OMN(oromia media network ) @oromiamedianetworks Channel on Telegram

OMN(oromia media network )

OMN(oromia media network )
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Last Updated 01.03.2025 02:37

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The Role of Oromia Media Network in Ethiopian Media Landscape

Oromia Media Network (OMN) has risen to prominence as a crucial platform for the Oromo people of Ethiopia, providing them with a voice in a media landscape often characterized by limited representation. Established in response to the longstanding marginalization of the Oromo community, OMN serves not only as a news outlet but also as a cultural hub that fosters solidarity and empowerment among its audience. With its extensive reach across various media channels, including social media platforms and satellite broadcasting, OMN provides critical information on political, social, and economic issues affecting the Oromo people. Moreover, its content is tailored to reflect the unique cultural heritage of the Oromo, making it an integral part of contemporary Ethiopian media. The network’s commitment to balanced reporting and community engagement has enhanced its reputation, allowing it to gain a loyal following both in Ethiopia and among the diaspora. As OMN continues to navigate the complexities of media freedom in Ethiopia, it fulfills a vital role in advocating for the rights and interests of the Oromo population, making it a significant player in the broader Ethiopian media landscape.

What is the mission of Oromia Media Network?

The mission of Oromia Media Network is to provide a platform for the Oromo people to express their cultural identity and share their stories with the world. By focusing on issues pertinent to the Oromo community, OMN aims to promote awareness and understanding while empowering individuals through access to information. The network strives to cover local news and global developments that impact the Oromo population, ensuring that their voices are heard in discussions often dominated by other narratives.

In addition to information dissemination, OMN seeks to foster a sense of community among the Oromo people. By emphasizing shared cultural values and experiences, the network encourages solidarity and unity. The mission extends to digital engagement, where it utilizes social media effectively to connect with younger audiences and create a platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas.

How does OMN address challenges in Ethiopian media?

Oromia Media Network faces several challenges, including government censorship, threats to press freedom, and restricted access to information. In an environment where many independent media outlets are stifled, OMN has adopted innovative strategies to overcome these obstacles. The network employs digital platforms to disseminate its content, reaching wider audiences despite restrictions and crackdowns on traditional media. This digital presence also allows it to bypass geographical barriers and connect with the Oromo diaspora.

Moreover, OMN advocates for press freedom and the rights of journalists. It highlights issues related to media repression in Ethiopia, serving as a voice for other marginalized media organizations. By engaging with international bodies advocating for freedom of expression, OMN continues its fight against censorship while raising awareness about the importance of independent journalism in promoting democracy and social change.

What kind of content does Oromia Media Network produce?

Oromia Media Network produces a variety of content including news reports, documentaries, talk shows, and cultural programs. This diverse range is designed to inform, educate, and entertain its audience, reflecting both current events and traditional Oromo customs. The network prioritizes news that affects the Oromo community, covering issues like political developments, social justice, and economic challenges, making it a vital source for localized reporting.

In addition to news coverage, OMN showcases Oromo culture through music, dance, and arts programming. By celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people, the network engages viewers on a more personal level. This cultural programming also serves to educate non-Oromo audiences about the community’s traditions and values, promoting intercultural understanding and dialogue.

How has OMN impacted the lives of Oromo people?

The impact of Oromia Media Network on the lives of the Oromo people is profound. By providing a platform for news and discussion, OMN has enhanced political awareness among the community, encouraging civic engagement and participation. The network empowers individuals by offering them information that affects their lives, which is crucial in a political context where the Oromo people have historically faced marginalization.

Furthermore, OMN plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting the Oromo language and culture. With programs dedicated to cultural education, the network instills a sense of pride in Oromo identity and heritage. This cultural infusion is vital for younger generations, fostering a connection to their roots and encouraging them to engage with their community and history.

What role does social media play in the operations of OMN?

Social media has become a key tool for Oromia Media Network, allowing it to reach a global audience. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube enable OMN to share its content widely, engage with viewers directly, and gather real-time feedback. This interaction fosters a community of supporters who can participate in discussions, share their opinions, and contribute content, thereby enhancing the network’s reach and influence.

