Corey J. Mahler @coreyjmahler Channel on Telegram

Corey J. Mahler


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Corey J. Mahler (English)

Are you looking for a channel that offers a mix of insightful content, thought-provoking podcasts, and helpful recommendations? Look no further than Corey J. Mahler! This Telegram channel, managed by the one and only Corey J. Mahler, provides a platform where you can explore a wide range of topics that will pique your interest.

Corey J. Mahler is a multi-talented individual who delves into various aspects of life, including philosophy, politics, music, and more. Through his website, podcasts, and recommendations, he shares his unique perspective on these subjects, offering valuable insights and sparking engaging discussions.

By following Corey J. Mahler on Telegram, you'll have access to his latest updates, podcasts, and recommendations all in one convenient place. Whether you're a fan of deep philosophical conversations, informative political analysis, or simply enjoy discovering new music, this channel has something for everyone.

Moreover, Corey J. Mahler's dedication to providing quality content is evident in everything he shares. He strives to maintain a platform that is not only engaging but also enlightening, offering his audience a chance to expand their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, join Corey J. Mahler on Telegram today! Stay informed, inspired, and entertained by following this channel and immersing yourself in the world of Corey J. Mahler's unique perspectives and valuable recommendations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage with a diverse range of topics and enrich your life with the insights shared by Corey J. Mahler.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Feb, 23:13

Blacks have contributed nothing of value to the United States; they have been an enormous drain on resources and a source of violent crime, and essentially nothing else.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Feb, 16:34

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated before he could complete his work with regard to blacks. We should complete what he started.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Feb, 16:22

“Of the Baptism of children, we hold that children should be baptized, for they belong to the promised redemption made through Christ. Therefore, the Church should administer Baptism to them.”

Corey J. Mahler

09 Feb, 01:46

Revealing idols is almost too easy. Too bad so few men turn from their evil when confronted.

Corey J. Mahler

08 Feb, 21:06

Go to church tomorrow.

Corey J. Mahler

08 Feb, 16:43

Islam and Judaism should both be illegal in the West.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Feb, 19:29

I don’t think felicitous inconsistency is sufficient to save most of those who claim to be Christian today.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Feb, 00:08

Dispensationalism claims that those who bless the Jews will be blessed.

History demonstrates that those who bless the Jews are cursed.

Dispensationalism is a pernicious lie.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Feb, 22:33

You cannot have both Jews and peace.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Feb, 21:23

Anyone who thinks ‘racism’ is a sin is not a Christian.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Feb, 20:53

If your wife has a large online following, then you are more her pimp than her husband.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Feb, 19:58

The Germans were the good guys in all three world wars.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Feb, 16:29

We should just take the entirety of Africa.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Feb, 07:45

Not quite two years to the day, but we’ll take it.

“With God as my witness, I have only just begun.”

Corey J. Mahler

02 Feb, 09:41

It is important to enjoy our enemies’ suffering — they are ontologically evil and deserve still worse than they have thus far received.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Feb, 09:25

Scripture states unambiguously and unequivocally that women are to:

1. love their husbands,
2. love their children,
3. be self-controlled,
4. be pure,
5. work at home,
6. be kind, and
7. be submissive to their own husbands.

Anyone who teaches contrary to this speaks with the mouth of Hell.

Corey J. Mahler

01 Feb, 22:42

Go to church tomorrow.

Corey J. Mahler

01 Feb, 20:18

Slavery remains such a major issue for blacks because being enslaved is the most noteworthy thing Africans have done thus far in human history.

Corey J. Mahler

31 Jan, 00:34

A reminder: Most of those who created, released, and exploited COVID are still alive and can be punished for their many crimes.

Corey J. Mahler

29 Jan, 22:55

Corey J. Mahler

29 Jan, 19:38

This is a great political litmus test.

Which of these two sides you choose is a clear indicator of whether you are an American or an enemy.

Corey J. Mahler

29 Jan, 15:13

The only thing of which Atheists are more certain than that there is no God is that they hate Him.

Corey J. Mahler

28 Jan, 19:13

Now would be a good time to say a prayer that we (cc: @treblewoe) do not encounter any (inexplicable or otherwise) issues while recording.

Corey J. Mahler

28 Jan, 18:12

Leftist ideology is inherently violent — this is a feature, not a bug. The purpose of all Leftist ideologies is to inflict pain and suffering, not on some limited group, but on every last person in the fullness of time. There is no such thing as a peaceful Leftist.

Corey J. Mahler

28 Jan, 16:04

“No one has dared so much as to touch the heart of this controversy by responding, which is the greatest evidence of a bad conscience in a wise and learned adversary.”

Corey J. Mahler

28 Jan, 15:33

This looks like an exhibit from a court case about mistreatment of prisoners.

Corey J. Mahler

28 Jan, 15:30

Virtually every time I encounter an example of British ‘cuisine’, I am tempted to ask them if they know they are no longer under wartime rationing.

