Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo @sagantaaraadiyoo Channel on Telegram

Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo


Barsiisota humneessuun dhaloota egeree beekumsa, qabeenyaa fi ogummaan humneessuudha💪

Barsiisota Humneessina (Amharic)

Barsiisota Humneessina በአማርኛ በእያንዳንዱ በተመለከተ ርዕስ እና በዕድሜ እናገናኝ የጽሁፍ መረጃዎችን ለመቀነስ ያላችሁን የገጠማ ሳጥን ወይም አስተማሪ እና አገልግሎቶች ውስጥ ስለሚያዳምጡ ከድረ-ገጽ ታስቦ ነው::nnsagantaaraadiyoo በ Barsiisota Humneessina ላይችን የሚታወቅ እና በፍጥነት ለምንም ውሎች ሳይቆየው ደንበማችንን ለመረጃ ለሌላኛው አጠቃህ ስለሚያቀርብልን የስራ ትምህርት ሰጪ ጥቅም ይላል:: ስለሆነም Barsiisota Humneessina በሚያየን መንገድ በየቀኑ በሉ ሆኖ በመሆኑ ታልቁ እና በሚመላከው ስለሚረዳ በተጨማሪም አዳዲስ መረጃዎች እና የተከበረው ምሳሌና ተግባር እቋክበላለሁ::

Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

19 Nov, 22:29

😍የ12ኛ ክፍል ሞዴል ፈተና😍

አዘጋጅ 👉ልደታ ክፍለ ከተማ ት/ጽ/ቤት

መንፈቀ አመት👉የመጀመሪያ መንፈቀ አመት 

የትምህርት አይነት👉ሁሉም

አመት 👉2016

ክፍል 👉12


📘ለሌሎች ማጋራት አንርሳ‼️

የተማሪ መፃህፍት, የተለያዩ ፈተናዎችን
ለማግኘት 👇👇

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Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

19 Nov, 15:25


(ህዳር 10/2017 ዓ.ም)

መረጃዎችን በፍጥነት ለማግኘት ማሰፈንጠሪያዎቹን ይጫኑ!
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Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

18 Nov, 21:48
PAWS is the new top dog! 🐾

Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

18 Nov, 11:03

Make a dollar $

Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

16 Nov, 22:19

Biiroon Barnootaa Oromiyaa beeksisa baasee qacarrii barsiisotaa ogummaa garaa garaan eebbifaman keessaa calalee akkaataa armaan gadiin ramaddii raawwatee jira.
#Barsiisonni ramadamtan hundi gaafa guyyaa 6/03/2017 irraa kaasee #Waajjira #barnootaa #godinaalee fi #Bul.Magaalotaa Ramadamtanitti akka gabaastan hubachiisa.



irratti argachuu kan dandeessan ta'uu beeksifna.

Oromia Education Bureau 💠

Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

13 Nov, 07:40


Sagantaa Barnootaa Raadiyoo

13 Nov, 07:39

The highest level of learning - is teaching.

Teaching anything to anyone else forces you to think about that information differently.

You have to categorize it, sort it, organize it...

But most importantly of all, you have to PRODUCE it.

Experts understand the difference between:
- receptive skills (listening/reading); and
- productive skills (speaking/writing)

And they know the massive difference between being able to understand what someone says (listening) and being able to say what you are thinking (speaking).

Teaching is the "speaking" of learning.

What do we tell students who say, "I can understand, but I can't speak" ?

Well, the only way to really KNOW how to speak...

Is to start speaking.

Without that... you can't speak. (obvious, I know)

If they tell you "I don't know how to speak English" (in their native tongue)...

You get them to speak... first one word... then a sentence... then a paragraph…

Before long, they are speaking without you telling them to.

The same is true for teaching.

When someone says, “I understand how it works, but I can’t do it.”

Tell them to TEACH it to someone else.

It works like magic…

First you teach one idea… then a concept… then a process… then a system…

Before long, you are teaching others entire fields of knowledge.

And that’s why TEACHERS are actually high-level STUDENTS.

They PRODUCE learning.

They MASTER knowledge by synthesizing and organizing it.

And this is why teachers must constantly learn new information too.

You need a steady stream of new information and ideas…

So that you have something to synthesize and organize.

When you stop learning (stop receiving learning)…

You get stuck teaching old methods and information (producing learning from old knowledge).

When you constantly learn as a student (receive learning)…

You can synthesize it, organize it, and teach it to others (produce learning from new knowledge).

Because learning is at the core of both the student’s role AND the teacher’s role.

They are two sides of the same coin, forever linked.

So if you know something…

But you aren’t teaching it to anyone…

If you understand how it works…

But you haven’t shared that knowledge with others…

Just start teaching someone.