BM | IELTS 9.0 @bekzodmirahmedov Channel on Telegram

BM | IELTS 9.0


IELTS 9.0 | L9 R9 W8.5 S9
Founder of @ieltszone_uz
Kurslar haqida 👉 55 511-09-09

BM | IELTS 9.0 (Uzbek)

Bekzod Mirahmedov is proud to present BM | IELTS 9.0, a Telegram channel dedicated to helping individuals achieve a high score of 9.0 in the IELTS exam. Whether you are preparing for the Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking sections, this channel provides valuable tips, resources, and guidance to help you excel

The channel is managed by Bekzod Mirahmedov, the founder of @ieltszone_uz, who has years of experience in IELTS preparation and teaching. With his expertise and knowledge, he shares strategies that have helped countless students reach their desired scores

If you are looking for comprehensive IELTS preparation courses, look no further. BM | IELTS 9.0 offers courses that cover all aspects of the exam, ensuring that you are well-equipped and confident on test day. The course materials are designed to improve your Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking skills, ultimately leading to a score of 9.0

To learn more about the courses and how to enroll, contact Bekzod Mirahmedov at 55 511-09-09. Join BM | IELTS 9.0 today and start your journey towards success in the IELTS exam!

BM | IELTS 9.0

07 Jan, 09:27

One of the posters in Qatar National Library

BM | IELTS 9.0

07 Jan, 07:45

Did you know that the FIFA World Cup 2022 logo is a circle that transforms into an infinity symbol when viewed from certain angles?

BM | IELTS 9.0

06 Jan, 10:30

What is that flag is next to ours? 🇸🇱

BM | IELTS 9.0

06 Jan, 07:04

Today’s first destination- National Museum of Qatar.

We are ready to explore the city further!

Stay tuned for more videos and photos!

BM | IELTS 9.0

02 Jan, 12:52

#LongRead #tips #insights #reading #books

How I Read Books?

After my last post about reading, someone asked me this very question. Instead of replying to them directly, I thought I’d share my process with all of you here. Hopefully, you’ll find it insightful and maybe even pick up a tip or two!

The Environment
To truly enjoy and absorb what I’m reading, I need the right environment, somewhere calm and distraction-free. For me, that’s usually at night. I love staying up a bit late to read a few pages.

Daily goal
This year, I’ve decided to approach my reading in a more structured way. I’ve created a list of 12 books—one for each month of 2025 (with the help of ChatGPT). To make sure I finish each book on time, I divide the total number of pages by 30 days. This gives me a manageable daily reading goal. For instance, my current read, Grit, is about 350 pages long. To finish it within a month, I need to read an average of 12 pages a day, which is quite manageable, even if I choose to read each page twice (more on that later).

I also use Audible to complement my reading. With a premium membership, I get one audiobook each month, and I’ve decided to align my Audible picks with my reading list. Sometimes, I even combine reading and listening: I’ll read the physical book while listening to the audiobook. It feels like the author (or narrator) is reading along with me, which adds to the experience.

What I love most about reading is reflecting on the ideas I’ve absorbed. I have a private Telegram channel where I post my insights after finishing each chapter. It’s like having a personal library of reflections I can revisit anytime. This practice helps me retain key ideas and apply them when the opportunity arises.

Another tip: If you want to get even more out of a book, consider reading it twice. Every re-read reveals something new. Let’s face it: our minds sometimes wander while reading, and we might miss important details. That’s where Audible helps me again: I’ll read a chapter first and then listen to it (or vice versa) to make sure I’ve caught everything.

In the end, reading is a deeply personal experience, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. What matters most is finding a method that works for you and enjoying the process. As the saying goes, “The journey is more important than the destination.”

I hope these thoughts inspire you to pick up a book. Happy reading!

BM | IELTS 9.0

01 Jan, 13:30

Here is a small passage from the book.

What a perfect description of never giving up even when your goal feels entirely out of reach.

Finding satisfaction within dissatisfaction is where the secret to success lies.

BM | IELTS 9.0

01 Jan, 11:08

Happy 2025, everyone!

I’m excited to share a new goal for this year: I’ve chosen 12 books to read, one for each month.