Corey J. Mahler

28 Jan, 01:23

The Left use comic books and other such media to illustrate their ‘points’ because all of the actual men who shared their beliefs were moral monsters.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Jan, 19:15

Some tips for the younger guys who follow me and weren’t taught this stuff:

When browning meat, always start at twelve and add pieces clockwise (so you know how long each has been on the heat).

Lay the meat into the oil/fat away from you.

Buy a splatter guard.

Corey J. Mahler

10 Jan, 19:57

Going live shortly:

Corey J. Mahler

10 Jan, 19:22

My network controller forty minutes before a livestream:

‘Hey, you want to update your OS?’

Not today, demon.

Corey J. Mahler

10 Jan, 03:08

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 22:52

This is, of course, not a reason to look down on women or to do any other such thing; rather, we should recognize that God has made them what they are and that He has done so for our benefit. You should enjoy the unseriousness of your wife, much as you would that of your children or your dog. You should never expect a woman to act like a man, and you should certainly never demand it.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 22:47

Women are fundamentally unserious. This is beneficial to the operation of the home, but it is disastrous to the operation of the State. Permitting women to involve themselves in politics is national suicide.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 21:14

Today’s episode, delayed by Gizmo.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 19:19

And, much like plugging in a USB cable, which is theoretically a 50/50 chance, you will put it on the wrong way at least 60% of the time.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 19:18

Pro tip: When a company calls their baselayer ‘reversible’, what they are actually saying is that they were too lazy to add an indicator of which side is the front or the back.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 18:49

This is particularly true of pastors.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 18:47

Those who look back fondly on high school are typically more well adjusted and better off in life than those who look back on high school with hatred or envy or disdain.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 16:40

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PG-13 Corey Mahler is a host of the Stone Choir podcast a Lutheran show for those who love God and their Nation.

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Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 03:41

If one of your nationals burns the redwoods or the sequoias, I don’t care if you’re an ally — we’re glassing your capital.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 03:35

Given the obvious fact that many of the fires in CA (and not just this year) have been deliberately set by ‘immigrants’, we should make clear that any nation found responsible for burning any part of any National Forest or National or State Park in CA will be severely punished.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Jan, 01:18

Corey J. Mahler

08 Jan, 01:23

Der Rote kommt nie mehr zur Ruh’.

Corey J. Mahler

08 Jan, 01:13

Anyone who defends pit bulls is getting deported.

Corey J. Mahler

08 Jan, 00:13

Sitcoms hit the Boomers harder than ayahuasca one-shots tech bros.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 23:28

If God delivers lands filled with violent, barbaric, anti-Christian heathens into your hands, then your Christian duty is clear.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 23:04

Women are truly blessed when it comes to matters of ‘career’ and such, for God has ordained that for them from the start — wife and mother. Men, on the other hand, must struggle to make something of themselves, and today they must do so with little guidance.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 22:13

Every woman is a reflection of her head. For the daughter, that should be her father and, for the wife, that should be her husband, but many women are, instead, a reflection of the head they have ‘chosen’ in rebellion against their rightful head — in most cases, this is proximately the State, but, ultimately, is always Satan.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 21:52

Eine Verfassung ist ein Vertrag. Verträge regeln Unternehmen, nicht Völker. Völker werden von Männer und Blut regiert.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 21:52

A constitution is a contract; contracts govern business deals, not nations. Nations are governed by men and blood.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 19:17

Ich habe gesagt, was ich gesagt habe, und ich weiß, was ich gesagt habe.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 19:09

No American has ever been named “Vivek”; no American will ever be named “Vivek”.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 18:38

A husband who cheats may never do so again; a wife who cheats will always do so again.

Men and women are not psychologically interchangeable, particularly when it comes to sexual matters.

Corey J. Mahler

07 Jan, 03:23

Cryptocurrency is a great way to bamboozle people into believing that math problems are actually legal tender.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 22:48

I actually like the Tischreden (both Luther’s and Hitler’s) and the supposed ‘Goebbels’ diaries’, because they are a most useful IFF.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 21:29

Martin Luther is the patron saint of Nationalism.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 21:16

Baptists: ‘We lose down here.’

Magisterial Protestants: ‘Someone will.’

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 20:57

Historically and traditionally, one of the main points of science fiction has been exploring the interaction of human society and technology, often with an emphasis on what we should not do. Unfortunately, most moderns have taken science fiction as a roadmap for what we should do.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 20:36

Individualism is what brought us here. Collectivism is the only way out. Baptist theology is inherently and inextricably individualist.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 20:23

A non-trivial percentage of those who eat döner kebab have (unwittingly) engaged in cannibalism.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 20:02

If you are still a Baptist, read these three articles:

If you are still a Baptist when you are done, then may God have mercy on you.

Corey J. Mahler

06 Jan, 20:02

I am convinced many (perhaps even most) Baptists actually want to lose — losing ‘vindicates’ their false beliefs with regard to Christianity and politics.

