ውድ ደንበኞቻችን!
የነፃ የጥሪ ማዕከላችን 995 በቴክኒክ ችግር ምክንያት በጊዜያዊነት አገልግሎት እየሰጠ ባለመሆኑ ይቅርታ እየጠየቅን ችግሩ እስከሚቀረፍ ድረስ ፡-
• በስልክ ቁጥር - 0114 16 62 42 / 0114 65 52 22/ 0115 621297
• በኢሜል-
[email protected]አገልግሎቱን ማግኘት እንደምትችሉና ችግሩ እንደተፈታም የምናሳውቅ መሆኑን በአክብሮት እንገልፃለን ፡፡
ሕብረት ባንክ
በሕብረት እንደግ!
Dear Valued Customer,
Our Contact Center hotline, 995 is currently experiencing technical problem. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are working to fix the issue as quickly as possible.
In the meantime you can reach us through;
• Phone: 0114 16 62 42/ 0114 65 52 22/ 0115 621297
• Email:
[email protected]We thank you for your patience and understanding and will announce once the issue is resolved.
Hibret Bank
United, We prosper!