For January, I’ve started with Grit by Angela Duckworth. I first came across the author through the podcast No Stupid Questions, and as soon as I saw her name on the cover, I knew it would be a great read!

I’ll be sharing my insights here after finishing each book.

BM | IELTS 9.0

30 Dec, 09:01

The article above was originally published by the BBC, and its language may not be ideal for ESL students. To make it more accessible, I asked ChatGPT to simplify the text, and here is the ESL-friendly version.

BM | IELTS 9.0

30 Dec, 08:01

#DailyDose #Reading

🔤🔤🔤 3️⃣0️⃣

He was the only modern president to return full-time to the house he had lived in before he entered politics, a single-floor, two-bedroom home. According to the Post, the Carters' home was valued at $167,000 - less than the Secret Service vehicles parked outside to protect them.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

30 Dec, 07:01

Obituary (noun)

Meaning: A notice of a person’s death, usually published in a newspaper, often with a brief biography.

/əˈbɪtʃ.ʊə.ri/ (UK)
/oʊˈbɪtʃ (US)

Usage in a sentence:

The newspaper published a touching obituary for the renowned scientist, highlighting his contributions to renewable energy.

She read the obituary section every morning to keep up with local news.

Common Collocations:
Write an obituary
Publish an obituary
Obituary column
Obituary notice

Let’s test how well you keep up with the news. Whose obituary do you think I’ll be sharing later?

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Dec, 08:49

What are your goals for 2025?

BM | IELTS 9.0

26 Dec, 08:48

Yesterday, I was at Drujba, enjoying an amazing performance by Sahar, the legendary band from the early 2000s.

The whole concert was live—a rare treat here in Uzbekistan.

And honestly, the lead singer sounds exactly like he does on his recordings. Not many can pull that off!

P.S. He will be performing today as well.

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Dec, 05:00

I recently discovered Garth Brooks from rewatching The Ranch, a Netflix show. And now I’m hooked. I’ve always loved country music, but his songs just pull at your heartstrings.

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Dec, 04:30


It’s been a while since I last posted a picture illustrating an idiom or an expression.

Let’s begin with a simpler one today.

Can you guess the idiom this picture is illustrating?

BM | IELTS 9.0

16 Dec, 05:30

#DailyDose #Reading

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣6️⃣

The language in articles from The Economist can sometimes be challenging for students. To help, I’ve provided two versions of the same article from a recent edition of the magazine. First, you’ll find the original text, followed by a simplified version designed specifically for ESL learners.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

15 Dec, 04:29

In the poll above, share your WRITING scores, not your overall scores, and definitely not your MOCK test results!

Actual Writing Scores

Overall score

Mock test results

Your target scores

BM | IELTS 9.0

14 Dec, 12:03

Uni buni qo'yinglar, mayli. Writing Marathon qivoramizmi yana bitta?

I missed teaching writing!

BM | IELTS 9.0

14 Dec, 04:52

#WordOfTheDay: Goal

1. A desired result or aim: Something you work toward achieving.
2. A point scored in a game: Scoring by getting the ball into a net or designated area.

Uses of “Goal” in Context:
1. As an aim or target:
Her main goal is to pass the IELTS exam with a high score.

Set realistic goals and work consistently to achieve them.
2. In sports:
He scored the winning goal in the last minute of the match.

The goalkeeper blocked several goals during the game.

Common Collocations with “Goal”
Set a goal
E.g., It’s important to set a goal and create a plan to reach it.
Achieve/reach a goal
E.g., She worked hard to achieve her goal of studying abroad.
Short-term/long-term goal
E.g., His short-term goal is to improve his writing skills.
Career goal
E.g., Becoming a doctor is her ultimate career goal.
Score a goal
E.g., He scored two goals during the match.

BM | IELTS 9.0

13 Dec, 15:27

Today, I visited an art exhibition at Tashkent City Mall and was truly amazed by what I saw.

The artwork was incredibly thought-provoking, most likely created by the younger generation.

BM | IELTS 9.0

11 Dec, 05:45

#WordOfTheDay: Seemingly

Definition: Based on appearances or what seems to be true, though it may not actually be the case.

