionally, relationships may develop between young children. Thus, avoiding this arrangement is safer in terms of one's religion, and this ensures that the girl remains reserved from the boy.

أسئلة وردت من قراء مجلة "النصيحة" الصادرة من معهد السنة بمدينة ماكاسر سولاويسي الجنوبية , إندونيسيا
6 / 7 / 1426 هـ

Salafi Homeschooling Network

08 Feb, 11:28

BENEFIT: Instill in Them Love for the Believers and Ahlus-Sunnah, and Disavowal of Disbelievers and Ahlul-Bid'ah (1)

Sheikh Muhammad ibn ’AbdilWahhāb (may Allāh have mercy on him) said:
«يجب على الرجل أن يُعلم أولاده وأهل بيته الولاء والبراء أعظم من تعليمهم الوضوء والصلاة»
"It is obligatory for a man to teach his children and household Al-Walā' wa Al-Barā' even more than he teaches them about ablution and prayer." [Majmū‘ Mu'allafāt Ash-Sheikh (3/322)]

(1) Ahlul-Bid'ah Al-Mufassiqah are still Muslims, so they have a degree of Walā', unlike the disbelievers.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Feb, 15:31

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, Abdullāh learns why we love fellow believers/Muslims and the virtues of loving them for the sake of Allāh. He also listens to a brief reminder from Sulaymān (Sheikh Salmān Al-Imad's son) on the importance of truthfulness.

لماذا تحب المؤمنين؟
Why do you love the believers?

لأنهم يعبدون الله.
Because they worship Allāh.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

06 Feb, 11:37

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, Abdullāh learns that Paradise is the ultimate destination for believers in the Hereafter. Through Allāh's Mercy and generosity, it will be their reward for their dedication and efforts in this world. He is also given a brief description of Paradise to inspire him to strive and work hard to attain it.

ما مصير المؤمنين؟
What is the fate of the believers?

المؤمنون يدخلون الجنة.
The believers will enter Paradise.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 13 - Hadith 13:
عن أبي موسى رضي الله عنه
قال: قلت: يا رسول الله:
أي الإسلام أفضل؟
قال ((من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده))
متفق عليه

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 15 - Hadith 15:
عن جرير رضي الله عنه
عن النبي ﷺ قال:
((من يُحرَم الرفق يُحرَم الخير))
متفق عليه

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 16 - Hadith 16
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه
قال قال رسول الله ﷺ:
((من يرد الله به خيرا يصب منه))
رواه البخاري

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 14 - Hadith 14:
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه
أن رسول الله ﷺ قال:
((إذا قال الرجل هلك الناسُ فهو أهلكُهم))
رواه مسلم

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Revision of Hadiths 11 - 15

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 17 - Hadith 17
عن أم سلمة رضي الله عنه قالت
((كان أحبَّ الثياب إلى رسول الله ﷺ القميص))
رواه الترمذي

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 19 - Hadith 19
عن جابر رضي الله عنه
قال قال رسول الله ﷺ:
((كل معروف صدقة))
رواه البخاري

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 18 - Hadith 18
عن أبي موسى رضي الله عنه
عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال:
((المرأ مع من أحب))
متفق عليه

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 20 - Hadith 20
عن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال
((ما سئل رسول الله ﷺ شيئا فقال لا))
متفق عليه

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 11 - Hadith 11:
عن عمران بن حصين رضي الله عنهما
أن رسول الله ﷺ قال:
((الحياء لا يأتي إلا بخير))
متفق عليه

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 10 - Hadith 10:
عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما
قال قال رسول الله ﷺ:
((الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة))
متفق عليه

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Day 12 - Hadith 12:
عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه
أن رسول الله ﷺ قال:
((إن الله يرفع بهذا الكتاب أقواما ويضع به آخرين))
رواه مسلم

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Feb, 23:12

Revision of Hadiths 6 - 10

Salafi Homeschooling Network

22 Jan, 15:25

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh studies the first lesson from Unit 7. He learns to respond with الله أعلم (Allāh knows best) when asked questions he does not know the answers to. Additionally, he learns about good and bad role models and why Allah's Messenger ﷺ is the best role model.

من هو قدوتنا؟
Who is our role model?

قدوتنا رسول الله ﷺ.
Our role model is Allāh's Messenger ﷺ.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 11:03

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh answers the three questions discussed in Unit 6 and learns about the story of Anas ibn Malik, may Allāh be pleased with him.

١. أين الله؟
1. Where is Allāh?
الله في السماء
Allāh is above the heavens.

٢. هل تحب الصحابة وأئمة الدين؟
2. Do you love the Companions and the Imāms of the religion?
نعم أنا أحبهم
Yes, I love them.

٣. ما هي عقيدتك؟
3. What is your creed?
أنا سني سلفي.
I am a Sunni Salafi.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 11:02

15 months of daily bombardments, at least 46,707 Palestinians killed, including around 18,000 children (1 out of every 50 people in Gaza), and many more injured and displaced.

And yet, some claim this to be a victory for Islam and the Muslims?!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

19 Jan, 13:25

One of the best places to be on a Sunday

Salafi Homeschooling Network

18 Jan, 21:53

BENEFIT 2: Severity and Harshness: Another Perspective

I came across the faa'idah (benefit) that was posted earlier, and I pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increases you all in goodness and grants barakah in everything you are doing. I truly admire the channel and benefit greatly from it, alhamdulillah.

However, I wanted to offer some clarity regarding the topic discussed.

I feel it’s important to clarify that such matters should be limited to ibadaat (acts of worship) and not necessarily applied to mu’amalaat (interpersonal dealings).

For example, you mentioned imams highlighting faults or standing firm on the truth, which is admirable. But when it comes to our interpersonal relationships—such as with our children, spouses, or parents—it’s not just about standing firm on what’s right. Sometimes, even when you’re in the right, you need to be forgiving or overlook mistakes for the sake of kindness and maintaining harmony.

Take the example of a parent who sees their child doing something wrong. While the action may clearly be incorrect, it might be wiser to forgive, ignore it for the moment, or even set aside your own perspective to consider theirs, especially if the issue isn’t about halal and haram but simply a difference of opinion. This is what’s referred to as "tawaadu"—humbling yourself and raising others, even if you think your view is correct.

