Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo is a Telegram channel dedicated to promoting and advocating for the rights and interests of the Oromo people. The channel name translates to 'Youth for Freedom' in English, reflecting the spirit of the Oromo youth who are actively engaged in the struggle for liberation and self-determination. Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo provides a platform for Oromo activists, scholars, and community leaders to share news, analysis, and updates on the political, social, and cultural developments affecting the Oromo people. Who is it? Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo is a community of Oromo individuals who are committed to the advancement of the Oromo cause. The channel brings together Oromo youth from different backgrounds and professions who are united in their common goal of achieving freedom, justice, and equality for the Oromo people. What is it? Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo serves as a hub for information and discussion related to the Oromo struggle for self-determination. The channel covers a wide range of topics including human rights violations, political developments, cultural events, and social movements within the Oromo community. By sharing news, resources, and personal stories, Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo aims to amplify the voices of the Oromo people and raise awareness about their ongoing struggle for justice. In addition to its presence on Telegram, Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo can also be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, where followers can stay updated on the latest posts and engage with other members of the Oromo community. Whether you are an Oromo activist, scholar, student, or supporter, Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo welcomes individuals from all walks of life who are passionate about advocating for the rights and dignity of the Oromo people. Join the conversation today and be part of the movement for freedom and justice!
18 Jan, 06:36
06 Jan, 09:06
22 Nov, 08:08
21 Nov, 08:27
21 Nov, 08:22
21 Nov, 08:18
21 Nov, 08:13
11 Sep, 04:07
07 Aug, 14:21
06 Aug, 06:15
03 Jul, 18:27
24 May, 11:23
24 May, 11:23
22 May, 19:04
15 May, 10:12
14 May, 22:33
13 May, 14:16
04 May, 17:55
04 May, 07:47
29 Apr, 16:42
29 Apr, 16:22