How to Use “Seemingly” in a Sentence:
1. To describe appearances:
The task was seemingly simple, but it turned out to be quite complex.
2. To express doubt or surprise:
He was seemingly uninterested, but he remembered every detail later.
3. In academic or formal writing:
The policy had seemingly positive effects at first, but further analysis revealed flaws.

Common Collocations with “Seemingly”
Seemingly endless
E.g., The road stretched into the distance, a seemingly endless journey.
Seemingly harmless
E.g., The dog was seemingly harmless, but it growled at strangers.
Seemingly perfect
E.g., They lived a seemingly perfect life, but they faced many challenges in private.

BM | IELTS 9.0

09 Dec, 04:42

#WordOfTheDay: Demolish

Definition: To completely destroy a building or structure, often to make space for something new.

In Task 1 map descriptions, you often need to describe changes to buildings or infrastructure. “Demolish” is a precise and formal word to describe how structures are removed during development.

Examples in IELTS Task 1 Maps:

The factory was demolished to make way for a shopping mall.

Several houses were demolished and replaced with a parking lot.

In 2010, the old school building was demolished, and a park was built in its place.

P.S. I know it is a day late, but had to share this one because of its relevance to IELTS Writing Task 1.

BM | IELTS 9.0

08 Dec, 17:36

#Dushanbe #Travel
I really liked the city and its beauty at night is simply breathtaking.

BM | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 18:57

I had the pleasure of delivering a 4-hour IELTS workshop with an amazing group of teachers at Oxford Learning Center in Dushanbe.

I’m genuinely impressed by their level of English. While they may not have much experience with IELTS, I hope today’s session was both informative and helpful.

With a bit of effort, I’m confident we’ll start seeing some potential niners here as well!

BM | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 07:23

#Travel #Dushanbe

My first impressions of the city:

There’s a lot of construction going on, kind of like Tashkent 4-5 years ago (or maybe even now). (This can count as a positive thing considering the modernization of the city).

There’s a great mix of car brands, and most taxis seem to be BYD cars. (totally positive; I am not a huge fan of GM monopoly in Uzb).

People don’t really follow road rules—jaywalking (crossing the street outside designated crosswalks or against traffic signals) is even more common here than in Tashkent. (This may be the only negative thing, but I was just worried for my own safety)

But the quality of roads seems to be in a better condition with fewer potholes. Maybe I will change my mind after seeing some more roads. So far so good. (HUGE POSITIVE)

The language difference really stands out and makes it feel like a completely foreign country. When I was in Almaty about 12 years ago, I felt more at home mainly because of the language. (Language thing is neither positive nor negative; it is just different experience. I almost feel the same way when I visit Samarkand or Bukhara, so it is no big deal).

I haven’t met the teachers I’ll be training yet, so I have no idea about their language level.

P.S. since some people thought I was only listing the negative aspects, I added some commentary to clarify my train of thought.

BM | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 06:06

I’m in Dushanbe, but it seems I should have flown to Dubai instead for Eminem’s concert. Duty calls, though! ✈️

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 09:40

Haqiqatdan 7.0 yoki undan yuqori olganlar nech kishi kanalimizda?

7.0 + olganlar 👍

Endi olmoqchi bo'lganlar ❤️

7.0 + lar uchun yaqinda yangi loyiha e'lon qilinadi.

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 07:20

Here is the score frequency by language for 2023/24 (for those whose first language is Uzbek):

Below 4: 1%
Band 4.0: 2%
Band 4.5: 5%
Band 5.0: 13%
Band 5.5: 22%
Band 6.0: 21%
Band 6.5: 16%
Band 7.0: 11%
Band 7.5: 6%
Band 8.0: 2%
Band 8.5 or higher: 0% (probably very insignificant)

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 06:47

Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave out 7.5 :)

Ok, now let’s compare these results to actual statistics.

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 06:01

Kelinglar avval o’zimizni kanal uchun statistikamizi ko’rib chiqsak.

Man hozir poll o’tkazaman (anonymous) va siz faqat yolg’on ishlatmay javob berishingiz kerak bo’ladi.