I know many individuals who are harsh because they believe they’re standing on the truth, but this attitude can cause strain, especially in personal relationships. For instance, a husband may be overly strict with his wife, thinking she’s wrong—and perhaps she is—but softness and understanding are still essential. Similarly, with parents, children, or other loved ones, being right doesn’t justify harshness.

I believe this should be emphasised when addressing the concept of being harsh or severe. It’s important to distinguish between holding fast to one’s religion and the way we interact with others. The examples you’ve given are excellent, and I just wanted to contribute this perspective.

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you all, increase you in goodness, and reward you abundantly. Jazakum Allahu khayran.

Benefited from Abu Rayḥānah AbdulHakeem Al-Amreeki

Salafi Homeschooling Network

18 Jan, 20:29

BENEFIT: Severity and Harshness: A Subjective and Objective Perspective


You may perceive something as harsh and severe due to your personal reasons, while others might see it as an expression of gentleness, kindness, wisdom, and protective jealousy for the truth.

The key consideration here is adherence to the truth. If what is mentioned is the truth, whatever you perceive as severity and harshness will not render it false. And if what is mentioned is false, no amount of gentleness, kindness, or wisdom will make it true! (take some time to reflect over this)

Some people claim that such-and-such Sheikh is harsh (a subjective opinion let's not forget!!), only to warn and put others off from accepting the truth they present.

Did you know that the great scholar Ibn Taymiyyah was described as being harsh by one of his own students?!

Adh-Dhahabi rahimahullah stated:
«...على شدة تعتريه عند البحث والمناظرة، ولو تلطف بخصومه؛ لكان كلمة إجماع!!»
"His severity (i.e. Sheikhul Islam) when it comes to research and debate, had he been gentler with his opponents, it would have been a matter of agreement/concensus."


Imām Muqbil raḥimahullāh said: "Harshness is when you make Harām (impermissible) to the people something that Allāh did not make Harām or you make something Wājib (obligatory) upon the people that which Allāh did not make wājib upon them, this is labelled as harshness. As for holding on firmly to the Deen, this is not regarded as being harsh." [Cassette: As'ilah Shabāb Qaryah As-Sa'eed]

Salafi Homeschooling Network

18 Jan, 08:50

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh goes over the previous questions from the book, including those from Unit 6.

أنا سني سلفي.
I am a Sunni Salafi.

أحب الله ورسوله.
I love Allāh and His Messenger.

وأحب الصحابة وأئمة الدين.
I love the Companions and the leaders of the Deen.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

16 Jan, 14:21

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, ’Abdullāh gains an understanding of ’Aqeedah, Salaf, Salafiyyah, and the reasons for identifying as a Salafi.

ما هي عقيدتك؟
What is your belief?

أنا سنيّ سلفيّ.
I am a Sunni Salafi.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

12 Jan, 17:41

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns about the Sahabah (the Prophet's Companions), the importance of loving them, and the significance of also loving the leaders of Islam who followed their example.

هل تحب الصحابة وأئمة الدين؟
Do you love the Sahabah and the leaders of the religion?

نعم، أنا أحبهم.
Yes, I love them.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

11 Jan, 16:22

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh begins Lesson 1 of Unit 6, where he learns that Allāh is far above His creation. Yet, despite being above everything, nothing remains hidden from Him.

أين الله؟
Where is Allāh?

الله في السماء.
Allāh is above the heavens.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

10 Jan, 13:29

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh is tested on all the questions from Unit 5 and oversees his sister's revision of the previous units.

1. مَا هِيَ كَلِمَةُ التَّوْحِيْدِ ؟
Q1. What is the statement of Tawhīd?
A1. لا إله إلا الله

2. مَا مَعْنَىٰ (لَا إِلهَ إِلَّا الله) ؟
Q2. What is the meaning of لا إله إلا الله?
A2. لا معبود بحق إلا الله
There is none worthy of worship except Allāh.

3. مَا هُوَ أَعْظَمُ ذَنْبٍ ؟
Q3. What is the worst sin?
A3. الشرك (polytheism)

4. مَا مَعْنَى الشِّرْكِ ؟
Q4. What is the meaning of Shirk?
A4. عبادة غير الله
Worshipping others besides Allāh.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

09 Jan, 12:10

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh reviews the previous questions from Unit 5.

التوحيد أعظم حسنة، وهو عبادة الله وحده لا شريك له.
Tawhīd is the best deed, and it is to worship Allāh alone, without associating any partners with Him.
الشرك أعظم سيئة وهو عبادة غير الله.
Shirk is the worst sin, and it is to worship other than Allāh.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

04 Jan, 10:07

Salafi Homeschooling Network

03 Jan, 14:58

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns about the worst sin, Shirk (associating partners with Allāh), and why it is considered so severe. He also listens to Sheikh Yahya's recitation of Surah Luqmān, wherein Allāh says:
{ وَإِذۡ قَالَ لُقۡمَـٰنُ لِٱبۡنِهِۦ وَهُوَ یَعِظُهُۥ یَـٰبُنَیَّ لَا تُشۡرِكۡ بِٱللَّهِۖ إِنَّ ٱلشِّرۡكَ لَظُلۡمٌ عَظِیمࣱ }
"And ˹remember˺ when Luqmān said to his son, while advising him, 'O my dear son! Never associate ˹anything˺ with Allāh ˹in worship˺, for associating ˹others with Him˺ is truly the worst of all wrongs.'" [Surah Luqmān: 13]

ما هو أعظم ذنب؟
What is the worst sin?

Shirk (associating partners with Allāh).

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

02 Jan, 19:26

- الـــعـــربـــيـــة بـــيـــن يـــديـــك -
Arabic At Your Fingertips
Level 1 | Part 1 | Unit 1
L E S S O N - 2


Salafi Homeschooling Network

02 Jan, 12:22

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns the meaning of
لا إله إلا الله

ما معنى لا إله إلا الله؟
What is the meaning of لا إله إلا الله?

