SalafiMakthaba @salafimakthaba Channel on Telegram



Books, Audios & Translations done by the Scholars and students of Ahlus-Sunnah. In Arabic, English.

We spread the knowledge shared by the students of knowledge.

Managed by: منهاج بن إبراهيم , عرفان بن صديق

SalafiMakthaba (English)

Are you looking for authentic Islamic resources in Arabic and English? Look no further than SalafiMakthaba! This Telegram channel is a treasure trove of books, audios, and translations done by the Scholars and students of Ahlus-Sunnah. Whether you want to delve into classical Arabic texts or explore contemporary English works, SalafiMakthaba has something for everyone. The channel is managed by أبو إبراهيم منهاج and عرفان بن صديق, who ensure that only high-quality and reliable materials are shared.

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26 Nov, 18:22

Android App for Hisnul Mumin (حصن المؤمن).

App includes authentic collections of remembrances and invocations with proofs from the Quran and the Sunnah.

Translated by Abu Haroon and Abu Attiyah (May Allah preserve them both).


24 Nov, 08:22

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said:

Every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty days, and then he becomes a clot (Alaqah) for another forty days, and then a piece of flesh for another forty days.

Then Allah sends an angel, Then the soul is breathed into his body. and is commanded to write four matters: He writes his deeds, time of his death, means of his livelihood, and whether he will be wretched or blessed (in religion).

So a man may do deeds of the people of the (Hell) Fire, so much so that there is only the distance of a cubit between him and it, and then what has been written (by the angel) surpasses, and so he starts doing deeds of the people of Paradise and enters Paradise.

Similarly, a person may do deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise, so much so that there is only the distance of a cubit between him and it, and then what has been written (by the angel) surpasses, and he starts doing deeds of the people of the (Hell) Fire and enters the (Hell) Fire.


23 Nov, 18:52

Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,

"Let none of you wish for death on account of an affliction that befalls him. If he has no alternative, let him pray: O Allah! Give my life so long as the life is good (better) for me, and take away my life if death is good (better) for me."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]


23 Nov, 14:52

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"The Best among you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it."

Reported by Imam Bukhari رحمه الله


09 Nov, 11:34

The Means to Opening Forth One’s Heart

A brief article compiled by : Abū ʿAbdir-Raḥmān Nawwās al-Hindī

Edited & Formatted by Abū Āsiyah Muẓaffar (may allah preserve them both)


07 Nov, 09:32

Note: Previous audio was incomplete


06 Nov, 19:48

May Allah protect us.


06 Nov, 19:48

The Manners of a Student With His Teachers - Abu Fajr AbdulFattah bin Uthman


04 Nov, 18:13

‘Umar ibn Al-Khattāb رضي الله عنه said:

May Allāh have mercy on the one who shows me my faults.

[Sunan al-Dārimī: 649]

Learn about the Salaf:


30 Oct, 20:17

The advice of our Father, Al-Murabbi, Sheikh Yahya ḥafidhahullāh

“We urge our brothers in other centers, I don't mean in Yemen only, but inside and outside Yemen, to be cooperative, to be allied with one another, to be serious, to seek the help of Allāh Almighty in cultivating the Muslim society upon brotherhood as best as they possibly can.

I swear by Allāh, I strongly rebuke many of the brothers who return to their countries and begin disputing with their Sunni brothers, and then lo and behold they want to lay the burden of these disputes which take place between the students over there; this one disputing with this one, they want to lay the burden of this on the Da'wa’s shoulders.

Why? Because so-and-so says such-and-such, and so-and-so says such-and-such.

My brother! Cultivate, rectify [the situation], refine the society, refine the community so the Salafi Da'wah flourishes in the east and the west, the south and the north, inside Yemen and in other than Yemen, like the heart of one man, as much as as the possible; this (uniting everyone) is not possible, but we try as much as possible.

We are united by the Qur’an and the Sunnah and the manhaj of the Salaf.
﴿فَمَاذَا بَعۡدَ ٱلۡحَقِّ إِلَّا ٱلضَّلَـٰلُۖ فَأَنَّىٰ تُصۡرَفُونَ﴾
“So what is beyond the truth except falsehood? How can you then be turned away?” [Sūrah Yūnus: 32]

As for the issue of leadership. This one is with so-and-so, and this one is with so-and-so, and each one seeks to outnumber the other. Leave this for the election parties. Leave it for the people of Dunya.