IELTS imtixonini rostan ham topshirganlar bo’lsa, oxirgi olgan ballingizni belgilab ketasiz. Agar topshirmagan bo’lsangiz, tegishli variantni belgilashingiz kerak bo’ladi.

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 05:19

Test Statistics

Birinchi tili O’zbek bo’lgan IELTS topshiruvchilarni qaysi qismi nech ball olayotganini ko’rib chiqamiz.

Are you guys ready?

BM | IELTS 9.0

25 Nov, 15:51

Thank you for being active and boosting the channel!

Only 168 more to go!

For those who don’t know, boost is completely free of charge if you’re a premium user. If you’re not, then you can just ignore these messages.

We have over 3000 premium subscribers, so what is being asked is not something unrealistic.

BM | IELTS 9.0

25 Nov, 13:54

BM | IELTS 9.0 pinned «#ChannelBoost ==> #DailyDose Many of you have been requesting Daily Articles. How about we reach at least Level 1 Boost first before continuing with them? It’s only fair to balance the effort and support!»

BM | IELTS 9.0

25 Nov, 13:34


I want to express my gratitude to these two guys for making my short stay meaningful by taking me to Termiz Ota Ziyoratgohi and the best tandir place in Surkhandarya.

There’s still so much more to see in Termiz, so hopefully, next time I’ll have more time to visit other amazing places, including its areas of natural beauty.

BM | IELTS 9.0

25 Nov, 12:30

204 more boosts to go…

Or shall we start a new paid channel (where you pay with telegram stars to join the channel) and you will get daily articles and more…

I just want to make sure I do the work for those who really appreciate my effort.

BM | IELTS 9.0

24 Nov, 12:59

To‘liq podcastni ko‘rib bo‘lganlar bormi?

Yoki kechki taom uchun olib qo‘ydingizmi? 😊

Agar tomosha qilgan bo‘lsangiz, biz bilan fikr-mulohazalaringizni bo‘lishishni unutmang!

Hali ko‘rmaganlarga esa, yoqimli tomosha va ishtaha tilaymiz!

Podcastni tomosha qilish uchun:

BM | IELTS 9.0

24 Nov, 05:05

#BMTALKS #IELTS #ReadingBooks

BM Talks Podkastimizning navbatdagi mehmoni yaqindagina IELTS 9.0 ball olgan va katta tajribaga ega IELTS Instructor Sardor Komilov bo'ldilar.

To'liq podkastni bugun 16:00 dan boshlab YouTube kanalimizda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.

BM | IELTS 9.0

22 Nov, 06:47

This is another thing I’m enjoying, great weather.

BM | IELTS 9.0

22 Nov, 06:35

It’s been only 2 days since I’m here, but shopping at Korzinka felt like home.

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 16:10

What are some must-visit places around here? 👀

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 13:57

Let me give you a hint: I’ve never been there before.

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 13:03

Waiting for my flight ✈️

Can you guess which city in Uzbekistan I’m headed to?

BM | IELTS 9.0

18 Nov, 14:24

Bayrog’imiz doim hilpirab turorsin!


BM | IELTS 9.0

17 Nov, 12:16


Hi everyone,

A new video is out on my YouTube channel!

In this short clip, Mr. Sardor Komilov, who recently achieved an impressive overall band 9.0 in IELTS, shares three key habits that have contributed to his success.

Check it out and let us know if you agree with his insights!

BM | IELTS 9.0

16 Nov, 12:23

It’s interesting that almost no one mentioned country music 🤓.
For me, it’s the go-to genre for long drives—maybe because I spent some time in Tennessee, USA.
Not singing along to John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads” on a road trip feels like a missed opportunity!

BM | IELTS 9.0

16 Nov, 08:37

🎵 Let’s talk about music 🎶

Which type of music (genre) do you enjoy the most?

BM | IELTS 9.0

15 Nov, 05:49

Read this short story about Sophie and learn the idioms and set phrases given italics.

Sophie was on the edge of her seat, waiting for the job interview results. She knew her career was on the line, but she was also on the right track for a promotion—her mentor had assured her of that. To pass the time, she kept on the go, taking on extra projects and staying on top of her tasks. Finally, the email arrived. On the one hand, it was good news: she’d been selected for a leadership role. But on the other hand, it meant relocating. She knew it would be tough, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so she was on board. With her decision on the table, she felt the excitement of being on the brink of something new.