معناها: لا معبود بحق إلا الله.
Its meaning is: There is none worthy of worship, in truth, except Allāh.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

28 Dec, 09:55

- الـــعـــربـــيـــة بـــيـــن يـــديـــك -
Arabic At Your Fingertips
Level 1 | Part 1 | Unit 1
L E S S O N - 1

Salafi Homeschooling Network

27 Dec, 14:55

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns the declaration of faith, the statement of Tawhīd. He is also introduced to Sheikh Fawzān (hafidahullāh), who assists him in memorising the Kalimah.

ما هي كلمة التوحيد؟
What is the statement of Tawhīd?

لا إله إلا الله.
There is no diety worthy of worship except Allāh.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

27 Dec, 14:13

What Goes Around Comes Around

Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymīn [رحمه الله] said:

«من اتَّقى الله في أولاده، اتَّقَوا الله فيه، ومَن ضيَّع حقَّ أولاده ضيَّعوا حقَّه إذا احتاج إليهم»

❝Whoever fears Allāh regarding his children, they will fear Allāh concerning him; and whoever abandons the right of his children, his children will abandon his right when he needs them.❞

[Sharh Riyād Al-Sālihīn, (3/172)]

Salafi Homeschooling Network

26 Dec, 18:34

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh starts the first class of Unit 5, where he learns about the greatest good deed, Tawhīd.

ما هي أعظم حسنة؟
What is the greatest good deed?

التوحيد أعظم حسنة
Tawhīd (monotheism) is the greatest good deed.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

24 Dec, 18:03

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh reviews the four questions from Unit 4.

1. من الذي يحفظنا ويرزقنا؟
2. من الذي أنعم علينا بجميع النعم؟
3. هل نعم الله علينا كثيرة؟
4. ما هي أعظم نعمة؟

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

23 Dec, 22:24


Following the recent conference on Parenting and Homeschooling, there has been significant interest, along with various requests and suggestions from different sources. We are committed to taking this initiative seriously and aim to establish an online Islamic school until Allah allows us to develop a physical one. As this is a community-driven project, we would like to gather all your ideas and suggestions before proceeding further.

Contact ⤵️
[email protected]

Salafi Homeschooling Network

22 Dec, 18:19


➡️ Challenges of Parenting

➡️ The Aim of Homeschooling

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Dec, 15:12

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh reviews the previous units.

الله يحفظنا وينعم علينا.
Allāh protects us and blesses us.
الإسلام أعظم نعمة.
Islam is the greatest blessing.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Dec, 09:31

O Ungrateful One!

If your friend invites you to a meal, you are ever grateful.

Yet your mother and father work tirelessly to provide you 3 meals a day, and still, you treat them with disrespect!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

19 Dec, 22:41

Reward for the Qur'an Memoriser

Dhakwān As-Sammān said: I heard Abu Hurairah say:
((اقرءوا القرآنَ، فإنَّهُ نِعْمَ الشفيعُ يومَ القيامةِ، إنَّهُ يقول يومَ القيامةِ: يا ربِّ حَلِّهِ حِلْيَةَ الكرامةِ. فيُحلَّى حِليةَ الكرامةِ، يا ربِّ اكْسُه كسوةَ الكرامةِ. فيُكسى كسوةَ الكرامةِ، يا ربِّ ألبِسْه تاجَ الكرامةِ يا ربِّ ارْضَ عنه فليس بعد رضاكَ شيءٌ)).
"Recite the Qur'an, for it is indeed an excellent intercessor on the Day of Judgment. On that day, it will say: 'O Lord, adorn him with the adornment of honour.' And so, he will be adorned with the adornment of honour. 'O Lord, clothe him in the garment of honour.' And so, he will be clothed in the garment of honour. 'O Lord, place upon him the crown of honour.' 'O Lord, be pleased with him, for nothing surpasses Your pleasure.'”
[حسنه الوادعي في 'الشفاعة' (249)]

Reward for The Parents of The Qur'an Memoriser

On the authority of Buraidah (may Allāh be pleased with him), he said: The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
((مَنْ قَرَأَ الْقُرْآنَ وَتَعَلَّمَهُ وَعَمِلَ بِهِ، أَلْبِسَ وَالِدَاهُ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ تَاجًا مِنْ نُورٍ، ضَوْؤهُ مِثْلُ ضَوْءِ الشَّمْسِ، وَيُكْسَى وَالِدَاهُ حُلَّتَيْنِ لَا تُقَومُ بِهَا الدُّنْيَا، فَيَقُولَانِ: بِمَ كُسِيْنَا هَذَا؟ فَيُقَالُ: بِأَخْذِ وَلَدكمَا القُرْآنَ)).
"Whoever recites the Qur'ān, studies it, and applies its teachings, their parents will be honoured on the Day of Judgment with a crown of light, whose radiance is like that of the sun. Moreover, they will be dressed in two garments of such extraordinary worth that nothing in this world can compare. They will then inquire, "What did we do to deserve this?" and it will be said, "This is because your child took (memorised) the Qur'an."

[Hasan li ghayrihi – Authenticated by Al-Hakim in 'Al-Mustadrak' [1/756], and Al-Albani, may Allāh have mercy on him, deemed its chain of narration 'Hasan' in 'Sahih At-Targhib wat-Tarhib' [1433]).

Sheikh Faisal Al-Hashidi comments:

O memoriser of the Qur'ān, reflect on the immense bounty and generosity of Allāh, who not only honours you but extends this honour to your parents as well!

Now, tell me, by Allāh, what act of worship has Allāh associated with such a remarkable reward for parents—granting them this distinction alongside the great favour He bestows upon their child?

Furthermore, understand, O memoriser of the Qur'ān, that many memorisers throughout history, past and present, were initially motivated to memorise the Qur'ān out of love and devotion to their parents. While this is not the time to recount stories in detail, it suffices to mention that one of the great scholars of Qur'anic recitation in our era lost his father at a young age. This loss deprived him of the comfort and joy a parent provides. Yet, when he heard his teacher narrating this ḥadīth, he was inspired to pursue the memorisation of the Qur'ān with fiery determination, driven by his desire to honour his late father..." [Awsimah ḥāfidh Al-Qur'ān (108 - 109)]

Salafi Homeschooling Network

19 Dec, 16:17

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, ’Abdullāh learns about the greatest blessing (Al-Islam) and why it is considered the greatest blessing.

ما هي أفضل نعمة؟
What is the greatest blessing?

