Welcome to 'All department (AAU)' Telegram channel, where you can stay updated on all the latest news, events, and information related to Addis Ababa University (AAU). Whether you are a student, faculty member, alumni, or simply interested in the university, this channel is the perfect place for you. We provide regular updates on academic programs, research activities, student achievements, and much more. Stay connected with us to never miss out on any important announcements or opportunities. Join us today and be a part of the vibrant AAU community! Who is it? 'All department (AAU)' is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing news, events, and information about Addis Ababa University. What is it? It is a platform for students, faculty, alumni, and anyone interested in the university to stay informed and engaged with the latest happenings at AAU. Join us now and be a part of the AAU family!
30 Dec, 18:28
30 Dec, 18:28
27 Dec, 06:40
22 Dec, 07:25
20 Dec, 10:17
16 Dec, 17:49
10 Dec, 16:23
06 Dec, 08:13
06 Dec, 08:13
06 Dec, 07:08
03 Dec, 03:23
03 Dec, 03:22
30 Nov, 08:41
30 Nov, 08:41
30 Nov, 08:41
30 Nov, 08:41
30 Nov, 08:41
30 Nov, 08:41
30 Nov, 08:40
30 Nov, 08:40
28 Nov, 14:55
28 Nov, 10:43
27 Nov, 15:00
27 Nov, 15:00
16 Nov, 05:39
15 Nov, 06:03
14 Nov, 19:12
01 Nov, 06:29
01 Nov, 05:25
01 Nov, 05:22
20 Oct, 05:24
20 Oct, 05:23
20 Oct, 05:23
17 Oct, 17:40
17 Oct, 17:38
17 Oct, 17:38
17 Oct, 17:37
12 Oct, 12:37
12 Oct, 08:13
10 Oct, 03:08
10 Oct, 03:07
10 Oct, 03:05
10 Oct, 03:05
10 Oct, 03:05