BM | IELTS 9.0

15 Nov, 04:30

I've recently realized that my favorite word in English might just be the preposition on.

This little word may seem simple, but it plays a key role in many idiomatic expressions in English language.

In the upcoming series of posts, I'll be looking into these expressions in more detail.

For now, could you share just one expression you know that includes the word on?

BM | IELTS 9.0

14 Nov, 15:02

What is your favorite word in English? The shorter, the better.

BM | IELTS 9.0

12 Nov, 11:31

Seems like there was a bit of confusion from my last post—I didn’t actually buy a new car!

And honestly, even if I did, that’s not the kind of thing I’d announce on Telegram. It’s a bit too personal for that! 😊

BM | IELTS 9.0

11 Nov, 18:01

Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words…

BM | IELTS 9.0

10 Nov, 13:56

🔥 Uzoq kutilgan Teacher Azam bilan bo'lgan podkastimiz YouTube kanalimizga yuklandi.

📌 Bu sonda juda ko'pchilik uchun qiziq bo'lgan mavzular: Teacher Azam IELTS dan necha bal olgani, umumiy ingliz tili va IELTS ga tayyorlanishdagi xatolar va jamiyatdagi muammolar haqida gaplashdik.

❗️Podkastni oxirigacha ko'rib albatta fikrlaringizni bildirishni unutmang!


BM | IELTS 9.0

09 Nov, 16:33

Teacher Azam bilan bo'lgan ''O'zbekcha IELTS Speaking'' videosini kimlar ko'rdi?

Kreativroq qilgan mock videosi sizga yoqdimi va yoqqan bo'lsa aynan nimasi yoqdi?

Fikrlaringni kommentariyada kutaman.👇

Biroz vaqt ajratib bildirayotgan fikrlaringlar bizga juda katta yordam va ishonch beradi bu kabi kontentlarni davom ettirishda.

P/S: Videoni hali ko'rmaganlar uchun link:

BM | IELTS 9.0

09 Nov, 16:11

🚀 Juda ko'pchilik anchadan beri kutayotgan Teacher Azam bilan bo'lgan podkastimiz deyarli tayyor bo'ldi.

To'liq podkastni ertaga soat 18:00 dan boshlab YouTube kanalimizda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.

Ungacha esa Teacher Azam bilan juda qiziqarli bo'lgan ''O'zbekcha IELTS Speaking'' imtihonini ko'rib turishingiz mumkin.

Bu videoni ko'rib bo'lganlar albatta fikrlaringni kommentariyada yozishni unutmang!

BM | IELTS 9.0

08 Nov, 14:50

Thank You to Everyone Who Voted in the Poll! (Yes, I know it’s been a while!)

I've decided to go with the name IELTS 729

I think it’s finally time to launch this program aimed at helping aspiring IELTS instructors reach their full potential—not only in their teaching but also in achieving top IELTS scores.

Before we get started, I need a logo! If you’ve got any ideas or suggestions, I’d love to see them. And if I choose your design, rest assured your work will be fairly compensated!

Looking forward to your creativity!

BM | IELTS 9.0

08 Nov, 13:51


Matching Headings

1. Section A - iv. Different Paths to Leadership in Nature
2. Section B - vii. Female Wisdom in Animal Kingdoms
3. Section C - vi. Status Based on Family Lineage and Birth Order
4. Section D - iii. Power Struggles and Territorial Rights in Chimp Groups
5. Section E - x. The Influence of Alliances on Social Rank
6. Section F - i. Choosing Leaders Based on Physical Traits
7. Section G - v. The Battle for Leadership in Bee Colonies

True/False/Not Given Questions
8. TRUE – The oldest female elephants in a herd are particularly skilled in recognizing threats to their group.
9. FALSE – Alpha male chimpanzees inherit their leadership position through family connections.
10. TRUE – High-ranking chimpanzees sometimes reward their supporters with exclusive access to mates.
11. NOT GIVEN – Female hyenas occasionally move up or down the social hierarchy during their lifetime.
12. TRUE – Scout bees only lead their colony to a new hive location once they’ve reached a critical decision threshold.