الإسلام أفضل نعمة.
Islam is the greatest blessing.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

18 Dec, 18:17

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns about the countless blessings of Allāh and our inability to fully enumerate them, as Allāh ﷻ states:
{وَإِن تَعُدُّوا۟ نِعۡمَتَ ٱللهِ لَا تُحۡصُوهَاۤ}
"If you tried to count Allah's blessings, you would never be able to enumerate them." [Surah Ibrāhīm: 34]

هل نِعَم الله علينا كثيرة؟
Are the blessings of Allāh upon us numerous?

نَعَم، نِعَم الله علينا كثيرة.
Yes, the blessings of Allāh upon us are numerous.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

17 Dec, 15:34

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns the meaning of نعمة (blessing) and reflects on some of the blessings that Allāh has granted him. He recognises that all these blessings come from Allāh ﷻ alone.

من الذي أنعم علينا بجميع النعم؟
Who bestowed upon us all blessings?

الله الذي أنعم علينا بجميع النعم.
It is Allāh Who bestowed upon us all blessings.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

16 Dec, 22:17

Partaking in Christmas celebrations | Sheikh Fawzan hafidahullah

{وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ ٱلذِّكْرَىٰ تَنفَعُ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ}
"And remind, for truly the reminders profit the believers."
[Adh-Dhaariyaat 51:55]

Advice to Muslims living in the lands of Christians at this time of Christmas and New Year ⤵️

Salafi Homeschooling Network

16 Dec, 14:48

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh begins the fourth unit, where he learns some of the ways in which Allāh protects and provides for us.

من الذي يحفظنا ويرزقنا؟
Who protects and provides for us?

الله الذي يحفظنا ويرزقنا.
It is Allāh who protects and provides for us.

#Tawheed #Aqeedah
#التوحيد #العقيدة

Salafi Homeschooling Network

13 Dec, 11:55

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, Abdullāh is tested on the questions from Unit 3.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

08 Dec, 19:42

From Damascus to Dammaj

Our esteemed Sheikh Yahya, may Allāh preserve him, said:
«والله أني سجدت لله شكراً فرحاً بسقوط نظام بشار»
"By Allāh, I prostrated in gratitude to Allāh out of joy for the fall of Bashar's regime."

He also stated:
«أؤمل إن شاء اللّٰه أن تكون لي محاضرة في مسجد الهادي عاجلاً غير آجل»
"I hope, Allāh willing, to deliver a lecture at Al-Hadi Mosque (The central masjid in Sa'dah) soon rather than later."

[ليلة الإثنين ٨/جماد الثاني/١٤٤٦ه‍ـ]


Salafi Homeschooling Network

08 Dec, 16:49

الله أكبر!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Dec, 20:21

What Do We Expect From The Youth If They Take The likes of Messi as Role Models? | Sheikh Abdulhameed Az-Zu'kari

Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Dec, 14:10

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns that:
- There is divine wisdom behind all of Allāh's actions, including the creation of humankind.
- Our ultimate purpose in life is to worship Allāh alone.
- Worshipping Allāh is to strive to be a good Muslim.
- We worship Allāh because He has instructed us to do so and because He alone is deserving of worship.

لماذا خلقك الله؟
Why did Allāh create you?

خلقني لعبادته وحده لا شريك له.
He created me to worship Him alone without any partner.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Dec, 00:01

Where will you flee from Allah? |
Sheikh Ali ibn Zaid Al-Madkhali

Salafi Homeschooling Network

06 Dec, 13:51


But don't worry!....If you weren't able to obtain a ticket via Eventbrite we will be streaming LIVE إن شاء الله so you won't miss out!

🔊Live stream details will be shared إن شاء الله before the event via🔊

🎙Abu Atiyyah Mahmud
🎙Abu Ishaq Muhammad
📅DATE: Saturday 21st December
🕐TIME: 5:00PM-8:00PM
📍Ashton Playing Fields, 598 Chigwell Road, Woodford Green IG8 8AA

May Allah reward the organisers & speakers for this much needed conference.

بارك الله فيكم

Salafi Homeschooling Network

06 Dec, 13:48

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh reviews the questions from Unit 2 and references the evidence supporting his answer.

﴿ٱللهُ خَـٰلِقُ كُلِّ شَیۡءࣲ﴾
"Allāh is the Creator of all things."


Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Dec, 12:54

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh reviews the questions from Unit 2 and references the evidence supporting his answer.

﴿ٱللهُ خَـٰلِقُ كُلِّ شَیۡءࣲ﴾
"Allāh is the Creator of all things."


Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Dec, 08:03

Salafi Homeschooling Network

03 Dec, 09:20

🎟️ More tickets available! 🎟️

🎙️Abu Atiyyah Mahmud
🎙️Abu Ishaq Muhammad
DATE📆: Saturday 21st December 2024
TIME🕐: 5:00PM-8:00PM
📍Ashton Playing Fields, Chigwell Road, Woodford Green IG8 8AA

📢 The first 100 tickets for our conference sold out fast الحمد لله, so we are issuing additonal tickets so more brothers & sisters can benefit from this much needed gathering!

➡️Be sure to follow the conference on Eventbrite & register your ticket to secure your seat!

🔈Share the word, we look forward to your attendance
إن شاء الله

بارك الله فيكم


Salafi Homeschooling Network

30 Nov, 16:57

بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم


💠 A free conference for parents, carers & educators

Delivered by:
🎙️Abu Atiyyah Mahmud
🎙️Abu Ishaq Muhammad

A must attend event for the family to discover valuable insights into the challenges of parenting & the real aim of homeschooling.

Learn inspiring perspectives & have your burning questions answered in our Q&A session!

📆DATE: Saturday 21st December 2024
🕐TIME: 5:00PM-8:00PM (Doors open at 4:45pm)
📍Ashton Playing Fields
598 Chigwell Road,
Woodford Green IG8 8AA
🚗FREE parking onsite
Open to Brothers & Sisters (segregated)


(⚠️Children welcome but must be supervised & kept quiet⚠️)
FREE refreshments & deserts/ snacks will be for sale 🍰🍪

🔈 Spread the word, we look forward to seeing you there

Salafi Homeschooling Network

30 Nov, 11:04

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this lesson, 'Abdullāh learns about using Qur'anic Ayat as evidence and memorizes the most comprehensive proof that Allāh is the Creator.

