Welcome to Oromia Freedom Media, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing news, updates, and information related to the Oromo people and the Oromia region. With a focus on promoting freedom, justice, and human rights, this channel aims to be a platform for the voices of the Oromo community to be heard. Whether you are a member of the Oromo diaspora, a supporter of the Oromo cause, or simply interested in learning more about this vibrant and resilient community, Oromia Freedom Media has something for you. From breaking news to in-depth analysis, interviews with community leaders to cultural showcases, this channel covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to the Oromo people. Stay informed, stay engaged, and join us in the fight for a free and prosperous Oromia. Follow Oromia Freedom Media on Telegram today and be a part of this important conversation.
18 Jan, 15:43
16 Oct, 09:04
14 Oct, 10:59
12 Oct, 12:44