Multiple Choice Question

13. B – How Animals Choose Their Leaders: From Brute Force to Democracy

BM | IELTS 9.0

07 Nov, 07:30

Today's article is presented as an IELTS reading passage with 13 questions.

I've adapted an article from National Geographic and created IELTS-style questions to make it an engaging practice for you.

Enjoy the reading, and let me know your thoughts on the difficulty level of the questions!

If you just want to read the full article without attempting the questions, then feel free to access the telegraph version.

BM | IELTS 9.0

06 Nov, 11:12

Well, ladies and gents, Donald Trump is back in the office starting in January.

I have nothing more to say…

BM | IELTS 9.0

04 Nov, 09:00

#DailyDose #Reading


Art has been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, offering a unique way to communicate, express, and gain new insights into the world.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

03 Nov, 16:52

BM | IELTS 9.0 pinned «#BMTALKS #Mock Agar IELTS O'zbek tilida bo'lganda O'zbeklar necha ball olgan bo'lardi? Biz mana shu savolga javob berish uchun Teacher Azam bilan IELTS Speaking Mock ni aynan O'zbek tilida qilib ko'rdik, va Teacher Azam necha ball olganini bu videoni ko'rish…»

BM | IELTS 9.0

03 Nov, 15:11

The U.S. presidential election is fast approaching! Here’s a short video that explains the U.S. electoral voting system and how it differs from the popular vote used in many other countries.

BM | IELTS 9.0

03 Nov, 13:05

📌 To'liq podkast ham tez kunlarda YouTube kanalimizga yuklanadi. Teacher Azam bilan bo'lgan podkastni o'tkazib yubormaslik uchun YouTube Kanalimizga albatta obuna bo'lib qo'ying.

YouTube kanal linki:

BM | IELTS 9.0

03 Nov, 11:25


Agar IELTS O'zbek tilida bo'lganda O'zbeklar necha ball olgan bo'lardi?

Biz mana shu savolga javob berish uchun Teacher Azam bilan IELTS Speaking Mock ni aynan O'zbek tilida qilib ko'rdik, va Teacher Azam necha ball olganini bu videoni ko'rish orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin.


BM | IELTS 9.0

02 Nov, 16:34

I should definitely come up with questions like these for my guests on BM TALKS.

Matt Damon is hell of a storyteller!

BM | IELTS 9.0

02 Nov, 09:30

Is getting a Band 9.0 overall still hip?

Let’s take a look at the viewership numbers for my last three exam results and see if getting a 9.0 is still as exciting as it used to be!

The announcement of my first result hit over 370k views on this channel alone.

The announcement of my second result (still within Top 10) got about 57k views.

The third overall 9.0 barely managed to cross just above 10k views 😊

Seems like Band 9.0 might not be as hip in Uzbekistan as it used to be!

However, having an IELTS 9.0 and being a CELTA-certified instructor is still a dream!

As an IELTS instructor, you should always aim for the highest!

IELTS ZONE - always making dreams come true...

BM | IELTS 9.0

30 Oct, 17:25

#ScoreUpdate #TripleAction

It’s my second time taking the test since my first 9.0, and here I am with my third 9.0 overall! 🎉

I'm just happy I could still pull it off despite being a little rusty.

Was this the last time I took the test?

Most likely - but like I said before, with me and IELTS, it's never off the table 😁😀

P.S. Should I practice a bit and retake the Writing Section?

BM | IELTS 9.0

30 Oct, 16:49

So how many days have passed since last time I took the test?

BM | IELTS 9.0

30 Oct, 14:30

IELTS ZONE - aim for the highest!

BM | IELTS 9.0

29 Oct, 15:38

30 minutda 2200+ o’quvchilar qo’shilishga ulgurishdi.

🔠 Bepul, odam qo’shish yo’q, faqat darslarga active qatnashsangiz bo’ldi.