Corey J. Mahler

31 Dec, 17:28

Supporting foreign ‘immigration’ is sin; anyone who claims to be Christian yet supports this is openly apostate and an enemy of Christ and His Church.

Corey J. Mahler

31 Dec, 17:04

The Church is not dying; she is being murdered by men who believe themselves Christian whose consciences are so seared they can no longer see their own wickedness.

Corey J. Mahler

31 Dec, 04:28

We will need to revive the proscription list — not with regard to the State, but with regard to the Nation.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 23:53

America is in a de facto state of war with India.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 23:12

I speak for the White men who are being dispossessed in the civilizations their forefathers built and the lands their forefathers conquered. I have no interest in speaking for anyone else.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 23:10

America is a nation.

America is a European nation.

America is a White nation.

Non-Whites are not American.

Non-Whites cannot be American.

Non-Whites present on American soil are guests — at best.

Guests can be told to leave.

Guests that do not leave are trespassers.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 19:45

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 19:23

What is being done to the American nation meets the international law definition of genocide.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 19:12

If you are a Christian abroad in a hostile land, I will do whatever is within my power to support you where you stand, but, if, instead of remaining in your homeland, you come to my lands and steal from my people, then you are no Christian, but an enemy to be destroyed.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 19:05

We have nothing to discuss with the other side on this issue. This is a war and they are enemies. Give them no quarter.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 19:01

If someone says he is going to rape your wife and daughter and murder your sons, you don’t discuss it with him.

This is about ‘immigration’.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 05:44

To any pastors contemplating inserting themselves into the jihad against Stone Choir:

Consider long and hard that God called you, if indeed your call is real, to your congregation and it is for those souls that you will answer. I can promise you: You will gain them and yourself nothing by choosing unwisely.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 05:18

Countries fundamentally do not exist — they are legal fictions; nations fundamentally do exist — they are blood and soil realities.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 05:04

Perfect theology will not be what gets us out of this morass; good enough theology coupled with a reinvigorated and masculine Christian politics will.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 01:04

Ours, the duty; His, the outcome.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 01:04

Unser die Pflicht; Sein das Ergebnis.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 01:04

‘You’re a Nazi!’

Oh, you mean the only political movement in the last century to achieve any actual success in pushing back against Satan and his forces? Thank you for the compliment.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 00:52

The words “racist” and “racism” no longer have any power. Better find something new.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Dec, 00:13

The core of it all is the Golden Rule, but the Golden Rule is useless in isolation.

Corey J. Mahler

29 Dec, 21:03

Our enemies are ontologically evil; no means are morally impermissible in pursuit of exterminating them.

Corey J. Mahler

05 Dec, 02:57

No woman has ever been beautiful because of tattoos, piercings, et cetera; some women remain beautiful in spite of these things.

Corey J. Mahler

05 Dec, 02:03

Every author of a New Testament book knew he was going to die (some even knew when and how); not one of them wrote to pray to them.

Corey J. Mahler

05 Dec, 01:06

Okay, so, some of my pictures from living in Germany are… a little more German than others.

Corey J. Mahler

04 Dec, 23:09

On behalf of the chickens: Thank you to those who have sent me boxes of worms — the extra calories help them stay warm this time of year.

Corey J. Mahler

04 Dec, 22:36

That spike is the Third Reich. The German National Socialists absolutely conceived of themselves as defending Christendom. Adolf Hitler was a Christian prince. May God grant that he was not the last.

Corey J. Mahler

04 Dec, 02:13

Many modern Christians argue for the Textus Receptus (TR) over the Nestle–Aland (Critical Edition, NA) out of ignorance. Often, textual criticism and higher criticism are conflated, but these are two very different things.

The men who gave their names (and much of their lives) to the production and maintenance of the NA were both faithful and dutiful Lutheran scholars. Here are their graves, infra. You may recognize that as a fig tree in the case of Dr. Nestle:

Micah 4:4 (ESV):
»but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree,
and no one shall make them afraid,
for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.«

The Latin on Dr. Aland’s headstone reads:
‘Here he expects the Resurrection’

We would do well to pay better and more careful attention to the reality of these things instead of the histrionics of detractors.

Corey J. Mahler

04 Dec, 01:23

One of the most pro-working-class policies that could be implemented — almost immediately — would be to make tipping an illegal practice.

Corey J. Mahler

04 Dec, 00:58

Imagine being part of a race so unaccomplished, so burdensome, and so fragile that you could be sent into a blind rage with a single word.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 23:58

Under Christian Nationalism, obesity will be a crime.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 23:43

Basically no one is given the gift of celibacy, so one of the tasks of a Nationalist government will be pairing off those who are single and over thirty or so.

This is fundamentally necessary to reëstablish stability and hierarchy.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 23:29

If you are going to declare martial law, then you must be ready to simultaneously liquidate parliament.

‘But don’t you mean dissolve?’

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 23:23

An abusive husband is best handled by the elders of his church recognizing the problem and solving it without ever involving anyone else.

