Ethiopian Space Science Society @officialesss Channel on Telegram

Ethiopian Space Science Society


A nonprofit, civil society organization that promotes and advances astronomy, space science, and space technologies in Ethiopia through space awareness activities, educational programs, and a nationwide developmental program.

Ethiopian Space Science Society (English)

The Ethiopian Space Science Society, also known as @officialesss, is a nonprofit, civil society organization dedicated to promoting and advancing astronomy, space science, and space technologies in Ethiopia. With a mission to raise space awareness, facilitate educational programs, and implement a nationwide developmental program, this society is at the forefront of space exploration in the country. Founded by a group of passionate individuals with a love for all things related to the cosmos, the Ethiopian Space Science Society aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers to reach for the stars. Through a variety of initiatives, including public lectures, workshops, and hands-on activities, they strive to make the wonders of space accessible to all Ethiopians. Whether you are a seasoned astronomer or a curious beginner, the Ethiopian Space Science Society welcomes you to join their community and explore the endless possibilities of the universe. Discover the beauty of the night sky, learn about the latest advancements in space technology, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for all things space-related. Be a part of a growing movement that is shaping the future of space exploration in Ethiopia and beyond. Join the Ethiopian Space Science Society today and embark on a journey to the stars!

Ethiopian Space Science Society

31 Oct, 08:46

🚀We had an inspiring event celebrating "STEM Opportunities in the UK," in collaboration with the British Embassy in Addis Ababa!

The session opened with welcoming remarks, followed by insightful discussions on the Chevening Scholarship, focusing on Space Science and Technology. Participants engaged deeply in exploring opportunities to study in the UK.

Thank you to everyone who joined us to make this event a success!

#ESSS #STEM #Chevening

Ethiopian Space Science Society

29 Oct, 11:25

The SciGirls project, organized by the IAU's Office of Astronomy for Development in collaboration with the Space Science and Geospatial Institute, Ethiopian Space Science Society (ESSS), MiNT, and STEM Power, kicked off yesterday.

Running from Monday through Saturday, this program is designed to inspire young female students and teachers from across Ethiopia in the fields of astronomy, space science, and related areas, providing both basic theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

#ESSS #SciGirls


Ethiopian Space Science Society

28 Oct, 10:33

STEM Opportunities in the UK with Chevening Scholarships! 🇬🇧

Event has just started.

Join us via : Webinar Link

#ESSS #CheveningScholarship #STEMOpportunities #SpaceScience #StudyInTheUK

Ethiopian Space Science Society

27 Oct, 08:34

🚀 Explore STEM Opportunities in the UK with Chevening Scholarships! 🇬🇧

Join us this Monday for an exclusive online session hosted by the ESSS and the British Embassy in Addis Ababa. Discover how the prestigious Chevening Scholarship can open doors to world-class study and research opportunities in the UK.

📍 Event Type: Virtual
📅 When: Monday, 1:30 PM EAT
🔗 Register now

#ESSS #CheveningScholarship #STEMOpportunities #SpaceScience #StudyInTheUK

Ethiopian Space Science Society

17 Oct, 08:44

🚀 Road to 100K Subscribers!

Coming Soon!

#ESSS #RoadTo100K #Campaign

Ethiopian Space Science Society

12 Oct, 09:52

🌨 #EventPostponed

መረሃግብሩ ለሌላ ግዜ ተላልፏል

የዓለም የሕዋ ሣምንትን በማስመልከት “ሕዋ እና የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ” በሚል መሪ ቃል በአሊያንስ ኢትዮ-ፍራንሲስ ሊዘጋጅ የነበረው መረሃግብር በዝናባማ የአየር ፀባይ ትንበያ ምክንያት ለሌላ ግዜ ተላልፏል።

መረሃግብሩ በቀጣይ መቼ እንደሚካሄድ በቅርቡ እንደምናሳውቅ እያሳሰብን ለተፈጠረው የመረሃግብር ለውጥ ይቅርታ እንጠይቃለን!

The event is Postponed
The program that was going to be held at the Alliance Ethio-France under the theme of "Space and Climate Change" regarding the World Space Week Celebration is postponed due to the rainy weather forecast.

We apologize for the postponement of the event and will announce the new date and time soon.

#ESSS #EventPostponed

Ethiopian Space Science Society

12 Oct, 08:43

የዓለም የሕዋ ሣምንት ክብረ በዓልን በማስመልከት "ሕዋ እና የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ" በሚል መሪ ቃል " ፡ ዕለተ ሐሙስ የኢትዮጵያ የስፔስ ሳይንስ ሶሳይቲ ከብሪቲሽ ካውንስል ጋር በመተባበር ሳይንሳዊ መረሃግብር አዘጋጅቶ ነበር። መረሃግብሩ ብሪቲሽ ካውንስል እና የኢትዮጵያ የስፔስ ሳይስን ሶሳይቲ አመራሮች የመክፈቻ ንግግር የተከፈተ ሲሆን ፤ "ዩናይትድ ኪንግደም እና የሕዋ ሳይንስ የትምህርት ዕድሎች" በሚል ርዕስ ሰፋ ያለ ገለፃ ተካሂዷል። መረሃግብሩ ቀጥሎ ሲካሄድ ፤ ስለ "ስፔስ ዌዘር" ሰፋ ያለ ሳይንሳዊ ማብራሪያ ተሰጥቷል። በመጨረሻም የከዋክብት ምልከታ መረሃግብር የተካሄደ ሲሆን ፤ ታዳሚዎች ሳተርን እና ጨረቃን መመልከት ችለዋል።

On Thursday, as part of the World Space Week celebration themed 'Space and Climate Change', we partnered with the British Council for an exciting event. The day kicked off with opening speeches from both the British Council and the ESSS, followed by insightful discussions on UK scholarship opportunities in space science. A detailed presentation on Space Weather captivated the audience, and the event concluded with a memorable stargazing session, where participants had the chance to observe Saturn and the Moon!

#ESSS #BritishCouncil #WSW

Ethiopian Space Science Society

09 Oct, 09:17

Ethiopian Space Science Society pinned «»

Ethiopian Space Science Society

09 Oct, 07:39

Ethiopian Space Science Society pinned «»