Additionally, social media serves as a means of bypassing governmental controls over traditional media. By leveraging these platforms, OMN can inform its audience even during times of crisis or repression, ensuring that critical information is disseminated. This approach not only keeps the Oromo community informed but also raises awareness of issues affecting them on a global scale.

OMN(oromia media network ) Telegram Channel

OMN (Oromia Media Network) is a dynamic and engaging Telegram channel dedicated to bringing you the latest news, entertainment, and information from Oromia, Ethiopia's largest region. With a focus on providing accurate and timely updates, OMN covers a wide range of topics including politics, culture, sports, and more. Whether you're looking to stay informed about current events or simply want to explore the rich heritage of Oromia, this channel has something for everyone. From breaking news alerts to in-depth analysis pieces, OMN delivers content that is both informative and entertaining. By following @oromiamedianetworks on Telegram, you can access exclusive videos, interviews, and live streams from their YouTube channel, allowing you to stay connected and engaged with Oromia's vibrant community. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - join OMN today and stay informed about all things Oromia!

OMN(oromia media network ) Latest Posts

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Ministirri Muummee Itoophiyaa Abiy Ahmad har’a daawwannaa hojiif gara Somaaliyaa imalan.

Ministirri mummmee Itoophiyaa wayita Buufata Xiyyaaraa Idil-addunyaa Aden Adde gahan Pireezidaantii Somaaliyaa Hasan Sheek Mohaammadiin simatamani jiru.

Ministirri Muummee Itoophiyaa Abiy Ahimad daawwannaa isaanii kanaan Pireezidaant Hasan Sheek Mohaammad waliin dhimmoota waloo biyyoota lamaan irratti ni mari'atu jedhamee eegama.

Daawwannaan kun kan taasifame Waliigaltee Ankaaraa dhiheenya gaggeessitoota biyyoota lamaan gidduu irra gahame hordofee yoo ta’u, kunis qaama tattaaffii bal'aa waliigalticha hojiirra oolchuuf taasifamaa jiru ta’uun gabaafamee jira.

28 Feb, 03:08
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Hooggantoonni Waldaalee Hawaasa Oromoo Diyaaspooraa, imala qabsoo, guddinna Siyaas-diinagdee fi hawaasummaa Oromoo keessatti warraaqsi miidiyaa barbaachisaadha jedhan.

Hundeeffama OMN waggaa 11ffaa sababeefachuu OMN wajjiin turtii kan taasisan dura taa'aa Waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo Waashigitan DC Dr. Bahaaruu Dhugumaa, dura taa'aa waldaa hawaasa Oromoo Kaalifoorniyaa Kaabaa Dr. Tishoo Tafarraa, dura taa'aa waldaa hawaasa Oromoo Aywaa obbo Tibbeessoo Dadafoo fi Koree qindeessituu tumsa OMN Denver obbo Gammachis Cabsii qabsoo Oromootiif barbaachisummaan miidiyaa olaanaadha jedhan.

Hooggantoonni Waldaalee hawaasa diyaaspooraa Bitooteessaa 2 bara 2025 dilbata dhufu sirna kabaja hundeeffama OMN waggaa 11ffaa fi sirna galii walitti qabuu karaa online tiin adeemsifamu ummanni Oromoo irratti hirmaachuun dirqama isaa akka bahu waamicha taasisani jiru.

Miidiyaa qabnuu deeggaruun qooda qabsoo keessa tokko kan jedhan dura bu'oonni waldaalee hawaasa Oromoo diyaaspooraa, tumsi OMNf taasifamu utubaa qabsoo mirga ummata Oromootiif taasifamuudha jedhan.

Hawaasni diyaaspooraa Oromoo akkuma OMN hundeessuun mallattoo isaa qabsoo Oromoo keessa kaa'e, miidiyaa hundeessee qabsoo ummataatiif kenne diinagdeen tumsuun itti fufuu qaba jedhani jiru.

