Horticulture🌴🌱🌷🌵 @horticulture1 Channel on Telegram



UHSB notes
Search with
For fruit science - FSC
Vegetable science - VSC
Floriculture - FLA
Plantation crop - PMA
Post harvest - PHT
Agronomy - AGR
Pathology - PAT
Entomology - ENT
Soil science - SAC
Forestry - FOR

Horticulture🌴🌱🌷🌵 (English)

Are you passionate about plants, flowers, and all things green? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Horticulture🌴🌱🌷🌵'! This channel, with the username @horticulture1, is a treasure trove of information for all aspiring botanists, gardeners, and plant enthusiasts. As the title suggests, 'Horticulture🌴🌱🌷🌵' focuses on all things related to horticulture, including plant science, cultivation techniques, and gardening tips. Whether you are interested in learning about fruit science, vegetable science, floriculture, plantation crops, post-harvest techniques, agronomy, pathology, entomology, soil science, or forestry, this channel has got you covered. With a dedicated section for each branch of horticulture, you can easily search for specific topics by using the provided abbreviations, such as FSC for fruit science, VSC for vegetable science, FLA for floriculture, PMA for plantation crops, PHT for post-harvest techniques, AGR for agronomy, PAT for pathology, ENT for entomology, SAC for soil science, and FOR for forestry. Join 'Horticulture🌴🌱🌷🌵' on Telegram today to expand your knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover the fascinating world of plants and flowers. Whether you are a beginner looking to start your horticulture journey or a seasoned expert seeking to deepen your understanding, this channel is the perfect place for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your horticultural knowledge and skills - join 'Horticulture🌴🌱🌷🌵' now!