DSA Primary Division Media @dsaprimarydivision Channel on Telegram

DSA Primary Division Media


This channel is dedicated to providing information to students in grades 1-8 at Dream success Academy .Families of students When you read the information posted, please do not forget to check the title of the post.

DSA Primary Division Media (English)

Welcome to DSA Primary Division Media! This channel is a one-stop destination for students in grades 1-8 at Dream Success Academy. Whether you are a student looking for important updates, resources, and announcements, or a parent seeking valuable information about your child's education, this channel has got you covered. Stay informed and connected with the latest news and events happening at the school.

Who is it for? DSA Primary Division Media is specifically designed for students in grades 1-8 at Dream Success Academy. It is also a great resource for families of students who want to stay updated and engaged with their child's education.

What is it? This channel serves as a central hub for all media and information related to the primary division at Dream Success Academy. From school news and important notices to educational resources and event details, you will find everything you need to know right here.

Remember, when you read the information posted on DSA Primary Division Media, don't forget to check the title of the post for easy navigation and organization. Join us today and be a part of our growing community of students, parents, and educators at Dream Success Academy!

DSA Primary Division Media

23 Jan, 15:39


DSA Primary Division Media

23 Jan, 15:38


DSA Primary Division Media

23 Jan, 15:38

Grade 6 cont...

DSA Primary Division Media

23 Jan, 15:38

Grade name list

DSA Primary Division Media

23 Jan, 15:37

Grade 6 name list

DSA Primary Division Media

10 Jan, 04:56

የ6ኛ ፣ የ8ኛ እና የ12ኛ ክፍል ሞዴል ፈተና መስጫ መርሀ ግብር

(ታህሳስ 30/2017 ዓ.ም)

መረጃዎችን በፍጥነት ለማግኘት ማሰፈንጠሪያውን ይጫኑ!


DSA Primary Division Media

30 Dec, 13:50

ነገ ታህሳስ 22/2017 ዓ.ም ከዚህ በፊት በላክነው ደብዳቤ መሰረት ፈቃደኛ የሆናችሁ ወላጆች ነገ ክትባቱ የሚሰጥ መሆኑን እየገለጽን የተለየ ጉዳይ ካለ ለተማሪዎቹ መልእክት ላኩልን።

DSA Primary Division Media

27 Dec, 12:59

ቀን 18/04/2017ዓ.ም
ለ8ኛ ክፍል ተማሪዎች በሙሉ፡-
ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩት ትምህርቶች ፈተና በኦንላይን ስለሚሰጥ የሚከተለዉን ዌብሳይት oes.skylinkict.com እና username በመጠቀም ፈተናዎችን መፈተን ትችላላችሁ፡፡
ቅዳሜ ቀን 8፡00 ሰዓት እና ማታ 2፡00 ሰዓት ICT እና CTE እንዲሁም እሁድ ቀን 8፡00 ሰዓት እና ማታ 2፡00 ሰዓት social ፈተናዎች ይሰጣሉ፡፡

DSA Primary Division Media

13 Dec, 09:00

2024/25 Culture day vibes

DSA Primary Division Media

18 Oct, 13:25

ውድ ወላጆች/አሳዳጊዎች
ወርሃዊ የትምህርት አገልግሎት ክፍያ ወር በገባ ከ1 – 10 ባሉት ተከታታይ አስር ቀናት ያለቅጣት የሚከፈል መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን፡፡

DSA Primary Division Media

14 Sep, 08:19

ለተማሪ ወላጆች/አሳዳጊዎች በሙሉ:-

መደበኛ ትምህርት ሠኞ 6/1/2017 ዓ.ም የሚጀምር መሆኑን እየገለፅን ወላጆች ልጆቻችሁን የተሟላ የደንብ ልብስ በማልበስ ፣ የት/ት ቁሳቁስ በማሟላት እና የሙሉ ቀን ምግብ በማስያዝ እንድትልኩልን እናሳውቃለን።
ድሪም ሰክሰስ አካዳሚ
የመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ት/ት እርከን