Sizdan active lik 5ta professional teachers dan ajoyib darslar 😊

Marathonga qo’shilish uchun
➡️ @Expert_Teachers_bot

BM | IELTS 9.0

29 Oct, 15:02

Online IELTS Pro Marathon

➡️ Yuqoridagi ustozlardan ketma-ket jonli dars
➡️ 4ta bo’limga ham professional yondoshuv
➡️ Har xil qimmatli materiallar va sovg’alar
➡️ Eng asosiysi mutlaqo bepul
➡️ Odam qo’shish yo’q, do’stni taklif qilish bo’lmaydi

Marathon ga qo’shilish uchun
➡️ @Expert_Teachers_bot

BM | IELTS 9.0

29 Oct, 14:48

666 🔥 ta reactions dan keyin marathon ga link share qilaman.

Bepul bo’ladi, odam qo’shish yo’q va hammaga manfaatli bo’ladi.

BM | IELTS 9.0

29 Oct, 14:25

Eng muhimi bu Online IELTS pro marathon ga

Qatnashish mutlaqo bepul

Hech qanday odam qo’shish, do’stni taklif qilish ham yo’q

Faqat sizdan talab, darslarga jonli va active qatnashish

bo’lsa, marathon ga qo’shilishga tayyormisizlar
— Yeeeees 💯

BM | IELTS 9.0

29 Oct, 13:51

Tassavur qiling

5ta ustoz allaqachon o’z sohasini yetakchi va professional laridan, sizlarga ketma-ket jonli darslar o’tib bersa

4ta bo’limga ham (Speaking, writing, listening and reading) bo’yicha darslar olib borilsa

Qimmatli IELTS materials berilsa

Active o’quvchilar uchun har xil maxsus sovg’alar ham berilsa

Qatnashgan bo’lar edingizmi

BM | IELTS 9.0

29 Oct, 12:36

Bitta yangilik bor.

1000 🫡
yig’ilsa e’lon qilamiz.

BM | IELTS 9.0

28 Oct, 19:15

Not a Messi fan, but IELTS ZONE currently also has 8 “golden balls” if you know what I mean 😅

Yaqinda Messidan ham o’tib ketamiz.

BM | IELTS 9.0

28 Oct, 18:04

Here’s a little hint :)

Only one person in this photo hasn’t secured their 9.0 yet.

But to be fair, he hasn’t even started trying…

P.S. Why isn’t Abu Bakr in this picture? I don’t remember.

BM | IELTS 9.0

28 Oct, 17:20

One more NINER from IELTS ZONE…

Who do you think this one is?

BM | IELTS 9.0

28 Oct, 15:20

Bu ustozlar nega yig’ilishdi deb o’ylaysiz ?

BM | IELTS 9.0

27 Oct, 09:40

The Seinfeld Show

It’s got cachet up the ying-yang!

BM | IELTS 9.0

26 Oct, 13:48

Another episode of BM TALKS is out! This time our guest was Mark Reese, the American guy who translated 'O'tkan Kunlar'. His insights into Uzbek culture, literature and history were mind-blowing, not to mention his Uzbek language skills :)

BM | IELTS 9.0

25 Oct, 18:50

Jerry Seinfeld Show

You kept making all the stops”?

Phrasal verbs are a common part of everyday English, frequently used by native speakers. To sound more natural, try incorporating phrasal verbs into your speech, but use them appropriately.

What are some examples of phrasal verbs used in this short episode?

BM | IELTS 9.0

25 Oct, 07:25

#DailyDose #Reading


As modern workplaces evolve, some people argue that employers should focus less on how their employees dress and more on the quality of their work.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

24 Oct, 09:36

BM TALKS ning navbatdagi soni ertaga suratga olinadi. Bizning mehmonimizga sizda qanday savollar bor?

BM | IELTS 9.0

23 Oct, 15:29

#DailyDose #Reading


Aging has always been a part of the human experience, but the way we perceive and deal with old age has evolved dramatically over time.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

23 Oct, 10:12

Alex bilan qilgan podcastimiz deyarli 10K ko'rilibdi.

Sizga aynan qaysi joyi yoqdi? Qanday insightlar oldingiz?

Oramizda haliyam ko'rmaganlar bo'lsa, ko'rish uchun bir sabab ham yozib ketishinglar mumkin.

