Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/ @goldensuccesscoach Channel on Telegram

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/


The first Sales and Marketing Training| Consultancy| Outsourcing company in Ethiopia.
We have five Branches in A.A and Adama.

ለበለጠ መረጃ
☎️ 0963454545
☎️ 0978200000
☎️ 0978230000

Welcome to Golden

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/ (Amharic)

የስልጠናዎችና የመረጃ ማህበረሰብ በኢትዮጵያ አ.ያ. አሸናፊዎች መንግስት መምሪያና ውጤት እና ፍላጎት የፆታይን ቀናዎች ያሉት አምስት ቤተሰብ አካባቢዎች ያንብቡ። የበለጠ መረጃ፣ የበለጠ መረጃእንዲሆን፣ ጤናውን እና ውጤትዎን በማስተዳደር በ0963454545 እና 0978200000 ደውላለን። የበለጠ መረጃን ለአምሰላ እና ለላምባለበት ውጤቱን ከተመለከቱት እባኮት ጋር የተመለከተባቸውን የ Goldenን ለመመገብ እና በማሳዳት ይግባኝ። ምንም ግንዛቤዎቹን ለ Golden የታዘዘ የግለሰቦች በዚህ ኢሜጋይን ግምት በመርጠው እንቅስቃሴ ሰጡ። ከዚህ በተጨማሪም መረጃኗ፣ የ Golden ን ይመልከቱ።

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/

22 Nov, 05:11

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/

21 Nov, 10:10

🚀 Exciting TOT & Trainer Partnership Opportunity for Digital Marketing Trainers and Professionals! 🚀

Golden Sales and Marketing is seeking passionate trainers both full-time and part-time, to join our team!

- A strong passion for training and coaching.
- Alignment with our vision to impact the next generation.

Our CEO will lead the TOT (Training of Trainers) program, and following a 5-minute presentation assignment, we’ll select top candidates for trainer positions.

📅 Interested? Join our TOT session This Saturday morning Starting from 2:30 LT at our Bole Head Office training room!

This is your chance to become part of a transformative team. Don't miss it! 💡

#GoldenOpportunities #TrainerJobs #Coaching #GoldenSalesAndMarketing

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/

21 Nov, 05:29

እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ💫👏
ጎልደን ሽያጭና ማርኬቲንግ በመላው ኢትዬጲያ ለመስፋፋት ያለውን ራዕይ ለማሳካት በፍራንቻይዝ የሽርክና አማራጭ በኢትዬጲያ ዋና ዋና ከተሞች በተቋማችን ስም የስልጠና ተቋም ከፍታችሁ የምትሰሩበትን እድል ፈጥሯል።
ጎልደን ሽያጮና ማርኬቲንግ ወጣቶችን በሽያጭና ማርኬቲንግ፣ በዲጂታል ማርኬቲንግና በኤቨንት ማኔጅመንት አሰልጥኖ የተለያዩ የስራ ዕድሎችን የሚፈጥር ተቋም እንደሆነ ይታወቃል በመሆኑም ይህ ድንቅ እድል እንዳያመልጣችሁ በ 0963454545 ደዉላችሁ ቦታ እንድታሲዙ እንጋብዛለን።
ጎልደን ሽያጭና ማርኬቲንግ
'ለስኬትዎ የሚተጋ' 💫

#GoldenFranchise #TeamSuccess #ProudMoment #GrowingTogether

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/

15 Nov, 08:42

🚀 Exciting TOT & Trainer Partnership Opportunity! 🚀

Golden Sales and Marketing is seeking passionate trainers both full-time and part-time, to join our team!

- A strong passion for training and coaching.
- Alignment with our vision to impact the next generation.

Our CEO will lead the TOT (Training of Trainers) program, and following a
5-minute presentation assignment, we’ll select top candidates for trainer positions.

Interested? Join our TOT session Tomorrow Saturday morning Starting from 2:30 LT at our Bole Head Office training room!

This is your chance to become part of a transformative team. Don't miss it! 💡

#GoldenOpportunities #TrainerJobs #Coaching #GoldenSalesAndMarketing

Golden Sales and Marketing /for the golden generation/

12 Nov, 15:30

Yesterday's Golden Franchise Announcement was truly amazing! 🙌 A memorable monthly meeting filled with recognition, unity, and excitement for the future. Proud to be part of this journey! 🌟 #GoldenFranchise #TeamSuccess #ProudMoment #GrowingTogether