C O S M O S @ethiocosmos Channel on Telegram



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☆4DM1N| @H41L3Y35U5

C O S M O S (English)

Welcome to the COSMOS Telegram channel! If you are someone who gazes up at the stars in wonder and seeks to understand the mysteries of the universe, then this is the perfect place for you. The username '@ethiocosmos' invites you to explore the wonders of the cosmos and encourages you to look up at the stars instead of down at your feet. Remember to make sense of what you see and ponder about what makes the universe exist. Stay curious and remember that no matter how difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Join us on this cosmic journey and discover the beauty of the universe. For more information, reach out to the admin at @H41L3Y35U5.