The now-penitent man can tell everyone he fell off a quad or something.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 23:18

A wife belongs to her husband, and it is not the place of the Church or of the State to interfere in his affairs in this domain except in extreme cases.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 22:33

The king is above the laws.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 21:21

‘You can’t talk about using a woman, that’s sexist/objectifying/misogynist/[other word I heard in school but don’t understand].’

1. Women like it.
2. I’m paraphrasing God (e.g., Romans 1).
3. Go sit in the corner.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 21:16

Your father and your uncles were supposed to explain this stuff to you (and then you were supposed to marry young), but previous generations set everything on fire and then laughed while it all burned.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 21:12

She has to know you want to, intend to, and could use her as a man is supposed to use his wife. And you have to walk this line without going over. Better to err on the side of not being a eunuch and marrying quickly to avoid sin.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 20:58

Some advice for (particularly Christian) men: When interacting with a woman whom you might possibly marry, don’t come across as bloodless — women can tell, and it won’t go well for you.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 05:43

Pornography is not free speech — it is a casus belli against the Jew.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 04:02

The most terrifying words in Scripture are not, in fact, the ones so often presented by (supposed) Christians; rather, they are these:

“For all this, His anger has not turned away,
and His hand is stretched out still.”

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 03:27

And, better still, wear a dress. Men and women should not wear the same clothing.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 03:27

Ladies, leggings are not a substitute for pants. The only man who should know those specific contours is your husband — stop showing them off for the world. Have some decency and self-respect.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 02:15

Santa and Krampus are a depiction of Christian truth:

Santa brings gifts (the Gospel) for good children (believers); Krampus brings suffering (Hell) for bad children (unbelievers).

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 02:04

Children: ‘What happens if we’re good?’

Parents: ‘Santa will bring you presents.’

Children: ‘What happens if we’re bad?’

Modern parents: ‘Santa will give you coal instead of presents.’

German parents:

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 01:48

Children who believe Santa Claus is literally real are more reasonable in their beliefs than adult ‘Christians’ who believe the Jews are chosen or ‘Israel’ is a Biblical nation.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Dec, 01:38

That blacks cannot be brought up to White standards is manifestly obvious, but the worst possibility by far is that Whites can, indeed, be brought down to black ‘standards’.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 22:15

The demon puppeting Grok when you ask about Winston Churchill:

‘Give me a minute.’
*checks the deep pits*
‘Yep, he’s here. Let me calculate how long it’s been.’

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 22:12

I had to give it an assumption about how time passes in Hell, but Grok agrees that Winston Churchill is burning for eternity, or, said another way:

Winston Churchill has been in Hell for 21,890 days of his sentence of ∞ days in Hell.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 21:58

Gluttony is in its results as pornography is in its essence — every moral man knows it when he sees it.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 21:58

That which is willingly risked is morally accepted.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 20:19

A painful, but related and necessary, truth:

There is insufficient time to bring a leader up to speed — any leader will have to be chosen from the (relatively small) pool of those who already know.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 19:18

The African is not my neighbor.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 17:52

If you think the Jews are ‘chosen’, that ‘immigration’ is good, that ‘racism’ is a grievous sin, that slavery was morally impermissible, or that ‘Israel’ is an ally, just go ahead and publicly and finally apostatize — you already worship Satan, just make it official.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Dec, 05:37

Corey J. Mahler

01 Dec, 05:23

A happy First Sunday in Advent.

But not to the Jews.

Corey J. Mahler

01 Dec, 05:22

When Adolf Hitler was released from prison and asked to resume leadership of the Party, he gave one primary condition: He would be undisputed leader and internal conflicts would be settled by his edict. The American Right is approaching this watershed.

Corey J. Mahler

01 Dec, 05:12

New (not actually new) rule:If you can’t see your feet, then you are disqualified from being a pastor or an elder.

Corey J. Mahler

01 Dec, 04:46

How many modern Christians could affirm these words without caveat?

“These [the Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer] are the most necessary parts of Christian teaching that one should first learn to repeat word for word. And our children should be used to reciting them daily when they rise in the morning, when they sit down to their meals, and when they go to bed at night. And until they repeat them, they should not be given food or drink. Likewise, every head of a household is bound to do the same with his household, manservants, and maidservants. He should not keep them in his house if they do not know these things or are unwilling to learn them. A person who is so rude and unruly as to be unwilling to learn these things is not to be tolerated.”

Corey J. Mahler

01 Dec, 04:23

A strong Christian king of the American nation could turn the Middle East Christian inside of a century.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 21:42

If I, as an American of Germanic extraction, were to have a child with an African woman, I could fly to England — not even Germany — and any random White man I passed on the street would be more closely related to me than my own child.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 21:12

I wish to be abundantly clear: If you view White Christian Nationalism as a vehicle for sating your wicked desires with regard to women or some perverse set of power fantasies, then not only will we root you out, but we will destroy you utterly.