Is the intention behind this that this one becomes superior to this one and is raised above this one? If this is the case, the Da'wah will fail and be lost.

But the intention should be to rectify your brother's deficiency and for him to rectify your deficiency, and to help him and he to help you. This is how the da'wah is established.

There is no objection to having, for example, more than one center in one country, or even in one province, while everyone is cooperative, in alliance, mutually supportive of one another, visiting one another, and loving one another. ما شاء الله! This is radiance.

But if each one despises the other and wants to be the head and the other to be under him, and each one degrades the other and wants the other to be less than him, and each one belittles the other and wants the other to be inferior - this is disintegration.

Thus we say to some of our brothers and students, we say to them: Listen! By Allāh, we consider this one to be a Sunni and this one also to be a Sunni. Behave yourselves, and value the truth. Venerate the truth instead of venerating so-and-so. Each one venerates a separate figurehead to the other, and each one gives precedence to the figurehead on their side, and they leave off glorifying the truth and the Sunnah, then they bring disagreement/partial disagreement to the centres, regarding affairs which neither they nor the ones whom they follow have any proficiency in, meanwhile it is obligatory for them to return to correct, clear knowledge, and to take it and know what it means and to know the greatness of knowledge and the virtue of the knowledge that they themselves received and were raised upon. This is also part of the etiquette of knowledge; love of its people. This will strengthen the Sunnah and strengthen the goodness.

The Kuffār have control measures in place which they call "laws" and they adhere to them - even though it is falsehood, whereas we have control measures from the Book of Allāh and the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ, if we adhere to them we will be happy in this World and the Hereafter, and we would be upon a great deal of good.”



26 Oct, 16:18

أبو تيمية الجيلاني مميع منحرف عن طريقة السلف

A warning against Abu Taymiyyah Mohamed Jeylaani by Shaikh Abdulhameed Az-Zu'kari hafidhahullah


26 Oct, 16:18

A warning against Abu Taymiyyah Mohamed Jeylaani by one of his own teachers; Sheikh Abdulhameed Az-Zu'kari hafidhahullah

All Praises belong to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. To proceed:

Abu Taymiyyah Al-Jeylani is a Mumayyi' (one who waters down), Munḥarif (a deviant) from the way of the Salaf for a while now.

Beginning with the issue of Taṣwīr, then his compromisation as it relates to sitting with the people of innovation, leaning towards them and even agreeing with them.

'A man is on the religion of his friend, so let one of you look to whom he befriends.' (hadith)

Also, debating the people of innovation unrestrictedly is not from the way of the Salaf. Rather, the way of the Salaf is advice and clarification.

Similarly, sitting with the people of innovation is not from the way of the Salaf. Rather, this is merely from the way of the Khalaf (the people of innovation).

'Whoever sits with someone is affected by them.' (proverb)

So, he neither represents us, nor does he represent the Salafi Da'wah. He is in need of repentance to Allah from his watered down, deviated Manhaj (methodology), sitting with the Ḥanafis (i.e. Deobandis), Hizbis, and those who turn away (from Salafiyyah).

He thinks he is doing good. By Allah, he is only harming himself firstly, due to his lack of distinguishing himself upon the correct manhaj, and also harming the Da'wah and the way of the noble Salaf and Imams.

If only he tread the path of his brothers in repenting to Allah and remaining distinguished from the people of falsehood, Allah would have brought benefit by way of him, and the hearts would have inclined to him. However, 'you cannot guide whom you love, rather Allah guides whosoever he wishes, and he is more knowledgeable regarding those who are guided.'



26 Oct, 07:34


تلخيص "حياة الحيوان" لمحمد بن موسى الدميري
تلخيص زكريا ابن الشيخ يحيى الحجوري

This summary of "حياة الحيوان" by Sheikh Yahya's son (Zakariyyah) compiles the names of various types of animals in alphabetical order along with their rulings (i.e. Is the animal halal or not, and why)


25 Oct, 07:31

🔸🔹 سلسلة الفتاوى الصوتية المفردة 🔸🔹

▪️للشيخ أبي محمد عبد الحميد الحجوري الزعكري حفظه الله تعالى.

📢 مسجد الصحابة - بالغيضة - المهرة، اليمن حرسها الله.

🗓 بتاريخ الأحد 18/ شوال/ 1442 هجرية

⭕️  السؤال ⭕️

🔘 يقول ماهي أسهل طريقة لحفظ القرآن

⌚️ المدة الزمنية: 06:01