Dura taa'aan waldaa hawaasa Oromoo Waashigitan DC Dr Bahaaruu Dhugumaa “waan bade deebisuu irra waan jiru tiksutu salphata” jechuun ummanni Oromoo biyya keessaa fi biyya alaa bitooteessaa 2 bara 2025 kabaja hundeeffama OMN waggaa 11ffaa fi sirna galii walitti qabuu dhaabbatichaa irratti akka hirmaatu waamicha taasisan.

OMN itti fufuu qaba kan jedhan Dr. Bahaaruu Dhugumaa, itti fufiinsa isaatiif dirqama kan qabu ummata Oromooti jedhan.

Rakkoo faaynaansii dhaabbaticha muudate furuun waggootaaf hojii isaa rakkoo tokko malee akka itti fufu taasisuu qabna jedhan.

Kanaaf ummanni Oromoo jila OMN kan bitooteessaa 2 bara 2025 irratti akka hirmaatu jechuun waamicha taasisani jiru.

Dura taa'aan waldaa hawwasa Oromoo Kaalifoorniyaa Kaabaa Dr Tishoo Tafarraa Rakkoo Faaynaansii OMN furuuf karaalee sadiin hojjachuun barbaachisaadha jechuun kan jalqabaa abbootiin qabeenyaa dhaabbilee isaanii OMN irratti beeksisuu, 2ffaa Hawaasni miseensa dhaabbataa OMN ta'uun ji'aan deeggarsa salphaa taasisuu jedhan.

Gaafa bitooteessaa 2 bara 2025 ammoo deeggarsa gama Paypal, Cash Up, Zele, Gofundme fi kanneen birootiin taasifamu irratti deeggarsa taasisuudha jechuun ibsan.

Dura taa’aan waldaa hawaasa Oromoo Aywaa obbo Xibbeessoo Daddafoo “Oromoon dhimma OMN irratti xiiqeefachuu qaba” jedhan.

Bitooteessi 2 guyyaa xiiqiin dhaabbata kanaaf birmataniidha kan jedhan obbo Xibbeessoon, OMN daandii sagaleen ummata biyya keessaa ittiin dhagahamuudha jedhan.

OMN murannoo, kutannoo fi xiiqiin bira dhaabbachuu qabna jechuun dubbatan.

Hundeeffama OMN waggaa 11ffaa irratti deeggarsa faaynaansii dhaabbatichaaf taasifamuuf ummanni Oromoo hundi gahee isaa bahuu qaba jechuun waamicha taasisan.

Koree qindeessituu deeggarsa OMN Deenvar kan ta'an obbo Gammachiis Cabsii gama isaaniitiin, “Oromoon qabeenya waloo isaa utubuuf of kennuu qaba jedhan.

Hawaasa Oromoo Denver dabalatee kan kutaalee addunyaa hunda jiru hundeeffama OMN waggaa 11ffaa irrratti hirmaachuun deeggarsa taasisuu qaba jechuun waamicha taasisan.

28 Feb, 03:07
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በትግራይ ክልል መዲና መቀለ አቅራቢያ በምትገኘው ሰሐርቲ ወረዳ ከትናንት ወዲያ ረቡዕ ታጣቂዎች በከፈቱት ተኩስ ቢያንስ 20 ሰዎች መቁሰላቸውን የዓይን እማኞች ገለፁ።

የትግራይ ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደር በሰሐርቲ ወረዳ፣ አዲስ አለም ቀበሌ አጽገብታ መንደር የተፈጸመውን ይህንን ጥቃት አውግዞ፣ ፖለቲካዊ አላማ እንዳለው በመግለጽ፤ አንዳንድ የትግራይ ሰራዊት አዛዦችን በድርጊቱ ከሷቸዋል።

"በሰሐርቲ ወረዳ በንጹሃን ዜጎች ላይ የተፈጸመው አሳዛኝ ድርጊት ኃይል ተጠቅሞ የቀበሌውን መዋቅር ለማፍረስ የሚደረግ ህጋዊ ያልሆነ ተግባር ማሳያ ነው" ብሏል።

የትግራይ ሰራዊት ወታደራዊ መለዮ የለበሱ 10 ታጣቂዎች መጀመሪያ ላይ ወደ ቀበሌው የመጡት "ችግር እንዳለ ከተነገራቸው" በኋላ እንደሆነ ነዋሪዎች ለቢቢሲ ተናግረዋል።