There will be zero tolerance.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 20:47

A thing must be noted: Pedophiles very frequently attempt to cover for other pedophiles, but good men — and particularly Christian men — never cover for pedophiles.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 20:33

We are going to clean the churches and the State of every pervert and every degenerate — and we are going to accept no pleas and show no mercy.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 20:03

A woman’s greatest joy is holding her own child in her arms; a man’s greatest joy is protecting that woman and the child she bore for him.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 19:58

There are milk-truths and there are meat-truths. Not every man is ready to hear every meat-truth, but every milk-truth must build toward the meat-truths.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 19:33

Maybe part of the reason I don’t believe in the ‘Holocaust’ is that I grew up in Los Angeles and spent a fair amount of time in Hollywood — I’ve seen how the sausage is made.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 19:23

You are not an individual, for no such thing has ever existed. The only man who ever approached being an individual was Adam, and only due the fact that he is the federal head of all mankind.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 19:13

Some of you want neat answers and clearly delineated rules for subjects that do not permit either of those. Many things in life are matters of wisdom, and no man can be wise for another.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 18:43

One of the most important tasks of any father is to tell his daughters to avoid men of other races.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 18:33

Without hints from the age of the photographs, it would be nearly impossible to tell childhood pictures of my father and grandfather apart from those of me.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 18:27

To be blessed by God is to have your grandchildren look like your grandparents.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 18:03

Beauty being a transcendental that flows from the very nature of God and indicates His blessing, it must be concluded that the children of such unwise pairings are — at the very least — much less blessed than the children of more appropriate pairings.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 18:02

A man who cannot tell you the truth even when it is staring him in the face is a man who cannot be trusted on anything:

Half-black children are hideous compared to what their White parents would have had if they had not miscegenated.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Nov, 01:53

As soon as the true faith departed from the biological sons of Abraham, the Scriptures departed from them as well. God had already made provision for this with the LXX.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 22:47

Honoring your ancestors — to include not slandering them — is.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 22:43

The ‘Holocaust’ is not a tenet of the Christian religion.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 20:41

“In the Church, however, judgement must be passed on the state and place of [the races of men] not on the basis of a Latin word [Gentiles] borrowed from the heathen, but on the basis of Holy Scripture.”


Gerhard’s original comment is about Hell and infernus, but it is equally true as repurposed.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 19:58

The enemies brought first-generation tactics to a fifth-generation war.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 19:58

Die Feinde brachten Taktiken der ersten Generation in einen Krieg der fünften Generation.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 19:42

We broke them again.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 19:28

Go to church tomorrow.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 17:58

A public call to repent of that which is not sin is simply a public declaration of apostasy.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 01:13

I have now worked through the backlog of challenge coin orders for both Stone Choir and Confident.Faith.

If you place an order by the 13th of December, it will arrive for Christmas.


Stone Choir coins are available here:

Confident.Faith coins are available here:

Corey J. Mahler

23 Nov, 00:44

Corey J. Mahler

22 Nov, 19:04

Intolerance is a Christian virtue.

Corey J. Mahler

21 Nov, 21:36

Corey J. Mahler

21 Nov, 19:24

Being lactose intolerant is a curse from God.

Corey J. Mahler

21 Nov, 17:48

If a pastor has Bonhoeffer books displayed on his shelves, probably don’t trust him not to stab you in the back.

Corey J. Mahler

21 Nov, 17:22

During the Cold War, you could find these two in adjoining offices at the CIA.

Corey J. Mahler

21 Nov, 16:28

You cannot fight the Post-War Consensus or the New Global Religion unless you are willing to revisit your view of the German National Socialists — they fought the battle and died for the truth long before you ever noticed the problem.

Corey J. Mahler

21 Nov, 00:04

When a foreigner murders or otherwise harms an American, the religious ‘charities’ that aided that foreigner should be held civilly and criminally liable.

Corey J. Mahler

20 Nov, 19:12

Corey J. Mahler

20 Nov, 16:28

You can learn everything you need to know about a Baby Boomer with one question:

What color are your grandchildren?

Corey J. Mahler

20 Nov, 16:24

If your children are different colors, then you are unfit for the office of pastor.

Corey J. Mahler

20 Nov, 05:42

Not all men can be bought; the world and the devil seek — instead — to destroy such men.

Corey J. Mahler

20 Nov, 02:04

God separated the races of men and placed significant physical barriers between them. Man should not seek to undo God’s work.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 22:04

I have talked complete strangers into the Christian faith while sitting at a bar. Many pastors drive convinced Christians out of the churches with their feckless and spineless gibbering. Not for nothing do most pastors fear the return of the strong gods.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 22:04

Indoor spaces should not be heated above 65°. This is a minimum requirement for civilized society. Carter was right: Put on a sweater.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 21:12

Apropos of nothing: That a certain sort of criminal should be broken on the wheel is part of the Lutheran Confessions.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 21:04

Wo keine Verfolgung von der Welt ist, da ist keine Kirche.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 20:58

Where there is no persecution from the world, there there is no church.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 20:48

To tolerate that which is abominable to the Lord God is to become an abomination.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 20:48

To tolerate that which is abominable to the Lord God is to become abominable oneself.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 20:38

Volcanos still have no carrying capacity.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 20:19

The average American should go his entire life without seeing a single black, Indian, or other non-White in person.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 20:19

A White who marries a black, has a child with said black, and then adopts a White child will be more closely related to the adopted child than to the mulatto.