He also discovers that everything in existence is classified into two categories: الخالق (the Creator), referring to Allāh, and المخلوق (the created), referring to everything besides Allāh.

﴿ٱللهُ خَـٰلِقُ كُلِّ شَیۡءࣲ﴾
"Allāh is the Creator of all things."


Salafi Homeschooling Network

29 Nov, 19:49

We were unable to upload this onto YouTube as part of Lesson 10 due to copyright restrictions. This was my favourite part of the video—witnessing the incredible creation of Allāh: a tiny seed transforming into a juicy, edible watermelon. And to top it off, the beautiful recitation playing in the background made it even more special.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

29 Nov, 17:30

Be Kind To Your Wives🌹| Sheikh Muqbil ibn Hadi rahimahullah

Salafi Homeschooling Network

23 Nov, 17:52

Starting next week inshaAllah

Salafi Homeschooling Network

23 Nov, 12:37

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, ’Abdullāh learns that it is Allāh Who sends rain from the sky, and he gains a deeper understanding of the vital role water plays in our lives.

من الذي ينزل المطر من السماء؟
Who brings down the rain from the sky?

الله الذي ينزل المطر من السماء.
Allāh brings down the rain from the sky.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

22 Nov, 15:59

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, ’Abdullāh learns that Allāh is the Creator of the seas and the One Who causes the rivers to flow. He also learns about the story of Nuh, how Allah saved the believers who boarded the ark, and how the disbelievers were destroyed.

من الذي خلق البحار وأجرى الأنهار؟
Who created the seas and made the rivers flow?

الله الذي خلق البحار وأجرى الأنهار
It is Allāh who created the seas and made the rivers flow.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

21 Nov, 14:26

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, ’Abdullāh learns that Allāh is the Creator of the earth that we live, play and walk on.

من الذي خلق الأرض التي نمشي عليها؟
Who created the earth that we walk upon?

الله الذي خلق الأرض التي نمشي عليها.
Allāh created the earth that we walk upon.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

21 Nov, 07:08

𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻'𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘀 (277)
Winter and the Importance of Modesty

Sheikh Saleem Al-Hilali writes:

"During winter, people avoid exposing their bodies due to the fear of extreme cold. Why, then, is there no such caution out of fear of Allāh's punishment? When trees lose their leaves in public, they eventually become firewood consumed by worldly flames. Likewise, women who expose themselves publicly risk becoming fuel for the fire of Hell.
True femininity lies in modesty, not in fashionable attire."

Salafi Homeschooling Network

17 Nov, 22:30


📖 Learning how to read the Qur'an 📖

LESSON 1 || Arabic letters⤵️


What is this series about

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، أما بعد:
This is a series for teaching how to read the Qur'an. It is aimed at new Muslims, the newly practicing and even children. The book we are going through in this series is the PDF version of the book authored by Mu'allim Baazi -May Allaah reward him with good and give him good health-
The title of the book is: "At-Tayseer Fii Ta'leem Qiraa'atil-Qur'aan Lil-Atfaal" (The Simplified Guide to Learning the Reading of The Qur'an For Children)

The videos will be released once a week on Yawmul Ahad (sunday), InShaaAllaah.

We ask Allaah for Tawfeeq and that He accepts it from us.


Salafi Homeschooling Network

17 Nov, 14:15

Have you ever noticed that the first session of a class usually has the highest attendance, or that the first video in a series tends to receive the most views?

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allāh have mercy on him, said:

"Shaytān is most eager to target a person when they resolve to do good or embark upon it. He intensifies his efforts against them at that moment to divert them from it."

[Ighāthat Al-Lahfān (1/60)]


Salafi Homeschooling Network

17 Nov, 12:13

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, Abdullāh starts the second unit of the book. In the unit's first lesson, he learns that Allāh is the Creator of the night, day, sun, and moon.

من الذي خلق الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر؟
Who created the night and day, the sun, and the moon?

الله الذي خلق الليل والنهار وخلق الشمس والقمر.
It is Allāh who created the night and day and created the sun and the moon.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

17 Nov, 11:52

Offer Voluntary Prayers At Home

Sheikh ibn ’Uthaymīn raḥimahullāh said:

“It is from wisdom that a person performs his voluntary prayers at home, so his children can see and learn from him and so the womenfolk can follow his example. Also, this is so his house does not become a grave wherein no prayers are offered.”

[شرح بلوغ المرام 3/46]


Salafi Homeschooling Network

16 Nov, 11:04

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, Abdullāh revisits the previous three questions and learns about the importance of understanding and adhering to their answers, as these are the questions everyone will be asked in their graves.

1. من ربك؟ ربي الله.
Who is your Lord? My Lord is Allāh.

2. ما دينك؟ ديني الإسلام.
What is your religion? My religion is Islam.

3. من نبيك؟ نبيي محمد ﷺ.
Who is your Prophet? My Prophet is Muhammad ﷺ.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

15 Nov, 11:09

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, Abdullāh reviews the previous three questions.

1. من ربك؟ ربي الله.
Who is your Lord? My Lord is Allāh.

2. ما دينك؟ ديني الإسلام.
What is your religion? My religion is Islam.

3. من نبيك؟ نبيي محمد ﷺ.
Who is your Prophet? My Prophet is Muhammad ﷺ.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

14 Nov, 11:40

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1


In this class, Abdullāh learns about his Prophet (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم )—the last and final Prophet sent by Allāh.

من نبيك؟ نبيي محمد ﷺ.
Who is your Prophet? My Prophet is Muhammad ﷺ.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

13 Nov, 17:45

حصن الطفل المسلم
Simple du'a book for kids

Salafi Homeschooling Network

10 Nov, 13:41

Advice for parents & guardians

Salafi Homeschooling Network

10 Nov, 12:33

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1




All praises belong to Allāh, Lord of all worlds. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allāh alone, without any partner, and I bear witness that Muḥammad is His slave and Messenger. May Allāh extol Him and send abundant peace upon him and his family.