BM | IELTS 9.0

23 Oct, 05:49

#WordOfTheDay: KIDULT

🧸 Noun

Definition: An adult who enjoys activities, interests, or entertainment typically associated with children, such as playing with toys, watching cartoons, or engaging in youthful hobbies.

Example: “As a proud kidult, Jamie spends weekends building LEGO sets and watching animated movies.”

Common Collocations:

Kidult culture
Kidult entertainment
Embracing the kidult lifestyle

BM | IELTS 9.0

22 Oct, 16:11

💥 IELTS ZONE'dan yangi Niner!

🥳 Edu Action jamoasi nomidan Sardorbek Komilovni IELTS Overall 9.0 ball bilan chin yurakdan tabriklaymiz!

— Bu hali hammasi emas, siz ham 9 ball olishga haqlisiz!

⚠️ IELTS imtihoniga EXAMS.UZ orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting!

Telegram | Instagram | Facebook

BM | IELTS 9.0

22 Oct, 12:57

#DailyDose #Reading


In recent years, homeschooling, once regarded as an unconventional and even radical choice, has steadily grown into a mainstream educational option for families around the world.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

22 Oct, 11:57

“1.5 soatda Ingliz tili grammatikasini to’liq o’rgatib qo’yaman”

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 11:01

#DailyDose #Reading


Scientific research is the foundation of progress, shaping our understanding of the world and enabling innovations that touch every aspect of human life. From the development of life-saving vaccines to the exploration of space, research plays a pivotal role in advancing societies.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 10:42

Who is still waiting for the Day 21? #DailyReading

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 10:23

It was done with the help of Chat GPT, obviously, there are issues with the language. It is just an example of how a reading passage in Uzbek would look like.

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 10:17

Barchangizni bayramingiz bilan tabriklayman, va kichkina sovg'ani qabul qiling.

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 10:15

Shu munosabat bilan, IELTS Reading Passage va savollari to‘liq O‘zbek tilida taqdim etiladi! Kim javoblarni topa oladi?

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 10:13

Bugun, 21-oktyabr, Oʻzbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilgan kun. 1989-yil 21-oktyabrda Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida oʻzbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilgan va bu sana har yili Oʻzbekistonda "Davlat tili kuni" sifatida nishonlanadi.

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 10:11

Aytgancha, bugun qanaqa kun???

BM | IELTS 9.0

21 Oct, 09:27

BM TALKS guest for a next episode, maybe?

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Oct, 17:56


BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Oct, 13:54

You can now watch the full version of our podcast with Alex.

We talked about Language Learning and Language Acquisition this time which can be helpful for all language learners.

Don't forget to leave your insights from the podcast in the comments section.

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Oct, 13:51

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Oct, 13:45

Who is waiting for the full episode?

BM | IELTS 9.0

20 Oct, 06:30

#DailyDose #Reading


As more people move from rural areas to urban centers in search of better opportunities, cities worldwide are seeing their populations swell at an astonishing rate.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


BM | IELTS 9.0

19 Oct, 18:20

#Comedy #TheOffice

Whoever vs Whomever

When native speakers discuss the English Grammar

Who, do you think, is right here?

Here’s a revised version of the text:

Hint: If the pronoun is “he” (subject pronoun), use “who.” If it’s “him” (object pronoun), use “whom.” However, in everyday English, it’s generally acceptable to use “who” or “whoever.”

BM | IELTS 9.0

18 Oct, 15:20


How many of you will be watching the full episode?

Hozircha YOUTUBE kanalimga borib, SUBSCRIBE qilib, kutib tursalaring bo’ladi!

BM | IELTS 9.0

18 Oct, 13:24

#Writing #IELTS
On August 2, 2022, there wasn’t any other valid Writing 8.5 score around.

Fast forward to today, and even students at IELTS ZONE are achieving 8.5 in Writing!

BM | IELTS 9.0

18 Oct, 10:46

#DailyDose #Reading


Smartphones have had a profound effect on society. They are used by people of all ages, in both urban and rural areas, and across different socioeconomic backgrounds.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️