Corey J. Mahler

19 Nov, 19:31

This places Dispensationalism squarely in the camp of the damned.

Corey J. Mahler

13 Nov, 23:21

“Vengeance is mine.”
— God (Romans 12)

‘But I subcontract.’
— God (Romans 13)

Corey J. Mahler

13 Nov, 22:18

Corey J. Mahler

12 Nov, 23:23

To any pastor or teacher who cannot say: “I love the White race.”, I advance a simple question: Why not?

Corey J. Mahler

12 Nov, 23:18

I love the White race.

Corey J. Mahler

12 Nov, 23:18

I invite every man — and particularly teachers and pastors — to make this simple statement — no caveats, no comments, just the statement:

I love the White race.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 20:27

A reminder: God specifically forbid the Israelites to destroy fruit trees when besieging enemy cities; this is why the modern Israelis enjoy destroying fruit trees — everything they do is in disobedience to God.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 18:15

Bitcoin continues to be an issue on the Right, so let me go over a few facts:

1. The Bitcoin system is eminently vulnerable to certain kinds of attacks — most relevantly, a majority attack (we’ll call it, for the sake of clarity and convenience).

2. The safety mechanisms built into the Bitcoin system are meaningless and ineffective in the face of a majority attack.

3. A majority attack would be, admittedly, expensive to execute, but not prohibitively expensive.

4. China was widely recognized as controlling 60+% of the mining capacity of the system back in 2021.

5. It would be difficult (if not effectively impossible) to calculate China’s total percentage control of the Bitcoin system (in terms of nodes, not ‘coins’).

6. An actor with a majority control over the Bitcoin system (again, in terms of nodes, not ‘coins’) could effectively seize control of the entire system. This would, in fact, be trivial to accomplish.

7. The required investment to control a majority of nodes in the Bitcoin system would be something in the range of $20–30B.

8. The current Chinese economy is just shy of $20T.

9. $20B is 0.1% of $20T.


A Majority Attack
A majority attack against the Bitcoin system would consist of gaining control over a majority of the nodes in the system (this can be accomplished simply by investing in hardware). An actor (almost certainly a State actor) in possession of a majority of nodes could simply:
1. reject all blocks or transactions from minority nodes (i.e., those not under the control of the attacker),
2. create its own version of the transaction history,
3. force this version to be accepted as correct or canonical, and
4. make it impossible for minority nodes to form an alternative consensus.

This is not even particularly complicated.


Notably, all of this is essentially, once sufficiently abstracted, just fairly basic game theory.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 17:48

Under Christian Nationalism, Mormon men (over a certain age) will be given a choice between conversion and lifelong enslavement or the third baptism.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 17:43

If a spacecraft is off by one inch when it exits the Earth’s atmosphere, it (without course correction) will miss Mars by somewhere between eight and sixty-five miles.Do you really believe theological errors are less catastrophic?

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 16:33

‘Man, I wonder why ISIS doesn’t attack Israel.’

‘Man, I wonder why Satan doesn’t attack Rome.’

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 15:38

Very little about Jewish (mis)behavior is actually secret — as a people, they love to brag.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 15:33

If the Left want to keep squabbling over the cost of deportation, then we can simply select a much cheaper option — deportation is neither our first nor the most effective method.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 15:18

I do not use the term “woke”, because the terms “Marxist” and “Jew” exist.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 14:42

1. There exist true doctrines.
2. These are knowable from Scripture.
3. In order to know anything from a writing, one must employ reason.

∴, True doctrine is knowable from Scripture via the application of reason.

Corey J. Mahler

11 Nov, 14:28

The reason the Left (and their willing thralls on the Right) are so terrified of ‘Nazis’ is that there is no force upon this Earth like that of organized Germanics.

Corey J. Mahler

10 Nov, 22:58

There are alternatives to deportation.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Nov, 22:48

The protection of children and the maintenance of society both require that we re-criminalize sodomy — making it a capital-punishment-eligible crime.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Nov, 20:23

Whatever Eastern Orthodoxy once was, and I do not doubt that it was once faithful, it died with the loss of Anatolia, the colonization of Greece, and the decimation of the Russian population in the Jewish-run gulags. It cannot be revived.

Corey J. Mahler

09 Nov, 19:33

There is a very real possibility Odin is in Paradise.

Corey J. Mahler

04 Nov, 02:28

A man who is looking to get married wants a debt-free virgin who is in her twenties and has no tattoos.The degree to which a man is willing to compromise on those requirements is generally also the degree to which what he is seeking is not marriage.