To proceed:

This is the curriculum for the subject of Tawhid (monotheism) and Aqidah (creed) for Level One in the introductory series for beginners in Islamic sciences. We have taken care to design the content in a way that aligns with the students' levels in reading and writing. For this reason, we chose this instructional style, as you see before you, where most lessons incorporate both handwriting and colouring activities, to aid—inshaAllah—in improving literacy skills while also delivering the key principles of Tawhid and Aqidah.

In this curriculum, we have selected several essential topics that are among the most important for beginners to understand regarding the foundations of monotheism and Islamic belief. These selections also align with the number of instructional periods allocated for this subject alongside the other subjects in the first level.

It is worth mentioning that achieving the intended benefit from this book, and others, requires collaboration between the teacher, the student, and the student's guardian. Each one has a responsibility and trust to fulfill. We ask Allāh Almighty to bless the efforts of those devoted to righteousness, to grant us understanding in religion, and to keep us steadfast upon Islam and the Sunnah until our last breath.

All praises belong to Allāh, Lord of all worlds.
In this class, Abdullāh learns about his Lord (Allāh)—The One Who created, own and sustains everything.

من ربك؟ ربي الله.
Who is your Lord? My Lord is Allāh.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

10 Nov, 12:33

Aqeedah & Tawheed || Level 1



In this class, Abdullāh learns about his religion (Islam)—the only religion acceptable in the sight of Allāh.

ما دينك؟ ديني الإسلام.
What is your religion? My religion is Islam.

I am a Muslim

Salafi Homeschooling Network

09 Nov, 06:06

𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻'𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘀 (272)
Beneficial Resources On Marriage

1. The Book of Marriage | Sheikh Salih As-Salih (8 lectures)

2. The Process of Getting Married According to the Legislated Proofs | Abu Rayhanah 'Abdul-Hakeem

3. Guidelines to Marriage | Abu Ayyub Yusuf bin Muhammad

4. The Marriage Meeting

5. Rulings Pertaining to the Marriage Contract & the Dowry | Abu 'Atiyah Mahmud bin Muhammad

6. Relations between the Husband and Wife after the Contract and before the Wedding | Abū 'Atiyah Mahmūd bin Muhammad

7. The Requirements for a Correct Wedding | Abu 'Atiyah Mahmood bin Muhammad

8. Responsibility Of The Wali | Abu Harun Muhammad At-Taweel

9. The Sanctity of Marriage - Abu Rayhaanah 'Abdul-Hakeem

10. The Rights of Marriage - Isma’eel Al-Ghazali

11. The Rights of The Spouses | Abu Ibrahim Fahd Al-Keenyi

12. How to Build an Islamic Household | Shaykh AbduRaqīb Al-Kawkabāni | Translation by Abū 'Atiyah Mahmūd bin Muhammad

13. Summary of Adāb Az-Zifāf | Abu Ishaq Muhammad

14. A Glimpse at the Marital Life of the Prophet ﷺ | Abu 'Atiyah Mahmoud bin Muhammad

15. An Ideal Muslim Household | Abu Fajr 'Abdul-Fattaah

16. A Gift For The Husband And Wife | Abu Rayhanah 'Abdul-Hakeem Al-Amreeki

17. Types of husbands and types of wives | Abu Fajr AbdulFattaah

18. Reasons for Marital Related Discord | Abū 'Atiyah Mahmūd bin Muhammad

19. Steps to Rectifying conflicts in the households| Abū 'Atiyah Mahmūd bin Muhammad

20. Brotherly advice

21. Sisterly advice

22. Overcoming Porn Addiction

23. I want out with this marriage

Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Nov, 22:14

𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻'𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘀 (270)
Ruling on Dolls for Young Girls

Question: What is the ruling on selling toys with images, and is it permissible for us to buy them for children since they are not religiously accountable? Can the example of Aishah playing with dolls be used as a justification?

Sheikh Abu ’Amr ’AbdulKareem Al-Hajoori ḥafidhahullāh:

Images are prohibited for sale, purchase, and possession, based on many evidences. Such as the hadith of Jabir found in both Sahih collections, and in another narration by Abu Talha, it is mentioned that "the angels do not enter a house where there is a dog or an image." In fact, there are more than ten evidences in the Sahihs alone that establish the prohibition of images. Indeed, image-making (tasweer) is considered one of the major sins. In a narration from Abu Hurairah in the Sahih collections, the Prophet ﷺ said, "Who is more unjust than the one who tries to create as Allah creates?" This is why scholars address this issue in their books on Tawheed, highlighting its severity, as it is one of the paths that can lead to shirk, Allāh forbid.

Thus, it is not permissible to possess images, bring them into the home, buy, or sell them, whether they are for children or adults, and whether they represent a horse, bird, or any other form. However, if a child makes something for themself, as comes in the hadith of Ar-Rubayyi’ in which they were given toys made of wool, as authenticated in both Sahihs, or in the case of Aishah (may Allāh be pleased with her) who made a toy for herself when she was young. If a child makes something for themself using pieces of clothes and the like, forming a horse, bird, etc., based on the story of Aishah, and since the Prophet ﷺ did not object, then there is no harm. We can reconcile between the evidences and conclude that children made such items for themselves, but were not given or bought them. This conclusion is consistent with the general evidence prohibiting images. If a child makes something himself, like Aisha did, or as some of the young companions did, then there is no objection. What could a young child make anyway? They would produce something [simple and insignificant] that does not contain any prohibition.

However, buying toys that replicate various forms or, perhaps, inappropriate images, or even tempting and distracting images, can lead to wasted money and the child’s neglect. When a child makes something for himself to play with, he will eventually leave it aside and move on to something beneficial, such as memorisation or review. However, with these (extravagantly crafted toys) some continue to play with toys into adulthood, even after marriage. And Allāh’s help is sought.


Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Nov, 09:31


LECTURE: Porn - The Disease Ruining Society ⤵️

LECTURE: The Ill Effects of Porn and its remedies ⤵️

Advice on controlling Lust ⤵️

More Advice ⤵️

More Advice ⤵️

Learning from other people's mistakes (1) ⤵️

Learning from other people's mistakes (2) ⤵️

Learning from other people's mistakes (3) ⤵️

Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Nov, 08:29

The secret to leading a happy life!!!