ታጣቂዎቹ፤ ተመልሰው ሄደው ከጥቂት ጊዜ በኋላ ተጨማሪ ታጣቂዎችን ጨምረው 30 ሆነው እንደተመለሱ እና የአዲስ ዓለም ቀበሌ አስተዳዳሪ የሆኑትን አቶ መለስ አስገደ ማህተሙን እንዲያስረክቡ እንዳስገደዷቸው ይናገራሉ።

የአጽገብታ መንደር ነዋሪ አቶ ነጋሲ ብርሃኑ በበኩላቸው፤ ታጣቂዎቹ "በነዋሪው ላይ እንግልት እና ማሸበር ፈጽመዋል" ብለዋል።

"ሳይታሰብ መጥተው ማህተሙን ለመንጠቅ ሞከሩ። የአካባቢው ሽማግሌዎች እና ነዋሪዎች ተሰብስበው ህዝቡ ያስተዳደሩናል ብሎ መርጧቸው እያለ 'ምን እያደረጋችኋቸው ነው?' ቢሏቸውም ሊሰሙ አልቻሉም" ሲሉ አስረድተዋል።

የቀበሌው የሴቶች ጉዳይ ኃላፊ ጸጉ በርሄ በበኩላቸው፤ ግጭቱ አሳሳቢ መሆኑን ተናግረው ታጣቂዎች እናግባባችኋለን በማለት ማህተሙን እንደወሰዱት ገልጸዋል።

"በወቅቱ መኖሪያ ቤቴ ነበርኩኝ። ቤቴ መጡና ማህተም አምጪ አሉኝ " የሚሉት ጸጉ፤ በህዝብ ላይ ጉዳት እንዳይደርስ በማለት መግባባት ላይ ለመድረስ ጥረት መደረጉን ያስረዳሉ።

ከህዝቡ ጋር መግባባቱን ትተው ታጣቂዎቹ ማህተሙን ይዘው ለመሸሽ ሲሞክሩ ይህንን ለማስቆም ጥረት ባደረጉ ግለሰቦች ላይ ተኩስ መከፈቱን ነዋሪዎች ለቢቢሲ ገልጸዋል።

በተከፈተው ተኩስ 20 የሚጠጉ ነዋሪዎች እንደተጎዱ እና አንድ በጽኑ የተጎዱ ግለሰብ ወደ አይደር ሪፈራል ሆስፒታል እንደተወሰዱ ተገልጿል።

21 Feb, 19:30
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Humnoonni Kaabaa Oromoo bilisoomsuuf otoo hin taane dabaree itti darbanii cunqursuun kaayyoo isaaniiti jedhan hayyoonni.

Hayyoonni OMNf yaada isaanii kennan, seenaa humnoota kaabaa erga biyyi kun hundeeffamtee jalqabee arginee jirra jedhan.

Waggoota 150 oliif humnoonni kaabaa kun dabaree itti walfuruun uummata Oromoo cunqursaa turuu isaanii hayyoonni ibsan.

Sirni moofaan duraanii eenyummaa, aadaa fi seenaa uummata Oromoo illee balleessuuf waanti hin goone hin jiru kan jedhan hayyoonni, uummata Oromoo dinagdee fi aangoo siyaasaa irraa moggeessanii caba guddaaf akka saaxilan ibsan.

Sirna moofaatti aansee olaantummaa kan gonfate Addi Bilisummaa Uummataa Tigraay ABUT gama isaatiin waggoota 27 guutuuf uummata Oromoo irraan cunqursaa hamaa geessisaa ture jedhan.

Murni kun maqaaf sirna federaalaa haa jedhu malee kaayyoon isaaa golgaa sana jalatti dhokatee uummata Oromoo saamuu fi hacuucuu akka ture eeran.

Garaagarummaan humnoota kaabaa gidduu jiru adeemsaa fi aangoo qooddachuu irratti yoo hin ta'in uummata Oromoo irratti ilaalcha walfakkaataa qabu jedhaniiru hayyoonni.

21 Feb, 19:29