Corey J. Mahler

03 Nov, 22:34

Do Jews poison wells? Of course not, now they get you pay for poison by putting it in your feed, your ‘medicines’, and your water supply.

Corey J. Mahler

02 Nov, 17:26

Go to church tomorrow.

Corey J. Mahler

01 Nov, 10:19

I will be reading aloud from the Psalter for All Souls’ Day. If you would like to include this as part of your devotions for today, the stream can be viewed here:

Corey J. Mahler

31 Oct, 23:30

By way of reminder:

Tomorrow is a solemn day of national prayer and fasting. Repent of your sins and of our corporate sins. Pray for our nation; pray for our brother nations; pray for our leaders; pray for God’s mercy.

I will see you all Monday (and briefly Saturday to remind you to go to church). May God bless you.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 22:32

Literally no one (except Mormons, historically) is arguing that blacks are cursed with dark skin. As @treblewoe and I have both pointed out repeatedly: Skin tone is part of God’s design, accounting for living on different parts of the globe. The curse on blacks is not their skin color.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 22:14

I have not once seen the enemy or adversary pastors condemn the treatment (read: torture) of Southern prisoners during or after the Civil War or of German prisoners during or after World War II.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 21:38

I'll go ahead and give the same 'addendum' I gave on X:

Yes, I am obviously fully aware of the fact that many will misinterpret this (no, that is not necessarily my goal, but it is certainly something I am willing to permit). No, I am not going to (fully) explain it here and now.

I will, however, give this reminder: per quod is not per se.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 21:34

Interracial marriage is tantamount to murder.

And this remains true regardless of how much our elites, pastorate, and other degenerates fetishize and promote it.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 21:23

A simple metric for those having trouble navigating things:

If Stone Choir were a threat to the church, then the overwhelming majority of pastors, teachers, and others would ignore it — just like they do with virtually every threat to the church.

If, on the other hand, Stone Choir is a threat to Satan’s kingdom, then, well, Satan is rather more active in his approach to attacking threats.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 21:05

And do not doubt for a second that this is a spiritual war, which is also a flesh-and-blood war insofar as each side has human soldiers. It may be that this is the final act and God is drawing the play to a close, or it may be that this is what we would term in literature or art a ‘false ending’ — seemingly, but not truly, the end; in the case of God, He does like to work out His plans typologically in time — it may be that this is not the End. It hardly matters one way or the other — you are mortal. The end is always near for you. Work out your salvation in fear and trembling; ignore the lies of the deceiver; and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd — even, or even particularly, when what He is saying conflicts with what the world, the devil, and the flesh are shouting.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 21:05

There are many questions that are currently sifting the outward churches into wheat and chaff, separating the sheep and the goats, but two of the chief ones are:

1. Are the Jews chosen?
2. Is racism a sin?

The sheep will answer “No.” to both of these questions; the goats will answer “Yes.” to at least one.

To the first, the sheep will answer in the negative, because the sheep know that they are chosen by their Shepherd, that they are the true Israel of God, and that they are the ones whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life; some (many) of the goats will answer in the affirmative, because they have been deceived by Satan to believe that God has created two paths to salvation (which Scripture explicitly denies — ‘I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life’), that there are unfulfilled promises to the sons of Jacob (which Scripture, again, explicitly denies — ‘you are today as numerous as the stars’), or any of a number of other, similar, lies. The sheep hear the voice of the Shepherd and believe His words; the goats hear another voice and wander down the broad path. Satan speaks through many mouths on this issue (as he does on most); some of the names will be familiar (e.g., John Nelson Darby, Cyrus Scofield), but the Jews, pastors, et al., who preach and teach this wickedness are legion, for that is Satan’s favorite number.

To the second, the sheep, again, will answer in the negative, because the sheep know that Scripture clearly teaches it was God Who created the races (i.e., nations) of men and Who ‘set their times and boundaries (i.e., borders)’. Not all of the sheep know the specifics of this (e.g., genetics, etymology of the relevant terms), but they hear the voice of their Shepherd when He speaks and they know the truth of the Creation He gave them. The goats, this time almost universally, will answer in the affirmative, because, again, they do not hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, but the voice of their father below, leading them downward, away from Christ. The goats bleat out their affirmations of the spirit and the morality of the age by condemning those ‘sins’ that Satan has declared (through his agents, e.g., Karl Marx, Israel Zangwill, and many others Jews, teachers, and pastors) most egregious, while ignoring those sins that God has declared abominable in His sight. These goats will wink at things like abortion, sodomite ‘marriage’, and dozens of other sins — condemned in the strongest of terms in Scripture —, but turn around and condemn in the harshest terms they can muster — and in the Name of God — the ‘sins’ of their modern religion (e.g., sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or just ‘being mean’); they do this because they do not hear the voice or the Word of the Good Shepherd, because it is only the sheep who truly hear His voice and believe His Word.