Train yourself to be grateful in times of prosperity and patient in times of hardship | Sheikh Abdulhameed Az-Zu'kari

Salafi Homeschooling Network

02 Nov, 12:05

Starting TODAY inshaAllah

Salafi Homeschooling Network

31 Oct, 22:16

Private schools vote for legal action over VAT plans (BBC News)

A group representing 1,400 private schools will press ahead with plans for a legal challenge against the government’s introduction of VAT from January, the BBC can reveal.

In a board meeting on Thursday, the Independent Schools Council (ISC), the body which includes most independent schools in the UK, voted to pave the way for legal action.

Lord David Pannick KC, one of the country’s leading barristers in cases relating to government decisions, is to lead the challenge which will be brought on behalf of parents, including those with children with special educational needs and disabilities (Send).

A Treasury spokesperson told the BBC they do not comment on potential litigation matters.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves confirmed private schools would no longer be exempt from VAT in the autumn Budget, saying the money raised would help “provide the highest quality of support and teaching” in the state sector.

The government has estimated it would raise £460m extra to spend on state schools next year, rising to £1.7bn by 2029/30.

The ISC is hoping for a judicial review of the government's policy, which will focus around claims of breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The action will be brought around Article 14, the prohibition of discrimination, and Article 2 of the First Protocol, the right to education.

The ISC informed its members of its plans to take forward legal action, in an email to private schools on Thursday afternoon.

The group says its legal claimants will be parents who argue they cannot find an alternative education for their children in the state sector, and are likely to include families with children with special educational needs.

Chief Executive Julie Robinson says they “will be defending the rights of families who have chosen independent education, but who may no longer be able to do so as a direct result of VAT on their fees”.

“We continue to ask the government to work with us to mitigate the risks of this policy on specialist arts education, on low-fee faith schools, on small girls’ schools and on children with Send.”

Salafi Homeschooling Network

30 Oct, 12:39

الخيرة فيما اختاره الله

Salafi Homeschooling Network

30 Oct, 12:29


Salafi Homeschooling Network

29 Oct, 14:42

Detoxing from p#rn - notes from Fahd's lecture (forwarded)

1.Make serious Dua to Allah to remove this disease from your heart.

2.Busy yourself with good deeds. This prevents one from falling into the sin.

3.Do ruqyah on yourself and be regular in adhkaar of morning and evening.

4.Get rid of the triggers that make you want to do the sin.

5. Incorporate cold showers when you get an urge.

6. Exercise , for example 50 or 100 push-ups if you feel like doing haram.

7. Don't lay around chilling in your shorts.

8. Keep your room clean and tidy and be on point.

9. Have a daily routine timetable.

All the energy you control now you can bring out that energy in a halal way with your spouse.

The ultimate goal is Jannah so be careful.

Salafi Homeschooling Network

29 Oct, 14:10

Salafi Homeschooling Network

26 Oct, 09:09

Who was the first to discover gravity? | Salafi Homeschooling Benefits

Sheikh Salih Āl Ash-Sheikh ḥafidhahullāh says:

"The first to mention the concept of Earth's gravity: Abu Al-Qāsim ’Ubayd Allāh ibn ’Abdullāh ibn Qurrah Al-Khār Dādhibah, who passed away in the year 280 AH, in his book 'Al-Masālik wal Mamālik,' on page 4, he describes Earth as:

«صفة الأرض أنها مدوّرة كتدوير الكرة موضوعة فى جوف الفلك كالمحّة فى جوف البيضة، والنسيم حول الأرض وهو جاذب لها من جميع جوانبها إلى الفلك، وبنية الخلق على الأرض أن النسيم جاذب لما فى أبدانهم من الخفّة والأرض جاذبة لما فى أبدانهم من الثقل لأن الأرض بمنزلة الحجر الذي يجتذب الحديد...»

'The Earth is described as spherical, like a ball placed within the celestial sphere, similar to a yolk within an egg. The air surrounding the Earth draws it from all sides toward the heavens. The structure of beings on Earth is such that the air attracts the lighter parts within their bodies, while the Earth attracts the heavier parts, as Earth functions in a manner similar to a magnet drawing iron...'

Thus, the claim that Newton was the first to propose gravity is not accurate; the concept of gravity was first recognised by Muslim scholars. However, Newton did formulate the three well-known laws of gravity."

Salafi Homeschooling Network

24 Oct, 13:45


A new initiative dedicated for the Muslimaat in and around London.

Spread the word!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

23 Oct, 11:35

A Three Day Conference
Hosted by Masjid Muqbil

Salafi Homeschooling Network

15 Oct, 06:03

Decline in a nice way! |
Abu Sulaymān Faisal ḥafidhahullāh

Salafi Homeschooling Network

10 Oct, 09:57


A new initiative dedicated for the Muslim community in and around London.

Spread the word!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

09 Oct, 15:29

Starting TOMORROW إن شاء الله

PDF 1⃣

Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Oct, 05:14

Early bedtime

Qurrah ibn Iyās raḥimahullāh used to say to his sons after they had offered the Isha prayer:

"O my sons, sleep early, for perhaps Allāh will bless you with goodness during the night."

(Meaning, sleep early so that you may wake up and perform the night prayer).

[Al-Zuhd of Imām Aḥmad, 1040]

Salafi Homeschooling Network

03 Oct, 08:50

Be careful!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

29 Sep, 10:00

Math vs Maths

The correct spelling of the word depends on the region, with "math" being the preferred spelling in the United States and Canada, and "maths" being the preferred spelling in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and other English-speaking places.

Mum vs mom

Mum" and "mom" are both terms used to refer to a mother, but the correct spelling of the word depends on the region, with "mom" being the preferred spelling in the United States and Canada, and "mum" being the preferred spelling in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and other English-speaking places.

Program vs programme

Both words refer to an outline or agenda. The correct spelling is "program" in American English, while "programme" is the preferred spelling in British English. However, "program" is often used in computing contexts in British English.

Center vs Centre

Both words refer to the same thing. The correct spelling is "center" in American English, while "centre" is the preferred spelling in British English.

Check vs cheque

The main difference between "check" and "cheque" is that "check" is the American English spelling, while "cheque" is the British English spelling. Both words refer to a document used to make a payment:

Airplane vs aeroplane

The preferred spelling in the UK for the word for an aircraft is "aeroplane". "Airplane" is the preferred spelling in the US. The word "aircraft" refers to anything that can fly, including airplanes, helicopters, and hot air balloons

Other spelling differences:

Salafi Homeschooling Network

17 Sep, 16:24

BENEFIT 246: Regular Lessons Vs. Intensive Short Courses

The origin is to study Islamic sciences with a Salafi teacher in a regular, consistent manner.

Az-Zuhrī raḥimahullāh said:
«إن هذا العلم إن أخذته بالمكاثرة غلبك، ولم تظفر منه بشيءٍ، ولكن خذه مع الأيام والليالي أخذاً رفيقاً تظفر به»
"Indeed, if you approach this knowledge with a desire for rapid accumulation, it will overwhelm you, and you will gain nothing from it. However, if you take it gradually over the days and nights with patience and care, you will attain it."
[الحلية (٣/٣٦٤)]

He also said:
«من طلب العلم جملة فاته جملة، وإنما يدرك العلم حديث وحديثان»
"Whoever seeks to acquire knowledge all at once will miss much of it. Knowledge is attained gradually, one or two ḥadīths at a time."
[الجامع للخطيب (رقم٤٥٢)]

Regular lessons are intended for students studying the book for the first time. It is appropriate for them to have a detailed explanation to fully understand the book and grasp each topic thoroughly.

On the other hand, intensive courses are primarily designed for students who have previously studied the book but wish to review it in a quick, thorough, and comprehensive manner in a short period of time. The main purpose of intensive courses is for a fast and complete review, allowing the student to cover the entire book in a very short time.

Additionally, intensive courses can be used by students who have not studied the book before but want to gain a general understanding of it—its structure, topics, and issues—before beginning a detailed study. This way, they have prior knowledge of the book’s content and are better prepared for its detailed study, in-shā-Allāh.


Salafi Homeschooling Network

14 Sep, 09:02

Important Spelling Rules [English]

'CVC' & 'RABBIT' rule ⤵️

Salafi Homeschooling Network

10 Sep, 09:19

Hitting a child should be the final recourse in discipline

Sheikh Faiṣal Al-Ḥāshidi ḥafidhahullāh said:

«الضرب غير المبرح للطفل عند الحاجة جائز، لكن اجعله الوسيلة الأخيرة في العقاب؛ حتى لا يفقد الضرب مفعوليته والمربي هيبته؛ لأن تعود الطفل على الضرب عند كل خطأ لن يصبح له تأثيرًا، ولن تفلح معه بقية الوسائل كالهجر، والحرمان والزجر والعبوس، وغيرها من العقوبات النفسية»

"Non-severe physical discipline may be permissible when necessary, but it should be used as a last resort. Overuse diminishes its effectiveness and undermines the authority of the cultivator. If a child becomes accustomed to being hit for every mistake, it will lose its impact, and other methods, such as isolation, deprivation, reprimands, frowns, and other psychological forms of discipline, will no longer work."


Salafi Homeschooling Network

07 Sep, 22:19

Why does a human’s fist remain clenched when they enter the world and open when they leave it?

Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allāh have mercy on him, explained:

"The clenching of the fist upon entering the world symbolises the inherent eagerness and greed which one arrives with, while the opening of the hand upon leaving signifies departing from the world empty-handed."

[At-Tibyān fī Aymān Al-Qur'ān, p. 545.]


Salafi Homeschooling Network

05 Sep, 17:29

Advice to parents specifically regarding their young children

Do not be among those who, when their young children have memorised the Qur'ān and some ḥadīth, showcase them here and there, taking them around to various masjids to give talks or lectures, or appointing them as imams. If any of you does this with your child—without safeguarding them—you are exposing them to dangers, such as being affected by the evil eye. Furthermore, it plants in their heart a love for public recognition from an early age, which may stay with them into adulthood, affecting their sincerity. Likewise, it makes them vulnerable to both human and jinn devils who might focus on them to lead them astray. Many fathers have been overjoyed by their child's memorisation, intelligence, and confidence, only to expose them to these harms, resulting in their child being afflicted by the evil eye to the point of serious harm, abandoning knowledge altogether, or worse. Therefore, protect your child, for if you present them to the eyes of others, they will be harmed; and if you leave them to the corrupt and bad company, they will be ruined.

Abū Ḥudhayfah ’Abdullāh Al-’Abdaliyy


The advice above is a general guidance and not to be taken in the absolute sense

Abū Anas Nu’mān Ibn Muḥammad commented:

"We have heard of scholars who began delivering sermons and practicing this affair from a young age, as well as leading prayers, and they are now among the memorisers of the Qur'ān and imams of masjids, through whom Allāh has brought great benefit. They are also known for their sincerity in calling people to Allāh, as we perceive, and Allāh is their ultimate Judge.

In fact, in some Salafis centres, they train young children how to deliver sermons. For example, Sheikh Hussein Al-Hateebi's Center in Salah Ad-Deen (Aden), and Sheikh Bassam in Al-Subaiha...

Things are going well, and in some cases, these young people return to their villages as preachers due to the community's need for them, despite their young age.

Sheikh Shu’aib As-Subaihi has even authored a small book on teaching young boys how to deliver sermons and train them in this skill.

And if some have been afflicted as a result, it should not lead us to limited and restrict something expansive.

In fact, some children hear their peers delivering sermons and are motivated to seek knowledge to become like them. Some fathers may even encourage their sons and send them to a Salafis center after hearing a sermon delivered by one of these young preachers.

If the concern is the evil eye, teach the child to recite the prescribed supplications and place reliance on Allah.

And if the concern is about seeking fame, then it is possible that a person might begin an action not purely for the sake of Allah, but Allah does not refuses except that it is done solely for Him. With continuous pursuit of knowledge and learning the importance of sincerity and the dangers of showing off and self-admiration, Allah will grant them sincerity."

Salafi Homeschooling Network

04 Sep, 10:27

The Diligence The Salaf Had For Their Parents & Children's Guidance

Shaykh Abdullah Al-Khawlaani

Translated by Abu Haaruun Muhammad

For more beneficial audios:

Salafi Homeschooling Network

03 Sep, 19:33

Sharī’ah Compliant Clothing For Boys

Long Sirwaal
Ages 5-6, 6-7, 8-9
Colour: black