If you would be or remain a sheep instead of being or becoming a goat, then you would do well to mark these two questions and mark even more carefully the answers given by the sheep and the answers given by the goats — the former so that you can repeat them and the latter so that you can condemn and avoid them. These are not trivial or merely ‘political’ questions — these are matters of eternal life and eternal death.

You can answer either or even both of these questions incorrectly and still be saved — for salvation is by grace alone through faith alone —, but the one who persists in believing falsely on these matters will never stop there. Wickedness always progresses, always makes increasing and greater demands. The goat who today calls the Jews ‘chosen’ will tomorrow demand a restoration of Temple sacrifices (as if such a thing were possible); the goat who today condemns ‘racism’ will tomorrow demand the eradication of the White race for the dozens of reasons we all hear daily from the lips of Jews and other demons. There is no neutrality in war.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 06:18

Kamala Harris is not an American.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 05:23

Without the White race, the Christian faith effectively dies inside of a century.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 05:17

A fundamental problem, that most are unwilling to discuss, is that blacks (in the US) have an average IQ of around 85; this makes it essentially impossible to discuss anything important, or work toward meaningful solutions, with them.

They can only be controlled, managed, ordered, not persuaded or convinced.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 05:13

No black is American. No black has ever been American. No black will ever be American.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 05:13

No American is black. No American has ever been black. No American will ever be black.

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 02:47

Wanting those of other races to be Christian, but ‘over there’ (i.e., in their own lands), is neither wrong nor any different from wanting the other members of your nation to be Christian, but ‘over there’ (i.e., in their own houses, not yours).

Corey J. Mahler

30 Oct, 02:37

To be clear: I do also want every non-White to repent of his wickedness, convert to Christianity, and spend eternity in Paradise.

If this confuses or annoys you, that is not my problem.

Corey J. Mahler

25 Oct, 21:53

If you are a friend of the Jews, then you are an enemy of God.

Corey J. Mahler

25 Oct, 21:12

Evolutionarily, blacks are not modern human beings.
Theologically, blacks are human, but cursed by God.

You must believe at least one of these.

Corey J. Mahler

24 Oct, 20:30

His headstone read: Ich hab’s gewagt

Translation: I have dared it — a reference to his participation in the National Socialist Party and his heroic attempt to broker peace with England to end WWII.

Corey J. Mahler

24 Oct, 20:27

How petty are our enemies? In 2011, the parish with legal title to the graveyard wherein Rudolf Hess was interred yielded to pressure and refused to renew the lease for the grave and Hess' remains were dug up, cremated, and the headstone destroyed.

Corey J. Mahler

24 Oct, 18:13

Only one political system has ever held Marxists, Feminists, Atheists, and other degenerates to account.

That system is Fascism and it is the only way forward.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Oct, 21:46

Corey J. Mahler

23 Oct, 16:35

To every White father who fails to teach his White daughters about the dangers of non-White — and particularly black — men:

When you are tried, may you come forth guilty,
May your prayers be counted as sin.
May your days be few,
and may another possess your goods.
May your children be fatherless,
and may your wife be a widow.
May there be none to extend kindness to you,
and may your name be blotted out.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Oct, 14:43

Not one of the harms you experience in our society today can be attributed to Adolf Hitler or the German National Socialists, but virtually every harm you experience has a nexus with the Jews.

Corey J. Mahler

23 Oct, 02:16

The US infant mortality rate, per the CDC, is:
~5.4 — 1 in 185.

Except this is a lie, because it excludes abortion, which certainly qualifies as “mortality”.

Including abortion, the US infant mortality rate is:
~210more than 1 in 5.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 17:33

Taking your children to megachurches with ‘worship bands’ is a great plan, if you want them to apostatize later in life when they realize they can get the same feeling at a concert or a club.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 17:14

Antisemitism is simply anti-Satanism by another name.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 16:32

The framing for all of the problems we face is truly very simple: There are those who want to solve the problems, employing the means necessary to accomplish those ends, and there are problems.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 16:27

Contrary to popular belief, Satan can do virtually nothing in the world without human agents. All of the harms being inflicted upon Western populations can be prevented by destroying Satan’s human soldiers.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 16:00

Eastern meditation: 'Clear your mind.'


Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 15:52

Even Wikipedia (via the macOS Dictionary application) knows the truth about Eastern hesychastic 'prayer'.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 15:43

In the last war, you killed all the men who had a strong inclination towards mercy and forbearance. We are not our forefathers, but we have learned from their errors.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 15:43

In den letzten Krieg habt ihr alle Männer getötet, die eine starke Neigung zu Barmherzigkeit und Nachsicht hatten. Wir sind nicht unsere Vorväter, aber wir haben aus ihren Fehlern gelernt.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 14:47

Since some of you need help, here’s an IFF rule:

The enemy uses Hebrew, but not all those who use Greek are friends.

Corey J. Mahler

22 Oct, 14:22

I have never publicly said anything about the Jews that even approaches the level of what the Church Fathers preached about them.

The Christian faith is antisemitic.